Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference Investing and growing together 9 – 11 April 2014 Frasers Kings Park – State Reception Centre Perth, Western Australia Sponsorship opportunities agric.wa.gov.au your success Invitation to sponsor On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, we would like to invite you to Sponsor the Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference, to be held from Wednesday 9 to Friday 11 April 2014. The conference will provide a forum for key stakeholders from China and Western Australia to network, gain knowledge and identify key trade and investment opportunities in the agriculture and food industry. It will provide the opportunity to listen to key stakeholders in the various sectors and information on specific programs covering all aspects of agriculture, including wine and specialty foods, dairy and grains, beef and livestock. There will also be the opportunity to network and enhance relationships with senior leaders from nine Provinces in China: Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, Shandong, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Henan, Anhui and Shaanxi and senior Chinese representatives from companies in the sectors of: dairy, beef, sheep, fodder, grains, horticulture, wine, gourmet food and fisheries. Why you should sponsor Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference 2014: • Your organization will be prominently demonstrating its commitment to the future of Western Australia agriculture. • You will gain a significant level of exposure to local and international key personnel and delegates attending the conference. • Your representatives can network with local and Chinese delegates to update their knowledge and understanding of your company and services in an environment where they are open to listening and learning. • Sponsorship is a very cost effective way to reach this group who will be targeted via a comprehensive promotional campaign. The sooner you confirm your sponsorship the greater the level of exposure we can offer you in the lead up to Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference. An extensive promotional campaign including advertisements, email broadcasts and web exposure will be implemented in the lead up to the Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference and the opportunity exists for your company to be represented as a key supporter of the Conference well in advance of the actual dates. Why you should sponsor The Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference April 2014 provides a unique forum dedicated to the exchange of ideas and strategies to develop closer linkages between Chinese companies and the Western Australian agriculture and food industry. The aim of the conference is to expose the Chinese delegation to the latest developments, investment rules and regulations in doing business in Western Australian food and agriculture industry, with a focus on the dairy, beef, sheep, fodder, grains, horticulture and wine and gourmet food sectors. The key benefits of sponsorship include: • Your organisation will be openly and prominently demonstrating its commitment to and active support of attracting Chinese investment into Western Australia. • Your representatives can network with Chinese delegates to update their knowledge and understanding of your company and services in an environment where they are open to listening and learning. • Your representatives can network with Chinese delegates to better understand their interests in Western Australia and a state to invest in. • Sponsorship is the most cost effective way to network with delegates who will be targeted via a comprehensive promotional campaign. • The opportunity to promote your name, and to maintain a high profile among the Chinese delegates before, during and after the event. • Interacting with delegates face to face during the morning, afternoon tea breaks and lunchtimes held amongst the exhibition. • Exposure to a keenly interested, relevant and, above all, influential audience in an environment away from the competition of everyday distractions. The sooner you confirm your sponsorship the greater the level of exposure we can offer you in the lead up to Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference April 2014. An extensive promotional campaign including advertisements, email broadcasts and web exposure will be implemented in the lead up to Western Australia – China Agribusiness Cooperation Conference April 2014 and the opportunity exists for your company to be represented as a key supporter of the Conference well in advance of the actual dates. We will work together with all sponsors to ensure that we maximise your investment. The packages provided in this document are thought starters. We would welcome the opportunity to tailor any package to meet your objectives. Platinum Sponsor $16500 (inc. GST) - limited to one The Platinum Sponsorship is offered to one organisation only. The following benefits are extended to you as part of your sponsorship: Platinum Sponsor acknowledgements include: • Will be given a unique opportunity to do a 20 minute presentation to the conference audience during the peak morning session with dignitaries from Western Australia and China. • Acknowledgement on the official Conference website with logo and hyperlink to organisation’s website. • Organisation’s logo on the front cover of the Conference Program Book.* • Logo featured on the official Conference venue signage. • Verbal acknowledgment at Official Opening as a Major Sponsor of the Conference. • Display of organisation’s logo on a looped PowerPoint slide shown in session rooms prior to and between the commencement of all plenary and concurrent sessions. • Logo included in all Conference advertising. *Subject to printing deadlines. Access to Delegates • • 3m x 3m space to erect a display promoting your company, visible to all delegates Delegate list to be emailed fourteen (14) days prior to the event, as well as a final list emailed post the event. Subject to the Privacy Act. Registrations Two (2) complimentary full registrations to the Conference including access to all Conference sessions, catering breaks, Welcome Dinner. Promotional Material • Opportunity to provide a 200 word promotional paragraph in the Conference Program Book including company contact details.* • One (1) up to four (4) page A4 flyer or promotional product inserted into the Conference satchel.* *Subject to on time submission. Business to Business Matchmaking We will be facilitating a special opportunity for you to personally interact one on one with potential investors/partners at the conclusion of the Conference during the ‘business matchmaking session Gold Sponsor $11000 (inc. GST) – limited to two The Gold Sponsorship is an exclusive sponsorship offered to two organisations only. The following benefits are extended to you as part of your sponsorship: Gold Sponsor acknowledgements include: • Will be given an opportunity to do a 20 minutes presentation to the Conference audience. • • Acknowledgement on the official Conference website with logo and hyperlink to organisation’s website. Organisation’s logo included in to the Conference Program Book sponsor’s recognition page.* • Logo featured on the official Conference venue signage. *Subject to printing deadlines. Access to Delegates • 2m x 3m space to erect a display promoting your company, visible to all delegates • Delegate list to be emailed post the event. Subject to the Privacy Act. Registrations • One (1) complimentary full registrations to the Conference including access to all Conference sessions, catering breaks, Welcome Dinner. Promotional Material • Recognition with company logo as a Gold Sponsor featured in the Conference registration brochure.* • Opportunity to provide a 100 word promotional paragraph in the Conference Program Book including company contact details.* • One (1) up to four (4) page A4 flyer or promotional product inserted into the Conference satchel.* *Subject to on time submission. Business to Business Matchmaking • We will be facilitating a special opportunity for you to personally interact one on one with potential investors/partners during the ‘business matchmaking session’. Silver Sponsor $7500 (inc. GST) – unlimited The following benefits are extended to you as part of your sponsorship: Silver Sponsor acknowledgements include: • • Acknowledgement on the official Conference website with logo and hyperlink to organisation’s website. Organisation’s logo included in to the Conference Program Book sponsor’s recognition page.* • Logo featured on the official Conference venue signage. *Subject to printing deadlines. Promotional Material • Recognition with company logo as a Silver Sponsor featured in the Conference registration brochure.* *Subject to on time submission. Registrations • One (1) complimentary full registration to the Conference including access to all Conference sessions, catering breaks, Welcome Dinner. Business to Business Matchmaking • We will be facilitating a special opportunity for you to personally interact one on one with potential investors/partners during the ‘business matchmaking session’. B2B Matchmaking Partner $3000 (inc. GST) – limited Business to Business Matchmaking • We will be facilitating a special opportunity for you to interact one on one with potential investors/partners during the ‘business matchmaking session’. Registrations • One (1) complimentary full registration to the Conference including access to all Conference sessions, catering breaks, Welcome Dinner. ABN 18 951 343 745 Sponsorship Booking Form Please email or fax this form to: EECW Pty Ltd PO Box 749 WEMBLEY WA 6913 P: +61 (0) 8 9389 1488 E: info@eecw.com.au F: +61 (0) 8 9389 1499 Contact details Please print clearly in block capitals Name Position Cancellation policy Cancellations will only be accepted in writing, emailed or faxed and must be signed by the person whose signature appears on this form (or their nominee). Cancellations received prior to 31 January 2014 will have all payments returned less a $750 administration fee. Cancellations from 01 February 2014 onwards will receive no refund and will be liable for payment of the balance should it not have been received by the cancellation date. Organisation Address State Postcode Telephone Mobile Email Sponsorship packages (All prices listed below are in Australian Dollars and exclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax) Major Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor B2B Partner $1650 0 $1100 0 $7500 $3000 Terms & Conditions The Conference host and the organiser will take all diligent care to fulfil the listed Sponsorship commitments. The sponsors are responsible for providing all their requirements e.g. banners, promotional material etc. The sponsors are required to make the necessary payment for the sponsorship with booking with final payment due by no later than 28 February 2014. Sponsors are responsible for the security of their own equipment and materials whilst at the Conference. Your sponsorship/exhibition selection will be confirmed upon receipt of your deposit. The Conference host and organiser reserve the right to alter the program if required. Sponsorship and exhibition bookings are only confirmed upon the Conference Secretariat’s receipt of this booking form. Payment method Please note payment of sponsorship is required with your booking form: Please charge $ to the following credit card (Visa & MasterCard only) Card number Expiry date Cardholders name Signature I have read the cancellation policy and accept all of its conditions. Name Signature Date Type