ABC-MI 2014 Annual Meeting Highlights

ABC-MI 2014 Annual Meeting Highlights
Delegates gathered Saturday, October 18 at the Olivet Baptist Church, Lansing for worship;
fellowship; the joint Annual Business Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Michigan
(ABC-MI) and Michigan Baptist Convention (MBC); and engagement with representatives of the
ABCUSA Board of International Ministries (BIM) in discerning God’s call and direction for the
future of BIM.
Highlights of the meeting included:
Presentation of Annual Reports: ABC-MI Executive
Minister, Dr. Michael Williams, presented to the Region
President, Rev. Ed Owens, the Annual Report Booklet
for adoption. The delegates unanimously approved the
adoption of the reports. Click here for Annual Report
Report of the Nominating Committee: Mr. Russell
Kirksey, ABC-MI Immediate Past President, presented
the nominating committee’s recommended slate of
officers and candidates to serve the various Region
ministry teams and committees. The delegates
unanimously approved the nominating committee report. New ABC-MI officers include: Rev.
Ed Owens, Immediate Past President; Rev. Mary-Fair Matthews, President; Rev. Danny Langley,
Vice-President; Mrs. Becky Hiebert, Secretary. Click here for Nominees Elected
Report of the Treasurer: Mr. Edwin Ritzler, Region Treasurer, presented a Comparative Budget
Report for 2013-2015. He reported projected 2014 revenues of $560,316 against a budget of
$580,111. He reported 2014 projected expenses of $545,287 against a budget of $579,565.
Delegates approved the financial report. Mr. Ritzler presented the proposed 2015 budget with
revenues of $564,348 and expenses of $563,640. Delegates approved the proposed 2015
budget as presented. Click here for 2015 Approved Revenue & Ministry Team Block Grants.
Other Actions:
Dr. Williams recognized the ten contract consultants serving as Ministry Leadership
Group peer leaders and the eight specialized contract consultants working on behalf of
the ABC-MI in service to our congregations. Click here for listing of all ABC-MI Contract
Rev. Ed Owens was presented a plaque honoring his
service as Region President for 2013-2014.
Outgoing Region Board members were recognized for
their service on ABC-MI Ministry Teams and the Region
Board. They included: Mr. Russell Kirksey; Rev. Elaine Thomas; Ms. Carolyn Jackson;
Mrs. Sue Ellen Glover; and Mr. Gary Cunningham.
Dr. Williams recognized all new professional church leaders whom have come into the
Region since the 2013 Annual Meeting.
Three new congregations were welcomed into the American Baptist Churches of
Michigan. They included: Michigan Kachin Baptist Church, Grand Rapids represented by
Pastor Nang Lahpai; Galilee Baptist Church, Kalamazoo represented by the Rev. Dr.
Michael T. Scott and a delegation of the congregation; Lansing Chin Baptist Church
represented by Mr. Lian Cung. Dr. Williams also noted the Pure Word Missionary Baptist
Church of Detroit has been received into the Metro Detroit Association and a formal
recommendation will be coming to the Region Board at their November meeting.
Other highlights of the day included:
The Olivet Baptist Church led delegates and visitors in
an opening worship service presided by the Rev. Ed
Owens. The Olivet Baptist praise team led the
congregation in music; special music was provided by
the Lansing Karen Baptist Church; the Olivet puppet
ministry team provided inspiration using Matthew
West’s song, “Do Something.” Rev. Owens brought the
message, “Hearing and Heeding the Call.”
Responding to the Call: Discerning God’s Direction for a
Third Century of Mission was the 2014 Annual
Gathering theme, which is also the current focus of the
ABCUSA Board of International Ministries (BIM) as they discern God’s call and direction
for the future of BIM. During the afternoon session, delegates had opportunity to hear
reports from two BIM missionaries: Michigan native Jeni Pedzinski whom will be
completing her studies at Palmer Theological Seminary and going to Thailand to serve at
the New Life Center and Wayne Niles, long time ABC missionary to the Congo. Dr. Stan
Slade, BIM associate executive director for programming led delegates through a
process of conversation and discernment to help shape the future missioin of BIM.
The ABC-MI Executive Committee will be reviewing the evaluations delegates completed and
the learning’s from the evaluations will inform the design of the 2015 Annual Meeting.
Exhibit Hall Fellowship
Dr. Williams Visiting with Mary Ivey Former ABC-MI President
Right: Rev. Ed Owens Outgoing ABC-MI President
Greeting Rev. & Mrs. Voltaire of Haiti
Middle: Dr Williams welcoming Michigan Kachin Baptist of Grand Rapids
Bottom: Dr. Williams welcoming Galilee Baptist Church of Kalamazoo
Laying on of Hands in BIM Missionaries