Curriculum Vitae_

Curriculum Vitae
Catherine Ann MACKENZIE
Livelihoods and Participatory Approaches to Forestry,
Biodiversity and Community Development;
Forest Management, Governance and Policy Development
Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+
Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation
Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
British & Canadian
 30 years’ world-wide experience in forestry, conservation and development.
 Pro-poor, gender-sensitive, participatory and sustainable livelihoods approaches to forest
and other natural resources and biodiversity management and community development.
 Forest Governance, illegal logging, international timber trade.
 Participatory land use planning and market-based incentives for development, including
investigation of value chains and payment for environmental services.
 Community based mitigation (REDD+) and adaptation to climate change
 Gender and poverty analysis and social research for development
 Environmental and social impact analysis, safeguards and standards
 Tropical forest inventory, ecology and management, incl indigenous management systems
 CTA/Team leadership, proposal preparation, project design/ management, research, M&E.
 Effective communicator, organiser, planner; good analytical and writing skills.
 Long experience in Indonesia, including Aceh, Jambi, W Sumatra, good Bahasa Indonesia.
 Clients/Donors: World Bank, ADB, FAO, GEF, EU, DFID, DGIS, GTZ, JICA, USAID,
Norad, NGOs, universities, private sector, governments (local, regional, national levels)
MA Social Anthropology (High Distinction) - Australian National University (1994)
MSc Forestry and its Relation to Land Management - University of Oxford (1984)
BSc (Hons) Zoology - University of Bristol (1977)
Advisory Skills, SNV, Bangkok (2006)
Conflict Resolution for Natural Resource Management, RECOFTC, Bangkok (1998)
Internal Consultancy Skills, Sundridge Park Management Centre (1996)
Facilitation skills for project design, NRI/Team Technologies (1995)
Coral Reef Biology - University of the West Indies/Johns Hopkins University (1976)
English (mother tongue)
Very good
Very good
Very good
Very Good
Late 2014 – 2017. Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia. Climate Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation in the Leuser Ecosystem. International Participation and
Community Development Specialist. With GFA, for ICI/BMU . 8 months over 3 years.
July – November 2014. Botswana and Kenya. Final evaluation of the Useful Plants
Project (Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew and Millennium Seed Bank). The UPP is
finishing its second phase of collecting germplasm of useful plants in Southern Africa, West
Africa and Mexico, and working with communities to cultivate them, or maintain them in situ.
The evaluator carried out desk work reviewing partner reports, presenting at and participating
in review workshop in London in July. Visited Botswana in September and Kenya in
November. Overall, the evaluation assisted communities, Kew and Kew’s in-country partners
to assess and report their progress and learn from their experiences to plan future activities and
gain greater understanding of formal evaluation methodologies. (36 days).
(March – August 2014. UK. Caring for elderly Father, prior to his moving into a residential care home. Work
not sought during this period.)
November 2013 – March 2014. India. Sikkim Biodiversity Conservation and Forest
Management Project. Part-time Team Leader for the 10-year JICA-funded loan project,
managing a part-time consultant team of 2 internationals, 7 nationals to support Sikkim’s
Forestry Environment and Wildlife Management Department to survey the State’s biodiversity
and conserve it through protected area management, ecotourism and participatory forest
management. Inscription of Kanchendzonga National Park as UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Project planning and consultant management. As Participatory forestry specialist, redesigned
project strategy to focus on participatory land use and resource planning as basis for PFM,
participatory conservation and ecotourism. 12 months over 3.5 years, but I have resigned the
position for family reasons.
March – May 2013: Bangladesh: Final Performance Evaluation of USAID’s Integrated
Protected Areas Co-Management (IPAC) Project. Team leader for an evaluation focusing
on the democracy and governance components (policy/legislation, law enforcement,
participation, equity, benefit-sharing, capacity building) of this 5-year USAID-funded
collaborative biodiversity conservation project that works with communities and government
in 25 protected areas in 5 clusters, including Sylhet, the Chittagong Hills and Sundarbans (7
January – February 2013: FLEGT VPA negotiation process analysis and documentation
for Cambodia and Vietnam. Desk assignment for Global Witness, to help develop advocacy
strategy to combat illegal logging in Cambodia, building on the FLEGT initiative there and in
the major market for Cambodian timber, Vietnam. (1 of 2 weeks, arranged hand-over of
assignment to another consultant because of ill-health).
November 2012 – January 2013: Support to CARE’s African Climate Change
Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP). Working with HQ team in Nairobi to reformulate
project strategies and prepare new guidance documents for practitioners of Community Based
Adaptation, including focus on participatory land use and community planning. (4 weeks).
May – October 2012: Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa: EU Forest Law
Enforcement Governance and Trade Eastern and Southern Africa Scoping Mission.
A major study providing the EU with information to aid assessment of the potential for future
FLEGT programming in 9 E/S African countries. The assignment involves desk work,
stakeholder interviews, data analysis to assess forest product trade and the forest governance
situation in the three countries with special attention to illegal logging, and to prepare
technical country annexes to the main project report. (42 days).
April 2012: Mozambique: Support to CARE’s African Climate Change Adaptation
Learning Programme (ALP). The ALP is working in four African countries to develop
approaches for community-based adaptation to climate change. In Angoche District, Nampula
Province, ALP is working to improve the capacity of marginalised and vulnerable households
in 9 rural communities, in three different agro-ecological zones to be more resilient to climate
change and variability. Activities included facilitation of participatory and gender sensitive
approaches to the development of Community Adaptation Action Plans (for land-use, fishing
and infrastructure) capacity building of the local team, and recommendations for programme
development to managers. (3 weeks)
November 2011 – February 2012. Sierra Leone. Forest Co-management.
Returning to the PAGE project to help develop the second forest co-management site in the
Kambui Hills. Provided training and lead a participatory diagnostic forest inventory of 20,000
ha reserve, followed by facilitation of participatory forest management planning exercise, and
preparation of draft strategic management plan, including scope for REDD+. The plan and
that of the Wara Wara Mountains (see below) has been approved by the GOSL, forming the
foundation of the first two forest co-management plans in the country. Via TetraTech ARD
(two visits, 5 + 3.5 weeks).
September – December 2011. Social Standards and Safeguards for REDD+. Preparation
of briefing document for USAID to inform programming. Analysis of UNFCCC, multilateral, bilateral, NGO, other international systems for safeguarding interests of local
stakeholders and delivering the social benefits of REDD+. Desk work, and participation in
expert workshop and public meeting in Washington DC. Via Tetratech ARD, Inc. (7 weeks)
August 2011: Sierra Leone. Forest Co-management.
Working with communities and government stakeholders in the Wara Wara Mountains of
northern Sierra Leone to prepare of forestry co-management plans, in pilot scheme for the
country, including scope for REDD+. For the USAID “Promoting Agriculture, Governance
and the Environment” programme (PAGE). Via TetraTech ARD (3 weeks)
July 2011: Uganda. Participatory Forestry Management Design Mission, for FARM
Africa. Consultations with wide range of government, donor, NGO and civil society
stakeholders, and field visit to CFM group and private forest owner in Budongo Forest,
followed by debriefing meeting with same, to prepare a concept note identifying needs and
potential opportunities for additional PFM programming in Uganda, including scope for
REDD+. (3 weeks)
November 2010: Southern Sudan. Participatory Forestry Management Design Mission.
FARM-Africa. Building on literature review of FARM-Africa’s participatory forestry work
in Ethiopia and Tanzania,a two-week mission consulted with MAF, MTWC and local
government officials, donors and NGOs in Juba, Eastern Equatoria State and Central Equatoria
State on forest, land and development issues to devise a PFM pilot project, including scope for
REDD+ (3 weeks).
September 2010: Tanzania. Institutions specialist. Project preparation for
establishment of National Carbon Monitoring Centre. Institutional analysis and planning
for an organisation to host Tanzania’s MRV system, initially for REDD+. Extensive
stakeholder consultations and validation workshop. For Norway’s International Climate and
Forest Initiative. (3 weeks)
June 2010 - April 2011: Team Leader, Indonesia, for Norway’s International Climate
and Forest Initiative (NICFI) Real time National Level Evaluation. NICFI is supporting
the development of REDD globally, nationally and in pilot projects. The evaluation, the
largest that Norad has ever undertaken, is intended to provide real time feedback for project
managers and policy makers. Tasks included: review of literature, finalisation of assessment
design, contribution to inception report, 2 weeks field work in Indonesia interviewing key
stakeholders, analysis of data and preparation of assessment report, presentation at report
launch meeting in Oslo, supervision/coordination of two team members. Special focus on
social safeguards and co-benefits, including gender (7 weeks)
February - May 2010: Cameroon – Impact Assessment of Fairtrade Cotton
With local consultant, finalise planning and carry out field studies in the cotton growing areas
around Garoua and Maroua in northern Cameroon, involving interviews with key informants
from the farmers’ cooperative, and both participating and non-participating farmer households,
focus group discussions (particulary women), and preparation of background study of cotton
in Cameroon, and final report. (3 weeks)
September-October 2009: Vietnam – CARE CASI III programme preparation
Phase III of the Civil Action for Socio-economic Inclusion in Sustainable Development for
Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam (CASI III) is CARE’s new 15 year rights-based programme,
integrating 5 components. The task involved working with CARE staff and their NGO
partners to prepare the component document for Natural Resources Governance work in Bac
Kan, Lang Son and Thanh Hoa provinces, and the document for the Area Projects in Thanh
Hoa, focusing on participatory watershed management, small enterprise development and
payment for environmental services, particularly involving women. Both the component and
the area project incorporate mapping and assessing climate related natural disasters, and plan
measures for adaptation to climate change. (14 days).
August 2009 – January 2010: Vietnam – ADB, Northern Mountains Sustainable
Infrastructure Development Project. (Poverty and Social Safeguards Specialist for Culpin
Planning Ltd, ADB Loan Preparation TA consultant). Assessment of the social impacts and
design considerations of rural infrastructure interventions in 15 Project provinces and four core
subprojects (roads, irrigation, water supply, market), and preparation of frameworks for other
subprojects for use during implementation. Questionnaire survey in four sites and preparation
of poverty and social safeguards components for the RRP, SPRSS, Feasibility Studies, Ethnic
Minority Development Plans and Consultation and Participation Plans. 2.5 months.
April - May 2009: Mozambique – Zambezia Forestry update
Continuation of forest sector studies examining the impact of the global financial crisis on
sector performance, key stakeholders and the forests. Publication: Forestry in the Time of
Recession. 2 months.
June 2008 – March 2009: Fauna & Flora International , Cambridge, UK.
Director, Conservation Livelihoods and Governance (CLG) Programme.
CLG is the FFI programme focusing on the social dimensions of conservation. The 3 person
team works with FFI’s regional and thematic teams to mainstream people-centred, livelihoods
and governance approaches globally, and particularly in three model livelihoods projects
through the FFI-Anglo-American Strategic Biodiversity Partnership. Specific attention to
social analysis and project planning, participatory approaches (including land use planning and
gender analysis), benefit sharing, and monitoring and evaluation. Support to FFI’s pioneering
programme on REDD+, and climate change adaptation, and the Aceh Forest and Environment
Project. Preparation of funding proposals for various bilateral and multilateral donors.
April and July 2008: Aceh, Indonesia.
Support to the Communities programme of the WB funded Aceh Forest and
Environment Project and Ulu Masen REDD+ pilot project, focusing on participatory
land use planning approaches to community development, reducing deforestation and
enhancing carbon fixation through tree growing.
September 2008: Mato Grosso, Brazil
Monitoring and planning mission to the Carlinda sustainable dairy pastures project, a
land-use planning approach to more productive farm management.
November 2008: Ganzi, Qinghai and Lhasa, Tibetan areas, China
Monitoring and planning mission to the Communities Grassland project.
December 2008: Kilwa, Tanzania
Monitoring and planning mission to the Mpingo Conservation Project, which has
established the first FSC certified community woodlands in Africa.
July 2008: China: Trade and processing of African timbers
Two-week study in Shanghai area, meeting Chinese importers and processers of Mozambican
timbers, for better understanding of commodity chains.
April –May 2008: Mozambique: Forest Governance
Update on the 2006 report on Forest Governance in Zambezia. Report: Tristesas Tropicais:
Chinese Takeaway Update 2008.
March 2008: Vietnam: REDD+
Member of team preparing Vietnam’s successful R-PIN for REDD Readiness.
February 2008: Vietnam. Project preparation
Social scientist consultant to CAB International supporting project funding proposal
preparation mission on “Improved safe vegetable production through Good Agricultural
Practices in Vietnam”, for DFID’s Research into Use programme. Advising IPM technical
specialists on livelihoods, gender and poverty alleviation considerations in project design, and
preparing technical annex on Social Exclusion.
May 2006 – November 2007. SNV Viet Nam
CTA for Pro-Poor Forestry Project for upland North-central Vietnam (PPFP) in TT Hue,
Quang Tri, Quang Binh and Nghe An, as well as Senior Forestry Advisor, Practice Area
Leader for Collaborative Forest Management. Team leadership and management, liaison with
project partners. Providing advisory and capacity building services to provincial and district
government and NGO clients on participatory land use planning (PLUP) based community
forest land distribution and management, value chain analysis and development for non-timber
forest products, decentralised forest planning and reform of state forest enterprises. Led 11
member TA team in redesign and funding approval of the PPFP, and the technical
development of the 7 member SNV CFM practice area in Viet Nam.
February 2006. UK for Mozambique
Finalisation of report “Chinese Takeaway: Forest Governance in Zambezia, Mozambique”,
for publication (funded by IIED), and internet posting. Findings of previous field work in
Mozambique, which have since sparked national debate on forest governance in media (press,
radio, TV) and formation of new advocacy group “Amigos de Floresta”.
September - November 2005: Mozambique. Project preparation
Preparation of proposal for EU-funded community forest governance programme, to address
issues identified in previous work in Mozambique (6 weeks), for Christian Aid, London.
January – July 2005: IUCN Pakistan
Lead the establishment of a multi-disciplinary Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group for
addressing social dimensions of conservation and re-orientating the IUCN programme in
Pakistan; advised on establishment of Protected Areas and Species Programme incl IUCN’s
work in the Indus delta mangroves. Work involved team building, management systems,
social (including gender) and technical inputs into all aspects of IUCNP work (6 months).
November 2004: EU-CGIAR Monitoring Programme
Evaluation of the EC-funded project “Analysing and supporting policy reform” of ICRAF,
with work at headquarters in Nairobi and the field sites in Uganda.
October 2004: Mozambique
Support to NGOs preparing and conducting a public debate on forest issues in Zambezia
province. (3 weeks)
July - August 2004: Cambodia – Review of strategic forest management plans
Review of the forest management planning system and of 6 concession management plans to
assess compliance with national guidelines and implementation capacity, with particular
attention to social impacts. For RGC, Donor Working Group and World Bank. (28 days)
May 2004: Mozamibque – Forest certification
Member of “social chamber” in field test of new Mozambican FSC forest certification
standards for being developed with support of UNDP and GTZ. (6 days)
March – June 2004 and to present: Mozambique – Forest governance and management
Action research and facilitation to document forest governance situation in Zambezia province
and support civil society advocacy campaign for forest governance reform, and the promotion
of community based forestry. Detailed analysis of value chains for legal and illegal harvesting
of Mozambican timbers. Funded by Christian Aid, HIVOS, BHC.
November 2003 – January 2004: Mozambique
Reconnaissance mission to appraise forestry issues in Zambezia province, and prepare TOR
for follow-up mission to develop proposal for programme in forest governance and CBNRM.
For local NGO (ORAM) and Christian Aid.
November 2003: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, West Tien Shan Transboundary
Conservation Project. Field visit for preparation of commercial tender for 2 year EU funded
project; preparation of bid (evaluated highest on technical grounds).
August – September 2003: Indonesia – EU FLEGT project appraisal
Social scientist on design/appraisal mission for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and
Trade (FLEGT) programme to address illegal logging issues in Indonesia, with focus on West
Kalimantan and Jambi. For EC.
From June 2003 : Ecuador, Galapagos Islands – Technical Adviser
Social scientist on the Technical Advisory Group for the project “Invasive Species in the
Galapagos Archipelago”, examining social factors in the spread of invasive species. For
UNDP, GEF and Charles Darwin Foundation.
June – August 2003: EU-CGIAR Monitoring Programme, Indonesia
Evaluation of the EC-funded project “Biodiversity and Managed Forests” of CIFOR, with
work at headquarters in Bogor and the main field site in East Kalimantan. (2 weeks)
February-May 2003: Benin – Cotton sector PSIA
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (including gender) for past and planned reforms to the
cotton sector. For World Bank/FAO. (7 weeks)
Winter Semester 2003: University of Greenwich - Teaching
Teaching Social Aspects of Conservation module on the Conservation Ecology Course of the
MSc programmes in Natural Resource Management and Environmental Conservation.
September 2002: Mongolia – Participatory Biodiversity Conservation Planning
Social anthropologist on preparation mission for buffer zone development project for Khan
Khentee Strictly Protected Area. For GTZ and Royal Netherlands Embassy (Beijing offices).
Plus project finalisation visit for Hustai National Park Buffer Zone (see below). Design of
participatory land use planning approach to conservation areas.
June 2002: Mongolia – Biodiversity Conservation Planning
Desk study to reformulate the project document for the participatory development of a buffer
zone to the Hustai National Park, Mongolia, (established in 1992 for the reintroduction of
Przewalski Horse). For DGIS (Royal Netherlands Embassy, Beijing).
April 2002: Ecuador – Bamboo based Livelihoods
Livelihoods Adviser to International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Technical support to proposed INBAR field project on bamboo based livelihoods in Santo
Domingo de los Colorados, in Pichincha Province, to enhance project involvement of poor
people, particularly women, and increase impact on their livelihoods.
February – March 2002: China: Guizhou, Yunnan and Hainan
Social Development Adviser to International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
Technical support to INBAR field projects in Chishui (Guizhou) and Hainan to pilot use of
bamboo and rattan to promote sustainable rural livelihoods. Conducted preliminary analysis
of the social and institutional contexts of the projects, assist with final designs, esp enhancing
and monitoring project impacts on poor people and women, and recommended strategy for
introducing participatory approaches and community based land use planning in Chishui and
Forestry Research Programme, DFID
Collaborated in the design and implementation of email based survey of participatory forest
management professionals to identify researchable constraints for PFM; included final experts
workshop. With Kate Schreckenberg, ODI and Anna Lawrence, OCEC. (14 days)
December 2001: Ghana – Biodiversity Research
Livelihood and regulatory issues in the bushmeat trade in West Africa. Design and
supervision of gender, poverty and ethnic group disaggregated household interview survey on
the role of bushmeat in village livelihoods in the Upper East Province of Ghana.
August 2001: Bangladesh and India – Bamboo based livelihoods
Project preparation mission bamboo-based small industrial development
Continuing support to INBAR. Technical support to prospective project sites in Chittagong
Hills, Bangladesh and Kerala, India, to revise proposal for funding to Asian Development
Bank and develop appropriate approaches for project preparation and recommended strategies
for development of INBAR’s livelihoods field projects.
March – May 2001: China – Bamboo based Livelihoods
Livelihoods Adviser to International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
First of several inputs to assist INBAR staff to evolve a programme of activities that bring its
considerable “intellectual capital” in research and technology, directly to bear on poverty
reduction. Reviewed Livelihood programme’s past and present logical frameworks and
recommend ways of enhancing impact on poverty.
November 2000: University of Greenwich – Teaching
Teaching: Livelihoods and Gender analysis for Natural Resource Management; Participatory
Methods. On Short Course for Professionals: Participatory Natural Resources Management..
June 2000 – November 2002: Ghana/West Africa Region
Livelihood and regulatory issues in the bushmeat trade in West Africa. Team leader and
manager of DFID-funded research project examining bushmeat trade from perspective of the
livelihoods of main stakeholders, as a basis for participatory workshops to discuss
development of new regulatory instruments. Focus on savannah and forest zones in Ghana.
January – December 1999: Zimbabwe - Shared Forest Management
Team Leader/CTA for Shared Forest Management Preparation Project (for DFID)
Team leader on 18-month collaboration between the Zimbabwe Forestry Commission, DFID
and other stakeholders to design a sustainable rural livelihoods project within the state system
of indigenous forest reserves, in semi-arid Matabeleland North, with particular attention to
using participatory land use planning to reach a mutually acceptable solution to the pressing
issue of illegal forest settlements and illegal grazing.
October 1996-November 1998: Sri Lanka – Participatory Forest Management
Team Leader/CTA for Participatory Forest Management (for DFID)
The project piloted participatory management of state forest reserves in southern Sri Lanka for
production purposes, as part of the DFID-supported Forest Management and Plantation
Project. Leader of team of Sri Lanka Forest Officers and local consultants, responsible for
designing and implementing pilot activities to empower local partners to become responsible
forest managers. Pioneered a radical benefits-orientated and iterative learning by doing
approach to CBFM Work included: project and financial management, PRA training, socioeconomic/livelihoods surveys, gender analysis, participatory forest survey and inventory,
value chain analysis for diverse forest products, preparing detailed spatially oriented forest
management plans, organising study tours, workshops and training sessions and contracting
and supervising diverse array of consultants. The project was notable for the very high rate of
participation of women.
May – July 1996: Indonesia – Forestry GIS
Socio-Economist, Forest Inventory and Monitoring Project (MOF, European Union)
The Indonesian Forest Resource Information System is a comprehensive biophysical GISbased database for planning and monitoring Indonesia’s forest estate. Work involved
designing and developing the socio-economic component to the database and testing the
methods and demonstrating applications in a pilot site in Jambi, South Sumatra. Used GPS
mapping and GeoPC, ArcInfo and FoxPro.
April 1996: Nepal – Forest Research Centre Evaluation
Final Review of the DFID support to Forest Research Centre, (FORESC)
Reviewed the achievements of the socio-economic research programme in FORESC,
including publications, work in progress and interviews with selected staff. The review led to
the closing of the DFID programme of support.
March-April 1996: Riemvasmaak Resettlement Project, South Africa
Socio-economicst, FARMAfrica and DFID
Riemvasmaak, in the Northern Cape is one of South Africa’s first projects to resettle people
evicted from their lands during the “Black Spot Removals”. Work focused on conflict
resolution to assist divided community of settlers to work together to choose between various
land use and community development options through provision of sound economic costbenefit information and facilitation participatory analysis by all group members, including
1996: Guyana - Biodiversity Conservation
Social scientist, National Protected Areas System (World Bank/GEF)
Member of team designing the NPAS preparation project. Special responsibility for
promoting participatory management by stakeholders, particularly the indigenous Amerindian
communities, reviewing the state of knowledge on indigenous use of resources, particularly
non-timber forest products and developing TORs for the social assessment and monitoring. (6
1995: Honduras - Forest Project Monitoring
Social development specialist on a three-member team monitoring the Conservation and
Silviculture of Honduran Dry Forest Species Project (CONSEFORH), particularly its attempt
to focus on the needs of poor farmers in the dry zones of Honduras through on-farm trials run
in conjunction with local NGOs. Assessed beneficiary approach and effectiveness of the trials
and institutional collaboration, M&E and need for additional socio-economic inputs. (2
1995: Bolivia – Participatory Natural Resources Management Project Preparation
Social development specialist on a team preparing three projects for ODA's natural resources
programme for lowland Bolivia, including: institutional support to the Centro de
Investigaciones de Agronomia Tropical (CIAT) in Sta Cruz; support for research into
agroforestry and community forestry; and research into indigenous systems of resource
management. Provided technical forestry inputs and social and institutional appraisals.
1995: Caribbean Regional Environmental Programme, European Union
Socio-economist on project preparation mission to establish a Caribbean Regional
Environmental Programme for the CARIFORUM countries, components of which included
Protected Areas and Biodiversity and Capability for Environmental Management. Reviewed
project proposals of UNEP, IUCN and regional NGOs, and proposed strategy for co-ordinated
approach to Protected Areas involving implementing agencies and donors. (6 weeks)
1995: Turks and Caicos Islands, West Indies – Participatory Biodiversity Conservation
Planning. Team leader and social planner for a Financial and Social Planning Mission for the
National Protected Areas System of TCI. The mission prepared plans for the sustainable
financing of the protected areas management, including the establishment of a user fee system
for the parks and preparation of detailed business plans. Work involved awareness surveys,
institutional assessments, the social impact analyses and developing strategies for instituting
collaborative management. (3 weeks)
1995: Honduras – Plant Protection Programme
Sociologist, Diseases of Gliricidia sepium (Forestry Research Programme, ODA).
Investigated local perceptions of the importance of this multipurpose leguminous tree and
local knowledge regarding the diseases currently affecting some of its Central American
populations, through informal surveys with diverse stakeholders in NW Honduras. (3 weeks)
1995: Montserrat, West Indies – Airport EIA
Social and economic impact specialist for EIA of the proposed Blackburne Airport
Redevelopment Project. Special attention to the relocation/compensation of affected families.
With WS Atkins and REAL Trinidad. (2 weeks)
1995: Bolivia – Participatory Biodiversity Conservation Project Planning
Social Development Specialist on ODA mission conducting the final design/appraisal of
integrated conservation and development projects around the Amboró National Park and the
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Indigenous Territory and preparing of concept notes for
new projects contributing to ODA's new RNR strategy for Bolivia. (4 weeks)
1995: Uganda – Weed Sciences
Second input (in Mubende district) into Weeds Science project. See March 1994. (3 weeks)
1995: Brazil – Biodiversity Project Monitoring
Sociologist/Forester, Mamiraua Ecological Reserve Project, Mid-term review (ODA)
Responsible for reviewing community participation, socio-economic and forestry components
of this project, which prepared a management plan for the integrated conservation and
development of a varzea forest area, in Central Amazonia.. (3 weeks)
1994: Indonesia – Environmental Impact Assessment
Social Impact Analysis of a private oil palm plantation development by REAKALTIM in East
Kalimantan, Indonesia. Conducted baseline research for description of existing socioeconomic situation, prediction of likely impacts of the project and programmes for mitigating
and monitoring those impacts. (3 weeks)
1994: Tanzania – Technical Assistance for Biodiversity Conservation
Social Development Adviser, Ruaha Ecosystems Wildlife Management Project (ODA)
Technical assistance in reviewing baseline research and planning village-based wildlife
management projects in the communities bordering Ruaha National Park; facilitated workshop
presenting research results to key government personnel. (4 weeks)
1994: Indonesia – Biodiversity Conservation project appraisal
Socio-economist, Sulawesi Parks and Partnership Program in Lore Lindu National Park (for
TNC). Part of Biodiversity Conservation Network’s programme investigating potential of
community micro-enterprises to promote conservation. Baseline surveys of communities
surrounding the park, preparing business plans projects in ecotourism, bee-keeping, butterfly
farming, and planning monitoring system for social and economic impacts. (6 weeks)
1994: Mexico – Ethnobiology workshop
Presented invited paper at First Mexican Congress in Ethnobiology, Toluca, entitled
"Ancestors and the Environment in South Sulawesi", examining the cultural bases of
environmental practices and indigenous systems of resource management. (4 days)
1994: Uganda – Weed Sciences Social Research
Research consultancy investigating the AIDs-related changes in patterns of labour availability
for agricultural activities (particularly weeding) in Kabale district according to gender and age
group, and the impact of labour shortages on crop production. With Namulonge Research
Institute and CARE International. (3 weeks)
1994: Mexico – CBNRM Workshop
Speaker at workshop in Mexico (Oaxaca Province) on Community-based approaches to
natural resource management, and field reconnaissance with NGO, developing a briefing
paper for an ODA Project Identification Mission. (2 weeks)
1994: Belize - Forest Project monitoring and backstopping
Monitoring and advisory visits to social planning component of Belize Forestry and Land Use
Planning Project. This has two major goals: developing a social forestry programme within
Forestry Department and introducing social planning into the Ministry of Economic
1991 - 1993: South Sulawesi, Indonesia – Australian National University
MA field research in social anthropology in Tana Towa, Bulukumba. Historical and
cultural study examining the role of interactions between societies in shaping culture and
indigenous systems of forest management. (8 months)
1990: Irian Jaya, Indonesia – Higher Education
Curriculum Development Adviser, Eastern Indonesian University Development Programme
(CIDA). Designed and initiated programmes to improve teaching of biological sciences at
Cendrawasi University, Irian Jaya, through incorporating field studies in coral reef biology,
tropical forest ecology and agroforestry. Assessing lecturer needs, constraints on teaching
practices and opportunities for their upgrading. (3 months)
1989-1990 Irian Jaya, Indonesia – Environmental Impact Assessment
Environment Consultant, Second Stage Development for Transmigration (Lavalin Intl).
Senior Consultant conducting environmental and social impact analysis in 7 of the less
successful transmigration (resettlement) sites in Irian Jaya and Maluku, as a part of broader
feasibility studies for the upgrading of the sites. Work included the analysis of environmental
problems, preparation of plans for the mitigation, management and monitoring of
environmental and social impacts, including threatened protected areas and providing
environmental inputs for the preparation of plans for agriculture and infrastructure
development in the resettlement areas. (1 year)
1986-1989 South Sulawesi, Indonesia – Social Forestry Implementation
Technical Adviser and Programme Facilitator, Outer Islands Social Forestry Programme (Ford
Foundation and CUSO). An early CBNRM project encouraging local people to manage rather
than destructively exploit their forest resources. A participatory, integrated land-use and
small income generation based approach for sustainable forest management and conservation,
leading to contracts between the community and forestry department for management of state
forest reserves. Contributed to national programme for social forestry and institution building
within the Forestry Department. (2 1/2 years)
1985-1986 West and East Africa – Multipurpose Tree Research
Research Officer , Oxford Forestry Institute (ODA)
Evaluation of West and East African collaborators in worldwide multipurpose, semi-arid zone
tree species trials; design and coordination of international tree trial evaluation. Special
attention to the ILCA West African Alley-Cropping and Gliricidia sepium trials.
1982-1983 Manaus, Brazil – Biodiversity Conservation Research
Plant Ecologist on "Biodynamics of forest fragments" (WWF-US), a long-term project
studying the biological bases of rainforest conservation in Brazilian Amazonia. Established
system for long-term monitoring of tree population responses to habitat fragmentation,
including forest inventory and permanent study plots, tree phenology, seedling ecology, gap
dynamics, plant taxonomy, population dynamics of understorey palms. (2 years)
April 2009
Independent Consultant
June 2008 – March 2009
Director, Conservation Livelihoods and Governance, Fauna and Flora International
December 2007 – May 2008.
Independent Consultant
May 2006 – December 2007
Senior Adviser, Collaborative Forest Management, SNV Vietnam
August 2003 – April 2006
Independent consultant.
January 1994 to July 2003
Natural Resources Institute (ODA then University of Greenwich), UK, Senior (1994-95)
Principal (1995-2003) Scientific Officer, Livelihoods and Institutions Group.
July 1990 - July 1993
Canadian International Development Agency "Awards for Canadians" scholarship holder and
Australian National University Masters Scholarship holder (Anthropology).
February 1989- March 1990
Lavalin International, Canada. Environmental Consultant Second Stage Development for
Transmigration in Indonesia.
October 1986-February 1989
Ford Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia and Department of Forestry, Government of
Indonesia. Technical Adviser and Programme Facilitator. Indonesian Outer-Islands Social
Forestry Programme.
November 1985-May 1986
Oxford University, Oxford Forestry Institute. Research Officer, ODA Forestry Research
January 1982 - October 1983
World Wildlife Fund (US) Biodiversity Conservation Research Assistant, Brazilian Amazon.
September 1980 – June 1981
Research Assistant, Reproductive Ecology of Cichlid Fishes, Yale University
January - May 1979
Scientific Team Member, Operation Drake, Panama.
July – August 1977
Research Assistant and Dive Buddy, Coral Reef Ecology, Discovery Bay Marine Lab, Jamaica
Full list of publications, many in the grey literature is available on request.
2013. REDD+ Social Safeguards and Standards Review. Forest Carbon Markets and
Communities Program, USAID. Washington.
2011. (with Majella Clark and Asep Suntana). Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s
International Climate and Forest Initiative. Contributions to National REDD+ Processes,
2007-2010. Country Report: Indonesia. Evaluation Report 16/2010. Evaluation Department,
Norad, Oslo.
2009. Forestry in the Time of Recession. Amigos de Floresta e Justica Ambiental. Maputo. 15
2009 (with Daniel Ribeiro). Tristezas Tropicais: More sad stories from the Forests of
Zambezia. Amigos de Floresta e Justica Ambiental. Maputo. 60 pp.
2007. (with Ben Vickers) Forestry in the Clean Development Mechanism: Potential Benefits
for the Rural Poor. Poster and supporting notes presented at the Rights and Resources
Initiative International Conference on: Poverty Reduction and Forests: Tenure, Market and Policy
Reforms. September 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.
2006. (with Ben Vickers) Sharing the Wealth?: A case study of a pioneering community
based timber harvesting operation in Central Vietnam. In “Managing Forests for Poverty
Reduction”. Proceedings of Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, October 2006. RECOFTC,
2006. Forest governance in Zambezia (Mozambique): Chinese Takeaway! Report for Forum
of NGOs of Zambezia (FONGZA), Also translated into Portuguese for distribution in
Mozambique. 88 pp.
2004. Governacao das florestas da Zambezia: florestas para todos. Presentation for
stakeholder workshop on forest governance. 13-15 October 2004, Zambezia, Mozambique.
2004. (with Dr Alex Hinrichs). Results of the Independent Review of the Strategic Forest
Management Plans of Concession Companies operating in Cambodia. GFA Terra-Systems.
Report for Donor Working Group on Forestry and World Bank.
2004. Livelihoods and regulation of the bushmeat trade in Ghana. Presentation made to the
Bushmeat Working Group of the UK Tropical Forest Forum.
2002. Report on visit to proposed INBAR/Ford Foundation Bamboo Development Project
Chishui County, Guizhou Province, PR China. 4 – 10 March, 2002
1999. Shared Forest Management in Matabeleland North Province. Project Memorandum.
1998. Participatory Forest Management in Sri Lanka. Process Guidance Notes and Final
report. Report to Department of Forestry, Sri Lanka and DFID.. Project T0670.
1996. El palo mas util aqui. Evaluation of the role of Gliricidia sepium in the farming
systems of lowland Honduras. Report for the Tree Diseases Project. NRI.
1995. Ancestors and the Environment in Tana Towa (South Sulawesi, Indonesia). La
Etnobiologia en el Conocimiento y Conservacion de los Recursos Naturales y Culturales.
Proceedings of the First Mexican Ethnobiological Congress.
1994. Origins of Resistance. The construction and continuity of identity in Tana Towa
(Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia) MA Thesis (high distinction). Department of
Prehistory and Anthropology, Faculty of Arts. Australian National University.
1988. Village Experience of Social Forestry in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: Community
Forestry and the Community, Proceedings of SE Asia Regional Workshop on Community
Forestry, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Travel, languages, natural history, cinema, music, reading, photography, cooking, gardening,
DIY, swimming, scuba, skiing, tennis, squash, sailing, motor/cycling, horse-riding, hiking.
Other qualifications: CELTA, BSAC SCUBA, Private Pilot’s Licence
Permanent Address:
1 Horsley Road
Kent ME1 1UW
Tel: 01628-478310;
Mob: 07879-777181
Skype: catherine mackenzie (rochester, kent)
Ms Sandra Basgall
(Previously of Social Impact, Inc,)
Related to evaluation of IPAC Bangladesh
Ms Fiona Percy
CARE- Adaptation and Learning Program (Climate Change)
Dr Tiziana Ulian
Related to evaluation of the Useful Plants Project
Millenniium Seed Bank
Kew, Wakehurst Place
Mr Ramzy Kanaan
Tetra Tech ARD
Related to participatory forest management and livelihoods, Sierra Leone.
Now in Dar Es Salaam