Independent Auditor’s Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures RY2014 Audit Procedures - Set 1 - Project-specific Sales (Sales by Project) Only To the Board of Directors of [Participant Company for which Audit was Performed] and Center for Resource Solutions (CRS): [Name of Auditor Company] has performed the procedures enumerated below, which were agreed to by [Participant Company for which Audit was Performed], solely to assist [Participant Company for which Audit was Performed] with respect to complying with annual reporting requirements of the Center for Resource Solutions’ Green-e Climate program for the year ended December 31, 2014. This agreed-upon procedures engagement was performed in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The sufficiency of the procedures is solely the responsibility of the specified users of the report. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose. III.A. Verification of Emissions Reduction Retirements and/or Transfers The objectives of performing these procedures are to provide assurances relating to the following: The emissions reductions retired and transferred by Seller were eligible emissions reductions and accurately measured, reported and documented. 1. Obtain a completed copy of Worksheet 11 from the Seller, containing the detail of the annual retirements and transfers of emissions reductions used to supply Certified Offsets. For every project that is identified on Worksheet 1, the Project Name, Project Type, Project Location (country), Project Start Date (year), Endorsed Program, Registry Name, Project ID, Vintage (year), Quantity of Emissions Reductions (Metric tons CO2e), Registry Serial ID Number(s) (range), and Name of Wholesale Supplier (where applicable) must be disclosed on Worksheet 1. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.1 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 2. For each project listed on Worksheet 1, confirm that the Project Name, Project Type, Project Location, and Endorsed Program match the information found on the Checklist. Note if any projects on the Checklist are not included on Worksheet 1, and if any projects on Worksheet 1 are not included on the Checklist. Step III.A.2 was performed: 1 Yes. No. N/A. For descriptions of the individual Worksheets, see Appendix B of the Audit Overview and Provisions document. Page 1 of 17 Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: 3. For each project listed on Worksheet 1, confirm that the Endorsed Program reported in Column 1E is either the American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), or the Gold Standard (GS) (listed by their acronyms), and that only one Endorsed Program is reported for each project listed. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.3 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 4. For ownership of emissions reductions from the American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), and the Gold Standard (GS) listed on Worksheet 1, the Seller must have a Registry Report from an Approved Registry demonstrating the retirement or transfer of emissions reductions for Certified Offset sales. Obtain these Registry Reports. Step III.A.4 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. a. For each unique row on Worksheet 1, verify that the combination of Project Name (Column 1A), Vintage (year) (Column 1H), Project ID in Registry (Column 1G), Quantity of Emissions Reductions (metric tons CO2e) (Column 1I), and Registry Serial ID Number(s) (Column 1J) reported matches and corresponds to retirements/transfers, or aggregations thereof2, listed on the Registry Reports. Note a discrepancy in any of the above categories as an exception. Also for these retirements/transfers, please note if the “retirement reason” or “memo” field, and/or the “subaccount name” in the Registry Report indicates retirement for a voluntary program other than Green-e Climate or a compliance program, or for a RY that is not RY2014. Step III.A.4.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. On all Registry Reports, examine the Registry Serial ID Number(s) associated with all retirements/transfers indicated or marked as being for RY2014 Green-e Climate Certified sales and verify that these numbers are included in the numbers or ranges reported in Column 1J on Worksheet 1. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.4.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. c. Confirm the accuracy of all Registry Reports by accessing Seller’s Registry electronic account(s) and comparing Registry Reports to actual data in the Seller’s account(s). Follow the instructions in Section I of Appendix C of the Audit Overview and 2 Individual retirements/transfers listed in Registry Reports may be aggregated in Worksheet 1 by vintage year. Page 2 of 17 Provisions document and verify that the information in the Registry matches the information on the Registry Reports. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.4.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. The Registry used must be an Approved Registry listed on the Checklist. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.4.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 5. For each project, verify that the total unique Registry Serial ID Number(s) in Column 1J equals the total Supply of Emissions Reductions in Column 1I (if a range is provided: [end serial ID] – [beginning serial ID] + 1 = [metric tons reported in Column 1I). Note any exceptions. Step III.A.5 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 6. Examine the vintage year reported in Column 1H for each unique combination of Project Type, Project Location (country), and Endorsed Program on Worksheet 1 and verify that the Vintage (year) reported in Column 1H matches or falls within the Vintage (year or range of years) reported in Column 2E of Table 2.1 in Worksheet 2 for that combination. Step III.A.6 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 7. For hydropower facilities listed on Worksheet 13 where the Project Location (country) in Column 1C is listed as the United States or Canada, verify that at least one of the following is true for each hydropower facility listed: a. The facility is listed on the Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) website, at:; also in this case, check that the date of LIHI certification is on or before the first generation date of any emissions reduction being claimed from a LIHI Certified facility; note any exceptions; b. For Canadian hydropower facilities only, the facility is listed as EcoLogoTM Certified at:; also in this case, check that the date of EcoLogo certification is on or before the first generation date of any emissions reduction being claimed from a EcoLogo Certified facility; and/or 3 Where neither the Project Type or Project Name reported on Worksheet 1 indicate whether or not the project is a hydropower project (e.g. Project Type is reported as “Renewable Energy” and the Project Name does not contain words indicating the technology type, such as the word wind, solar, hydro, etc.), check the Registry Reports or elsewhere in the Registry to confirm. 4 If the EcoLogo website does not list the supplying facility, request documentation from the Seller that shows that the facility is EcoLogo Certified. Page 3 of 17 c. The hydropower facility consists of a turbine in a pipeline or a turbine in an irrigation canal. Explain how these were confirmed5 and note any exceptions. Step III.A.7 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 8. For hydropower facilities listed on Worksheet 1 where the Project Location (country) in Column 1C is listed as a country other than the United States or Canada, verify that the nameplate capacity of the hydropower facility is less than 10MW, or if it is a “grouped project” (consisting of more than one instance of the project activity at multiple locations within a defined geographic boundary), which is certified as a group or program of activities, verify that no single instance of the project within the group exceeds 10MW nameplate capacity.6 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.8 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 9. Examine any projects where the Endorsed Program in Column 1E is listed as CAR and the Project Type in Column 1B is listed as Forestry, and verify that the project was certified/validated under version 3.0 or later of the CAR Forest Protocol.7 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.9 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 10. Examine any projects where the Endorsed Program in Column 1E is listed as VCS. a. Confirm that the project was validated according to version VCS 2007 or VCS 3.0.8 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.10.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 5 Confirming (c) may require accessing Project Description documentation for the project, which for ACR, VCS, and GS projects is available through the Registries and through public reports or project registries available on their respective websites. 6 Confirming this may require accessing Project Description documentation for the project, which for ACR, VCS, and GS projects is available through the Registries and through public reports or project registries available on their respective websites. 7 Verifying this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the CAR Registry or using the Project Documentation link here: 8 Confirming this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the VCS Registry or through the VCS Project Database located here: Auditors should review the validation (not verification) report and Project Design Document (PDD). If still unsure, Auditors should contact VCS at 202 480 2282. Page 4 of 17 b. If the project was validated according to version VCS 2007 and used VCS “Test 2 – Performance Test” to demonstrate additionality (see the Project Design Document for the project, available on the VCS website9), confirm that the performance standard used explicitly lists eligible technologies. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.10.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. c. Where the Project Type in Column 1B is NOT listed as Agriculture, Forestry and/or Land Use (AFOLU), confirm that the period of time for which GHG reductions/removals are verified (verification period) does not exceed three years.10 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.10.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. Where the Project Type in Column 1B is listed as Agriculture, Forestry, and/or Land Use project, confirm that the period of time for which GHG reductions/removals are verified (verification period) does exceed seven years.11 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.10.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. e. Where the Project Type in Column 1B is listed as Agriculture, Forestry, and/or Land Use, verify receipt of proof from Seller that the project meets the native species requirement under the Green-e Climate Standard v2.112 (Section 6.4.d, pg. 10). Note any exceptions. Step III.A.10.e was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. f. Where the Project Type in Column 1B is listed as Agriculture, Forestry, and/or Land Use, and where the project start date is before 2002, verify that the project was validated with 5 years of the start date.13 Note any exceptions. 9 The PDD can be obtained through the VCS Registry or through the VCS Project Database located here: 10 Confirming this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the VCS Registry or through the VCS Project Database located here: Auditors should review the verification (not validation) report. If still unsure, Auditors should contact VCS at 202 480 2282. 11 Ibid. 12 The Green-e Climate Standard v2.1 is located here: 13 Confirming this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the VCS Registry or through the VCS Project Database located here: If still unsure, Auditors should contact VCS at 202 480 2282. Page 5 of 17 Step III.A.10.f was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 11. Examine any projects where the Endorsed Program in Column 1E is listed as ACR. 14 a. Confirm that the project was validated in accordance with an ACR methodology that was approved after v2.0 of the ACR Standard in 2010. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.11.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. Confirm that the project was not operational for five years without becoming validated or producing verified emissions reductions according to ACR’s or another Endorsed Program’s requirements (i.e. that the period of time between the project’s start date and the date of validation does not exceed 5 years).15 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.11.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. c. Where the Project Type on Column 1B is listed as Agriculture, Forestry and/or Land Use (AFOLU), determine whether the project was registered under ACR’s Afforestation and Reforestation of Degraded Lands methodology. If so, verify that the project was approved under v1.1 or later of the methodology.16 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.11.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. Where the Project Type on Column 1B is listed as Industrial Process Emissions, determine whether the project was registered under ACR’s Conversion of High-Bleed Pneumatic Controllers in Oil and Natural Gas Systems methodology. If so, verify that the project was approved under v1.1 or later of the methodology.17 Note any exceptions. Step III.A.11.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 14 Confirming this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the APX registry or through the ACR Project Database located here: If still unsure, Auditors should contact ACR at 703-302-6500. 15 Confirming this may require accessing documentation for the project, which can be obtained through the APX registry or through the ACR Project Database located here: If still unsure, Auditors should contact ACR at 703-302-6500. 16 Ibid. 17 Ibid. Page 6 of 17 12. Test the mathematical accuracy of Worksheet 1. Agree total Quantity of Emissions Reductions in Column 1I of Table 1 to the total listed in the last row of Column 1I. Note any exceptions. Step III.A.12 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. B. Verification of Sales The objectives of performing these procedures are to provide assurances relating to the following: The emissions reductions sold were accurately measured and reported. The quantity and characteristics of the emissions reductions sold are accurately calculated and reported. 1. Obtain a completed copy of Worksheet 2. Reference the Seller’s Checklist for a list of the projects that must be included in Table 2.1. For each project listed in Column 2A of Table 2.1, confirm that the Project Name (Column 2A), Project Type (Column 2B), Project Location (Column 2C), and Endorsed Program (Column 2D) match the information found on the Checklist. Note if any projects on the Checklist are not included in Table 2.1, and if any projects in Table 2.1 are not included on the Checklist. Step III.B.1 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 2. Verify that projects and vintages listed in Columns 2A and 2E, respectively, in Table 2.1 match Columns 1A and 1H in Worksheet 1, respectively. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.2 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 3. Obtain copies of Internal Reporting Documents that Indicate Sales (“internal reporting documents”) from the Seller that were used to complete Worksheet 2. They should contain the details of sales and scheduled deliveries under multi-year purchase agreements per customer, including the projects, the transaction type (online sales, offline sales, automatic recurring sales, or multi-year purchase agreement), the customer type (individual/residential, commercial, or wholesale customer), the customer location (US State or non-US country), whether or not it was a sale made by a Third-party Distributor, and whether or not it was a sale for LEED certification (see Appendix B of the Audit Overview and Provisions document for a list of documents that Sellers should supply to their Auditor). From the Internal Reporting Documents: Page 7 of 17 a. Recalculate the Total Sales (metric tons CO2e) per project and per vintage (year) and agree this to sales recorded in Column 2F in Tables 2.1.18 Note any exceptions. Step III.B.3.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 4. Using the Sampling Guidelines in Section II.G of the Audit Overview and Provisions document, select a sample of customer sales transactions detailed in the Internal Reporting Documents for customers that purchased fewer than 25,000 metric tons CO 2e of emissions reductions from Seller.19,20 Report the total population size and the sample size chosen. Step III.B.4 was performed: Yes. No. Total population: Sample size: Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 5. For each transaction selected in III.B.4: a. Obtain copies of Billing Statements and/or any other necessary records that contain the details of the individual sale. This could be a multi-year agreement entered into in a previous RY, or an automatic recurring purchasing agreement entered into in a previous RY. Specify what type of records are used. Step III.B.5.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. Using Billing Statements obtained in the previous step, confirm that the emissions reductions sold per customer that is reported on the Internal Reporting Documents is accurate in terms of the amount of emissions reductions and vintage sold. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.5.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. c. Verify that the sale from each project in RY2014 occurred within the range of “Dates when Active in 2014” reported on the Checklist. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.5.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. Using the Billing Statements obtained in Step III.B.5.a, verify that the details of the sale reported on the Internal Reporting Documents are accurate, including the 18 Table 2.1 should include sales made by Third-party Distributors, and all transaction types (online sales, offline, one-time sales, deliveries under multi-year purchase agreements, and automatic recurring sales), and all customer types (sales to individual/residential customers, commercial customers, and wholesale customers). 19 Transactions made through Third-party Distributors should be included as a part of the population being sampled. Auditor should be granted access to all Third-party Distributor Billing Statements. See Step III.E.2. 20 Sales of 25,000 metric tons CO2e or more to an individual customer will be checked as part of Table 2.4. Page 8 of 17 project, vintage (year), customer type (individual, commercial, or wholesale), customer location (US state or non-US country), transaction type (online, offline, multi-year purchase agreement, or automatic recurring sale), whether or not it was a sale made by a Third-party Distributor, and whether or not it was a sale for LEED certification. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.5.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. e. Note if review of RY2014 Billing Statements reveals evidence or indication that Certified Sales were made (Billing Statements exist for sales) which were not reported on Internal Reporting Documents. Step III.B.5.e was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. f. Compare the information reported on the Internal Reporting Documents to the Project Information that the customer received and verify that the customer received the emissions reductions from the correct project and vintage. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.5.f was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 6. Confirm that the list of Project Names included in Column 2A in Table 2.1 matches both Column 2G in Table 2.2 and Column 2L in Table 2.3.21 Note any exceptions. Step III.B.6 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 7. Using Internal Reporting Documents obtained in Step III.B.3: a. Recalculate the sales and scheduled deliveries to individual customers per project and agree this to Column 2I in Table 2.2. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. Recalculate the sales and scheduled deliveries to commercial customers per project and agree this to Column 2H in Table 2.2. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 21 Note that Table 2.1 is disaggregated by vintage (year), whereas Tables 2.2 and 2.3 are not. This means that project names may be repeated in Table 2.1 where different vintage years were sold and vintages will be combined for each project in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. Page 9 of 17 c. Recalculate the sales and scheduled deliveries to wholesale customers per project and agree this to Column 2J in Table 2.2.22 Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. Recalculate online sales per project and agree this to Column 2M in Table 2.3. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. e. Recalculate the one-time, offline sales per project and agree this to Column 2N. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.e was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. f. Recalculate the scheduled RY2014 deliveries under multi-year purchase agreements per project and agree this to Column 2O. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.f was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. g. Recalculate automatic recurring sales per project and agree this to Column 2P. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.7.g was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 8. Using the Sampling Guidelines in Section II.G of the Audit Overview and Provisions document, select a sample of transactions detailed in the Internal Reporting Documents for customers scheduled to receive deliveries in RY2014 in accordance with a multi-year purchase agreement. Report the total population size and the sample size chosen. Step III.B.8 was performed: Yes. No. Total population: Sample size: Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. a. For each transaction selected in III.B.8, verify that customer was informed of the quantity and vintage delivered this RY, either within the agreement or by the time of this audit. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.8.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 22 Sales to wholesale customers should not be included in sales to individuals or commercial customers. Rather, wholesale sales should be recorded separately in Column 2J. Page 10 of 17 b. For each transaction selected in III.B.6, verify that Project Information with accurate vintage for the most recent delivery was delivered to the customer by the time of this audit. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.8.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 9. Using the Sampling Guidelines in Section II.G of the Audit Overview and Provisions document, select a sample of transactions detailed in the Internal Reporting Documents for customers purchasing in RY2014 in accordance with an agreement for automatic recurring purchases. Report the total population size and the sample size chosen. Step III.B.9 was performed: Yes. No. Total population: Sample size: Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. a. For each transaction selected in III.B.7, verify that customer was informed of the quantity and vintage purchased this RY (or provided with a link to this information online), either within the agreement or by the time of this audit. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.9.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. For each transaction selected in III.B.7, verify that Project Information with accurate vintage for the most recent delivery was delivered to the customer by the time of this audit. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.9.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 10. Test the mathematical accuracy of Tables 2.2 and 2.3: a. Agree that the last row of Column 2F in Table 2.1 equals the last row of Column 2K in Table 2.2 equals the last row of Column 2Q in Table 2.3. Notes any exceptions. Step III.B.10.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. Agree that the Total Sales per project in Column 2K in Table 2.2 equal the Total Sales per project in Column 2Q in Table 2.3, and that these two columns equal the Total Sales per project in Column 2F of Table 2.1 when different vintage years are combined for each project. Notes any exceptions. Step III.B.10.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. Page 11 of 17 c. Agree that the sum of Columns 2H-2J equals Column 2K for each row in Table 2.2, and that the sum of Columns 2M-2P equals Column 2Q for each row in Table 2.3. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.10.c was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. d. Agree that the sum of rows in Columns 2H-2Q equals the total listed in the last row of each Column. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.10.d was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 11. Using Internal Reporting Documents (obtained in III.B.3), and Billing Statements if necessary, confirm that all customers listed on these documents that purchased 25,000 metric tons CO2e or more in total are included in Table 2.4 (customer names are listed in Columns 2T, 2U, 2V, 2W, 2X, etc. as needed). Note any exceptions. Step III.B.11 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 12. Verify that all combinations of project and vintage listed in Columns 2R and 2S in Table 2.4 also appear in Columns 2A and 2E in Table 2.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.12 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 13. For each customer included in Table 2.4, compare the sales (mtCO2e) by vintage reported in Columns 2T, 2U, 2V, 2W, 2X, etc. as needed to copies of Billing Statements and/or any other necessary records and verify that the amount of emissions reductions per project and vintage in Table 2.4 is accurate. Specify in the report what, if any, other record was used. Step III.B.13 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 14. For each customer included in Table 2.4, verify that the details of the sale reported on the Internal Reporting Documents are accurate, including the project, vintage, the customer type (individual, commercial, or wholesale), customer location (US state or non-US country), transaction type (online, offline, multi-year purchase agreement, or automatic recurring sale), whether or not it was a sale made by a Third-party Distributor, and whether or not it was a sale for LEED certification. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.14 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 15. For each customer included in Table 2.4, note if Billing Statements reveal that sales were made in units other than CO2e, and in this case note the unit used. Step III.B.15 was performed: Yes. No. N/A. Page 12 of 17 Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: 16. Reference the Seller’s Checklist. Note if any projects in Column 2AA in Table 2.5 are not included on the Checklist. Step III.B.16 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 17. Using Internal Reporting Documents obtained in Step III.B.3, recalculate sales for LEED certification per project and per vintage year in Column 2BB in Table 2.5. Step III.B.17 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 18. Verify that all combinations of project and vintage listed in Columns 2AA and 2CC in Table 2.5 also appear in Columns 2A and 2E in Table 2.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.18 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 19. Test the mathematical accuracy of Table 2.5. Agree that the sum of rows in Column 2BB equals the total listed in the last row of Column 2BB. Note any exceptions. Step III.B.19 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. C. Sales by Customer Location The objectives of performing these procedures are to provide assurances relating to the following: The emissions reductions sold by customer location were accurately measured and reported. 1. Obtain a completed copy of Worksheet 3 and copies of Internal Reporting Documents from the Seller that were used to complete Worksheets 2 and 3. They should contain the details of sales per customer for all Certified Offsets sold, including the location of the customer by U.S state or non-US country. From the Internal Reporting Documents, recalculate the amount of emissions reductions sold by customer location and agree this to the sales reported in Column 3B of Table 3.1. Sales recorded in Column 3B should include all sales, including sales made by Third-party Distributors. Note any exceptions. Step III.C.1 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 2. Test the mathematical accuracy of Table 3.1. Agree that the sum of rows in Column 3B and 3C, respectively, equals the total listed in the last row of each Column. Note any exceptions. Step III.C.2 was performed: Yes. No. N/A. Page 13 of 17 Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: 3. Verify that the total Sales in the last row of Column 3B of Table 3.1 equals the last row of Columns 2F of Table 2.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.C.3 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 4. Compare the last row of Column 3C (the total number of customers in RY2014) with the sum of the population recorded in Step III.B.4 and the number of large customers listed in Table 2.4, and compare these two numbers with the number of customers listed on the Internal Reporting Documents . Attach to the Agreed-Upon Procedures Report the Seller’s explanation of any difference between these numbers (e.g. multiple contracts per customer or multiple customers per contract). Step III.C.4 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. D. Balance of Supply and Sales The objectives of performing these procedures are to provide assurances relating to the following: The Seller retired or transferred correct tons CO2e to meet its customer sales. 1. Obtain a completed copy of Worksheet 4 from the Seller, containing the detail of the balance of supply and sales of emissions reductions sold as Green-e Climate certified. Referencing Worksheet 1, verify that each unique combination of project and vintage in Worksheet 1 also appears on Worksheet 4 in Columns 4A and 4E, respectively. Also verify that the corresponding project type, location, and endorsed program listed in Columns 4B, 4C, and 4D, respectively, match this information in Columns 1B, 1C, and 1E of Worksheet 1. Note any exceptions. Step III.D.1 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 2. Verify that the Quantity of Emission Reductions (metric tons CO2e) in Column 1I and matches the Supply listed in Column 4F of Worksheet 4 for each unique combination of project and vintage (year). Note any exceptions. Step III.D.2 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 3. Referencing Table 2.1 in Worksheet 2, verify that the Total Sales in each row of Column 2F matches the Sales listed in Column 4G of Worksheet 4. Note any exceptions. Step III.D.3 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. Page 14 of 17 4. Test the mathematical accuracy of Column 4H, Net: Supply minus Sales, by subtracting Sales in Column 4G from Supply in Column 4F for each row. Note any exceptions. Step III.D.4 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 5. Report as an exception if the “Net: Supply minus Sales” is a negative number in any row on Worksheet 4. For each instance, attach to the Agreed-Upon Procedures Report the Seller’s explanation for this exception. Step III.D.5 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. E. Sales of Green-e Climate Certified Products by Third-party Distributors Worksheet 5 applies only to Sellers selling Certified Products through one or more Third-party Distributors. The objectives of performing these procedures are to provide assurances relating to the following: The emissions reductions sold by Third-party Distributors were accurately measured and reported. 1. Obtain a completed copy of Worksheet 5 from Seller. Reference the Checklist to identify the Third-party Distributors that must be included in Worksheet 5. a. The name of each Third-party Distributor must be input in the first cell in Columns 5C, 5D, 5E, etc. as needed in Table 5.1. Note if any Third-party Distributors included in Table 5.1 are not included on the Checklist, or if any Third-party Distributors included on the Checklist are not included in Table 5.1. Step III.E.1.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 2. Obtain copies of the Internal Reporting Documents of each Third-party Distributor that were used by Seller to complete Worksheet 5. These documents should contain the details of Third-party Distributor sales per customer and per project. Auditor should have access to all Internal Report Documents and Billing Statements of the Third-party Distributor for sales of Certified Offsets. Note if access to Third-party Distributor records was not granted. Step III.E.2 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 3. For Third-party Distributors that reported no sales for RY2014, the Third-party Distributor must provide a letter on company letterhead with a wet signature from the manager of emissions reduction sales attesting that in RY2014 they: Made no Green-e Climate Certified sales, Did not represent any sales as Green-e Climate Certified, and Did not authorize any of their sales to be represented as Green-e Climate Certified. Page 15 of 17 Verify that for all Third-party Distributors with zero sales a letter was received attesting to these statements. Step III.E.3 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 4. Using the Internal Reporting Documents obtained in Step III.E.2, recalculate the amount of emissions reductions sold by each Third-party Distributor by project and vintage and agree this to the sales reported in Table 5.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.E.4 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 5. Verify that RY2014 sales by each Third-party Distributor occurred within the range of “Dates when Active in 2014” for Third-party Distributors reported on the Checklist. Note any exceptions. Step III.E.5 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 6. Verify that all combinations of project and vintage listed in Columns 5A and 5B in Table 5.1 also appear in Columns 2A and 2E in Table 2.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.E.6 was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. 7. Test the mathematical accuracy of Worksheet 5: a. Agree total Sales by each Third-party Distributor (in Column 5C, 5D, 5E, etc. as needed) of Table 5.1 to the total listed in the last row of each Column. Note any exceptions. Step III.E.7.a was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. b. Verify that Total Sales (metric tons CO2e) in Column 5F equals the sum of all Sales by project by Third-party Distributors (Columns 5C, 5D, 5E, etc. as needed) for each row in Table 5.1. Note any exceptions. Step III.E.7.b was performed: Yes. No. Exceptions, Notes, Reason for “No” or “N/A”: N/A. Page 16 of 17 IV. FINAL STEPS AND CHECKS A. Additional Auditor Comments B. Signature and Report Completion We were not engaged to and did not perform an examination the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion on the compliance of the annual reporting requirements of the Center for Resource Solutions’ Green-e Climate Program. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to [Participant Company for which Audit was Performed] and Center for Resource Solutions. This report is intended solely for the use of the specified users listed above and should not be used by those who have not agreed to the procedures and taken responsibility for the sufficiency of the procedures for their purposes. Date: [Date of Report Completion] Name: [Name of Lead Auditor] Signed: _____________________________ Page 17 of 17