Attendees: Nicole Exe, University of Michigan Kate Crow, St Mary Corwin Hospital Heather Goltz, University of Houston-Downtown, VA, BCM Karen Greendale, Consultant Gail Marcus, North Carolina Public Health Genetics James O’Leary, Genetic Alliance Potential Timeline for Webinar Series: Fall 2014—HBOC Winter 2015 (January/February)— Lynch Syndrome April 2015—FH Discussed issues with recruitment of Tier-I webinar planning subgroups o Potential outreach: Send recruitment e-mail to entire Genomic Forum (newsletter piece already went out)---clarify that subgroup members need not be experts in the specific Tier-I application o Subgroup leader roles: Planning agenda, leading calls, recruiting speakers, keeping timelines Briefly discussed outline/format of specific Tier-I application webinars Karen Greendale reported on progress on the FH Tier-I application webinar o Have identified some speakers, outline/format o Will provide more information on next call Notes from 03/10/14: Toby Citrin circulated his notes concerning a 3-part format for Tier-I webinars (see below, taken from e-mail) o Define the condition Risk factors How it presents Biological and genetic basis o Recommendations for cascade screening Whom to screen When to screen How to screen o Public health implementation Structure Costs and potential funding sources Partnerships – convening role Surveillance and Assessment Public and professional education Relationships to ongoing programs o Group added that webinar should first address why the specific Tier-I application is important and also assist public health professionals in terms of their understanding of what they can do in terms of Tier-I, funding gaps, and “small steps” (i.e., implementing programs with potential little funding). Additional discussion in terms of format that these webinars should generate interest, but are not meant to be exhaustive. o Group also suggested that Tier-I application webinars and related resources (i.e., web links, reminder about original/general webinar, new OPHG website, clickable map) should be made available to attendees. Discussions about HBOC since it’s slated for the first slot in the webinar series: o Michigan, Oregon, and Georgia state programs (e.g., bidirectional reporting, cascade screening?) o Potential speakers: Head GC training program at Emory: Cecilia Bellcross (developed BREST tool) Genetic counselors Oncologists Patient/Survivor groups (for stories), Sue Friedman (FORCE)---good/bad experiences of public health and providers Nicole mentioned that having patient stories has been very powerful in past such as Joanna Rudnick’s In the Family video In discussing revising webinar format: o Challenges/overcoming obstacles should be added to PH Implementation section (e.g., telemedicine) o Suggestion to try and keep webinars grounded in the current state of the science as opposed to future matters o Revise first section (about the disease itself) to include the current state of technology concerning the disease Next call in late June (primary focus on HBOC, with some updates on other Tier-I webinars)