General Plumbing Tips for Home Owners

General Plumbing Tips for Home Owners.
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Drainage/sewerage systems are generally �self cleaning�, when they
block up it�s always for a reason. The most common reasons are as follows:
Roots have found a way into the pipe through a break or loose fitting joint.
This is the most common fault on the East Rand. Clay systems are prone to
roots getting in on the bends that have inspection eyes. The tar dries out and
the roots get in. Remember - it's not the tree's fault. The tree exploits the open
(broken) pipe and sends it's roots in. Please dont take out your frustration on
the tree! The only possible exception to this is a palm tree - we have found that
palm trees and sewerage systems dont get along. The tree always wins.
Someone has flushed something unusual down the toilet like a nappy,
clothes, sanitary pad or toy! This type of blockage often occurs when there are
already roots in the system that trap the solid matter like a strainer. Septic
tanks dont like this at all.
The system has been incorrectly installed/modified (often during
extensions) and this has caused a point that is prone to blockage.
The pipe system is starting to collapse for some reason. Common
with pitch/fibre pipes.
Fats, detergent powders and other substances have accumulated until
the drain has blocked or concrete, grout or filler has been put into the drain.
How are drains cleaned? The most reliable and efficient (domestic)
method is by spiral springs that are rotated into the pipe by means of a special
electric drain cleaning machine. These spirals have a cutting or screwing tool
on the end that removes the blockage. The specific tool used depends on the
type of blockage. These spirals can operate to a length of up to 50 metres and
beyond. (Blockbuster machines can work to 80 metres). Water jetting can also be used
but the type of machine that will cut roots will not fit in the back garden!
Blocked gullies (open drains) can be cleaned with small "Karcher" type
machines with a special nozzle fitted. This is effective for drains blocked by fat
and detergent.
Can I do something to look after my drains? Yes, most certainly. The
most important precaution is to make sure that no foreign matter/objects are
flushed down the toilets. There is not much that you can do about the ingress
of roots though. The ultimate cure for this is to repair or replace the effected
pipe � not always that costly!. Although It is sometimes easier to get the
drains cleaned periodically rather than replace the drain. Unfortunately you
may get to the point where you have to replace the pipe. Blockbuster can advise you
on this.
What about sinks, basins and showers? There is a lot more that home
owners can do when it comes to small diameter drains like those used for
basins, sinks, baths and showers. Again, avoid introducing stuff that is going to
cause blockages. If you notice that a basin or sink drain is getting a bit lazy,
use some proprietary drain cleaner with hot water. Watch out though! Follow
the instructions on the container! Caustic Soda is dangerous if not handled
correctly. Some caustic soda in the drain every couple of months will ensure
that it never blocks. The old fashioned rubber plunger is also effective �
especially after the use of caustic soda (or boiling water) to loosen the
blockage. Again, be careful when plunging if there are still traces of caustic
soda in the drain. Wear gloves and eye protection! If you cannot clear the blockage,
callBlockbuster. We have a range of tools to clean small diameter pipes.
If you dont find what you are looking for here, look at the Plumbing FAQ!
5. What differentiates a drain cleaning company? How would you know
the good from the bad? Sadly its like most things in life � you get what you
pay for. Specialised drain cleaning operations use specialized (and pretty
costly) equipment. They follow a set routine and charge a set and somewhat
higher fee. Some offer a limited guarantee on the work done. Blockbuster will, in
most cases re-clean a line that blocks up again within 30 days of the first clean � at no charge. A
subsequent blockage indicates a fault that is not cleanable and the pipe should
be replaced or repaired.Blockbuster can replace the pipe if required. Some drain
cleaning companies use equipment that damages old and fragile systems �
spring steel solid rods being the most common offenders. Old plastic and
bitumen coated pipes don�t cope well with these rods.
Blockbuster uses 25 or 38mm springs that easily go around corners and cause the least possible damage! Also
REMEMBER that a large number of general plumbers do not have the equipment or specialised knowledge to
clear drains effectifley! The best way to clean a drain is by using a camera concurrently. Although this is a more
costly method, when it's done like this, you will never see us again!
Drain Cleaners (Caustic Soda) are not generally effective on drains that have been blocked
by roots. Drain cleaners work well on waste pipes of up to 50mm - showers, baths, washing
machines, basins etc. Drain cleaners are effective in loosening accumuated solids - but it's
best to water jet after they are loose to flush them away for good.
Grief with Geysers
through the pressure relieve valve overflow pipe. This is
normal as the water heats and cools. Anything more than a couple of litres per
day (up to 8 litres on a "busy" geyser) often points to a faulty pressure control
valve. This should be replaced if you note a steady flow rather than dripping.
Poor hot water pressure could be a number of things. Most often blocked filters or
pipes, faulty pressure valve or an old low pressure geyser (100Kpa Latco
type). It�s best to ask Blockbuster to evaluate the problem.
Hot water and steam coming out of a overflow pipe. This may indicate a release of the
safety valve because of excessive temperature (or pressure). The most
common cause is a stuck/faulty thermostat. This is a serious situation that
must be attended to immediately. Switch off the geyser until its fixed. See
Geysers do leak a bit
"geyser safety "
Boiling geyser. Faulty thermostat. Switch off until it�s fixed. A faulty
thermostat is prone (by design) to fault in the open or "off" position. In this
case you just dont get any hot water. Sometimes it faults in the "on" position
any the water will eventually boil. A dangerous situation that must be attended
to immediatly. Switch the geyser OFF until the thermostat is replaced!
See Geyser Safety .
Water coming out the ceiling - if your geyser should burst or spring a
major leak, switch off the water supply and open a hot tap to relieve pressure.
Remember to switch the geyser OFF on the distribution (DB) board. If you
know where the tap is that supplies the geyser (often close to it) then you
should rather switch that tap off. You will then still have water to the rest of the
house. Call a plumber to investigate.Call your insurance company!
Hot water coming out the cold tap during a water supply failure . This is because the geyser
is not installed correctly. Don�t allow the geyser to drain dry without switching
it off. This is also potentially dangerous for smaller children (and plumbers!)
and should be fixed.
No hot water. Check the geyser circuit breaker. If it�s tripped you should reset it
once. If it trips again call an electrician or plumber to investigate the cause. If
there is power to the geyser then it is either the element or the thermostat.
Remember that you should always replace a faulty element and thermostat
together, but only the thermostat by itself if it�s only the thermostat fails.
Not enough hot water or water not hot enough. Setting on the thermostat too low or
geyser too small. Move the setting to 65 degrees. Geysers calcify over time
and it may need to be replaced. Modern geysers work better than the old ones.
It is not recommended that you run the geyser at it�s highest setting! See
"saving power ".
Other General Plumbing Tips.
If you dont find what you are looking for here, look at the Plumbing FAQ!
If you are going away for more than 2 days switch your geyser/s off! Why?
Because a weak
or faulty geyser is most likely to fail when it is at it�s hottest (highest
pressure). When you are not there using the water the geyser gets to its
highest pressure and temperature � and when it pops you are not there to
notice the water pouring out of the roof! The damage that this can cause is
unbelievable. The entire house can flood and your insurance company will
never make good on all the damage caused.
Get a plumber to inspect your geyser installation . Particularly if you are moving into a
new house. Don�t assume that it�s been done correctly. 50% of geyser
installations in S.A. are either not to standard or illegal! Remember that
geysers can and do explode with the release of massive energy - 150 litres of
water turns instantly to steam and expands 1500 times! Blockbuster will inspect and
report on your geyser installation for a nominal fee.
Find out where your main stop valve is! Make sure
the valve is acessable. Remember
that you may need to switch it off in a hurry at 03:00.
You are most likely to
notice this in the shower by the position of the taps. The most likely cause is a
stuck thermostat. Other symptoms are an unusual overflow of hot water from a
geyser overflow. This means that your geyser is stuck �ON� and you are
paying for all the extra electricity it�s using! Blockbuster can replace your thermostat at a
Call a plumber if you notice that the hot water is hotter than normal!
reasonable price.
Clad your exposed pipes in the roof space �
particularly if you have ceiling insulation
like Think pink or Isotherm. This is critical. One very cold night and one burst
pipe will flood your house while you are at work the next day. Use proper foam
cladding. Blockbuster can do this for you.
Go and have a look at your water meter every now and again. This can save you a couple
of thousand Rands! Make sure that there is no water being used in the house
and confirm that the meter stays dead still. If it�s moving � even a bit, then
you have a leak on your side that you are paying for. Blockbuster can assist with
identifying and fixing supply leaks. Have a look at water leaks.
Remember that it is always cheaper (and easier) to replace
old steel pipe with polycop
plastic pipe at a fraction of the cost of steel. You don�t need to do fancy leak
detection on a steel pipe when you know where it starts and ends. You simply
replace the pipe and abandon the old.
Fix the leaking taps or toilets. Although it�s not really cost effective to get a
plumber in to fix one leaking tap you will surprised what new washers in all the
taps will do. Blockbuster can do a maintenance call that will repair and service all
taps, toilets and small diameter drains as a �package� at a reasonable cost.
Keep your eyes open for water/damp. Water leaks in walls and foundations can cause
irreparable damage over time. This is particularly important in houses of 40
years+ that use steel pipes throughout.
Running water is less prone to freeze. If it�s very cold and there is a pipe that is
prone to freezing, let the tap on the end drip fairly fast overnight as a
temporary fix. Clad it when you get a chance.
Thoughts for renovators.
Get the plumber involved up-front. You
can significantly reduce your plumbing costs
by doing this. Seriously consider the replacement of all galvanised pipes with copper!!
Consider fitting the geyser on an outside wall if you can find an inconspicuous wall.
This reduces the installation cost and makes it easier to maintain. Leaks cause
less damage.
Pay particular attention to waste and soil pipes. Make sure that they have rodding eyes
at the end of every straight run.
Avoid using steel pipe except where you need high structural strength like for tap
stand pipes and under roadways.
If you renovate your laundry/kitchen consider the use of "flood proof" waste
outlets. We have seen many kitchens flooded by blocked washing machine
waste pipes. This arrangement allows the overflow to be directed out of the
house rather than onto the floor! Diagram.
Please, please dont use the old galvanised pipes in your new Italian tiled,
bling bathroom that you have just renovated! Redo all the pipework and ask
the plumber to pressure test BEFORE you do ANY tiling! I have had to destroy
many new bathrooms to repair leaks that should not be there.