The global network for the materials cycle The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS DIVISION ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2014 1. Board membership Chairman Prof Serena M Best, University of Cambridge Secretary Dr Gabriela Juarez Martinez, KTN Limited Mrs Sue Dunkerton, KTN Limited Dr Geoffrey Andrews, CEO, Ranier Technology Dr. Anna Angus-Smyth, EPSRC Professor William Bonfield, Cambridge Dr Julian Braybrook, LGC Professor Justin Cobb, Imperial College Professor Lucy Di Silvio, Kings College London (Former President of UKSB, secretary of European Society of Biomaterials) Professor Sandra Downes, University of Manchester Dr Minoo Esat, Independent Consultant Dr David Farrar, Smith & Nephew Mr Roger Feneley, Independent (retired urology surgeon) Professor Paul Hatton, University of Sheffield Dr Jie Huang, UCL Dr Andrew Jackson, The Technology Partnership plc Dr Julian Jones, Imperial College Mr Brian Kent, Independent Prof Jonathan Knowles, UCL Prof David Lee, Queen Mary University of London (and representative of TCES) Prof Andrew Lewis, Biocompatibles UK plc Professor Andrew Lloyd, University of Brighton Professor Brian Meenan, Nanotechnology & Integrated Bio-Engineering Centre, University of Ulster Professor John Nicholson, St Mary’s University Professor Neil Rushton, Cambridge Professor Elizabeth Tanner, University of Glasgow Dr Irene Turner, University of Bath Professor Matteo Santin, University of Brighton Professor Pankaj Vadgama, Director, Biomedical Materials IRC, Queen Mary University of London Prof Rachel Williams, University of Liverpool Mr David Sharp, Consultant, Ipswich Hospital IOM3 Staff Geoff Hale, IOM3 Catherine Tuke, IOM3 Melanie Boyce, IOM3 Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16 2 2. Board meetings 20 January 2014, Carlton House Terrace, London Attendees (13) Chairman Prof Serena M Best Dr David Farrar Dr Rachel Williams Mrs Sue Dunkerton Dr Julian Jones Dr Irene Turner Prof Andy Lewis Prof Pankaj Vadgama Dr Minoo Esat Prof Lucy Di Silvio Dr Julian Braybrook Mr Roger Feneley Prof Liz Tanner 19 May 2014, Carlton House Terrace, London Attendees (12) Chairman Prof Serena M Best Mr Roger Feneley Dr Minoo Esat Dr Irene Turner Prof Julian Jones Dr Anna Angus-Smyth Mr David Sharp Prof Sandra Downes Prof Rachel Williams Dr Brian Kent Prof Pankaj Vadgama Dr Julian Braybrook 14 October 2014, Carlton House Terrace, London Attendees (15) Chairman Prof Serena M Best Prof Pankaj Vadgama Mr Roger Feneley Prof Paul Hatton Prof Julian Jones Geoff Hale Prof Jonathan Knowles Dr Irene Turner Dr Jie Huang Mrs Sue Dunkerton Prof Rachel Williams Dr Julian Braybrook Dr David Farrar Prof Andy Lewis Dr Gabriela Juarez Martinez Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16 3 3. Activities during 2014 1.1. Technical programme Self-Assembly Network Pankaj Vadgama (PV) noted that he had attended a meeting of this EPSRC Network. It is relevant to the Division, particularly as he saw the Network as still working on fundamental surface chemistry but not really addressing the important translation/applied research. RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting The Division had heard this was a good meeting. Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Venice. Prof Lucy Di Silvio (LDS) had attended this meeting and noted it had been the best meeting in years. Targeted young career people from both academia and clinical and networked these with more experienced mentors. Some very good initiatives in the meeting. ESB and UKSB Meetings, Liverpool, September 2014. UKSB had a lower numbers of attendees than usual as a result of running within/alongside the ESB meeting but overall the meting was seen as being very good. Annual Congress of Electrochemistry, Lausanne. The relevant contribution was the increasing use of electrochemistry as an analytical tool for cell culture, including imaging. MeDe Innovation Workshop, Sheffield. Paul Hatton attended this workshop. This is a network around manufacturing and materials. It included industrial representatives and regulators talking around the entire translational pathway between industry and academia. Summary; details in Appendix FUTURE MEETINGS Spine Symposium Mino Esat (ME) was intending to organise this meeting with support of the IoM3, but the costs are very high. Serena Best and ME are looking for alternative venues. 5th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, 7-10th April, 2015. This is a joint meeting organised by the Chinese Society for Biomaterials and the European Society for Biomaterials (President Matteo Santin) to be held in Zhejiang, China. 11th WBC 2020 Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC), Glasgow Professors Tanner and DiSilvio are organising this meeting in 2020. Members of the Biomedical Applications Division will be involved with assisting in organising this major event which is expected to attract more than 2000 attendees. 1.2. Web-site developments Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16 4 The Division kept up to date with changes to the website over the year, as has worked to include articles of relevance to the biomaterials community. 1.3. Engagement with technical community and/or local societies Educating Teachers in Biomaterials This discussion highlighted some uncertainty over what was really needed and what could be provided which would not be too costly/time consuming. There was a willingness to support as many could see the advantages of getting teachers enabled to better present options available in biomaterials, but it was noted how any materials must fit within the constraints of the national curriculum. There is no immediate urgency to this request, so it was suggested that Diane Aston attend a future meeting to open up the discussion on specific material needed and also many members of the Division would be open to be interviewed to present the range of career prospects. Evening Lectures Professor Best co-organised a joint meeting of CAMSoc and the Biological Society of East Anglia for an evening of lectures and discussion in November 2014. 1.4. Contributions to IoM3 house journals The report on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in the UK has been circulated widely and has received attention from both Government ministers and also EPSRC. 1.5. Other 3.1.1. Foresight/ Innovation and Growth The Division has kept abreast of innovation activities through the HealthTech and Medicines KTN, in particular inputting to call topics for regenerative medicine and in supporting meetings addressing clinical need where materials might provide new solutions. Professor Lewis and Ms. Dunkerton are members of the EPSRC SAT in Healthcare Technologies. The ESPRC undertook a survey of the field under the banner “Grand Challenges”. Members of the BMADiv. were consulted and Professor Best provided feedback to the EPSRC on behalf of the Division. 4. Strategy and Objectives for 2015 and Beyond 1.1. Opportunities and Constrains The Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering field continues to grow and there is significant activity in both industry and academia. The Division seeks to bring together industrialists, academics and clinicians to focus on and highlight key topics in the field. The major constraint continues to be the availability of time to bring the various important players in the field together. 1.2. Specific targets for 2015 To continue to highlight the outcomes of the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Report. The Committee aim to assist Diane Aston with producing material that will be suitable for distribution to teachers and school-age children Members of the Biomedical Applications Division are keen to continue to organise meetings which bring together clinicians and scientists / engineers. There are a number of Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16 5 areas within the biomaterials field that would benefit further from this type of interactive meeting. 1.3. Outline plans for the 4 years beyond 2015 Professor Best will be stepping down from the Chair during 2015. The Biomedical Applications Division is not a UK Society, (this purpose is served by the UK Society for Biomaterials). Rather, the Divisional Committee brings together leading members of the fields of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering to provide input to the Government and the relevant Research Councils and to provide information to the community about events and activities on-going in the field. It is intended that the Division will continue to serve the community in this manner over the next 4 years and beyond. Appendix: Technical Programme as of December 2013 Date 10th Feb 2014 Status (Held /Progressing /Planned) Held Title Location Launch meeting – 1, CHT Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Report Organising Financial Division(s) Underwriter /Committee(s) (IOM3/ /Collaborators Local/ Other) 100% Target No's BMADiv 100% >50 IOM3 Actual No’s 7th/8th January Held 2014 RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Meeting Manchester University RSC No financial Biomaterials underwriting Special Interest from Iom3 Group ~70 ~70 2nd -3rd Sep 2014 Held ESB and UKSB Meetings Liverpool ESB and ESB UKSB (including members of the BMADiv) 100% c.700 8th Sep 2014 Held Workshop on Biological & Biomimetic Materials Sheffield Planned Spine Symposium 7-10th Apr 2015 Planned Zhejiang, 5th China-Europe China Symposium on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering ESB / Chinese Society for Biomaterials 2020 Planned 11th WBC WBC Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16 London EPSRC 100 Centre for Innovative Manufacturin g of Medical Devices (MeDe Innovation) Glasgow 75 IOM3 n/a WBC n/a 6 5th-6th Jan 2015 Planned RSC Biomaterials Chemistry London 24th- 25th Jun 2015 Planned UKSB Annual Conference Belfast 30th Aug -4th Sep 2015 Planned ESB Annual Conference Krakow 17th – 22 May 2016 Planned World Biomaterials Congress Montreal, Canada June, 2015 Planned Nano4Life Wales, UK Annual Report BMADiv IOM3 08/02/16