Specifications & Acceptance Criteria User Story/Name: Process Module: Sub-Process: Release : Author(s) Date Module/Component: Jira Issue # Ref: Tech Specs- NISO: NISO Sort Acceptance Criteria Acquisitions, Cataloging N/A OLE 0.3 KGerdink draft 07/30/12 Search, Indexing https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE-2194 all attachment files to above https://wiki.kuali.org/display/OLE/NISO+Standard+for+Sort 1. Purpose The NISO Sort Standard needs to be applied to any and all ordered Search Results lists inside OLE, using http://www.niso.org/publications/tr/tr03.pdf as attached to OLE-2194. As OLE has only coded for Sorts on Title, Author, Publication date (Title A-Z, Title Z-A, Author A-Z, Author Z-A, Pub Date new-old, Pub Date old-new), we are only delivering NISO Sort standard for those ordered result lists. However, noted, is the need for NISO standard sort order on Facet-More lists that appear in a browsable, indexed order. NISO acceptance tests can be part of or in addition to other Docstore Search tests. We have NOT yet reconciled sorting requirements for KNS/transactional Searches that may have Bib data (those sort alphanumeric as part of Rice framework- investigation may be needed). 2. User Requirements See NISO standards documentation attached to OLE-2194.. 3. Acceptance Criteria/Acceptance Tests Assumption for initial search is that each test starts as “As an authorized, logged in OLE user…..”. There are no permissions or limits upon who can search or edit at this time. See complete A/C for OLE 0.3 Search. There are several approaches to testing NISO Sorts that can be taken: a. Mockup bib records from comprehensive example in NISO standard Appendix A. b. Mockup random subset of records from above. c. Use sample drafted Test Scripts below. d. Use other Acceptance Criteria as listed to develop test scripts against existing Bibliographic sample records. 1 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria Test Script Examples: Below are samples that would provide broad testing- may be used or edited as Tester sees fit. Test One> Detailed tests with mini custom record sets per rule 1. Each test presumes manual input of sample records shown in order to test or break the rule. 2. Each test should consist of several steps. 1. For each sort rule, create no less than 3 sample Title/Bibs and 3 sample Author bibs, using data in this document or linked NISO document (many ordered samples given). 2. Insert sample text to each created record in 611 $t "OLE-TEST" to use in Search on Subjects (to filter sample record set and see how it sorts out of whole). 3. Enter Search value OLE-TEST for "Subject", to filter list to test records. 4. In search results view, attempt following Tests: 1. In Title Sort, A-Z, does list appear as above? 2. In Title Sort, Z-A, does list appear in reverse of above? 3. using above filtered list/search results will allow specialized testing of the parameters. Test Two> Random testing and Review on Existing Data- Author, Title Sorts 1. Random Search and Facet review on existing records 2. Enter open-ended Search-- no values, limits or sorts. 3. Pick Show 100 for pagination- to allow better “scan” of record set. Use “Go To Page” to jump to middle of record set and avoid sample records from Acquisitions or Editor testing (incomplete bibs). 4. In search results view, attempt following Tests: 1. with all records, select "Author Sort A-Z", and change pagination to "Show 100". Now use "Go To Page" and pick middle of the record set. 2. in new page, look at document results list and compare for each of NISO sort standards- are punctuation, spaces, numbers and letters in the appropriate order for the standard, for A-Z? 3. Above for Author, Z-A? 4. Now select "Title Sort, A-Z", as above? 5. "Title Sort, Z-A", as above? Test Three- optional> Overall test (could be used in lieu of some smaller tests) 1. Creating and testing a record set of bibs that should doublecheck most NISO sorts. 2. Create/load a sample bib for each of the following values (this is an ordered set) which tests many of the rules. 2 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria Sample with numbers, letters, symbols, spaces £ $ exchange tables $$$ and sense % of gain $10 a day †mas star 1, 2, buckle my shoe 20 funny stories A-1 steak sauce A-5 rocket A 99 A and G motor vehicles ABC A la mode Abalone A.B.C. abdomen Ambassador hotel ...and so to bed Antigone Andersen, Hans Christian B*** de B. Ba, Amadou Balzac, Honoré de Byrum, John C C-Vision C Windows toolkit C# ballad C++ debugger C++ for expert systems C++ Views Cabaret Carmen Sample with numbers 007 James Bond 2 kinetic sculptors 2-phase flow in turbines 2x2=5 3-D scale drawing 3M Company 600 new churches 1066 and all that 1984 Double O Seven, James Bond Nineteen Eighty-four One hundred short stories Route 45 Route 66 System 7 System 17 The 14th amendment The 20th century encyclopedia The 30 years war Two-stroke power units Zero-sum games Word-by-Word N. E. Zenith Co. networks New, Agnes New Brunswick “New lamps for old” new moon New, Thomas New York New Zealand Newark, DE Newark, NJ Newfoundland news agencies news photography newsletters newspapers newsprint Newton, Isaac newton (unit of force) Newton’s rings 2. Insert sample text to each created record in 611 $t "OLETEST" to use in Search on Subjects (to filter sample record set and see how it sorts out of whole). 3. Enter Search value OLE-TEST for "Subject", to filter list to test records. 4. In search results view, attempt following Tests: 1. Set "Show 50" for pagination 2. In Title Sort, A-Z, does list appear as above? 3. In Title Sort, Z-A, does list appear in reverse of above? Test Four> Date Publication tests *Dates are difficult and time-consuming to test, as Date of Publication does NOT show up in the Results view- user must open individual records. Want simple test for now, and will return in next Search iteration 1. Input sample records (could put dates on any of previous examples. 3 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria Sample Values (space) 19 19 119 1190 1943 2001 (or use others) 2. Insert sample text to each created record in 611 $t "OLE-TEST" to use in Search on Subjects (to filter sample record set and see how it sorts out of whole). 3. Enter Search value OLE-TEST for "Subject", to filter list to test records. 4. In search results view, attempt following Tests: 1.Sort on Date of publication, Old-New- should see in order of above 2. Sort on Date of publication, New-Old- should be reverse of above. 3. Check: is date normalized- did index ignore initial "space" on first date entered with a space at beginning? 4 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria Detailed Acceptance Criteria: Feature Sorts Acceptance Criteria Tests/Notes Can I designate how I want my results list to order or sort? OLE 0.3 provides only Bib sort for Title A-Z, Title Z-A, Author A-Z, Author Z-A, Pub Date new-old, Pub Date oldnew. Test each as request from initial Search criteria, UI. Then, use Revise Search and apply a different sort (request) from initial Search UI. Are results ordered in expected sort? (Note: NISO sorts were not yet applied- being fully tested thru other jira) MARC Indicators Basic Sorting Order Sort order needs to ignore initial characters based on 2nd indicators Test sample bibs with indicators like below. Below is order. T (100 0 4) $aThe Winds of Change T (100 0 0) $a% Winner T (100 0 3) $aAn % Wins at Baseball T (100 0 0) $a% Wins at Basketball The basic order of characters should be in the following sequence: spaces symbols other than numerals, letters, and punctuation marks numerals (0 through 9) letters (A through Z) Test Sample Bibs like ordered list below that tests spaces, symbols, punctuation. Create bib entries: Each should have a title that starts with different space, symbol, number, and letter. Each should have an author with opposite entries, so that sort on author or title can be tested. Sample values: T (245 0 1) $aA Space Test T (245 0 2) $aA & Symbol Test T (245 0 2)$aA 2 Number Test T (245 0 2)$aA Letter Test A (100) $aM’Bow, Ahmadu A (110) $a M5 Bank A (100) $aMr. Xavier A (100) $aMrs. Smith 3.x Order of Characters Punctuation should be ordered with other letters or numbers according to NISO standard. Diacritics need to appropriately sort Letters modified by diacritical marks and ligatures of two letters should be arranged like their nearest basic equivalent letters in the English alphabet use table in NISO standard 3.6.1 for sample values- copy/paste with 5 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria diacritics at least 3 samples and test sorts in Author and Title. Future: review for eastern European languages which may sort separately. 4.x Headings 5.x Abbreviations 6.x Numbers Fractions, Roman Numerals I want to see Subject headings or Titles in ordered lists, Word-byWord, not letter-by-letter. Title sample order: Cream Cream Cheese Cream Corn Headings with Qualifiers in wordby-word order Sample: bill (bank note) Bill Clinton; a life bill (ornithology) bill (proposed law) bill (request for payment) bill (weapon) Titles, Authors, Subjects should ignore initial Articles in Sorting (A, An, The) according to MARC 2nd indicator standards, or global lists for Dublin Core or other formats need a longer list of initial words to ignore, including the most common foreign ones (El, Le, La, Il, etc.) See chart at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_%28grammar%29 for example I want to see bib records exactly as data appears, including abbreviations which should not be spelled out. I want to see ordered list, if with numbers, according to arithmetical values. Articles should be considered for sorting. But if there is second indicator (in case of MARC records), it should be enforced. Check to enter abbreviation in a record, and make sure it still sorts as entered. 0 is before 1. 1.01 is after 1.0 Need numeric, as well as superscripts and subscripts to follow 0-9 numbering orders. Sample Order: 01 Time Too Many H2 Means Nothing H20 Book Harry's Birthday O2 For Life T2 is for Geeks <exceptions> Still requires investigations- challenges with SOLR. Current implementation treats all numbers like numbers to left of decimal or fraction. Roman numerals will sort as letters, and not be converted yet. 6 Specifications & Acceptance Criteria 7.x Other symbols <general> Symbols other than numerals and letters do not have a universally known and agreed upon Order, will follow ASCII. Such symbols, whether single or forming a contiguous sequence, are arranged after a space but before any numerals or letters. 4. Notes/Not yet Delivered: a. Only SORTS for Title, Author, Publication Date are currently delivered. NISO will need to be tested as standard against any future Sorts (like Subject Headings). b. NISO was NOT specifically requested on FACET- “More” views- have to check if it was applied or should be applied. c. NISO is only being coded for Docstore Search, not inherited Rice/KNS search and lookups. d. Not applicable at this time: i. 4.4 Headings with Cross-References ii. 4.5 Subheadings e. Non- Roman Characters, special characters, diacritics i. We’re not yet fully coding non-roman character handling for Search. ii. Search Results and Editors should display any Non-Roman characters “as is”, but we have not yet coded full Unicode search functions (like sorting by NISO). iii. Example: Exclamation point at beginning of subject heading? <datafield tag="650" ind1=" " ind2="0"> <subfield code="a">!Kung (African people)</subfield> Linked xml- http://docstore.tst.ole.kuali.org/oledocstore/document?uuid=c0356d559a66-4bfc-906d-4a3be6c3d00b&docFormat=marc Per Bob P- entry is correct, and can sort to “top of list” with punctuation before letters. There are several African languages that use the exclamation mark as a letter, to represent a clicking sound. Alphabetizing it at the top of the list is OK. 7