“IMPLEMENTATION OF MONITORING INDUSTRIAL PARAMETERS AND PROVIDING SECURITY BY USING Lab VIEW and NI myRIO” AMBRAYYA, Mr.SHRIDHAR.S.BILAGI, nnMr.K.PANEENDRA REDDY. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (DCN, Mtech) Rao bahadhur.Y.Mahabaleshwarappa Engineering Collage, Ballari. ambu014@gmail.com shridharbilagi@gmail.com ABSTRACT : In any restricted area of the industry, the security becomes a very important task, face recognition can be achieve by using advanced graphical programming software tool i.e., Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench and National Instrument my Reconfigurable hardware device. In this project considering operating room is the restricted area and necessary to provide security, initially save the operator face image by capturing web camera. While entering any person into the operating room, capturing entry person face image continuously and face recognition is done here, once if entry person face image is recognized then operator window is opened otherwise it can’t be open. In addition of this task automated monitoring of industrial variable parameters system plays an important role is to increase the productivity of the industry. If the operator window is opened then operator can able to monitor all the required parameters and he can set the threshold limit of the parameters, if any required parameters crosses the threshold limits then operator can able to display the visual message in liquid crystal display and also giving audible alerts to the operator. In this project if the operator is outside of the operating room, SIM card is inserted in GSM module and while programming enter the operator unique phone number in front panel, and if any hazardous parameters crosses the threshold limits then GSM sends alert message to the operator. Key words: Lab VIEW, NI myRIO, and GSM INTRODUCTION: In industry automatic monitoring system act as a very important function is to raise the manufacturing of the system. In this venture I am making an allowance for operating room is the restricted region in the industry and must necessary to provide security with the help of advanced software tool i.e. Lab VIEW. First initializing the operator face image and for the next time while operator entering to in to the operating room, face recognition can done here once it matches with the original image then only operator window is open otherwise it cannot be open. If the operator window is opened then machinist can monitoring the industrial parameters and set the threshold limits, if any parameters crosses the limits then operator will send information to controlling authority for the further actions with the help of GSM. Some parameters that effects to the industry is necessary to monitor and providing security prevention from the entry of the unauthorized person in the restricted area in the industry, here I am considering operator room is the restricted area. This project is implemented using a personal 1 computer installed with software tool i.e., Lab VIEW. For monitoring purpose I am using PC, it can also be made to evaluate and show the readable values of the sensors. This project is suitable for computerized monitoring of the industrial parameters as well as providing security in the industry. This process can be done with a set of sensors. Processed the input signals, routinely detects the resultant readings of the parameters and if any parameter is crosses the threshold boundary, then the level of the parameters represented in the form of auditory and video form. So a operator will get to be on familiar terms with the parameters values crosses the threshold which leads to hazardous to industry and thus he can attend if necessary Programmed monitoring and providing security system by using Lab VIEW is a basic concept of useful for the monitoring and early caution of achievable. The basic principle of this project is to reorganization of the operator face image and monitoring a variety of parameters generated by the industry, digitize them and represent them in a simple to examine form. Here, this project consists of several sections: 1) 2) 3) 4) Regulated power supply. Sensors and web camera. NI myRIO-1900. Lab VIEW software (2014 version). STUDY AREA: In the required locations various sensors are placed, and used for monitoring. The input sections to the project are Sensors. The sensed by the physical signals are then boosted with the additional amplitude by the Signal Amplifier to suitable amplitude. The boosted amplified signal is then digitized with the Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC). At this instant at the digitizer, the Analog Signals of 0-5 Volts are changed in to 8 bit digital stream. Stage is used to read the received digital information & show them on the unit like monitor for easy observation, the software which is developed in this project is “Graphical Flow Programming” language. This project can also be used to produce an alert message at whatever time a programmed threshold limit and is crossed. MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROJECT: 1. Reasonable in nature, simple in design & operation. 2. Highly flexible in nature. 3. Due to the Computer Interface facility, the system is highly accurate. 4. To determine the key descriptors to be considered in parameters monitoring. 5. To determine the feasibility and cost of a monitoring program. 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM AND ITS EXPLANATION: FIG 1: BLOCK DIAGRAM IMPLEMENTATION OF MONITORING INDUSTRIAL PARAMETERS AND PROVIDING SECURITY BY USING LabVIEW. 1. Physical Intermediate: Physical phenomenon’s are to be measured by using acquisition of data system. 2. Transducer: Transducer is a device which converts received physiological analog input signals into its equivalent electrical signals and also it is having common definition convert one form of energy into another form of energy. 3. Signal conditioning: Electrical signals produced by transducers often necessary to be converted into a form of acceptable to the acquisition of information hardware particularly A/D converter which converts signal information to required digital format. 4. Acquisition of data system Hardware: Information attainment uses three types of hardware: a terminal block, a cable, and a National Instruments my Reconfigurable Input Output device. 5. Personal Computer: National Instrument my Reconfigurable Input Output devices use the Personal Computer as a platform. Personal Computer is provides an accurate response to the national instruments devices. 6. Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench software: This software is using dataflow programming, where the flow of data determines the flow of execution can be highlighting with special icon inbuilt. For more information on this topic is too be explained in coming chapter. 3 7. Data analysis and Storage: Information can be analyzed by using processed methods like Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processing, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) processing etc. and saved in computer. 8. Power supply unit: The system requires constant DC voltage, hence regulated power supply (RPS) which provides necessary constant DC voltages for proper working of its blocks. This part is specially designed to gives out all necessary dc voltage levels required for working of all blocks. 9. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module: This is a production device connected to output port of the hardware device and displays visual information. LCD device is light weight application device, and also its cost is low. In this project I am using 16*16 matrix LCD and which can able to display the four parameters at a time. 10. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM): Global System for Mobile communication is fitting for interactive for signal announcement between two locations, without any physical connection between sender and receiver. First initializing the operator unique phone number for every event. Once event is activated then operator is receiving reading information of that event. 11. National Instrument my Reconfigurable Input Output device-1900: The National Instruments myRIO-1900 is a portable reconfigurable I/O (RIO) device that can use to design for acquire and generate signals. It contains pin outs, connectivity information, dimensions, mounting instructions. The indication of “my” is only a name itself. The main objectives of Industrial parameters monitoring system using Lab VIEW and GSM are: To determine the quality of overflow management and working environment in industries. To determine the key descriptors to be considered in pollution monitoring. To determine the feasibility and cost of a monitoring program. ADVANTAGES: This is an efficient method for monitoring industrial parameters for “Automation process” in industries. The operation of this project can be easy to understand by the operator. Writing of source code is easy because of Lab VIEW is having large library and also drag and drop “data flow programming” language and highlighting the execution path. This project consumes low power, and provides high efficiency and high accuracy. APPLICATIONS: In various industries to check out the entire industrial environment by sitting away from the site area. Ex: Paper making industry, Petro chemical industry, Milk production industry, Steel power plant, and etc. For irrigation to remotely monitor the pH level as well as temperature of the soil. Face recognition can be implementing for industry as well as home security system. RESULT: The security becomes very important task in prohibited area of the industry. In this project providing security by recognition face image of the operator. Initially capture and save the operator image in personal computer by using Lab VIEW software, NI myRIO hardware and web camera. While any person is entering into the restricted area (operating room) of the 4 industry, capturing of that entering person face image and face reorganization process doing here, if captured face image is not matches with the original face image then operator window is not open. If captured face image is matches with the original face image then operator window is opened. Then operator can able to entering into the operating room and he can able to monitor all the required parameters. Operator can only set the threshold values what he wants. With the maximum facilities of Lab VIEW, operator can able to understand all the required data flow programming source code of this project. Operator is monitoring all the real time variable industrial parameters and if any required parameter is crosses the threshold limit then operator can able to display the visual message in liquid crystal display and also giving audible alerts to the operator. In this project if the operator is outside of the operating room, one subscriber identity module(SIM card) is inserted in GSM module and while programming enter the operator phone number in front panel, and if any hazardous parameters crosses the threshold limits then GSM sends alert message to the operator through the global system for mobile communication(GSM). Monitoring industrial parameters and providing security by using Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench has implemented affectively with the help of National Instrument my reconfigurable Input Output hardware device and wireless communication has been achieved with a Global System for Mobile Communication system. CONCLUSION: Finally conclude that monitoring of industrial parameters and providing security prevention from the unauthorized entry of a person in the prohibited area is must necessary to increase the degree of automation process in industry with an advanced software tool Lab VIEW and this tool is provides an excellence graphical programming language which leads operator can easy to analyze the source code. This tool is most suitable for better hardware interfacing NI myRIO device. FUTURE SCOPE : The face recognition and remote monitoring parameters system can additional be improved by implementing high quality NI camera and also adding extra sensors for monitoring other parameters like thirmidity, and moisture, strain gauge and so on for increase the degree of automation process in industry. 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