MATHEMATICS: Learner Outcomes Rubric 2015-2016 for Nose Creek School 4 Understands mathematical concepts and relationships 2 1 - shows thorough understanding and makes fine/specific distinctions - shows in-depth and well developed understanding - shows adequate and simplistic understanding of concepts and skills - shows limited and insufficient understanding; may be unable to demonstrate or explain - can explain why one solution is correct and why one is not - can self-adjust and modify their approach if needed - makes meaningful connections by analyzing multiple ideas - recalls, remembers and repeats ideas; explains concepts with partial accuracy - dependent on support to demonstrate understanding - in various contexts, demonstrates the ability to evaluate their understanding - uses knowledge and skills to engage in a variety of learning tasks - uses knowledge and skills to engage in common/basic learning tasks - can show/teach the concepts to others - able to demonstrate and explain concepts - accurate and precise; rarely makes errors or omissions - experiences success in novel, diverse, and unique learning situations - usually accurate with minor errors or omissions - experiences success in familiar and some new settings - partially able to demonstrate or explain concepts - there are some errors or omissions 4 3 - thoroughly solves problems with precision and in a range of context Uses mathematical reasoning to analyze and solve problems 3 - uses knowledge and skills to engage in complex learning tasks - demonstrates creativity and innovation in their approach - ability to justify and defend mathematical reasoning with accuracy - experiences success in novel, diverse, and unique learning situations - shows in-depth and well-developed mathematical reasoning - successfully solves most problems - experiences success in familiar learning settings 2 - limited accuracy; major errors or omissions - experiences success only in rehearsed and highly structured learning situations 1 - adequate and simplistic mathematical reasoning - solves problems involving applications in common learning tasks - limited and insufficient mathematical reasoning - struggles to successfully solve problems involving applications - experiences success in familiar learning settings - experiences success only in rehearsed and highly structured learning situations - solves problems involving applications in a variety of learning tasks - experiences success in familiar and new learning settings Develops and applies appropriate and efficient strategies for computation Explores and develops strategies for mental math and estimation 4 - consistently develops then applies effective strategies/procedures - effectively and accurately uses multiple strategies 3 - often develops then applies effective strategies - uses multiple strategies with some accuracy - often demonstrates efficiency and accuracy in computational tasks 2 - demonstrates simplistic skills in computational tasks - may require reminders, guidance or review to complete computational tasks - uses one strategy or procedure in computational tasks 1 - rarely develops then applies effective strategies - requires consistent reminders, guidance or review to complete computational tasks - demonstrates limited or inadequate skills in computational tasks - consistently demonstrates efficiency and accuracy in computational tasks - very few simple errors in computation (may be present) - some simple errors in computation (may be present) - major errors in computation - sometimes selfchecks their solutions based on judgement and reasonableness of answers - rarely self-checks their solutions based on judgement and reasonableness of answers - rarely or never selfchecks their solutions - consistently uses teacher/peer feedback to apply corrections to their work - sometimes uses teacher/peer feedback to apply corrections to their work - rarely uses teacher/peer feedback to apply corrections to their work 4 3 2 1 - consistently selects and executes focused and appropriate strategies - when asked can explain their reasoning for using a strategy and the steps they took to reach their answer - effectively and accurately uses multiple strategies - consistently and correctly executes appropriate strategies - sometimes correctly selects and executes appropriate strategies - when asked can usually explain their reasoning for using a strategy and/or the steps they took to reach their answer - uses multiple strategies with some accuracy - sometimes demonstrates partial development of strategies in written or verbal form - shows little or no selection or execution of appropriate strategies - needs step-by-step instructions to begin the problem - consistently shows the ability to selfcorrect work and make necessary adjustments based on number reasoning - often shows ability to correct work and make necessary adjustment based on number reasoning - consistently selfchecks their solutions based on judgement and reasonableness of answers - when asked can sometimes explain part of their reasoning for using a strategy and/or some of the steps they took to reach their answer - inconsistently shows ability to correct work and make necessary adjustments based on number reasoning - occasionally requires guidance in order to create an appropriate plan before executing the strategy - when asked cannot explain their reasoning for using a strategy and/or some of the steps they took to reach their answer - rarely shows the ability to correct work and make necessary adjustments based on number reasoning 4 Models, represents and communicates mathematical ideas 3 2 - an accurate, thorough, symbolic and/or complex math representation is clearly presented to analyze and communicate information and relationships - an appropriate, detailed and accurate math representation is clearly constructed to analyze and communicate information and relationships - a simple, partial and/or limited math representation is constructed to record and communicate information - precise math language, organized/labelled visuals and symbolic notation are used to consolidate thinking and communicate ideas clearly - able to justify and defend their understanding in multiple ways (verbal, written, concrete, pictorial and symbolic) - specific math language and organized/labelled visuals are used throughout work to share and clarify ideas - simplistic language/visuals are used to communicate information - tries to justify and defend their understanding in multiple ways - the information communicated may not be very clearly represented - everyday and familiar language is used to communicate ideas - a modeled representation may have been used to guide organizing information and communicating ideas 1 - little or no effort has been made to construct a math representation - ideas are not communicated/limited information has made communication unclear - a step-by-step visual organizer or significant support may have been used to communication of ideas and information - does not record and explain reasoning and procedures clearly and completely - information is communicated with very few minor errors or omissions - information is communicated with some minor errors or omissions - there are significant errors or omissions - there are major errors or omissions