February 6

Faculty Senate Meeting
February 6, 2013, 2:30 pm, Noble 130
Senators attending: Rebecca Austin, Beverly Chew, Rebecca Clausen, Jay Dougan, Rick Gore, Leslie
Goldstein, Kris Greer, Andy Gulliford, Ryan Haaland, Jonathan Latta, Melissa Knight-Maloney, Justin
McBrayer, Carrie Meyer, Astrid Oliver, Chuck Riggs, Amy Sellin, Heidi Steltzer, Deborah Walker, Amy
Senators absent: Michelle Bonanno, Betty Dorr, Kenny Miller , Oliver Pam Smith, Simon Walls
Guests: Marta Bergen
Reports / Announcements:
President’s remarks – Chuck Riggs –
Minutes, any corrections? Approved as posted.
Budget committee meetings begin next week.
No meeting next week. Next scheduled meeting on February 20th.
BOT Faculty Representative update – Amy Wendland
Passed yearly financial audit
Concern by a senator that faculty contracts did not have words ‘with tenure’ in them; are the
letters a legal contract? Contract should state tenured if tenured at this institution. Not implicit
with title for several reasons. Amy will look into this.
BOT endorsed senate bill 13-033 to provide instate tuition for students in high school for 3 years
in Colorado, even if they are not a U.S. citizen.
Unfinished Business:
Charge to the course-credit task force
Motion to untable, Andy Gulliford;
Include a student representative?
Changes made:
o NBS is larger relative to AHSS based on number of faculty and number of
students, so a 4th NBS representative is proposed for the task force.
o Updated reporting schedule
o Wording changed as requested by senators
Task force is needed because the 4 credit issue continues to affect policy and planning;
the fall full faculty vote was linked to the EGC decision; impact of variation in course
credits needs to be considered separately.
Final product will be task force recommendations to senate; senate would vote on the
next step.
Faculty time for scholarship needs to be considered by task force, since it is currently
part of faculty expectations for tenure but not part of workload.
o Work with provost to plan for release time for scholarship
Need to treat task force members well as this is an important task and will be a lot of
Added text in to explore models at other institutions
o Some concern that this will be a lot of work and that many models used by other
institutions may not be financially feasible at FLC
Full faculty vote again will be likely
Call to question Justin McBrayer; seconded Ryan Haaland.
Vote passed with 2 abstaining; no votes against.
Academic Standards Committee Policy Issue #6
No time to discuss
New Business:
Approval of curricular items (below)
Curriculum Committee Action Items:
MU 107
Bala Sinem Choir
Motion to approve music action items, Jonathan Latta; seconded Beverly Chew;
Discussion: None
Approved by all.
Prgm Prop
Accounting Major
ACC 3xx
Accounting Ethics
New Course
ACC 4xx
Auditing II
New Course
Motion to approve accounting action items, Andy Gulliford; seconded Jonathan Latta;
Summary: courses are upper division electives that are now required by the state to become a licensced
CPA; these courses will not be added to the curriculum for the major.
 Not all majors want to be licensced
 Staff to teach available? Will need new faculty lines, plan to hire an adjunct in the interim.
Approved by majority; one Nay.
Prgm Prop
Economics-Bus Econ Option
Prgm Prop
Economics-Econ Option 1
Prgm Prop
Economics-Economics minor
ECON 262
Principles of Microeconomics
Credits Cat dscrp
ECON 272
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 345
Game Theory Behavioral Economics
Title Cat Dscrp
Motion to approve program proposal and courses economics action items,Beverly Chew; seconded Andy
Summary: some courses are changing from 3 to 4 credits to remain part of the Gen Ed program; this
changes the total credits for the major, because these courses are also part of the major; added class to
Econ/Econ major to ensure credits for this major are greater than 40 as required by the state.
Discussion: none
Approved bymajority; one Nay.
Prgm Prop
Prgm Prop
Marketing Minor
MK 260
Bus Creativity & Innovation
MK 360
Sports Marketing
MK 362
Mktg in Cruise Industry
MK 371
Selling & Sales Promotion
MK 372
MK 374
Global Marketing
MK 376
Managing Customer Value
Credits prereq
MK 378
Services Marketing
Credits prereq
MK 385
Consumer Behavior
MK 3xx
Social Media Marketing
New Course
Motion to approve program proposal and courses marketing action items, Justin McBrayer; seconded
Janice Templeton;
Summary: most are changes of 3 credit courses to 4 credit courses; one new topics class is being added;
these courses exist at other schools, but are not likely offered as 4 credit courses elsewhere.
 Exercise Science major admin option includes some of these courses and may be impacted;
impact does not seem to have been assessed.
 These proposed changes went through the emergency process.
 Were programs forced to go to 4 credits? Ex. for Gen Ed reasons. Programs encouraged to pick
3 or 4 credit approach. This was a department decision. Whole faculty in SOBA were not part of
selection for marketing to have this approach.
 No narrative for why courses are now worth 4 credits. What’s been added?
Call to question, Leslie Goldstein.
Approved by majority (10 Aye); 5 Nay; 2 abstain.
BA 260
Business Law and Ethics
BA 271
Principles of International Business
BA 315
International Business Law
Title Credits Cat dscrp
Credits Cat dscrp, Gen
Motion to approve business action items, Jonathan Latta; seconded Andy Gulliford;
Summary: adding ethics and moving course from 3 to 4 credits for this reason (BA260 for which ethics is
needed for accreditation). Other courses also moving to 4 credits; one is a Gen Ed course which will add
a significant writing component.
 Do Gen Ed courses have to be 4 credits? Courses that are not 4 credits can no longer be
included in Gen Ed for AH, HI, SS categories to be in compliance. Faculty have choice to shift
credits or to take out of Gen Ed program.
Call to question, Justin McBrayer;
Approved by majority (11 Aye); 3 abstain; 1 nay.
THEA 135
Acting Techniques I
THEA 233
Audition Techniques
THEA 238
Acting Techniques II
THEA 270
Acting for Camera
THEA 272
Vocal & Physical Preparation
THEA 323
Youth Theatre/Peer Theatre
THEA 335
Styles in Acting
THEA 460
Internship in Theatre
Credits class format
Credits class format
Credits class format
Credits Cat dscrp
Credits class format
Credits prereq
THEA 4xx
Devised and Performance Art
New Course
Motion to approve Theater action items, Andy Gulliford; seconded, Jonathan Latta;
Summary: program options were variable credits so needed to change to be in compliance. More
content covered in courses to include practice techniques; removed 2 credit courses. New courses being
added to replace EGC courses no longer being offered; took away 4 credits from the major and added 8
credits; streamlined the major.
Discussion: None
Approved byall.
Motion to adjourn; approved. Meeting adjourned at 3:31pm.