Word - Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association

Presented in Partnership by:
CTRA 20th & TRO 17th Annual Conference
Crowne Plaza Kitchener-Waterloo
Kitchener, ON
June 1-3, 2016
Working in partnership, the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association (CTRA),
Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) and Therapeutic Recreation Association of
Waterloo-Wellington (TRAW) are inviting submissions for our joint conference.
Conference Theme: “Connecting our Passion for Compassion”
Submission Deadline: November 20th, 2015
The CTRA-TRO joint national conference provides a unique learning opportunity for
recreation therapists, students, educators and other recreation professionals. Building
on our theme for this year, it is our hope that our conference will strengthen
relationships and meet professional needs, as well as celebrate the contributions of
TRO and CTRA members in advancing the TR profession across Canada.
The 2016 conference committee invites those interested professionals to access the
Call for papers via the CTRA website:
Sessions/topics not previously presented are particularly encouraged.
Title of Session: (20 words of less; Descriptive of content; Related to NCTRC Job
Analysis and TRO PCC Code)
Presentation Format:
 Preconference Session: Half-day intensive (3.5 hours), or a full day
intensive (7 hours)
 Workshop: Presentation including facilitative discussion (60 or 90 minutes)
 Panel Discussion: Examination of specific topic/issue – 1 facilitator and ____
panel members – specify (60 or 90 minutes)
 Lecture: Educational presentation with questions and answer time at the end (60
or 90 minutes)
 Research: 25 minute presentation with 5 minute question and answer time at the
end (30 minutes), Presentation should be affiliated with research from a postsecondary institution
 Interactive: Experiential, participatory, facilitative (60 or 90 minutes)
Length of Session:
30 min (Research Only)
60 min
90 min
Full Day
Session Description: Session description should answer: Why would RT/TR benefit
from this session and how would this session change their daily practice? (150 words or
less; Descriptive Content; Related to NCTRC Job Analysis and TRO PCC Code)
Instructional Methods: Instructional Methods used in session
Other (Please describe)
Learning Outcomes: Provide measureable learning outcomes for each session;
Related to NCTRC Job Analysis and TRO PCC Code:
Objectives should be based on TR Job/Knowledge Analysis Document link below
Examples of acceptable learning outcomes below
Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:
Identify three benefits of performing evidence-based TR practice
Perform an internet search for a clinical question relating to TR practice
Provide an example of using evidence-based practice in daily TR service delivery
o Upon completion of this session, participants will
Demonstrate understanding of three strategies that have occurred to address TR
public policy concerns.
Identify at least three strategies they can initiate to affect public policy and the TR
profession in their local area, the state, and at the national level.
Identify three areas of where we need to go in the future for Therapeutic
Recreation as it relates to Federal Public Policy in a changing environment.
o Example of unacceptable learning outcomes:
o Participants will:
Improve knowledge of the topic
Understand public policy
Gain an understanding of the dementia practice guidelines
Participate in discussion
Learn how to have fun!
Session Outline: Provide a detailed session outline of content and methodology. If a
session includes participation, i.e. activity of any kind, it may be no more than 50% of
the session.
Example below:
Detailed Session Outline
Introduction of presenter
Short quiz
Discussion about quiz
Self-determination theory
Autonomy-supportive environment vs. a
controlled environment
Autonomy-supportive environment
Break into groups to discuss how to relate
to their agency/population
Wrap up & Evaluation
Time Alotted
5 Minutes
5 Minutes
5 Minutes
15 Minutes
20 Minutes
10 Minutes
20 Minutes
10 Minutes
NCTRC Job Analysis Areas: Check one to two of the most prominent areas of content
in this session:
☐ FKW - Foundational Knowledge
☐ ASP - Assessment Process
☐ DOC - Documentation
☐ IMP - Implementation
☐ ADM - Administration of TR/RT Services
☐ ADV - Advancement of the Profession
TRO Professional Contribution Credits: Please indicate appropriate PCC criteria
☐ Assessment
☐ Intervention
☐ Program Development
☐ Program Delivery
☐ Documentation
☐ Evaluation
☐ TR and Community Practice
☐ TR and Research
☐ Professional Development
☐ Theoretical Foundations
☐ Diagnostic Groupings/Populations
☐ Organizing/Managing Services
☐ Outreach, Advocacy and Public Relations
☐ Agency and TR Service Plan
Target Audience: (Check all that apply)
TR Practitioner
 English
 French
Audio-visual Equipment: Please check all that apply. Other equipment must be
provided by presenter
Internet access
Audio for computer
Computer & LCD projector
Speaker to provide their own computer
Room Arrangements Preferred: (Room set-ups may be limited due to logistics)
 Theatre style
 Open area
 Other (Please specify)
Additional Requests or Special Needs: List any special requests you may have for
your presentation (e.g., set up time needed, noise volume of presentation, ideal time or
day, room arrangement, activity space required, additional supply fees if any, limit to the
number of participants, etc.) Please note: These will be considered by CTRA/TRO, but
not guaranteed.
Speaker Information: Please include information for all speakers who will be
presenting session. Confirmation of session acceptance and all correspondence will be
sent to the primary speaker listed below.
Speaker(s): Names will be printed in the program brochure in the order listed here.
Name &
Speaker Biography: Please provide 150 word paragraph to be printed in the
conference program brochure)
References for Research Investigator:
Reference Name
Reference E-mail
E-mail the Following to programTRO2016@gmail.com in word document with
Session Title and Presenter in the Subject Area
Speaker Qualifications: (Describe qualifications to present this topic)
Maximum of 2 page vitae or resume (e-mailed to
o in a word document) This information will not be posted in the
program; however, is required for CEU approval process.
For Research Presenters ONLY please provide 400 word biographical (emailed to programTRO2016@gmail.com in a word document)
For Research Presentations: Abstract of Session (Limited to 500 words)
E-mail word document to programTRO2016@gmail.com
Speaker Agreements and Permissions:
 I agree that my above indicated Audio-visual Equipment is all that I require
from the conference organizers. All other equipment must be provided by me.
 Promotions and Marketing
 I agree that my session information may be used for marketing and
promotions for the CTRA/TRO conference
Speaker Handouts: Speakers and speaker handouts are key elements at professional
development conferences. This year, our CTRA/TRO 2016 Conference Planning
Committee has decided to reduce our environmental impact. We are using technology
to provide paper-free handouts to all our delegates. If you are planning to distribute
handouts of your presentation will you please join our green campaign?
 I agree to forward a pdf of my presentation or handouts (no larger than 4 MB) to
programTRO2016@gmail.com and executivedirector@canadian-tr.org 2 weeks
prior to the conference
 I grant permission to CTRA and TRO to post my presentation pdf on the CTRA
website for CTRA and TRO conference delegates to access
 I grant permission to CTRA and TRO to post my presentation pdf on the CTRA
website after conference for CTRA and TRO members to access
CTRA Conference Compendium: The CTRA Board of Directors has aspired to create
a document to celebrate the national knowledge base of therapeutic recreation practice
in Canada. We are interested in publishing a compendium of research as well as
articles related to best therapeutic recreation practice in Canada. We hope you will be a
part of this publication. As one of the potential presenters at our national conference,
you will be invited to submit a 3-page abstract of your presentation/research, which will
be provided to our delegates within the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association
2016 Annual Conference Compendium.
Submitted abstracts must be no longer than three (3) pages, including all discussion,
tables, and figures. A reference list may extend into a fourth page if necessary.
 I plan to submit a 3-page abstract of my presentation to be included in the CTRA
2016 Annual Conference Compendium 2 weeks prior to the conference
 I grant permission for CTRA to electronically publish my abstract in the CTRA
2016 Annual Conference Compendium and post on the CTRA website for CTRA
conference delegates to access
 I grant permission to CTRA to electronically post my abstract in the CTRA 2016
Annual Conference Compendium on their website after the conference for CTRA
members to access.
The Planning Committee will be in regular communication with you as we prepare the
final details for the conference. Thank you for you submission to the CTRA-TRO 2016
Leeann Ferries, MA, R/TRO, CTRS
Rebecca Thompson, BRLS, R/TRO, CTRS