Integrated ELD and Designated ELD Handout 1of2

CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 3
Retelling and Rewriting Stories
Retelling Stories Using Past Tense Verb
Sentences and Expanded Sentences
Chapter 3
Two-Way Spanish/English Immersion
Lesson: Tap prior experience, pair share,
check for understanding, use of technology
Story Rewriting Template
Text sequence
Connecting words/phrases
Collaborative Planning with other teachers
Read Aloud with Storybooks
Lesson: Modeling inferences with Think
Aloud; text dependent questions;
vocabulary development; think-pair-share;
guided /independent- oral retelling,
written retelling and alternative version of
the original story using sentence frames as
support; teacher observation
Interactive Reading 5-Day Planning
Level: Emerging
 Small group instruction and learning centers
 Lesson: Retelling with Scaffolds- oral
practice, sentences on board, pictures;
 Story Map Teacher Modeling
 Rubric
 Homework: Practice retelling in primary
General Academic Vocabulary Instruction from
Level: Expanding
 Small group instruction and literacy centers
 General Academic Vocabulary InstructionLesson Plan Template (Whole Group and
Small Group)
 Lesson: Connecting to prior knowledge;
Direct vocabulary lesson; oral practice of
complex sentences with sentence frames;
teacher observation
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 3
Interactive Read Alouds with
Informational Texts
Chapter 4
Lesson: Connecting to prior knowledge;
pair share; use of visuals; domain-specific
vocabulary; modeling close reading
Word Wall on Bees’ Anatomy
Write Informational Text using Writing
Newcomer EL
Close Reading of Narrative Texts
ELA/Literacy centers
Lesson: Scaffolds in primary languageSpanish; guided instruction for textdependent questions; “on the
surface/below the surface” questions;
Author Study; rereading at strategic points;
writing stations
On-the-Surface Question Card
Below-the-Surface Question Card
Deeper Dive Question Cards
Unpacking Sentences
Level: Expanding
 Lesson: Realia; Models unpacking sentences
using thinking aloud with sentence strips;
choral read; focus on meaning; connectives
with “while” and “as”
 Unpacking Sentences Procedure
 Teacher Reflection: Corrective Feedback
Discussing “Doing” Verbs in Stories
Level: Expanding
 Lesson: Prior Knowledge; Pantomime;
Words to Convey Feeling; collaborative task;
“just-in-time” scaffolding;
 Using Verbs to “Show” & “Tell” Chart
 Verb Chart: Different Types of Verbs
 Group work- “language detectives”
 Teacher Reflection on “language detective”
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 4
Collaborative Summarizing
with Informational Text
Chapter 5
Lesson: Introduction to Collaborative
Summarizing with modeling/think aloud;
Collaborative Summarizing Process Chart
Collaborative Summarizing Roles
Writing Biographies
Lesson: tapping writing skills; texts in
multiple languages; collaborative
construction of a short biography using
recorded notes; small research groups;
view multimedia; oral presentations;
teacher questioning strategies; teacher
read aloud to examine and deconstruct text
Biography Deconstruction Template
Analyzing Complex Sentences in Science Texts
Level: Expanding
 Lesson: Examine illustrations; partner share;
journal observations; use of subordinating
conjunctions and clauses-relationship with
 Showing When Events Happen Chart
 Sentence and When Things are Happening
General Academic Vocabulary in Biographies
Level: Late Expanding to Bridging
 Lesson: Highlight academic vocabulary from
text; cognates/primary language connection;
meaningful discussion; “just in time
scaffolding”; apply to writing
 5 Day Vocabulary Teaching Cycle Chart
(lesson sequence/purpose)
 How to be a Good Conversationalist Chart
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Science Informational Research Reports
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
ELA and Science
Lesson: Teacher read aloud with multiple
complex informational texts; teach domain
specific vocabulary in context; use cognate
word wall; view multimedia; group
structured discussions; design and conduct
experiment; collect data;
Information Report Outline with Stages
and Phases
Close Reading of Memoir
(Literary Non-Fiction)
ELA Interdisciplinary Unit
Lesson: Input-connect new learning to
student’s experiences; video clip with
group discussion; teacher introduces
general vocabulary words; connect to
previous themes; teacher read aloud;
untangle (unpack) syntactic structures;
student interpretation; reading guide
during independent reading; students
mark up texts (underline, highlight,
question, comment, etc.)
Focus Questions for Today’s Reading Chart
Learning About Cohesion
Level: Bridging
 Lesson: Input using familiar text to model
think aloud of nominalization with words
and phrases; model use of getting meaning
with “text connectives”; guided cohesion
activity; pair work for list of cohesion words
 Language to Connect Ideas (Cohesion)Chart
Using Language Analysis to Deepen
Understanding of Complex Text
Level: Expanding
 Lesson: teacher conducts language analysis;
review of story structure; comparison of
memoir structure to story structure
 Analysis of Story Text Structure in
Comparison to Memoir Text Structure
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 6
Close Reading of Informational Text
Chapter 6
Lesson: Input by activating background
knowledge- Teacher read aloud; models
comprehension strategies; students read
independently with guiding questions;
discussions in triads to unpack meaning;
strategic grouping; use of primary
language; class share out with evidence
from notes; vocabulary review; focus on
text connectors and clauses
Small group review with Emerging ELs
Analyzing Complex Texts Collaboratively
ELA/Social Studies, 2 week unit
Lesson: Big question posed; close reading
and analysis with focus questions;
previews terms/ vocabulary; bilingual
dictionaries; discussing primary and
secondary sources, viewing media, writing
short texts, and engaging in a debate;
expert jigsaw; culminating writing task
Freedom of Speech Mini-Unit Outline
Teachers collaborate
Unpacking Arguments: Text Organization and
Language for Persuading
Level: Expanding
 Lesson: Input by activating prior background
experience with persuasion; student choral
read; chunks text to show author’s language
choices; guides the completion of the
Argument Text Structure chart with the text
 Argument Text Structure Chart
 Language Resources Useful for Writing
Arguments Chart, completed as a shared
writing activity
 Which Text Connectives To Use Chart, why
use? (completed with student input)
Using Persuasive Language to Debate
Level: Late Emerging and early Expanding
 Lesson: Input by activating prior knowledge;
cognates; sentences frames; writing
responses; debate process explained
 Debate Process Chart
 ELD Teacher collaborates with content
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 7
Examining Diverse Perspectives in World
Literature, Grade 10
Analyzing Texts from World History, Grade 10
Level: Late Expanding or early Bridging
ELA/ History
 Lesson: Previews complex text; Teacher read
Lesson: Input through tapping prior
aloud; Models process (purpose/function
background experience and knowledge; Big
verbs) to unpack sentences/clauses with use
question is posed; group work; research,
of graphic organizer/chart; triad work;
view and listen to audio of cultural groups;
repeated opportunities to improve
learn how authors leverage literary
assignments; teach grammatical patterns
strategies, primary source materials,
explicitly; a family history project-interview
vocabulary study; linguistic resources,
members of family; novel analysis; essay;
particular rhetorical devices to present
create an original media project.
ideas, mini-debates, create interactive
 Processes (verbs and verb groups) Chart
timelines and storyboard/write or rewrite
history through literary and informational
 Using Meta-language to Analyze Texts
texts; create original media piece.
 Sentence Chunking Chart
Scholarly Discourse Ideas Chart
Sequence of Events -Things Fall Apart
Tracking Themes Template
Tracking Motifs and Symbols, Folktales and
Proverbs Template
Expert Group Jigsaw: Things Fall Apart
Juxtapositions Chart
Teacher Collaboration
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014
CA ELA/ELD Framework: A Quick Look into Designated ELD/Integrated ELD Vignettes
Chapter 7
Reading, Analyzing, and Discussing Complex
Texts in American Literature, Grade 11
Unpacking Sentences and Nominalization in
Complex History Texts, Grade 11
 ELA/History
 Lesson: Input tapping prior knowledge;
introduction through viewing, discussing
and reflecting film; view and discuss
photos; view and discuss brief excerpts
from the film, Bury My Heart at Wounded
Knee; a careful reading/reread of a text
passage; Teacher read aloud; a
collaborative conversation about the
passage using text-dependent questions;
sentence frames; Strategy 1-2-4; A
collaborative summary of the passage; A
written response synthesizing the day’s
 Language for Taking an Academic Stance
 Collaborative Summarizing Steps Chart
 Quick-Write Chart
Level: Late Emerging through early Expanding
 Lesson: Input- invites students who have
read excerpts to provide an overview;
unpacking sentences focusing on
nominalizations expressed (in everyday
language) through verbs (e.g., destroy) or
adjectives (e.g., strong); in academic text are
expressed as things, or nouns and noun
phrases (e.g., destroy–>destruction, strong–>
strength); explains some terms from the
excerpt the students will analyze, terms that
he anticipates will be challenging; Teacher
read aloud; answers clarifying questions; use
of L1;
 Sentence Unpacking Teaching Process Chart
 Sentence Unpacking (Example for Bury My
Heart at Wounded Knee)
 Nominalization Chart
Los Angeles County Office of Education, CIS, Multilingual Academic Support Unit
ELA/ ELD Framework Support Network, 2014