Mental Maths Strategies Workshop 2: Multiplication and Division × ÷ 1 Introduction This booklet was designed to accompany the Mental Maths Strategies Workshop based on Multiplication and Division. This workshop is a 2-hour after school workshop aimed at supporting teachers in developing multiplication and division mental maths strategies in their classrooms. The workshop is most suitable for teachers of senior classes but strategies included may benefit all primary school teachers. Contents Workshop activities 3 Cuisenaire 5 Square paper 6 3rd & 4th class skills checklist 7 5th and 6th class skills checklist 8 Learning Logs 9 Notes page 10 2 Workshop Activities Teacher Reflection Reflection Before Workshop • What are the main challenges pupils face when calculating mentally? • What is your current practice in relation to teaching mental maths? Reflection After Workshop How will your practice in relation to mental maths change now? What resources do you need to source to assist teaching mental maths? 3 Take Your Pick Doubles and near doubles Doubling and Halving Partitioning Proportional Adjustment Partial Products Multiplying up/Think Multiplication Factorisation Partial Quotients Rounding and Compensating Problem Name an Efficient Strategy 5.6 × 20 20% of €290 560 ÷28 6 × 325 58 × 8 12 × 15 312÷13 432 ÷ 12 4 Cuisenaire Cuisenaire is a collection of coloured rods ranging in length from 1cm to 10cm. Each rod represents a number from 1 to 10. The rods can be used to foster understanding of a wide variety of ideas in number. The structure of the rods means that children come to recognise each number in terms of its length rather than as a collection of discrete objects. The use of Cuisenaire rods will support the development of mathematical concepts throughout the primary school years. From infant classes, pupils will build on earlier work with a variety of concrete resources and continue to develop their understanding of the components of number and addition and subtraction through the use of Cuisenaire rods. Furthermore, the rods can help to support the linear and area models for representing multiplication and division problems (adapted from Pitt, 2001, p, 87). ICT Opportunities More Cuisenaire rods Image sourced at: ICT: 5 6 Third and Fourth Class Skills Checklist Applying and Problem Solving select appropriate materials, concepts and processes for mathematical tasks and applications apply concepts and processes in a variety of contexts analyse problems and plan an approach to solving them select and apply a variety of strategies to complete tasks and projects or to solve problems evaluate solutions to problems Communicating and expressing discuss and explain the processes used and the results of mathematical activities, problems, and projects listen to and discuss other children's mathematical descriptions and explanations discuss and record the processes and results of work using a variety of methods discuss problems presented verbally or diagrammatically and carry out analyses Integrating and connecting connect informally acquired mathematical ideas and processes with formal mathematical ideas and processes understand the connections between mathematical procedures and the concepts he/she uses recognise mathematics in the environment represent mathematical ideas and processes in different modes: verbal, pictorial, diagrammatic, and symbolic recognise and apply mathematical ideas and processes in other areas of the curriculum Reasoning make hypotheses and carry out experiments to test them make informal deductions involving a small number of steps explore and investigate mathematical patterns and relationships reason systematically in a mathematical context justify processes and results of mathematical activities, problems and projects Implementing devise and use mental strategies and procedures for carrying out mathematical tasks use appropriate manipulatives to carry out mathematical procedures execute standard procedures efficiently with a variety of tools Understanding and recalling understand and recall terminology, facts and definitions. 7 5th and 6th class skills Applying and problem-solving select appropriate materials, concepts and processes for particular tasks and applications apply concepts and processes in a variety of contexts analyse problems and plan an approach to solving them select and apply a variety of strategies to complete tasks and projects or solve problems reflect upon and evaluate solutions to problems Communicating and expressing discuss and explain the processes used and the results of mathematical activities, problems and projects in an organised way listen to and discuss other children's mathematical descriptions and explanations discuss and record the processes and results of work using a variety of methods discuss problems and carry out analyses Integrating and connecting connect informally acquired mathematical ideas and processes with formal mathematical ideas and processes recognise mathematics in the environment represent mathematical ideas and processes in different modes: verbal, pictorial, diagrammatic and symbolic understand the connections between mathematical procedures and the concepts he/she uses recognise and apply mathematical ideas and processes in other areas of the curriculum Reasoning make hypotheses and carry out experiments to test them make informal deductions search for and investigate mathematical patterns and relationships reason systematically in a mathematical context justify processes and results of mathematical activities, problems and projects Implementing devise and use mental strategies and procedures for carrying out mathematical tasks use appropriate manipulatives to carry out mathematical procedures execute standard procedures efficiently with a variety of tools Understanding and recalling 8 Learning Log Name: Class What strategy did I use to solve the problem? What would I do differently the next time? One thing I learned: My effort: Learning Log Name: Class What strategy did I use to solve the problem? What would I do differently the next time? One thing I learned: My effort: 9 Notes 10