2012-2013 MATHEMATICS REPRESENTATIVE POSITION DESCRIPTION, APPLICATION & REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Mathematics Representative is a school based educator who is knowledgeable in the field of mathematics. This person may be a Mathematics Specialist, school based support staff, or a classroom teacher with a deep comprehensive understanding of and enthusiasm for mathematics instruction. The Mathematics Representative must also have a working knowledge of City Schools Mathematics Instructional Model and Instructional Framework, specifically in how these initiatives are intimately related to the mathematics content area. The opportunity is available for all schools whether the school chose to “Opt In” to the City Schools Common Core initiatives or not. Charter Schools do not have to pay a fee for service for this opportunity. GOAL The goal of the Mathematics Representative is to support the development of data driven instruction; and to be intimately involved with implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in mathematics at their school. The Mathematics Representative will also communicate district initiatives at the school level as well as the most up-to-date information about the new PARCC assessment. This will require release time during the school day and after school on some occasions. A yearlong schedule will be provided in August 2012. QUALIFICATIONS Minimum of three years of mathematics teaching experience preferred Mathematical knowledge of multiple grade levels Experience with school wide data analysis Applicants must teach or support math instruction Excellent collaboration, communication, and interpersonal skills are required This Mathematics Representative should NOT be the Literacy representative. Schools should select two different teachers/educators. REPORTING STRUCTURE School principal, in conjunction with the City Schools’ Office of Teaching and Learning DUTIES 1. Learn all components of the new mathematics assessments to be implemented during 2012-2013 2. Support the City Schools’ mathematics initiatives for the 2012-2013 school year 3. Serve as the liaison between school colleagues and the Office of Teaching and Learning a. Communicate key information to school administrators and faculty on a regular basis b. Provide timely feedback to the Office of Teaching and Learning 4. Attend monthly full day Mathematics Representative meetings/professional development in order to gain firsthand knowledge about the Common Core standards and implementation 5. Provide monthly updates to school faculty based-on monthly Mathematics Representative meetings (during collaborative planning, a faculty meeting, data meetings, etc…). A recommended schedule/format for these meetings will be provided to the Mathematics Representative 6. Support the use of data in order to inform instructional practices using reporting tools to monitor student progress 7. Support the use of data informed instructional choices 8. Maintain a log and portfolio of all activities conducted in the role of Mathematics Representative COMPENSATION A onetime stipend of $1500 will be paid to the designated Mathematics Representative at each school. Schools that designate two Mathematics Representatives will need to demonstrate a need for this decision and the representatives may split the stipend. However, one stipend of $1500 is available for each school location. Stipends will be paid upon completion of the duties stated above. APPLICATION PROCESS To apply for the position of Mathematics Representative for the 2012-2013 school-year, please provide your principal with the following information on or before Wednesday, June 13, 2012. THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR WILL SUBMIT THE 2012-2013 MATHEMATICS REPRESENTATIVE POSITION DESCRIPTION, APPLICATION & REQUIREMENTS MATHEMATICS REPRESENTATIVE FOR THEIR SCHOOL. A complete application includes: Mathematics Representative Updated Resume (PDF format) A Letter of Interest written by the Mathematics Representative, including the following information: 1. position for the 2012-2013 school year 2. education related experience 3. additional Mathematics-specific qualifications 4. explain why you are interested in becoming the Mathematics Representative for your school 5. statement of your understanding and willingness to complete the duties of the Mathematics Representative Next, the principal will: 1. Decide on the Mathematics Representative based on teachers who apply 2. Fill out the brief “Mathematics Representative Application” through a K12Insight survey: CLICK HERE 3. Submit an updated resume in PDF format and a Letter of Interest to the following email address: mathrep@bcps.k12.md.us Please complete both of these no later than Wednesday, June 13, 2012 to be considered for the Mathematics Representative position for 2012-2013 school year. ALL MATHEMATICS REPRESENTATIVES ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND A 2-DAY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. DETAILS WILL BE FORTHCOMING.