Look Fors in the Secondary Math Classroom Teaching Cycle Teacher Look Fors Launch Has carefully selected and answered questions for the math task prior to the lesson Hook/motivate students Sets the setting, mathematical context and challenge for the math task Provides tools, information, vocabulary, conventions and notations as necessary Describes what the expectations are for the finished task without giving away too much of the problem and leaving the potential of the task intact Explore Organizes and encourages students to explore and investigate the math task cooperatively Monitors students as they work Questions students/groups to encourage students to look for patterns, make conjectures, collect and record data Encourages students to participate in group discussions Encourages students to revise their thinking relative to the mathematical ideas intended to be elicited by the task Methodically selects which students will present and discuss their solutions and strategies Discuss Helps students to make connections among the ideas presented Orchestrates discussions to pursue relevant mathematical ideas and defers other mathematical ideas for another time Contributes to the discourse by providing additional information, suggests other models, alternative strategies, clarifying difficult issues without taking away opportunities for students to productively struggle Notes