BOARD OF EDUCATION - Santa Ana Unified School District

Santa Ana Unified School District
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Meeting Location
Valley High School
1801 E. Greenville Street
Santa Ana, CA 92704
November 10, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Porras. Other
Board Members in attendance were Mr. Oakes, Mr. Acuña, Mr. Hernandez, Mr.
McLoughlin, and Ms. Shemke. Ms. Dixon was not in attendance.
From the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce were Mr. Ward and Ms. Gomez.
Representatives from SAUSD were Dr. Olsky, from Valley High School were Ms.
Swerdlow and Mr. Rozema, and from Career Technical Education was Ms. Carter.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mr. Acuña.
Board President Porras asked those wishing to address the Board in matters
pertaining to items on the Agenda to step to the podium.
There were not individuals wishing to speak.
Mr. Ward stated that at the previous HSI Board of Director’s meeting,
bylaws were discussed and efforts to schedule a meeting to discuss the High
School Inc. (HSI) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was in progress.
A meeting has since been set up with what Mr. Ward referred to as the
transition team for November 30, at the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce office.
Representatives from the HSI Board, Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce Board, and
SAUSD District Board will meet regarding the Memorandum of Understanding. In
closing, he stated the Articles of Incorporation are reflective of the MOU and
revisions would have to be made, therefore, the Articles of Incorporation would
be held until the MOU was completed; the earliest would be December.
HSI Board of Directors
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November 10, 2010
Ms. Sharon Gomez presented brief summaries to the Board of the most recent
events that are taking place within the academies and subsequently, bringing
community awareness to HSI academies.
Global Business Academy
The Global Business Academy students went to MacArthur Plaza on November
1, as part of a senior project. Students are studying corporate leadership,
stocks and bonds; they were assigned to assess the marketing plan and to note
any improvements. Eight restaurateurs were very accommodating. Business
partners were in attendance, the ambiance was nice with jazz music playing,
nice lighting, and open air eating. There were several Santa Ana business
partners in attendance such as the Criminology department, a real estate firm,
a financial services firm, health services, telecommunications department, to
name a few.
A percentage of the food sales will go to High School Inc. at
Valley High School.
New Media Academy
Ms. Gomez circulated a letter that was sent to the SAUSD requesting access
for teachers into Facebook, YouTube, and Hulu that would be used as training
sites for online media and social networking.
Automotive, Transportation, and Logistics Academy
Ms. Gomez stated that there was a need of $1,200 to apply for the National
Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Certification which would
enable HSI students to become certified master mechanics by the time they
graduate from Valley High School. The Board extended thanks to Mr. Ward and Mr.
Oakes who sent notice to local automotive companies to make contributions for
the worthy cause. Due to favorable responses, money will be immediately.
Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Academy
Ms. Gomez previously shared information about the Easter Seals proposed
“real world” project which includes a partial demolition/renovation of a
building in Santa Ana. She stated that students would have the opportunity to
participate in a building project with professionals. Students will learn
project organization, team work; receive hands-on experience in the field of
construction, value of measurement, and industry techniques for various facets
of construction such as roofing, air condition, and landscaping. Students will
partner up with licensed contractors, Occupation Safety & Hazard Association
(OSHA) and learn safety standards.
Healthcare Academy
Ms. Gomez announced that a First Annual Wellness Conference is in
progress. The event will take place in December where five or six simultaneous
health workshops and activities will be offered.
The Kaiser Foundation will
present a theatre production called “What Goes Around” regarding sexually
transmitted diseases (STD). Culinary arts, healthcare, and physical education
classes are being targeted for participation.
Ms. Swerdlow stated that Dr.
Frances Byfield has reviewed the production and approved Santa Ana student’s
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November 10, 2010
Culinary Arts Academy
Ms. Gomez stated that the Annual Culinary Arts Thanksgiving Dinner is
scheduled for November 18th. There will be approximately 250 students involved
in the kitchen, with alternating roles.
SOKA University donated 25 turkeys.
Ms. Gomez asked Business Partners and the Board for donations. She extended
thanks to the Board who offered to donate.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the scope of work students would be
engaged in while working on the Easter Seal project in Santa Ana. The Board
noted that the Egg Drop event scheduled for December 10 was postponed,
therefore; the Easter Seals event would be scheduled on that date.
Ms. Gomez brought up the letter circulated earlier
regarding teacher access into Facebook, YouTube, and Hulu.
Dr. Olsky stated that once a server is open to even a couple of teachers,
students have been known to access computers.
Dr. Olsky stated that the
District enforces cyber safety. There is an acceptable use policy in place at
the District that all employees and students sign. She added that there is a
way to instruct students by way of online simulation. But, that she would take
the letter and have Ms. Ito respond to the request.
Ms. Gomez asked how HSI would go about requesting a Web Design course
offering at the school. Ms. Swerdlow responded that it would be through the
school administration.
A request would have to be put in writing and a
committee would discuss it and make a determination. Ms. Swerdlow stated that
it would call for adding courses to the master schedule.
Dr. Olsky asked Ms. Swerdlow that this should be something to discuss with
the curriculum committee that is currently being developed.
Mr. Acuña suggested looking into the Career Advancement classes at local
colleges and Ms. Carter stated that Century High School offers the course and
suggested that the instructor be contacted for information.
Ms. Swerdlow, Principal of Valley High School is agendized monthly to
provide brief updates of the current events at the school.
Ms. Swerdlow
provided the following information.
California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
The CAHSEE administration took place on November 9-10, 2010
Students must pass the CAHSEE in order to graduate from high school as
well as completing all required courses
A senior that has not passed would have taken the CAHSEE seven times
The first CAHSEE is administered in grade 10
Incentives and interventions are offered to all students
Next results for most recent administration will be in January
If students take the exam in March, they should have results before
At Valley there are better results in mathematics than in English given
the language issue
An exception was allotted to special education students two years ago;
they received certificates of completion and granted permission to
participate in commencement exercises
HSI Board of Directors
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November 10, 2010
Mr. Greg Rankin was the special guest as he was the Associate Student Body
President in 1966. She stated that the students put on a production themed
Super Mario Bros. The entire Homecoming was Super Mario Bros. The props were of
the video game and when the group came on it implied first level of the game,
second level, and third level. The music was also the Mario Bros. theme. The
entire homecoming was intertwined with the Mario Bros theme.
The dance took
place in the cafeteria. Student Diane Lopez is a HSI was crowned Queen and the
King who is beloved by many is named King.
Choral event
Recently, Valley hosted a choral event where several Special Education
students including a sightless student performed. It was an outstanding event.
State of the District
Ms. Swerdlow said that the Culinary Arts students catered the State of the
District event on October 21.
Many thought that the District had hired
catering services and were surprised to find out that it was High School Inc.
culinary students.
Students wore culinary attire and hats embroidered with
High School Inc. They did a remarkable job.
Small Learning Communities Meetings
Valley held their first 90-minute meeting this week
Professional development meetings are held on Mondays
Valley has late start days on Mondays; student classes begin at 9:50 a.m.
Teachers workday starts at 8:10 a.m 9:40 a.m 90 minutes of professional
development for teachers
Teacher’s work day is from 8:10 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
. –
. -
Ms. Swerdlow stated that students are more engaged this year. There is a
strong freshman program (freshman village) and a distinct focus on 9th grade.
There is a big responsibility on teachers. A big boost for teachers was the
growth in API/AYP.
Having been identified as a Persistently Low-Achieving
School was difficult, but the new transformational school has a focus on school
These six schools are now trailblazers.
And with the new
attendance structure put into place, there are very few students late to class.
It was moved by Mr. Acuña, seconded by Mr. McLoughlin, and carried 6-0, to
approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 10, 2010.
Mr. Porras opened discussion to schedule the Board of Director’s Retreat.
Mr. Ward suggested January 14, 2011, 7:30 a.m – 12 Noon at the Santa Ana
Chamber of Commerce Office which is in lieu of the January 12th Board of
Director’s meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Oakes, seconded by Mr. McLoughlin, and carried 6-0, to
approve the rescheduling of the High School Inc. at Valley High School Board of
Directors’ Retreat to January 14, 2011, at 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Santa
Ana Chamber of Commerce Office.
HSI Board of Directors
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November 10, 2010
Mr. Porras opened the floor to accept suggestions for topics of interest
for the Board Retreat.
Below are suggested topics: (Some items will be tied into other topics)
Financials’ Management, including Key Performance Indicators (feedback
at the meeting)
501c3 – non-profit organization
Search for Executive Director (review job description)
Fundraising (process/protocol –resource development/expansion)
Transformation (how HSI fits in)
Academies and Pathway (successes and what do they lead to. Tie in
development of internships, jobs, and working with community
Invite school, partners, SAUSD District personnel, and Mr. Dave Elliot
Visitation to classrooms to get an idea of instruction and how you can
add to conversation (Previous Board meeting suggestion)
Review of annual budget from January–June 2011 and a preview of 2012
(previous Board meeting suggestion)
Facilitator: Mr. Dale Ward
Mr. Oakes suggested bringing calendars and HSI Board of Director’s Books
for referencing.
He then recommended using Board adopted strategies in the
four areas as topic guides for the retreat:
assessment evaluation
instruction and methodologies
lifelong learning skills
workplace skills
It was moved by Mr. McLoughlin, seconded by Mr. Acuna, and carried 6-0, to
approve the Board Retreat date of January 14, 2011.
The following date, time, and location have been determined:
High School Inc. Academies at Valley High School
Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce
Friday, January 14, 2010
7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mr. Oakes highlighted activities from October 13, 2010 – November 9, 2010 which
included the following for a total of 19.5 hours:
October 13
October 15
October 20
October 26
October 28
November 8
November 9
HSI Board of Directors meeting
Meeting with Mr. Gotcher on ATL Academy
Organization meeting with Mr. Ward
ATL Academy Meeting
Jobs for American Graduates (JAG) meeting with
Swerdlow, and Mr. Rozema
HSI Task Force Meeting
Exploratory meeting on personalization with
Swerdlow, Ms. Gitman, and Mr. Rozema
Emails, phone calls, and contact
HSI Board of Directors
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November 10, 2010
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Accreditation
Ms. Swerdlow announced that Valley High School would soon undergo a WASC
Accreditation. A visiting committee will come to the School to verify the
school’s self study.
Parents, teachers, staff members and students will
participate in the process. The WASC committee comes to see how students are
achieving academically. Valley was previously granted a 6-year term. Terms are
from one-six years. The committee’s initial visit will be on Sunday, March 27.
They will be studying the school for three days and will provide an exit report
on March 30, 2011. The Board has been invited to attend the meetings.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned
at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by
Cynthia Gastelo, Recording Secretary
December 3, 2010
In witness whereof, I have hereinto set my hand this 8th day of December, 2010.
Miguel Hernandez, Secretary
HSI Board of Directors
FUTURE MEETING – The next Meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on
Friday, January 14, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. at the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce