Essential Questions: ¿Cómo uso mis sentidos para aprender? How do I use my senses to learn? Lesson Focus: Five Senses Emotions Vocabulary Development • II.D.1 Child uses a wide variety of words to label and describe people, places, things, and actions. (C) Uses words to communicate how he is feeling. (21,22,24,26,33,37) Language LESSON COMPONENTS Individual Greeting Morning Activities Writing Name Calendar Time: 8:00 – 8:30 Washing hands, breakfast, tooth brushing, potty as needed Week 8 Teachers: Orozco & Soberanes October 14th -18th /2013 Phonological Awareness • III.A.1 Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. (A) Repeats or "chimes in" on repeated parts of predictable stories. Listening Comprehension Skills • II.A.3 Child shows understanding of the new language being spoken by English-speaking teachers and peers. (ELL). (A) Follows a set of routines for activities and can make sense of what is happening. (21,22,24, 25,26,28,29,30,31,32,33,35) (22,23, 24,26 ,28,29,30,33,33,34,35,36,37) • II.B.1 Child is able to use language for different purposes. (A) Requests help from a teacher to get a ball that went over the playground fence. (23,24, 26,31,33,35,37) English Vocabulary Spanish Vocabulary Date: Social Development Math: • I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teachers. (22,26,29.30,31,32,33,35,36,37) • I.A.2 Child shows awareness of areas of competence and describes self positively in what he is able to do. (A) Describes self using basic characteristics (hair color, eye color, gender). (22,24,26,29,37) (D) Describes self in terms of being a member of different communities (family; classroom; school). (21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37) • V.A.3 Child counts 1-10 items, with one count per item. (B) Knows that each finger represents one count (2 fingers represent two counts; 3 fingers represent three counts, etc.). (22,24,26,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,3 7) Safety • (H2.2) Responds appropriately during a fire drill Observe, Compare, different, disability, prosthesis, emotions, frustration. Observa, compara, diferentes, discapacidad, prótesis, emociones, frustración. Monday Individual Greeting Hello song, Days of the week song, Months of the year song, Today is Sunday song. Counting Pledge US & TX Transition to Breakfast Let’s send hugs to…(Absent, sick, and family members) Calendar/ Classroom helpers/Weather, News Tuesday Wednesday Individual Greeting Hello song, Days of the week song, Months of the year song, Today is Sunday song. Counting Individual Greeting Hola song, Dias de la semana, Meses del Año, Hoy es Domingo song Pledge US & TX Transition to Breakfast Let’s send hugs to…(Absent, sick, and family members) Calendar/ Classroom helpers/Weather News Day-Week Counting Pledge US & TX Transition to Breakfast let’s send hugs to…(Absent, sick, and family members) Calendar/ Classroom helpers/Weather News Day-Week Thursday Individual Greeting Hello song, Days of the week song, Months of the year song, Today is Sunday song. Counting Pledge US & TX Transition to Breakfast let’s send hugs to…(Absent, sick, and family members) Calendar/ Classroom helpers/Weather, News Friday Individual Greeting Hola song, Dias de la semana, Meses del Año, Hoy es Domingo song Counting Pledge US & TX Transition to Breakfast let’s send hugs to…(Absent, sick, and family members) Calendar/ Classroom helpers/Weather News Day-Week Time: 8:30-9:00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students Math Time: 9:00- 9:25 Introducing Positional Language Using Positional Vocabulary Materials: Song Poster 7 Oh Where, Oh where? and CD Discussion Book pages 8-9 Pretending to hide (themselves or a puppet)in the classroom and to explain where they could hide using the positional language For reference: Book Growing with Mathematics topic 3, page 3-7 Play Ground Students play supervised/interact with teacher & co-teacher Gross Motor Development Time: 9:25-9:50 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students Reinforcing Positional Vocabulary. Review Positional Language Practicing language of shape and position Materials: Song Poster 7 Oh Where, Oh where? and CD I think I will go Flying Big book (a story about opposites) We will read and discuss the book , then, students will practice positional words and actions with stick puppets For reference: Book Growing with Mathematics topic 3, page 3-8 Materials: Song Poster 7 Oh Where, Oh where? and CD Different shapes in different colors. The teacher will instruct the students, using a wide variety of positional language, such as, hold the shapes in front, in back, etc For reference: Book Growing with Mathematics topic 3, page 3-9 Materials: Song Poster 7 Oh Where, Oh where? and CD Using stick puppets and working in couples, the students will practice the positional words. Also, using a nest and books about nests different animals build to find safety and shelter, we will review positional words. Students will practice positional words talking about where different animals could hide to protect themselves and their babies. For reference: Book Growing with Mathematics topic 3, page 3-10 Materials: Poster song 7 and CD, The Hiding Game lap book. After singing the song, display the cover and read the title. Predict the story. Read the story pausing at the size words and position in space encouraging TS to join in as you read them. Reread the story. After reading pages 4-5, ask children to identify other big or small objects in the illustration, such as big and small leaves, big and small trees, and big and small mushrooms. Discuss other good places for the animals to hide. For reference: Book Growing with Mathematics topic 3, page 3-11 Play Ground Students play supervised/interact with teacher & co-teacher Play Ground Students play supervised/interact with teacher & co-teacher Play Ground Students play supervised/interact with teacher & co-teacher Play Ground Students play supervised/interact with teacher & co-teacher Language Arts Time: 10:0010:20 Letter of the week: M Letter of the week: M Letter of the week: M Letter of the week: M Letter of the week: M Prior knowledge: Brainstorming words starting with M. Materials: Cancionero, El Mosquito Alfarrimas, cuento de la M Por Lada Kratky After reading and discussing the books, singing the songs, and reviewing objects in the ABC Tub starting with letter M, students will trace a textured letter M. Prior knowledge: Brainstorming words starting with M. Materials: Cancionero, El Mosquito Alfarrimas, cuento de la M Por Lada Kratky After reading and discussing the books, singing the songs, and reviewing objects in the ABC Tub starting with letter M, students will trace letter M on the air. Prior knowledge: Brainstorming words starting with M. Materials: Cancionero, El Mosquito Alfarrimas, cuento de la M Por Lada Kratky After reading and discussing the books, singing the songs, and reviewing objects in the ABC Tub starting with letter M, students will trace letter M on their bilingual pair’s back Prior knowledge: Brainstorming words starting with M. Materials: Cancionero, El Mosquito Alfarrimas, cuento de la M Por Lada Kratky After reading and discussing the books, singing the songs, and reviewing objects in the ABC Tub starting with letter M, students will Find letter M on a songs chart. Prior knowledge: Brainstorming words starting with M. Materials: Cancionero, El Mosquito Alfarrimas, cuento de la M Por Lada Kratky After reading and discussing the books, singing the songs, and reviewing objects in the ABC Tub starting with letter M, students will write letter M on a board. Washing hands Family Style Snack Time:10:20- 10:30 Goldfish crackers and water. Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students. Muffin and apple juice. Fruit cup and water. Gogurt and water. Nutra grain bar and water. Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students. Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students. Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students. Teacher and Co-teacher sit at the tables with the students. Prior Knowledge Before reading the book, ask: Do you remember what this book is about? Allow three or four kids to talk about the book, ask questions to promote high thinking skills, as: why do you think that? Can you explain your thinking? Is any other way to solve…. etc. Before reading the book, ask: Do you remember what this book is about? Allow three or four kids to talk about the book, ask questions to promote high thinking skills, as: why do you think that? Can you explain your thinking? Is any other way to solve…. etc. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Book: Thank you for being my friend By Peter Bently & Gill McLean Book: ¡Vaya Rabieta! By Mireille DAllancé Potty as needed Social Studies Time: 10:3010:10:50 Book: Emotions/ Enfado By Jane Bingham Bilingual Pair discussion Book: Fill a bucket By Carol Mc cloud and Katherine Martin After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Social Studies Journal Book:How Full is Your bucket? By Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer Bilingual pair discussion Social Studies Journal After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Social Studies Journal After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Social Studies Journal Bilingual pair discussion Social Studies Journal After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Social Studies Journal Gross Motor Development Time: 10:5011:10 Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Activity Center Students play & Interact with teacher and co-teacher Students play & Interact with teacher and coteacher Students play & Interact with teacher and coteacher Students play & Interact with teacher and co-teacher Students play & Interact with teacher and co-teacher T1&T2 Letter M TS will cut and paste pictures of objects starting with M T3&T4 # 6 TS will paste #6 and 6 die cut and will trace and write #6 T3&T4 Letter M TS will cut and paste pictures of objects starting with M T1&T2 # 6 TS will paste #6 and 6 die cut and will trace and write #6 All Tables Bilingual Pairs Student Generated Alphabet sheets Math: Sorting cards : big-small Sorting long and short Language Arts Lacing cards Letters with Play dough Science Sorting cards : 5 Senses Sorting cubes by colors. Social Studies Book: How are you peeling? Bilingual Pair discussion. Puppets: emotions: Students play on self directed centers to develop/enhance social skills Students play on self directed centers to develop/enhance social skills Students play on self directed centers to develop/enhance social skills Students play on self directed centers to develop/enhance social skills Math: Sorting cards : big-small Sorting long and short Language Arts Lacing cards Letters with Play dough Science Sorting cards : 5 Senses Sorting cubes by colors. Social Studies Book: How are you peeling? Bilingual Pair discussion. Puppets: emotions: Students play on self directed centers to develop/enhance social skills 12:00- 12:10 Clean Up time Washing hands and potty / Line up for Lunch Transition songs Clean up song Counting 1-20 English and Spanish Counting 10-0 English and Spanish Singing ABC English and Spanish Cancionero Songs, Head shoulders, knees and toes. The more we read together DLM Rhymes and Chants Ants go marching Transition songs Clean up song Counting 1-20 English and Spanish Counting 10-0 English and Spanish Singing ABC English and Spanish Cancionero Songs, Head shoulders, knees and toes. The more we read together DLM Rhymes and Chants Ants go marching Transition songs Clean up song Counting 1-20 English and Spanish Counting 10-0 English and Spanish Singing ABC English and Spanish Cancionero Songs, Head shoulders, knees and toes. The more we read together DLM Rhymes and Chants Ants go marching Transition songs Clean up song Counting 1-20 English and Spanish Counting 10-0 English and Spanish Singing ABC English and Spanish Cancionero Songs, Head shoulders, knees and toes. The more we read together DLM Rhymes and Chants Ants go marching Transition songs Clean up song Counting 1-20 English and Spanish Counting 10-0 English and Spanish Singing ABC English and Spanish Cancionero Songs, Head shoulders, knees and toes. The more we read together DLM Rhymes and Chants Ants go marching Lunch Time: 12:10-12:40 Balanced Food Fruit Balanced Food Fruit Balanced Food Fruit Balanced Food Fruit Balanced Food Fruit Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Predictions Ask the students to talk about what they think the book is about, and as explained before, ask them to explain their thinking. Teacher and Coteacher supervise Small Groups MT-W Bilingual Learning Centers Th-F Time: 11:15-11:30 Students rotate every day to 2 different centers. (Gomez & Gomez Dual L. component) Centers Time: 11:30-12:00 Teachers interact with the students while pretended play Teacher and Coteacher sit at the tables with the students. Science Time: 12:40-1:00 Cots down Nap: 1:00-2:00 Cots Up Book: Marti and the Before reading the book, ask: Do you remember what this book is about? Allow three or four kids to talk about the book, ask questions to promote high thinking skills, as: why do you think that? Can you explain your thinking? Is any other way to solve…. etc. Book: My 5 senses By Aliki After reading ask the students to help you working filling the Thinking Map (tree map) about the 5 senses. Mango By Daniel Moreton from page 3 to page 13 Then, Bilingual pair Discussion (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet).& Science Journals After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Science Journals * Emphasize how Marti used his 5 senses . Before reading the book, ask: Do you remember what this book is about? Allow three or four kids to talk about the book, ask questions to promote high thinking skills, as: why do you think that? Can you explain your thinking? Is any other way to solve…. etc. Book: Marti and the Mango By Daniel Moreton From page 13 to the end Book: Mis manos By Aliki After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Science Journals After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Book: Taking care of my hands and feet By: Terry DeGezelle After reading, ask again, what was the book about? allow few kids to talk, ask them to explain their thinking as explained above, then, invite the students to talk with their bilingual pairs. (See chart on the door of the music center cabinet). Bilingual Pair discussion Science Journals * Emphasize how Marti used his 5 senses . Bilingual Pair discussion ScienceJournals Journals Conceptual Refinement Good bye rituals Time: 2:00-2:30 Dismissal Science Journals Counting the days at school Learning Goals Personal & Social Development • I.A.2 Child shows awareness of areas of competence and describes self positively in what he is able to do. (A) Describes self using basic characteristics (hair color, eye color, gender). • I.A.2 Child shows awareness of areas of competence and describes self positively in what he is able to do. (D) Describes self in terms of being a member of different communities (family; classroom; school). • I.B.1.a Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teachers. (A) Participates in the development of classroom rules. Language & Literacy Listening Comprehension Skills • II.A.3 Child shows understanding of the new language being spoken by English-speaking teachers and peers. (ELL). (A) Follows a set of routines for activities and can make sense of what is happening. Speaking Skills Library time! Students read at the library and take a book to read at home Language Art Journals Counting the days at school Social Studies Journals Counting the days at school Math Journals Counting the days at school • II.B.1 Child is able to use language for different purposes. (A) Requests help from a teacher to get a ball that went over the playground fence. • II.B.1 Child is able to use language for different purposes. (C) Uses "please" and "thank you" appropriately. • II.B.2 Child engages in conversations in appropriate ways. (A) Enters an existing play situation, joining into the conversations in progress (outside, dramatic play, or construction center, etc.). Reading, Phonological Awareness, and Comprehension • III.A.1 Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. (A) Repeats or "chimes in" on repeated parts of predictable stories. • III.A.1 Child engages in pre-reading and reading related activities. (C) Selects the reading/library center during free play. Math Counting Skills • V.A.3 Child counts 1-10 items, with one count per item. (B) Knows that each finger represents one count (2 fingers represent two counts; 3 fingers represent three counts, etc.). • V.A.4 Child demonstrates that the order of the counting sequence is always the same, regardless of what is counted. (B) Counts leaves on the ground, number of grapes on a tray, or number of children in library center. Science • VI.D.1 Child practices good habits of personal safety. (A) The child follows/uses safety procedures while using common tools and materials (glue, scissors, rulers, pencils, hammers, wood, and safety goggles). • VI.D.2. Child practices good habits of personal health and hygiene. (A) The child coughs and sneezes into their elbows (not cover their mouth with their hands). • VI.A.1 Child describes, observes and investigates properties and characteristics of common objects. (A) The child uses senses to explore sensory language to describe properties of natural and human- made materials (wood, cotton, fur, wool, stone, magnetic, leather, plastic, Styrofoam, paper) to learn their characteristics and capabilities. Physical Development Social Studies VII.A.2. C. Geography Skills Vll.C.1. Fine Arts VIII. FINE ARTS DOMAIN A. Art Skills • VIII.A.1 Child uses a variety of art materials and activities for sensory experience and exploration. (A) Investigates with a variety of materials (crayons, paint, clay, markers). • VIII.A.1 Child uses a variety of art materials and activities for sensory experience and exploration. (B) Manipulates modeling clay by rolling, pinching, squeezing, patting, and cutting. B. Music Skills • VIII.B.1 Child participates in classroom music activities. (A) Sings along with familiar songs during circle time ("Old McDonald Had a Farm"). Gross Motor • IX.A.1 Child demonstrates coordination and balance in isolation. (C) Carries a bowl or a plate of objects from one spot to another. • IX.A.2 Child coordinates sequence of movements to perform tasks. (C) Uses axial movements such as reaching, twisting, turning, and bending. Fine Motor • IX.B.1 Child shows control of tasks that require small-muscle strength and control. (C) Uses hands and fingers to manipulate various classroom materials (placing caps on and off markers; using various size brushes to paint at the easel). • IX.B.2 Child shows increasing control of tasks that require eye-hand coordination. (A) Puts together puzzles with interlocking pieces. Technology X.A.1. Child opens and navigates through software programs designed to enhance development of appropriate concepts. Transition Learning Opportunities Growing with Math songs Hello Song Hola Amigo/ Hello Friend El Osito, El Arbol, El elefante Codes: Student Interest Integration Canción de los nombres/ Names song PM Progress Monitoring Music: Different instruments in the classroom and pod to help students expressing through music. PG Parent Goal Music: Different instruments in the classroom and pod to help students expressing through music. T Table Music: Different instruments in the classroom to help students expressing through music. Music: Different instruments in the classroom and pod to help students expressing through music. Music: Different instruments in the classroom and pod to help students expressing through music.