Evidence of Planning in the Teaching of Science NSTA Assessment #3 Unit Plan: Science Addendum NSTA Assessment #3 is a science-specific Unit Plan consisting of a series of lesson plans that address specific elements within NSTA’s 2003 Standards for Science Teacher Preparation (NSSTP); in particular, Science content (1a), Nature of Science (2c), Inquiry (3b), Issues in Science (4b), Curriculum/NSES (6), Science in the Community (7), and Assessment (8). The standard for Safety and Welfare (9) is often included in the Unit Plan and programs can incorporate these science-specific elements into comprehensive, more general unit plans that include such criteria as classroom management and organization. What is provided here is a sample addendum rubric could be used to assess preservice teachers’ (i.e. candidates’) levels of proficiency with the above elements of the NSSTP. The addendum would be the science specific portion of a generic unit plan rubric. As with all quality rubrics, the specific criteria are described (in the leftmost column in this example) in operational terms and the levels of performance can be distinguished in observable ways. This example is not meant to be a prescriptive Unit Plan science addendum rubric to be used verbatim by all programs. Programs are encouraged to design their own science-specific Unit Plans and/or addenda to existing assessments used within the program. Also note that this rubric is based on the 2003 NSSTP and that revisions to the standards are currently being considered LEVELS Exemplary Proficient *Science content (NSSTP 1a and 1b). Unit Plan describes an internally consistent unit of study and incorporates the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, interrelationships of science fields and the NSES unifying concepts CONTENT Unit Plan describes an internally consistent unit of study and contains a complete list of the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of science fields. *Science Content (NSSTP 6a, 6b) Unit plan contains state and National Science Education Standards and resources and activities consistent with the standards that meet the needs and abilities of students. Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is scientifically accurate with scientific explanations for major concepts. Science Content Unit plan contains National Science Education Standards or state standards, resources and activities. Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is scientifically accurate. LESSON PLANS Developed by Brownstein, Allan, Carson, Day, Shane and Veal (2010) Emerging Unit plan lacks a coherent unit of study and/or does not contain a complete list of the major concepts, principles, theories, laws, and interrelationships of science fields. Unit plan does not contain a complete listing of National Science Education Standards or state standards, resources, and activities. Unit plan with lesson plans, activities and worksheets is not completely scientifically accurate. Score and comments LEVELS *Nature of Science (NSSTP 2c). Dev. Appropriate (NSSTP 5a, 5b, 5e) *Inquiry *Issues in Science (NSSTP 4b). *Science in the Community (NSSTP 7b). Safety materials (NSSTP 9b). Safety procedures (NSSTP 9c) Exemplary Proficient Lesson plans engage students in NOS elements as a regular part of instruction, including opportunities for students to critically analyze false or doubtful assertions made in the name of science (NOS as defined by NSTA position statement) Lesson plans are developed for the appropriate target grade level. Lesson plans demonstrate knowledge of how adolescents learn science and what students are able to do, which includes alternative ideas that learners may have. Lesson plans include at least two examples of the NOS which may include false or doubtful assertions in science (NOS as defined by NSTA position statement). Lesson plans do not explicitly teach the NOS including false or doubtful assertions in science. Lesson plans have some evidence, but clear knowledge of how students learn science is not provided. Lesson Plans do not provide connection to how students learn science. Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider risk, costs, and benefits of alternative solutions that relate to students’ values. Lesson plans provide students opportunities to interact with local science resources, resolve issues, and involve stakeholders. Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider alternative solutions. Lesson plans do not provide opportunities for students to analyze problems and consider alternative solutions. Lesson plans provide students with opportunities to interact with local science resources. Lesson plans do not provide students with opportunities to interact with local science resources. Proficient is met and students are assessed on their knowledge of safe use and handling of materials. Classroom management issues related to materials are addressed. Proficient level is met, Procedures are appropriate for the abilities of students, and students are evaluated on their knowledge of safety procedures. SAFETY All aspects of the safe use and handling of materials related to the Unit Plan are included, such as MSDS sheets, preparation of solutions, storage of materials, and dispensing of all science materials. Appropriate safety contract included. Lesson plans contain all applicable emergency and safety procedures and methods for maintaining safety equipment. Developed by Brownstein, Allan, Carson, Day, Shane and Veal (2010) Emerging Lesson plans do not include complete guidelines for the preparation, dispensing, and disposal of all science materials. Lesson plans do not contain applicable emergency and safety procedures and/or safety contract is absent. Score and comments LEVELS Exemplary Proficient Ethical treatment of living organisms (NSSTP 9d) Proficient is met and include students in a discussion of ethical treatment and care of living organisms as applicable to the Unit Plan. Lesson plans include applicable procedures for the ethical treatment and care of living organisms. Assessments Proficient level and lesson plans demonstrate various approaches to performance-based assessments. to guide instruction (NSSTP 8b) Multiple assessment tools (NSSTP 8a) Student self analysis (NSSTP 8c) Assessments show 1) alignment with instruction; 2) age appropriate, 3) gather data for diagnostic, formative and summative use; 4) used to guide instruction, 5) encourage critical thinking in students, 6) assesses possible misconceptions and 7) include a rubric and answer key for each assessment. Lesson plans provide structure for students to analyze their own learning and reflect on and change their own work. ASSESSMENT 80% of lesson plans show the use of pre and post assessments in the cognitive domain. Assessments address science specific elements (content, NOS, Inquiry, Issues) that are designed to be used to guide instruction. Assessments meet 3 or 4 of the areas in Exemplary and may be weak or absent in the remaining areas. Lesson plans provide opportunities for students to analyze their own learning or reflect on their own work. Emerging Score and comments Ethical treatment and care of living organisms is incomplete or absent 50% of lesson plans and the unit show the use of pre and post assessments in the cognitive domain. Not all elements are assessed in the Unit Plan. Assessments meet 0 or 2 of the areas in Exemplary and may be weak or absent in the remaining areas. Lesson plans either do not provide students opportunities to analyze and reflect or opportunities are not appropriate for Unit Plan. TOTALS NOTE: Preservice Teachers are required to re-work their project until a proficient level is reached in all mandatory * sections Developed by Brownstein, Allan, Carson, Day, Shane and Veal (2010)