PEDIATRIC PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE atient's Name: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________ Informant: _______________________________ Relationship: ______________________ Circle Y, N or write NA, if yes, specify MOTHER’S PREGNANCY/CHILD’S BIRTH HISTORY: Illnesses during pregnancy? N Y Any medications during pregnancy? N, Y Smoking/Alcohol/Drug Abuse? N, Y Problems/complications at birth? N, Y Type of delivery? Vaginal_____ C-section_____ If C-section, reason ______________ Was the baby in time, early or late______________________ Specify __________________ Birth Weight______________ Did baby receive Hepatitis B vaccine? Y, N Date of Hepatitis B immunization______________ Name of Hospital Complications after birth __________________________________________________________ Hearing screening at birth: Normal, abnormal Was PKU test done? N Y PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Has your child ever had: Measles/Mumps/Chicken Pox? N Y Frequent ear infections? N Y Vision/Hearing Problems? N Y Skin Problems? N Y Asthma/Allergies? N Y PLEASE SPECIFY ALLERGIES _________________________________________________________ TB/Lung Disease/Croup? N Y Seizures/Epilepsy? N Y High Blood Pressure? N Y Heart Defects/Disease? N Y Liver Disease/Hepatitis? N Y Diabetes? N Y Kidney Disease/Bladder Infections? N Y Handicaps/Disabilities? N Y Bleeding Disorders/Hemophilia? N Y Sexually Transmitted Diseases? N Y Emotional Problems/Suicide Attempts? N Y Hospitalizations/Surgeries? N Y Physical/Emotional Abuse/Broken bones? N, Y FEEDING AND NUTRITION Food allergies: Yes, No, specify__________________________________________________________ Appetite usually good” Yes, no, ________________________________________________________ Breast fed yes, no ______________ For how many months? ____________ Bottle fed _______________________ What Milk (Formula)____________________________________ Feeding problem/colic in the first 3 months__________________________________________ Special diet _____________________________Vitamins____________ Fluoride ______________ Family History: Has anyone in the family (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins) Suicide Attempts? N Y Heart Disease? N Y High Blood Pressure? N Y High Cholesterol? N Y Blood Disorders? N Y Diabetes? N Y Seizures? N Y Allergies/Asthma? N Y Mental Illness? N Y Mental Retardation? N Y Cancer? N Y Birth Defects? N Y Hearing Speech Problems? N Y Kidney Disease? N Y HIV/AIDS? N Y SOCIAL HISTORY How many living in the household? Who cares for child? Who lives in household? Grade? Report Card? School behavior problems Yes, No, specify _________________________________________ ANY OTHER ISSUES