Williams Kaitlyn Williams English 1301.246 Felicia Cain

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Kaitlyn Williams
English 1301.246
Felicia Cain-Dzaidek
12 October 2014
Annotated Bibliographies
“Brief Biography of Thomas Jefferson.” The Monticello Classroom. 2007. Web. 14 October,
This article is a simple biography from the classroom Monticello website. It is meant to
give younger students a brief overview of Jefferson’s life. Very interesting is the
beautiful picture it shows of the Monticello Mountain. This gives the reader a pictorial
representation of where Jefferson lived. It also describes Jefferson as more than just a
political or historic figure. The article describes him as a gardener, father, designer,
thinker, horseman, and violin player. The reader is able to see Jefferson the man. This
article was found on the classroom Monticello website, a website to teach students about
Monticello and Thomas Jefferson. The key words used were Thomas Jefferson.
“Declaration of Independence.” US History.org. 4 July, 1995. Web. 15 October, 2015
This article is the Declaration of Independence. It is titled “The Declaration of
Independence” but the title has an interesting subtitle, The Want, Will, and Hopes of the
People.” Readers are able to see the article and to be able to read it. The article is a typed
version of the Declaration. It is not a picture of the actual document. To see the way
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they, the representatives, abolish their alliance with England and the King in the
Declaration is quite interesting. Instead of seeing signatures, this article shows the names
of the signers and their home Colonies. This article was found on the website of
ushistory.org using key words, the Declaration of Independence and signers.
“Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson”. US History.org. 4 July, 1995. Web. 14
October, 2015
This article gives a nice introduction to Thomas Jefferson. It gives information regarding
the “renaissance man” Jefferson was. It tells about him knowing five languages and
writing over sixteen thousand letters. It shows the scholarly Jefferson-the lawyer,
agronomist, musician, scientist, philosopher, author, architect, inventor, and statesman.
The article spends little time on his life after his presidency term. It mostly focuses on
the time period from his childhood up until his presidency position. An interesting fact
presented in this article was that he died on the fourth of July, fifty years after he signed
the Declaration of Independence was signed. This article was found on the website of
ushistory.org using key words, the Declaration of Independence and signers.
Ellis, Joseph J. “Thomas Jefferson.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2015. Web. 14 October, 2015
This article, written by Joseph J. Ellis, tells about the life of Thomas Jefferson. The
article mentions how Thomas Jefferson, long regarded as a distinguished man, is now
being viewed by some negatively. The current focus on racism as brought some scholars
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to view Jefferson as a racist. He had slaves and always seemed to hold America as a
society for whites only. Ellis gives a detailed account of the early years of Thomas
Jefferson and where he grew up. He continues the article by presenting a very detailed
biography of Jefferson’s life until his death. This article comes from the Encyclopaedia
Britannica website using the key word search Thomas Jefferson.
Gutzman, Kevin R.C. “Thomas Jefferson’s Federalism, 1774-1825.” Modern Age. 2011. Web 15
October 2015
This article is a commentary written by Kevin Gutzman about Thomas Jefferson. In it he
tells of the account of Jefferson’s life called “Draft Declaration” written by Merrill
Peterson. It tells of his drafting of the Declaration of Independence. It also explains how
Virginia was not united with the other colonies. The article shows Jefferson’s loyalty to
the Constitution of the United States. It also explains how Jefferson tried to get Adams to
include a Bill of Rights, but Adams refused. This article comes from the Modern Age
database through Texas A&M Corpus Christi, using key word search “Thomas Jefferson”
and “Declaration of Independence.”
Jacobson, Gerald J. “Young Man from the Piedmont.” Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult
Biography Series; Salem Press; November 1993, 1-2. Web. 11 Oct. 2015
This article is a work analysis by Gerald J. Jacobson. He analyzes “Young Man from the
Piedmont: The Youth of Thomas Jefferson” authored by Leonard Wibberley. Wibberley
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tells the story of the first thirty-three years of the life of Thomas Jefferson. The goal of
Wibberley was to “discover how he got to be Jefferson, how his mind started to work.”
The author covers the beginning of Jefferson’s life as well as what was happening at that
time in the Colonies. Wibberley introduces people that were an influence in the life of
young Thomas Jefferson. Jacobson comes to the conclusion that Wibberley wants to
show Jefferson as an emerging political leader of the time. This source was found
through the EBSCOhost database via Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, using the
key word search “Thomas Jefferson”.
Rothman, Lily. “Thomas Jefferson Almost Didn’t Run for President.” Time.com. 14 April 2015.
Web 15 October 2015
This article, written by Lily Rothman, describes the time when Thomas Jefferson decided
he would not run for the presidency. Rothman gets her information from Walter Kim.
Kim wrote an article for Time, Inc. regarding the idea of Jefferson not running for office.
The war Jefferson started was still going on but Jefferson was done. At least that is what
he thought. Of course as we know, Jefferson changed his mind and became the third
president. This source was found through the EBSCOhost database via Texas A&M
University Corpus Christi, using the key word search “Thomas Jefferson.”
“Thomas Jefferson, A Brief Biography.” Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. 2015. Web. 14
October, 2015
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This article is a brief biography of Thomas Jefferson taken from the Monticello website
(Jefferson’s home). The article summarizes the life of Jefferson. The article tells about
how his father, Peter, and mother, Jane, were considered members of one of Virginia’s
most distinguished families. They left Thomas a large estate where he began building
Monticello at the age of 26. The article talks of Jefferson’s slaves, the ones he kept at
Monticello as well as the others kept on other plantations. It summarizes his law
practice, the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence, as well as his time
as President. There is brief information of his life post-presidency until his death. This
article comes from the website of Monticello, the website of the home of Jefferson, key
word search, Jefferson.
“Thomas Jefferson.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. Columbia University Press.
2015, 1-3. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
This source is a biography of the life of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). Jefferson was
the third president of the United States from 1801-1809. He was a delegate to the Second
Continental Congress (1775-1776). He was the author of the Declaration of
Independence with a little help from Adams, Franklin, and a few other Congressmen.
The biography tells us Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and also served as the
governor of Virginia during the American Revolution. Jefferson also organized the
Lewis and Clark expedition. This biography includes other information about Jefferson
including his family and what he did during his retirement years. This source was found
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through the EBSCOhost database via Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, using the
key word search “Thomas Jefferson”.
“Thomas Jefferson.” Cyclopedia of World Authors, 4th Revised Edition. Salem Press. January
2003, 1-2. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
This article is a biography of the life of Thomas Jefferson. The author tells of Jefferson’s
life including his schooling and admittance to the bar. He states how Jefferson built
Monticello, his mansion, and lived in it with his wife and two daughters. He also
includes Jefferson’s work with political parties and the work he did for Virginia. The
biography describes Thomas Jefferson’s authoring of the Declaration of Independence as
well as the Virginia Constitution of 1776. The article describes the continual political
work of Jefferson. It likewise covers his retirement years and the advising of his
successors. This source was found through the EBSCO host database via Texas A&M
University Corpus Christi, using the key word search “Thomas Jefferson.”