Hassan II Great World Water Prize theme “Cooperation and sound management in the development and use of water resources.” Document on achievements of the candidate Mr. Abdelkader ALLALI Title: Messages from WATER for peace, love and life Identification and education: The achievements of the candidate on water deals on scientific, economic, technical, environmental, social, institutional, cultural, and political aspects. Born in Tazaghine village, close to Moulouya river on the Mediterranean Sea in Morocco, and efter launching irrigation project in Tarifa plain (Province of Berkane), his family immigrate to the new irrigated area and developed small farm close to Oued Lakhmiss, seasonal tributary of Molouya from Beniznasen mountains belt. The candidate lives close to waters, rivers and mountains, in green and clean areas designed by fields of tree fruits, singing birds, and the roar of storms and water flux. It was the magnificence nature and innocent childhood life in its best suits. Went to school in 1967. Absent for school when occurs heavy rains and floods. It was precious time to meditate in water to learn on the magnificence of its spirit and power. Key questions was developed on waters: How the rains come? What is thunder? Where the waters go? How water come back every year? How plants and trees grew and give fruits? What is the life? He must jump an open half pipe for irrigation water to school. In winter, his foot slid back and fell into water hearting and injuring his front edge. With blood flowing, after drinking plenty water he was miraculously rescued by famers. His memory was paired with fresh water for the rest of life by scar clearly marked on forehead. Get the certificate of primary school with grant to continue studies in Berkane city, and Baccalaureate certificate in experimental sciences with a grant to pursue medicine studies out of Morocco. The water flow brought him early to focus on the renowned interest of His Majesty Hassan II to water. In 1980, joins the IAV Hassan II of Rabat, and gets diploma of agronomist engineer, option climatology (1986). Waters and Forestry: -Gets non permanent job (Civil Service) engineer researcher (1986) in the National Center for Forestry Research and Experimentation, Direction of Waters, Forests and Soil Conservation, Rabat, in charge of the climate forest network (360 stations). -Develops climatic data uses in programs related to water conservation, combat erosion, sand encroachment, desertification, rationalization of reforestation, fight against fire forest, and to treat respiratory diseases in bioclimatic forests. -Designs and suggest research proposals and funding partnership on technical support, for international organizations and national institutions. 1 Unemployed after the civil service period, he was hastily summoned when a response reached to the administration from the WMO, agreeing to fund a project on the restructuration of the forest climatic network, and recruited in June 1989, to lead the project. Considering the drought frequency during the nineteenth years, and following studies on Cedrus Atlantica tree rings, His Majesty Late Hassan II, appoints Pr. Charles Stockton, from the University of Arizona / USA, as Special Adviser to His Majesty, to design platform on cooperation and management of drought and water resources. A project named Al-Moubarak by His Majesty, was launched on the climate dynamic of the northern hemisphere, to build capacities on adaptation and extends irrigated areas. Al-Moubarak: In 1992, a scientific meeting was organized. -Pr. Stockton expresses particular interest to his background, and sends a letter to the administration for scientific involvement. -Develops scientific, professional and political tracks, on Al-Moubarak and its relation with drought phenomena in Morocco. -Succeeds in professional examination to the grade of principal engineer of state. - Assisted to develop doctoral studies on Al-Moubarak, analyzing criteria identification of the main climate patterns occurred in Morocco. The research identifies the daily synoptic situations, climate patterns, and related rainfall spatial repartition (1961 to 1993) and the main rainy climate patterns and dynamic driving rainfall in Morocco and North Africa. Agricultural sector: -In 1993, he coordinates a project to update the agro-meteorological network (+600 stations), . -Develops work plan and framework on climate adaptation, policies and strategies on economy of water and sustainable agriculture. The most result supports the creation of a common commission between the guardianship ministry and the Ministry of Public Engineering on the issues of climate adaptation and water resource economy. Civil society: - In 1994, founder of the ANACLIM, and elected General Secretary of this NGO. -Increase awareness on issues of waters, climate change, and UNFCCC, -In 1995, convenes in partnership with Moroccan government, a conference on drought under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Hassan II. Important recommendations of this conference contributes to the announcement of the water law No.10-95, and its important article 13 on the establishment of Superior Council on Water and Climate, -Explores opportunities of cooperation of the conventions: UNFCCC, UNCCD, and UNCBD. - In 2009, found the AMHES NGO to develop awareness on damages due to negative impacts of environmental degradation, human health irreversibly affected, and alternative adaptation lifestyle focused on natural resources and return to nature. UNFCCC: -Develops direct contacts with the UNFCCC national focal point in Morocco, 2 -Contributes to study project on building capacity on climate change in the Maghreb region, funded by UNDP and GEF, -Acts as focal point of the Prototype Carbon Fund of the World Bank in Morocco. -Contributes to the first Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC in Africa (COP7 Morocco, Marrakech, 2001), as member of its national scientific and technical committee, -Drafting key notes related Marrakech Accords and CDM of the Kyoto Protocol. Issues related water management, irrigation, wastewater, becomes many later, key issues of CDM. -Contributes to initiate African agenda on climate change. -Represents the Ministry of Agriculture, and Fisheries, and the General Council for Agricultural Development, to the Moroccan delegation, on the occasion of the UNFCCC COP15. -Lobbying to launch Africa road map on climate change, and supports achievements to highlights agriculture and waters resources in the international agenda. IPCC: -Lead author (1998-2001), to the TAR of the IPCC. - Elected bureau member of the IPCC (Vice chair of the Working Group II on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change), in 2002, - Leads a key role in the preparation of the AR4 and its technical and summary for policymakers. - Management of the preparation of the IPCC technical paper on climate change and water, to respond the Secretariat of the World Climate Programme on Water and the International Steering Committee of the Dialogue on Water and Climate. Nobel Peace Prize: The IPCC Chairman speeches on the occasion of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded jointly with Mr. Al Gore, pay tribute to thousands of scientists who have contributed to the work of the Panel over almost two decades of evolution and service to humanity. In Valencia, Spain, 2007, the UN Secretary-General's address to the IPCC upon the release of the AR4 Synthesis Report, commend all members of the IPCC on this achievement, on behalf of the entire UN family, and congratulate scientists who have worked tirelessly on receiving this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Contributing author to the chapter 13 on climate change of Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Policy Responses: first product of the MEA, a fouryear international work program designed to meet the needs of decision-makers for scientific information on the links between ecosystem change and human well-being. The program was launched by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in June 2001. UNEP water framework: - in 2004, coordinates the Maghreb sub-regional project of UNEP/START on Comprehensive/Detailed Assessment of the Vulnerability of Water Resources to Environmental Change in Africa using River Basin Approach. The project provides robust finding inputs to the AEO2 and the GEO-4 reports. 3 -Achieves training at the International Leadership Institute of the United Nations University, on “Leadership for integrated water resource management in arid countries in the Middle East and North Africa region and beyond”, in December, 2006, in Amman, Jordan. FAO: - in 2007, leads FAO mission in Nigeria to outline the climate variability and climate change impacts on agricultural production of the various agro ecological zones, and to stimulate policy dialogue and response to of climate change. -in 2008, assists FAO Director of the Natural Resources Management and Environment Department (NRD), to conceptualize technical and policy documents of the FAO High Level Conference on Climate Change, Food Security and Bioenergy, on technical and policy process leading the Challenges of Climate Change, and highlights process for action to integrate agriculture, water resources, to the international agenda. German-African project on water: Contributes to the steering committee of IMPETUS GLOWA Project on integrated approach to the efficient management of scarce water resources in Morocco and West Africa (Universities of Cologne and Bonn, Germany), to solve present and possible future problems with regard to fresh water. The project thorough investigations of hydrological cycle carried out within two river catchments in West Africa: the Drâa River in the south east of Morocco and the Ouémé River in Benin. UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA): -Contributes to writing team launching Africa road map on climate change under the umbrella of UNECA and ICSU ROA. - Contributes to the Seventh African Development Forum on climate change for sustainable development in Africa, to strengthen the African common position in the ongoing international negotiations, raising awareness and building consensus among stakeholders and partners on concerns and expectations for a post-2012 global climate agreement. Muslim Seven Year Action Plan: following initiative of Her Majesty, the Queen Elisabeth of Great Britain, to explore environmental issues of religions of the UN, the M7YAP leaded by British NGO (Earth Mate) in London, explores environmental knowledge in the Islamic religion. The plan initiated by the Istanbul Declaration for a period 2010-2017, and officially launched in U.K. Windsor on 2009 by His Excellency the Prince Philip and the UN General Secretary. Istanbul declaration recommends green cities launch in the Islamic world. -Reviews the M7YAP, and establishes contacts with Moroccan government to agree the Istanbul Declaration and host the M7YAP. -In Salé (in front of Rabat), the Governor and the mayor and the Bouregreg Association, provides technical and financial support to convene an international conference in Salé (2009) to declare the city as a green city by 2020. The conference mobilize public authority, elected persons, NGOs, private sector, around the green issues (recycle wastewaters, energy efficiency, etc). -In Kuwait, 2009, highlights water is a key issue in the conference on dialogue among civilizations on Environment (Japanese and Islamic civilizations), 4 European Economic and Social Committee: in 2011, contributes to the report of the EESC on the topic 'Promoting renewable energy and the European Neighborhood Policy: The Case of the euro-Mediterranean region, and highlights the role of water in renewable energy. The report will be presented to the Assembly of EECS and similar institutions. Project for International Center for Peace and Sustainable Development: -Develops partnership with the Bouregreg Association to launch the International Center for Peace and Sustainable Development, on the occasion of the silver anniversary of the Association founded by Late Mr. Aouad, adviser of His Majesty Hassan II. The center will develop knowledge on water under the spirit radiance of His Majesty, to promote the water energy for peace and strengthen existing platform making water a key vector for sustainable development in the world focusing on green perspectives. Conclusion: The renowned interest of His Majesty in water for solidarity and peace among nations, still on the international agenda. Twenty years after the first Earth Summit, the humanity should accept that no sustainable development could be achieved without abundant healthy water and only common efforts could halt irreversible degradation to design another peacefully planet for coming generations. The present achievements strengthen the aim of the WWC to stimulate awareness and reflection on water resources worldwide, and promote the spirit of water as free clean positive power to the entire humanity. We need just to save it with positive and lovely heart sensations and sustain it with peacefully and healthy actions. 5 Acronyms - AMHES: Association Marocaine Hassanienne pour l`Environnement et la Santé ANACLIM: Association National de Climatologie AEO-2: African Environment Outlook- 2 AR4: Assessment Report 4 CDM : Clean Development Mechanism COP7: Conference of Parties 7 EESC: European Economic and Social Committee FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations GEF : Global Environment Fund GEO-4 : Global Environment Outlook- 4 GLOWA: Global Change and the Hydrological Cycle IAV Hassan II: Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Hassan II ICSU ROA: International Council for Science Unions Regional Office of Africa IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IMPETUS: Intergatives Management-Projekt für einen effizienten und tragfähigen Umgang mit Süβwasser in Westafrika MEA: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment M7YAP: Muslim Seven Year Action Plan on Climate Change NGO: Non Governmental Organisation NRD: Natural Resources Management and Environment Department START: Global Change Sys Tem for Analysis Research and Training TAR : Third Assessment Report UNFCCC: United Nations Framework on Climate Change UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNCBD: United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity UNDP : United Nations Development Programme UNECA: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme USA: United State of America WMO: World Meteorological Organisation WWC: World Water Forum 6