Mother Frances Hospital Tyler Institutional Review Board / (903) 606-2472 Continuing Review Principal Investigator: IRB # and Protocol title: Protocol version and date: Investigator brochure version and date: Current informed consent version and date: Current assent version and date: Name of person completing this form: Date: Handwritten, copied or scanned versions of this form are not accepted. To prevent errors and delays due to legibility problems, submit the original to All questions must be answered. Indicate NA for questions that are not applicable. All modifications and/or changes that have not been reviewed and approved by the IRB must be submitted using the appropriate form. Research staff List all co-investigators, research coordinators and others who have substantive interaction with subjects (recruiting, obtaining consent, evaluating response). The Principal Investigator and each person listed must complete and sign a Conflict of Interest statement. Description and current status 1. Brief protocol summary: 2. Progress report: Summarize progress to date. If enrollment has not begun, explain why and the likelihood that subjects will be enrolled during the next approval period. 3. Estimated study completion date: 4. Current status: (If all research related activities at this site are completed, or the study has been terminated, or the study never was conducted use the “Closure report”). Continuing Review Last revised 08/12/2014 Page 1 of 6 Open to enrollment and no subjects have been enrolled to date Open to enrollment and subjects have been enrolled to date Closed to enrollment and subjects are still on the protocol regimen Closed to enrollment and follow-up of subjects continues Closed to enrollment and analysis of identifiable/coded data continues Design and procedures 1. Summary of findings to date, including preliminary results and interim findings where available. 2. List, any publications relevant to this research since the last review, and include copies. None List: 3. Provide a summary of any problems with, or changes in, the research since the last review. Include details. Subject recruiting: Advertising: Subject compensation: Inclusion or exclusion criteria: Costs to subjects: Investigator inducements: Informed consent: Documentation of informed consent: Privacy or confidentiality protections: Safety monitoring: Vulnerable subject protections: None of the above 4. If any changes listed above were not prospectively reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to implementation, explain why. Not applicable List and explanation: Subject selection, recruitment and vulnerable populations (local site only). If there is more than one cohort, provide answers for each. 1. Indicate total number of subjects approved for enrollment. (IRB approval must be obtained prior to enrolling more subjects than approved). Continuing Review Last revised 09/03/2014 Page 2 of 6 2. Indicate total number of subjects enrolled since the start of the study. (Do not include those subjects that consented to participate but failed screening procedures). 3. Indicate total number of subjects enrolled since the last continuing review. (If this is the first continuing review, list the number since study approval. Do not include subjects that consented to participate but failed screening procedures). 4. If screening procedures are used to determine eligibility, how many subjects were consented and failed screening? Not applicable. No screening procedures used. Number: 5. If gender and minority status is collected, provide the cumulative accrual (for all consented). Not applicable. Gender and minority status not collected. African American American Indian Asian White Hispanic Other Total Men Women Total 6. If the IRB has approved the enrollment of vulnerable subjects, provide the cumulative accrual. Not applicable. No enrollment of vulnerable subjects. Category Adults who cannot consent for themselves Children Children who are wards of the state Cognitively impaired Economically disadvantaged Educationally disadvantaged Employees / staff directly supervised by the Principal Investigator or sub-investigator Employees / staff of the research site or research sponsor Institutionalized Limited or non-readers Mentally disabled Non-English speaking Nursing home residents recruited in the nursing home Pregnant women, fetuses or neonates Prisoners Students of any member of the research team Continuing Review Last revised 09/03/2014 Total Enrolled Page 3 of 6 Students to be recruited in their educational setting Others vulnerable to coercion (specify) 7. Indicate number of subjects still active (includes follow-up procedures). 8. Indicate number of subjects that have completed the study. 9. Indicate number of additional subjects to be enrolled. 10. If any subjects have withdrawn, provide a summary of withdrawals and the reasons for withdrawal. Not applicable. No subjects have withdrawn. Number Reason Discontinued early due to unanticipated problem Withdrew consent Lost to follow up Transferred sites Terminated by the Principal Investigator / sponsor Expired Other: 11. If any prospective subjects have been excluded on the basis of race, ethnicity, understanding of English, socioeconomic status, education, gender, or pregnancy, please explain. Not applicable. No prospective subjects excluded. Explanation: Risks and benefits Since the last review … Yes No 1. Has there been any new relevant information regarding this research, especially information about risks / benefits? If yes, describe and indicate date provided to the IRB: 2. Have there been any study wide or multi center reports / sponsor reports / annual reports? If yes, include copy and/or indicate date provided to the IRB: 3. Have there been any Data and Safety Monitoring Board reports? If yes, include copy and/or date provided to the IRB: Continuing Review Last revised 09/03/2014 Page 4 of 6 4. Has the expectation of adverse events (frequency, severity, specificity) changed? If yes, provide a summary of the changes and indicate date reported to the IRB: 5. Have there been any unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others? If yes, provide a summary of the problems and indicate date reported to the IRB: 6. Have there been any complaints about the research from subjects or others? If yes, summarize the number and nature of the complaint(s) and indicate date reported to the IRB: 7. Have subjects experienced any unexpected benefits? If yes, summarize and indicate date reported to the IRB: 8. In the opinion of the Principal Investigator, have the risks or potential benefits changed? If yes, describe: 9. Overall risk classification (select one): Minimal. “The probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.” Greater than minimal. 10. If continuation of the research is NOT justified in light of the above information, please explain. Additional information Summary of amendments since the initial review (add lines as necessary): Date Description Attachments Indicate items attached: (*=required) *Conflict of Interest statements for all members of research team If open to enrollment, copy of the latest IRB approved stamped: informed consent form(s) assent document(s) oral script(s) / letter(s) information sheet(s) translated and authenticated versions of the above consent(s), assent(s), oral script(s), letter(s), information sheet(s), for likely non-English speakers *Copies of the signed consent / assent for the last two subjects enrolled since the last review Continuing Review Last revised 09/03/2014 Page 5 of 6 Publication(s) related to the research since the last review Copies of any interim findings reported by the sponsor or investigator since the last review Study wide or multi-center reports / sponsor reports / annual reports since the last review Data Safety and Monitoring Board Report(s) since the last review IND safety reports from the sponsor since the last review *Summary of Local Adverse Events since the last review (includes all adverse events) Audit reports (Includes local IRB, U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Office for Human Research Protections, sponsor, Contract Research Organization and any other regulatory agencies) since the last review Copies of monitoring reports since the last review Continuing Review Last revised 09/03/2014 Page 6 of 6