SHAWANO October 7, 2013 Julie Van Dyck PRESENT: SCHOOL DISTRICT 5:30 P.M. Regular Meeting President District Board Room – Shawano Community High School Marcia Yeager, Jay Jones, Derek Johnson, Julie Van Dyck, Tyler Schmidt, Bruce Milavitz, Al Heins, Diane Hoffman. President Van Dyck called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. following a verification of quorum. Mrs. Van Dyck invited community comments. Anne Beck commented was a big help. Mrs. Yeager congratulated coaches and team winning Homecoming. Mr. Schmidt thanked Mr. Mayer for his service. Hillcrest will be presented at WASB I.D. Approval of Agenda – Mr. Heins moved to approve the agenda; Mr. Jones seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. I.E. Approval of Minutes of the September 16, 2013 Meeting – Mr. Schmidt moved to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2013 meeting; Mr. Heins seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. I.F. Student Report – SCHS – Morgan Crawford reported on activities at Shawano Community High School. II. Tour of the High School Addition – Greg Brown, provided a tour of the new addition on the high school which is still being worked on. 6:23 p.m. III. Community Relations Report – Diane Hoffman reported on the recent Community Relations Committee meeting regarding signage, press releases, communication plan – community engagement meetings – October 30th on Common Core, have an email as an avenue for people to comment. IV. External Budget Review – Gail Moesch reviewed the letter from Dr. George Carlin of Three Lakes School District on the external budget review regarding the excellent job administration is doing in managing the district budget. She reviewed items he noted in his report. The report will be posted on the district website. V. Wisconsin OPEB Trust Agreement – The resolution authorizing the adoption of the Wisconsin OPEB Trust is presented for approval. The resolution designates BMO as the financial institution for the funds. Mr. Heins moved to approve the resolution designating BMO as financial funds; Mr. Jones seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. VI. Donation – Mrs. Smith presented information on the $566.00 donation from R & S Motorsports. Money was raised by customers trying out Polaris equipment. The money is designated for the culture fair. Mr. Jones moved to accept the donation from R & S Motorsports of $566.00 to Olga Brener School for the culture fair; Dr. Johnson seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. VII. School Learning Plans and Report Card Overview – The scores for each schools state report card were presented along with each school’s learning plans/goals. VIII. 2013-14 Preliminary Enrollment – Third Friday Count – Preliminary 2013-14 Third Friday Count student enrollment information was provided. IX. Youth Options – Information and a recommendation was provided on the 2013-14 second semester four youth option requests. Dr. Johnson moved to accept the youth option requests as presented; Mr. Milavitz seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. X. Superintendent Report – Mr. Cumberland reviewed his report to include a review of meeting dates, change of date for Community Relations Committee meeting which will be in November, need to set date for retreat in November Wednesday the 20th or Monday the 25th, WASB School Law Seminar, CESA 8 Legal Seminar, Board In-service, community information meeting 7 – 8:00 in SCHS Auditorium on Wednesday, October 30th, and the district website. XI. Adjourn to Closed Session – Mrs. Yeager moved to adjourn to closed session per Wisconsin Statute exemption 19.85(1)(c) for consideration of personnel and compensation and (f) consideration of student data; Mr. Jones seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. Meeting adjourned to closed session 7:20 p.m. XII. Reconvene into Open Session – The meeting reconvened into open session at 10:15 p.m. Mr. Schmidt moved to approve Kelly Swartz at the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and assessment with a salary of $88,000 as of October 1, 2013; Mr. Heins seconded. Yeager, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye”. Jones, Johnson, “no”. Motion carried. Mr. Schmidt moved to approve a one year contract for Rex Wachtel as Associate Principal with a salary of $70,000 as of October 1, 2013; Mr. Heins seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. XIII. Adjourn – Mrs. Hoffman moved to adjourn; Dr. Johnson seconded. Yeager, Jones, Johnson, Van Dyck, Schmidt, Milavitz, Heins, Hoffman, “aye” motion carried. Meeting adjourned 10:17 p.m.