Environment Agency objections to planning applications on flood

All planning applications objected to by the Environment Agency on flood risk grounds between 01/04/2014 and
31/03/2015 in England
We have provided below a list of the objections lodged on Flood Risk Grounds to assist Local Authorities who are completing their annual
monitoring reports. The list is designed to be as inclusive as possible and produced yearly. It is not updated to take account of any additional
comments/consultation responses after the initial objection as the Local Authority records are more complete than ours – it provides a starting
point for Local Planning Authorities to check their own records.
The “Reason for Objection” referred to in this document are:
Adverse Impact on Surface Water Run-Off
If the quantity surface water run-off from the site is likely to be changed for the worse we use this objection
Culverting (Flood Risk)
Culverts can back up flows in a watercourse in times of flood. We use this objection if this is an issue on the site
Insufficient Info - Flood Risk
We use this when we do not have enough information to assess the risk properly
Loss of access to the development
We use this objection when the Environment Agency needs access to the development site to undertake our statutory
duties and believe this access is threatened
We use this objection when the development is likely to push flood waters elsewhere
Loss of Flood Storage
Loss/Restricted Access to Watercourse
No Dry Access
Part C of Exception Test not passed
PPG25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
Reduction in flood risk not incorporated in
Risk to Flood Defences
The Environment Agency has statutory duties to maintain some watercourses. We use this objection if the access to the
watercourse to undertake these duties is threatened by a development
It is important to get access to buildings at all times in case of emergency, and we use this objection where there is no way
to do this
PPS25 (Planning Policy Statement 25) includes an exception test which suggests development should be permitted in
certain cases despite the flood risk. We use this exception when we believe those cases where Part C has not been
PPS25 applies in England and TAN15 (Technical Advice Note 15) applies in Wales. They require a Flood Risk
Assessment, or Flood Consequence Assessment in Wales, for a development before planning permission is granted. If
this has not been provided then we use this objection
PPS25 requires the FRA to demonstrate a reduction in flood risk, and we use this objection when that is not the case
We use this objection when existing flood defences may be compromised by the development
Risk to the Development
Generic objections used to indicate that the site is at risk of being inundated with flood water
Sequential Test not adequately demonstrated
and Sequential Test: Vulnerability not
appropriate to Flood Zone
Site Liable to Erosion
PPS25 uses the concept of a sequential test which looks at sites of increasing flood risk sequentially, and steers
development to the least risky sites. We use these objections when the test has not been applied appropriately.
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
We use this objection when the technical assessment of the FRA/FCA shows it to be inadequate
If the site is likely to erode then we use this objection
EA Reference
Nature of
Proposal Description
Objection reason
Residential - Minor
Construction of new detached dwelling in garden of Orchard Grove
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
Residential - Minor
New house in garden
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
Industry - Minor
Residential - Minor
Proposed alterations and extension to existing vehicle repair centre to provide vehicle service area,
designated MOT bay and ancillary vehicle sales areas
The refurbishment and rebuild of the existing dilapidated boathouse to reinstate the existing mooring
and convert the first floor to form a holiday let
Residential - Major
Development of 3no. local needs houses and 2no. affordable houses (resubmission of 7/2013/2303)
Residential - Minor
Infrastructure Minor
Residential - Minor
Development of 6 No 3 Bed 5 person house
PPS25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
Other - Minor
Reconfiguration and extension of marina, and reduction and re-modelling of existing building
PPS25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
Residential - Minor
Extensions and alterations to dwelling and boathouses including improvements to access
PPS25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
Residential - Minor
New local needs dwelling incorporating former quarry buildings
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
Demolition of existing bungalow and replacement with a 2 storey dwelling and erection of garage
(Resubmission of 7/2014/2037)
Construction of a new separate jetty (14.4m in length) and replacement of an existing jetty with a 4m
longer jetty.
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
PPS25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
Unsatisfactory FRA/FCA Submitted
PPS25/TAN15 - Request for FRA/FCA
All planning applications objected to by the Environment Agency on water quality grounds between 01/04/2014
and 31/03/2015 in England
EA Reference
LPA Reference
Nature of Proposed
Infrastructure Minor
Proposal Description
Objection reason
Unacceptable risk to water quality