Who inspired Aristotle

Who inspired Aristotle?
 Inspired Plato
 Valued Epistemology and logic
 “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
 The highest pursuit is to contemplate the good.
 Taught Aristotle at the school of Athens (Mandatory togas)
 Believed in the creation of a utopian city called the Republic.
 Ethical considerations; Infanticide, assigned duties, arranged marriages to
produce super-children (genetic engineering).
 A virtue is a character trait or qualities valued as being always good in and
of itself. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting individual
and collective well being.
 Aristotle believed that there are two types of virtues
1. Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity (Love). Sound
2. Cardinal Virtues: Temperance (moderation and self-restraint)
Prudence (good judgment and wisdom)
Courage (fortitude)
Justice (fairness)
 These are same virtues that Thomas Aquinas saw in
successful people (pg. 132 of our text).