IST 318 – Spring 2013 Reading List 1. What is DBA? (online at [Chapter 1 – Mullins, Database Administration, 2nd Ed ] a. Data, DB, DBMS, RDBMS; and What functions does a DBMS provide? b. DBA, DA, and SA c. DBA tasks d. Types of DBAs e. Impacts of newer technologies: cloud, NoSQL, Big Data, eDBA 2. RDBMS: An Introduction (handout) [Chapter 1 – Petkovic, Microsoft SQL Server 2012: A Beginner’s Guide, 5th Ed] a. DB, DBMS, DB Apps; and logical independence, physical independence b. Client-server set up; and various client tools/GUIs c. Relational data model: relation (table: both define and store data) and relationship d. Using the Management Studio GUI to login, create tables, insert data, view data, etc 3. An Intro to (RDB and) SQL [Chapter 1 – Syverson & Murach, SQL Server 2013 for Developers] a. Review concepts mentioned in two previous classes: using charts and definitions b. A brief history of SQL; T-SQL and SQL c. Intro to SQL statements i. DDL: Create and alter table ii. DML (for CRUD operations) 1) Queries: select data from 1 or more tables (join); clauses 2) Updates: add, update, and delete data d. A broader view: other DB objects; DB app programming 4. Lab 1 – Basic SQL syntax and essential language components [The sample DB from Petkovic/ch1; SQL statements from Syverson&Murach/ch1; and language elements & data types from Petkovic/ch4] a. DML basics: CRUD i. SELECT and FROM clauses: mandatory and always the first two ii. WHERE clause: usually needed though not required iii. ORDER BY: needed for sorting results; can use multiple sorting rules iv. INSERT INTO tablename [(…)] VALUES (…) v. UPDATE tablename SET column = new_value [, column2 = new_value2 …] [WHERE…] vi. DELETE FROM tablename [WHERE …] b. DDL – table management i. CREATE TABLE tablename () ii. ALTER TABLE tablename ADD|DROP|ALTER iii. DROP TABLE tablename c. Language components 1 i. ii. iii. iv. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Literals (or constants): ‘textual’, 123 (numerals) Reserved keywords & naming convention Comments: /* … */ (multiple lines); -- (single-line) Data types 1) Numeric: INTEGER/SMALLINT; DECIMAL/NUMERIC(p[, s]) 2) Character: CHAR[(n)]; VARCHAR(n); NCHAR/NVARCHAR(n) 3) Temporal: DATETIME/DATE/TIME 4) Other misc.: binary, large object, CURSOR, XML, spatial, TIMESTAMP SELECT with conditions and from more than one table a. Calculation terms in select clause b. ORDER BY: more examples c. WHERE: ways to specify conditions i. Comparison: =,>,<, and BETWEEN … AND ii. IN (…, …[, …]) iii. LIKE: with wildcard character 1) % representing any number of (0 to many) characters 2) _ representing any single character d. JOIN syntax i. Freestyle ii. Using JOIN keyword Lab 2 – Joining tables DB design a. Entity and Relationship; ER modeling b. Converting ERM into Table Schemas c. The ADLC Lab 3 – DB analysis and design Aggregation a. Aggregate functions: max, min, sum, average, and count b. New clauses in SELECT statement: GROUP BY and HAVING i. When a normal expression and an aggregate term are listed in a SELECT clause, the normal term must appear in the GROUP BY clause SELECT state, COUNT(customer#) FROM customers GROUP BY state; ii. All conditions applicable for groups should be included in the HAVING clause (in aggregate terms only), whereas general conditions in the WHERE clause SELECT state, COUNT(customer#) FROM customers WHERE referred > 0 /* may also use IS NOT NULL */ GROUP BY state HAVING COUNT(customer#) >= 10; 10. Lab 4 – Group Functions 11. Built-in functions 2 a. Math functions: round, abs, ceiling/floor, sqrt/square b. String functions: i. Extractors: left, right, substring, ltrim, rtrim ii. Case changers: upper, lower iii. String info: len, charindex c. Date functions: dateadd, datediff, datepart, year/month/day, getdate d. Other function: case, convert/cast Follow the link below to access resources at for Aggregate and other functions used in SQL Server 12. Lab 5 – Built-in Functions 13. Creating tables and setting constraints a. Five types of constraints i. PRIMARY KEY: implies NOT NULL and UNIQUE; may have one in a table ii. NOT NULL: used for “required” fields; specified using in-line style iii. UNIQUE: also known as “candidate key”; may be consist of one or more fields iv. CHECK: for specifying value range or set of legal values CHECK (condition) v. FOREIGN KEY: must refer to a PK or UQ in another table (or the same table for a recursive relationship) [The only inter-table constraint] [FOREIGN KEY] REFERENCES table_name (ref_col_nm1[, ref_col_nm2…]) [ON DELETE {CASCADE|NO ACTION}] [ON UPDATE {CASCADE|NO ACTION}] b. Two ways to set constraints i. During table creation ii. After a table is created by using the ALTER TABLE statement to add constraint c. Two places to add a constrain i. In-line style: add the constraint keyword right after data type is specified Cannot be used for PK/UQ/FK that consist of multiple columns ii. At table level: use the CONSTRAINT keyword followed with one of 5 types May optionally provide a constraint-name Naming convention for a constraint-name is: PK|NN|UQ|FK|CK__table_name__column_name b. Syntax for the ALTER TABLE statement i. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD|DROP ALTER TABLE Vendors ADD LastTransDate SMALLDATETIME; // add a column ALTER TABLE Vendors DROP COLUMN LastTransDate; // drop a column ALTER TABLE Invoices ADD CHECK (InvoiceTotal >= 1); // add a constraint 3 ii. ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN ALTER TABLE InvoiceLineItems ALTER COLUMN InvoiceLineItemDesc VARCHAR(200); // modify data type for a column 14. Lab 6 - Creating tables and setting constraints 15. Subqueries a. SELECT statements used in another SQL statement (CRUD) b. Used in a SELECT statement i. In WHERE clause ii. In HAVING clause iii. In FROM clause iv. In SELECT clause c. Returns one value i. May use comparison operators: =, >, < d. Returns multiple values i. Need to use ALL, SOME/ANY with comparison operators ii. May use IN 16. Lab 7 - Subqueries 17. Views a. What is a view: a DB object that embeds a SELECT statement i. Referring to data in the base table(s) (those appear in its FROM clause) ii. A virtual table never really has data physically stored in it iii. Reflects the current data: contents of the virtual table gathered when executed b. Why using views: relational tables are normalized – not necessarily in ways how the end users see data use views can organize data to fit specific user needs i. View can be used in the FROM clause just as a normal (physical) table ii. Used to restrict data: a view can be made to show only the insensitive data iii. Embed a (complex) SELECT statement and don’t have to write it all the time c. How to create a view: i. use the CREATE VIEW statement CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT … //everything we discussed can go here // Or provide column names in view with … CREATE VIEW view_name (col_1, …, col_n) AS SELECT … ii. use the View Designer: right mouse on Views and then select New View d. How to use a view to update: generally speaking, it’s not a good idea i. First need to make sure the view is updatable, i.e. it include PK in base table(s) 1. And do NOT include: calculated term, aggregate terms, DISTINCT, TOP 2. Views that don’t meet the requirements above are read-only ii. Can only affect (CUD) record(s) in one (of the) base table(s) e. SQL Server catalog views 18. Lab 8 – Views 19. Selected topic: C# ADO programming 4 20. 21. 22. 23. Lab 9 – Windows Form Programming Other DB objects, such as sequence, index, etc. Security: user & role management Another DB system: MySQL/PostgreSQL/MongoDB/HBase (TBD) 5