Pacific Humanities Scholars: By-Laws

Pacific Humanities Scholars: By-Laws
Created September 2013
The primary purpose of the Pacific Humanities Scholars (PHS) is two-fold.
3-Year Degree - The unique and selective Pacific Humanities Scholars program at Pacific-the
only program of its kind in the country-allows high-achieving students to complete their B.A.
degree within three years
Community - Through the program, Pacific Humanities Scholars enjoy the community of
students and faculty who are passionate about the humanities disciplines. Classroom learning is
supplemented with a range of extracurricular events, activities and projects that allow deeper
exploration of the humanities disciplines than a traditional degree program affords. Activities
will include attendance at world-premiere theatrical events, film festivals, gallery exhibitions,
lectures, poetry readings and more.
To be considered for selection in the Pacific Humanities Scholars program, students must have:
a minimum of 1250 on the SAT
3.6 GPA
They must also undergo an interviewing process, where they will be interviewed by a panel of 3-4
faculty, staff, and students.
First Semester Seminar: In this course, students explore individual and collective modes of expression
across the Humanities. Students enjoy exposure to a wide range of cultural enrichment activities, from
world-class opera performances to intimate, one-on-one sessions with visiting scholars and artists. This
academic and experiential approach cultivates an understanding of the Humanities as a profound force
in human civilization.
Second Semester Seminar: Building on the first semester's experiences, this course emphasizes the role
of cognitive science, philosophy, and technology in the pursuit of social justice. Focusing on the
applications of the Humanities in the Digital Age, the seminar challenges students to engage with social
issues facing a global society through theoretical and practical modes of problem solving.
Throughout the program, students have the benefit a dedicated career counselor, a database of
internships tailored to their professional goals, and networking opportunities with local and national
employers, giving students the edge in a highly-competitive marketplace.
Summer Study Abroad: In the summer after their second year, students will have the option of building
their cross-cultural competence by participating in one of three unique courses of study in Italy, Central
America, or Asia.
Undergraduate Research Project: The fall of the third year will be devoted to undergraduate research,
enabling students to work closely with a faculty member of their choosing in order to refine their
expertise in their major subject while adding depth to their analytical reasoning, creativity, written
expression, and communication skills.
Capstone Seminar: The final seminar in the spring of the third year will focus on community-based
learning, the objective of which is to translate education into transformative action, ensuring that Pacific
Humanities Scholars do not lose sight of the "humanity" for which our field is named.
Enrichment Activities: The Pacific Humanities Scholars experience is enriched by a variety of cultural
and social excursions, available exclusively to our scholars. From great opera houses to intimate regional
theatres, the coasts of California to Oregon's Rogue Valley. our scholars travel far and wide to observe
the role that the Humanities play in modern society.
a. Help students design their own majors and course of study
b. Provide extracurricular events, activities, field trips, and projects that will allow a deeper
exploration of the Humanities disciplines
c. Understand the intersection of the Humanities with science and technology
d. Challenge students' knowledge of culture, society, ethics, and justice
e. Facilitate the career paths that students wish to pursue through career counseling,
internships, visits to Bay Area and Silicon Valley-based employers, and other entrepreneurial