Collection Policy: Engineering 1. Introduction The Lakehead University Library supports the instructional and research needs of students and faculty working within the Faculty of Engineering. From 1949 to 1970 first year courses in applied science were offered at the Lakehead Technical Institute/Lakehead University that could be applied for entry into engineering degree programs at other institutions. The two year engineering technology diploma course was introduced in 1965 and a third year was introduced in 1968 for further study of chemical metallurgical technology, civil technology and electronics. Degree programs started in 1972 for qualifications in mechanical, civil, electronic, and chemical engineering. In the 1990’s the faculty extended its outreach to prospective students by introducing the Native Access Program as well as a post diploma program for community college graduates. The first master’s degree program was introduced in control engineering in 1996 and a diploma program in software engineering was started in 1999 and extended to a full 4 year degree option in 2001. The interdisciplinary Master of Science in Environmental Engineering was first offered in 2008 and the faculty started graduate level courses in electrical and computer engineering and mechanical engineering in 2009 and 2013, respectively. A PhD in Electrical and Computer engineering was proposed in 2010. The Faculty of Engineering currently offers the following academic programs: Diploma in Engineering Technology (in civil, electrical, chemical, mechanical or software engineering) Bachelor of Engineering Degree (in civil, electrical, chemical, mechanical or software engineering) Master of Science in Control Engineering Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Common year of applied sciences (for entrance to the Bachelor of Engineering degree program) The Chancellor Paterson Library is the main location for the print collection. Print monograph and print journal collections are enhanced by a substantial and growing collection of electronic resources. Users also have access to the print and electronic collections at the Health Sciences Library of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. The library’s monograph collection is enhanced by a government document collection as it has been a depository for federal government publications since 1967 and for Ontario government publications since 1972. Government resources have traditionally been made available in print but are now disseminated exclusively in electronic format. Access to these publications is available through the library’s online catalogue. Resources from departments such as the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, the Canadian Transportation Agency, as well as the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment would be of interest. 2. History of the Collection Supporting diploma and introductory applied science curriculum from 1949 followed by areas of focus in civil, electronic, mechanical and pulp and paper manufacturing since 1970, the collection has a solid foundation and retrospective collection in civil and electronic engineering. The library’s collection has grown with the implementation of new programs and in response to scientific developments. In recent years the program has benefitted from consortial purchasing, the acquisition of substantial number of electronic books through Springer, as well as the inclusion of new engineering indexes in the Ebsco discovery layer. Based on analysis of the collection and in light of recent program developments, areas for anticipated collection growth are outlined in this report; See charts 1, 2 and the section on strengths and weaknesses. 3. Languages Acquisitions are primarily in the English language. 4. Chronological Guidelines Emphasis is on the acquisition of current material. 5. Geographical Guidelines There are no geographical restrictions. 6. Types of Material The library actively collects monographs, journals, government documents, conference proceedings and reference materials. Materials in the collection also include dissertations, theses, and annual reports. The predominant format for monographs is print although the library is progressively building the electronic book collection. The predominant format for journals and government documents is electronic. 7. Subject Areas/Levels Print and electronic monograph support for engineering programs is shown in the following charts organized by Library of Congress classification. Collection areas in the tables below are ranked by a collection level; basic, initial study, advanced study or research. Basic represents an introductory collection. Initial defines a collection that adequately supports undergraduate curriculum. Advanced study adequately supports work at the graduate level and a research level collection would support work at the doctoral or faculty level. Areas with a target level that exceeds the current level are areas to consider for improvement. More specific topics for development are identified in the strengths and weaknesses section. Chart 1 outlines collection support in the Library of Congress classification T to TS which cover four of the main undergraduate instructional areas; Civil engineering is supported by class TA as well as classes, TE,TG, and TH. Mechanical engineering and machinery is supported by class TJ, as well as TH and TS. Electrical engineering is supported by class TK. Chemical engineering is supported by class TP and QD (chart 2) Chart 1 also reflects graduate level support for control engineering, mechanical engineering and environmental engineering programs. Control engineering is largely supported by class TJ and TK. Coverage on chemical processes (TP155) and manufacturing processes (TS155.8) is also relevant. Electrical engineering is supported by class TK. Mechanical engineering is supported by class TJ, TH and TS. Environmental engineering is supported by class TD as well as soil mechanics (TA), and classes GE and S (shown on chart 2). Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class 1 Industrial engineering T 55.4-60.8 2 Total: general technology T 1-995 Current Level Target Level Advanced Advanced Initial Initial Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level 3 Engineering mathematics and analysis TA 329-348 Initial Initial 4 Engineering mechanics (statics, dynamics, acoustics) TA 349-359 Initial Advanced 5 Applied fluid mechanics TA 357-359 Initial Advanced 6 Materials science. Strength testing, elasticity, etc. TA 401-492 Advanced Advanced 7 Composite materials TA 418.9 Initial Advanced 8 Surveying TA 501-625 Basic Basic 9 Structural engineering and structural design TA 630-695 Advanced Advanced 10 Engineering geology. Soil mechanics TA 703-712 Initial Advanced 11 Foundations. Tunneling. TA 715-820 Initial Initial 12 Applied optics TA 1501-1820 Advanced Advanced 13 Total: civil engineering TA 1-2040 Advanced Advanced 14 Hydraulic engineering TC 1-1800 Initial Initial 15 Environmental technology: pollution TD 172-196 Advanced Advanced Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level 16 Soil, air and noise pollution TD 878-894 Initial Advanced 17 Hazardous substances and their disposal TD 1020-1066 Initial Advanced 18 Total: environmental/sanitary engineering TD 1-1066 Initial Advanced 19 Highway engineering, roads and pavement TE 1 450 Advanced Advanced 20 Railway engineering TF 1-1620 Basic Basic 21 TG 1-470 Basic Basic TH 1-9745 Initial Initial Bridge engineering 22 Building construction 23 Power resources and energy conservation TJ 163.13-165 Initial Initial 24 Mechanics applied to machinery: dynamics, kinematics. TJ170-209 Basic Initial 25 Robotics (general) and industrial robotics TJ 210.2-211.5 TS 191.8 Initial Advanced 26 Control systems TJ 212-225 Initial Advanced 27 Combustion engineering. Heat exchange. Thermodynamics. TJ 254-267 Initial Advanced Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects 28 Solar energy. Wind power 29 Turbines and steam engineering/steam engines 30 Other motors and engines Current Level Target Level TJ 807-828 Initial Advanced TJ 266-737 Basic Initial TJ 751-789 Basic Initial LC Class 31 Hydraulics: machinery, pumps and pipelines TJ 836-934 Basic Initial 32 Machinery: axles, bearings brakes, belts, etc. TJ 1040-1119 Basic Basic 33 Machine engineering and machine tools TJ 1135-1345 Basic Initial 34 Total: mechanical engineering and machinery TJ 1-1570 Initial Advanced 35 Electrical engineering TK1-500 Initial Advanced 36 Circuits TK 454 TK 3226 TK 7867-68 Initial Initial 37 Production of electric power TK 1001-1841 Initial Initial TK 2000-2891 Basic Basic TK 2896-2986 Basic Basic 38 Dynamoelectric machinery 39 Production of electricity by direct energy conversion – batteries, Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level Initial Initial Advanced Advanced applied thermoelectricity Transmission of electric power – 40 wiring, conductors, insulating material, fuses, connectors. TK 3001-3521 41 Electronics, special circuits, apparatus, materials, transistors. TK 78007881.W44 42 Semiconductors TK 7871.85-.99 Initial Advanced 43 Microelectronics. Integrated circuits TK 7874-7875 Initial Advanced 44 Microprocessors Microprocessors in control engineering TK 7895M5 TJ 223.M53 Basic Initial 45 Coding theory and cryptography TK 5102.9-.98 Basic Initial 46 Data transmission systems TK 51055105.45 Initial Initial 47 Computer networks – LANS and WANS TK 5105.5-.875 Advanced Research 48 Internet browsers, search engines, web servers, etc. TK 5105.8785105.9 Advanced Research Network security TK 5105.59 TK 5105.78 TK 5105.8865 Initial Advanced 49 Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level Initial Advanced Advanced Advanced 50 Computer engineering hardware (input output devices etc.) TK 7885-7895 51 Total: electrical engineering and electronics TK 1-9971 52 Motor vehicles. aeronautics and astronautics TL Initial Advanced TN 860-879 Basic Initial 53 Petroleum engineering 54 Chemical plants and chemical process control TP 155.5-.75 Initial Initial 55 Chemical processes; adsorption, diffusion, drying etc. TP156.a-z Initial Initial 56 Chemicals; manufacture, use, biochemical engineering TP 200-248 Initial Initial 57 Biotechnology TP 248.13-.65 Initial Advanced 58 Fuel TP 315-360 Initial Initial 59 Gas industry TP 751-762 Basic Basic TP785-873 Basic Basic TP 950-993 Basic Initial 60 Clay industries, ceramics stoneware 61 Misc. organic chemical industries: oils, fertilizers, gums etc. Chart 1. Engineering support by Library of Congress class T-TS # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level 62 Chemical waste, utilization of TP 994-997 Basic Initial 63 Polymers and polymer manufacture TP 10801185.T5 Basic Initial Initial Initial Basic Initial Initial Advance 64 Total chemical technology TP 1-1185 65 TS 155.8 Control of production systems Total: 66 manufacturing/industrial engineering TS 1-2301 Chart 2 identifies support for the undergraduate and graduate curriculum in software engineering as well as the graduate programs in environmental engineering and electrical and computer engineering. Computer engineering is supported by a subset of the mathematics class (QA) as shown on chart 2 and the electronics class TK (shown above). Additional support for environmental engineering is shown in class ranges GE, and S Supporting ranges from mathematics, (QA) physics (QC) and chemistry (QD) have been included in chart 2 as they pertain to undergraduate and graduate programs; This includes topics such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, semiconductors, and polymers etc. Chart 2: Computer and environmental science support by Library of Congress class and supplementary resources in physics and chemistry Current Level Target Level Advanced Advanced Initial Advanced QA 76.6-.73z2 Advanced Advanced Computer software QA 76.75-.765 Advanced Advanced 5 Operating systems. Windows XP, Linux, Unix QA76.76O63 Initial Advanced 6 Software engineering QA 76.758 Initial Advanced 7 Computer software development QA76.76D47 Initial Advanced 8 Access control – computer security QA 76.9A25 Advanced Advanced 9 Computer architecture QA 76.9 A73 Basic Advanced QA 76.9D343 Basic Initial # Subjects 1 Environmental sciences GE 1-350 2 Soil science, soil conservation S590-599.9 S622-627 3 Programming and programming languages 4 10 Data mining LC Class 11 Database management and design. Data structure. QA 76.9D26D32 Initial Advanced 12 System design QA 76.9 S88 Basic Initial Chart 2: Computer and environmental science support by Library of Congress class and supplementary resources in physics and chemistry # 13 Subjects Total: computer science and software LC Class QA 75.576.95 Current Level Target Level Advanced Advanced 14 Supplementary resources 15 Soil science, soil conservation S590-599.9 S622-627 Initial Advanced 16 Analytical chemistry QD 71-142 Initial Advanced Polymers and polymer chemistry QD 196196.999 QD 380-388 Initial Initial Inorganic chemistry: metals , non18 metals, special elements, salts, inorganic polymers etc. QD 146-197 Initial Advanced 19 QD 241-411 Advanced Advanced Physical and theoretical chemistry: 20 elements, compounds, physical properties and laws, reactions. QD 450-801 Advanced Research 21 Total: chemistry materials QD 1-999 Advanced Advanced 22 Control theory QA 402.3 Initial Initial 23 Analytic mechanics, statics, kinematics and dynamics and fluid QA801-871QA901-930 Initial Initial 17 Organic chemistry Chart 2: Computer and environmental science support by Library of Congress class and supplementary resources in physics and chemistry # Subjects LC Class Current Level Target Level QC 310-338.5 Initial Initial QC133-168.86 Initial Advanced Advanced Advanced Initial Advance mechanics 24 Thermodynamics and heat transfer 25 Dynamics, kinematics, fluid mechanics, pneumatics 26 Electricity (physics) QC 501-721 27 Semiconductors (physics) QC 610.9611.W53 8. Interdisciplinary Activities Interdisciplinary courses include the MSc in Environmental Engineering and the MSc in Control Engineering. The MSc in Environmental Engineering provides a common curriculum to graduates from engineering and related natural sciences with support from faculty members from the disciplines of chemical, civil and mechanical engineering, biology, chemistry, natural resources management and geology. The MSc in Control Engineering is offered jointly to graduates from chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering. 9. Strengths/Weaknesses The monograph collection is strongest in electrical engineering and electronics and civil engineering. Resources in computer science are also strong through the monograph collection and an extensive collection of electronic conference proceedings. Chemical engineering is well supported by materials in both chemical technology (TP) and the broader coverage of chemistry in class QD. Mechanical engineering and related disciplines of manufacturing and industrial engineering are the weakest areas of the collection and could use additional monograph support. Analysis of the monograph collection in consideration of the undergraduate curriculum has identified the following areas for improvement. Support for mechanical engineering could be improved through the acquisition of materials in machine design and mechatronics. Additional resources could be acquired on data mining, packet switching, computer/software testing and debugging for the undergraduate program in software engineering. Electrical engineering collections could improve topical coverage of transistors, radio frequency integrated circuits, and fuel cells and chemical engineering could benefit from the acquisition of more recent materials in polymers/polymer manufacturing and resources on the topics of chemical plant design and reactor design. A few titles in gas and fuel technology would also be recommended as the collection is largely focused on biomass materials as fuel. Analysis of the monograph collection in consideration of the graduate curriculum has identified the following areas for improvement. Control engineering resources could be improved with selective acquisition in the following areas; actuators and control boards for electrical engineering, delay lines, feed-forward control systems, robust control, hydraulic control, intelligent control systems and PID controllers. Environmental engineering curriculum could benefit from updating the materials on soil science, soil pollution and air pollution as well as acquiring additional materials on hazardous substance disposal. The electrical and computer engineering program could use additional materials on photovoltaics, evaluation of computer performance, Internet and network engineering as well as application specific integrated circuits. Mechanical engineering could use additional sources in elasticity, emission systems for combustion engines, the application of signal processing in control as well as the use of geothermal, solar, and wind technologies for heating and electrical power. Journal collections Journal support of engineering programs is very strong largely due to the impact of electronic journal subscriptions. The library holds an extensive collection of electronic journals in support of mechanical engineering-manufacturing and control systems, as well as software and electrical engineering. Electronic journal coverage is solid in chemical technology and civil engineering. Within the collection there is substantial topical coverage of biotechnology, industrial processes, polymers, materials science, fuel technology, structural engineering and environmental engineering. In some areas the journal collection is not only substantial, but the quality of resources are very high. For example, the library’s electronic journal holdings reflect 66 percent of the top ranked journals listed in the SCImago Journal Rankings (SJR) for Networking, 61 percent of the top ranked journals on software and over 90 percent of the SJR top 100 titles for computer science. The library also maintains memberships in the American Society for Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Institute of Civil Engineers. 10. Thunder Bay and Regional Resources The Paterson Library Commons at Confederation College contains a selection of monographs of relevance to engineering. 11. Internet Resources The library maintains links to engineering resources on the Internet via the electronic subject guide which provides content on chemical, civil, electronic, mechanical and software engineering. The subject guide helps direct researchers to library resources to support their research including reference sources, electronic journal indexes and citation manuals. Subject guides are also maintained for the related disciplines of chemistry, computer science, environmental studies, geology and mathematical sciences. 12. Liaison The Faculty of Engineering is responsible for selecting appropriate library resources. A library representative from the faculty liaises with a designated Collections Development Librarian with respect to the library budget, the acquisitions process and cancellation projects. It is the responsibility of the Collection Development Librarian to ensure that relevant information regarding new publications is forwarded to the faculty library representative for consideration. The library welcomes donations of library resources which fall within the scope of its collection. 13. Weeding Weeding will be done on an ongoing basis to preserve the quality, currency and strength of the collection. January 2014 ____________________ ___________________ Library Representative Collection Development Librarian Faculty of Engineering ____________________ ___________________ Date Date