
IABC Saskatoon board meeting
October 1, 2014 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Back Room, Bottega Trattoria
215 2nd Avenue south, Saskatoon SK
Call to order – Alisha
Approval of the agenda – Alisha
Julie motioned the agenda be
approved as presented.
Shaun seconded. Motion
Approval of the minutes from previous meeting – Alisha
Julie motioned the minutes from
last meeting be approved as
presented. Desareé seconded.
Motion Carried.
President report – Alisha
o Strategic plans and budget due
o AI: Maeghan and Alisha to discuss where the board documents are
going to be saved with the transition of the new website. Done Minutes will be saved to the website (function pending) and Google
docs will be used for transition planning.
o Sending our condolences to Lesley on the passing of her father.
John and Alisha will be covering her portfolio duties with some help
from Brooke.
o Chelsea has been with IABC for 8 years!
Vice-President report – John
o AI: John and Natasha/ Jacqueline to identify a speaker for the
spring CWR tour. Done.
o Met with Alisha and Chelsea on portfolio planning
o Will be working with sponsorship
Attending CWR in-person meeting in Calgary
Past-President report - Chelsea
o Chapter Management Awards – Call for entries and online
submission portal opens on Friday, September 26. Entry deadline is
December 1. Winners will be celebrated at Leadership Institute
2015. More information will be shared shortly.
o Inquired with CWR for Leadership Institute and Dare to Lead grant
money – waiting to hear back if we receive less money when we are
the hosting chapter.
o Chapter Management Awards – our chapter is strong in all of the
categories. The time period for activities is July 2013 to June 2014
and we are considered a medium sized- chapter. We must enter into
at least four categories to be entered into Chapter of the Year. Entry
deadline is December 1.
Communications report –Lesley/Evilyn
o AI: All to send bios to Lesley. Pending - Deadline tbd
o Budgeted $300 for advertising on both Twitter and Facebook next
o Saw a bump in Facebook likes.
D2L 2015
o Theme is confirmed for Pave the Path or Lead the Road
(entrepreneurship). Working on wording and graphics. The next
meeting is November 12th.
Operations report – Maeghan
o AllPaperless update - zu has had some personnel changes which is
affecting their ability to find a resolution for the issue we are
experiencing. They do anticipate being able to support the app for us
in the future, but in the meantime we will have run the meeting on
Student Representative report – Brooke
o AI: Brooke to connect with DeeAnn and Alisha about Wow Factor
Media sponsorship for printing. Pending - Have heard nothing back
All board members to identify
if they are interested in
submitting a CMA submission.
from WOWFactor .
Live Tweeter at the Media Event was a success, will see if she’s
available going forward, Brooke also as another student interested.
Brooke will see if the student can cover some social media while
Lesley is on leave.
Cohosting event with Edwards and the Student’s Society. Kelsie
Fraser is speaking at the event with two other speakers talking about
marketing. Will have 40 to 50 students at the Faculty club. Will post
a volunteer sign-up sheet.
Membership report – Julie/Shaun
o AI: All encouraged to reach out to networks for any kind of
sponsorship for events. Ongoing.
o Talked with Jacqueline re: what would it look like to provide
membership events for free? Would it enhance the perceived value
of membership? Flagging the idea now because it bleeds into other
portfolios, could be promoted in communications on membership
events. Suggestions that members could bring a guest for free, or
invite Twitter guest, or have two guest passes with membership.
o Will test with one event and set a hard deadline for a strategy. A
sub-committee will get together before the next meeting to run the
numbers. We will make sure to let our membership know what we
are doing and why. There may be access to PF funds that we are
not using and could be used here. Subcommittee: Jacqueline,
Desaree, John, Julie and Shaun.
Professional Development report – Jacqueline/Natasha
o Event Calendar drafted for 2015 with a draft budget that will see the
numbers change a bit.
o FUZE Night – Two keynotes sandwiched with networking. For the
branding of the conference vs. FUZE light it was decided to remove
the year from this event.
Leadership Development– Desareé
o Volunteer newsletter for next event with current and future
opportunities, including D2L
o Website: new site is live, working through content, figuring out the
login for members. Des meeting with Cathy for transition of website
this month. Will do an intro to the website at the October luncheon.
Sub-committee on free
membership events to meet
and bring budget to next board
Sponsorship – DeeAnn
Awards and Accreditation Chair - Cam
Received feedback from International about the awareness of the
awards gala that takes place at the World Conference.
Looking to spice up the awards workshop and the possibility of
including a travel voucher for someone to attend the awards gala.
Want to raise awareness of award winners and how people should
apply. Will be looking for a sponsor.
Senior Delegate - Leanne
Leanne has agreed to sit on the CWR Program Advisory Committee
for program/conference in Calgary. She will be looking for board
input and consulting the membership survey.
Other business?
Adjourn – Alisha
Next meeting – November 5th, 2014 4:30 p.m. Bottega Trattoria (backroom)
DeeAnn to circulate
sponsorship package to board