February 10, 2014

Minutes 2/10/14 Night Meeting
Fangfest Discussion (in small groups)
Casey: welcome back, we have a big night ahead of us, a lot to do. Everything about fangfest
will be figured out tonight...it starts next week
Andy: we’re having forums about fangfest on this Wednesday for all the grades but Fridays for
sophomores because of poetry out loud
Jonah: I have a meeting tomorrow, so I’ll let you know
Maddie: (ptsa) they want to do something during fangfest they’re thinking of having a drive for
school supplies and used books and have different boxes for each grade to earn points
Casey: let’s get right into it. We have 5 committees that I’m breaking you into
Variety show, general assembly, judging, afterschool, opening assembly
Haley: I’ve heard a lot of support for 80’s workout day
Vote in support of that
We’ll have 80’s workout day instead
You’ll have til 7:15 to work and then you’ll present out
Casey: so, right now is sharing out time so you can talk about what you’ve been doing. We’ll
start with opening assembly people, if anyone finds anything catastrophic within other groups
please raise your hand
Opening Assembly: 5 minutes to get into gym, find a band like jason’s band, a montage of past 4
years of fangfest (about a minute) each emcee will come out and announce themes and
introducing grades, music to go with each theme, each grade would do chant and mc would go
over rules and point systems, mention ongoing things, announcement of gauntlets and
explanation, student athlete leadership announce sports of the week, emcee’s announce days
themes and afterschool stuff, emcees would then do whatever they’ve planned about themselves
(video, etc), end with How do you feel chant and band playing out, a little leeway time
Ben: when are the gauntlets being announced? (forums Wednesday they have til Friday to decide
what it will be)
Afterschool Activities: Tuesday is video game tournament, Andrew winter is going to work out
these details, the guidelines are teams of 2 (in the same grade) with points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. On
wed and thurs will be dodgeball. Wed will have 10 minute games, 10 person teams, hopefully
with uniforms, $10 entry fee, split gym. On thurs it will have been narrowed down to four teams
with a full gym and 15 minute games with points for the winning teams as well as points for
Natalie: could one class have 5 teams? (teams can be multi grade)
Tony: points for spectators (4 3 2 1 scale from most to least), # of participants (same sort of thing
as spectators, with the mixed teams what we thought is 1 point for people on winning team
Jonah: it’s not at night? (correct)
Joann: food stuff?
Jonah: is there a clothing requirement?
Alex: coach b had a sheet going out to say who wason your team and your theme
Lily: can students get points for going to games? (basketball)
Judging: we sometimes have given out points for going to home games
Alex C: I think both games are away that week (there are some home things)
August: it would be awesome if the whole school was there for a JV game! We should definitely
do that
Judging: I like doing something for Poetry Out Loud for participation, I think that’s great we can
add that...dressing up will be done as usual with sign in’s and percentage with 4 3 2 1. For penny
wars we have it by weight doing 1 point for 2 pounds. The ptsa drawing is per item (have to be
boxed up a box of pencils) again 4 3 2 1 scale. For random events during assembly, for gauntlet,
a point to winning grade, for hallways, Peter will be the official rule judge, based on aesthetics,
creativity, theme representation on an 8 6 4 2 scale, we can use this and maybe add to it (regina
please send) plus if you get dq’d you miss out on more points. For dodgeball we’ve already
Rick: to keep tension up for Friday I think more points should be for gauntlets so grades will be
excited and have an ability to pull ahead
Tony: one thing suggested would be running scores or hang it on the wall, or morning
announcements etc
Regina: did you talk about who would sit and do tallying during lunches? (we didn’t discuss that)
Assembly Stuff: so I’m going to try to meet with the emcee’s hopefully tomorrow. 10 minutes of
getting organized with senior hurrah, 10 minute kickoff with mc’s 5 minute jazz band, tug of war
frosh vs seniors, then gauntlets (1 pergrade) 5 minute tom Carlson maybe musician or P.O.L.
possibly minute to win it games for filler, another gauntlet, soph. v juniors tug of war, chuck a
duck, , spot for cheer or others or gymnastics, third gauntlet, tug of war finals, 4th gauntlet, end
results...all throughout there will be a group in each grade creating a creative piece with murals
and sculptures to represent the theme
Christine: all the money for the chuck a duck should maybe go to fundraising and then have
points go to grade
Assemblies: filler ideas – tug of war, wall paint splat (paint body run to wall), three legged race,
wheelbarrow, sumo wrestling, obstacle course, pin tail on saber, throw pies at teachers, pie
eating, cup stacking, juggling – these things depend on what the gauntlets are
Jonah: so were tightly bound to time, when are we going to intro the mural activity (part of initial
mc’s – kids would know from opening assembly)
Ben: I think wall splat would be more popular than cheerleaders
Haley: we could change time amounts for that
Natalie: would the sculpture/mural people miss it? (theyd be in the back of the gym)
August: half court shot sounds good too
Jonah: to the mural thing, we should have it in the back so they can still see what’s going on but
the murals themselves should not be visible to the crowd
Joanne: from opening assembly, is there time for one physical sort of challenge during that –
jack was trying to get ahold of the mc’s to run ideas by them so based on that and what they
want, we can rearrange stuff
Jack: is it mural or sculpture or both? (both)
Jonah: how many peop[le would do that? (4 or 5)
Alex C: regarding the gauntlets a grade chooses one and everyone participates? (yes)
Sage: staff participation in gauntlets? (yes)
Jonah: each gauntlet doer should only go once I think (yes)
Joanne: at the forums its really important that you guys represent and set the tone and be excited
Will: what is the talent show? (the gauntlets)
Jack: is there any chance that by tomorrow we could have that stuff tomorrow?
Casey: it’s really importatnt that you hear what I’m about to say. Each committee needs to type
up what they’ve done and send it to Sage. We need to keep track of all of this and be able to
present this well. When you guys are at the forums and when you present it your attitude is