

Homework Part 3 – Spelling Words due November 15

This week’s words are in bold at the bottom of this list

The majority of the words on our spelling list are taken from an eighth grade examination for Bullitt County Schools one-room school house, November 1912 exaggerate verb to enlarge beyond the bounds of truth; to overstate incentive noun something that encourages someone to work harder conscious adj knowing or being aware of something chandelier noun a branched lighting fixture, usually suspended from a ceiling acronym noun a word formed from the beginning letter(s) of most of the words of a phrase or compound term. Example: ANI chart or I.M.A.G.E. patient noun an individual under medical treatment adj trials without complaint potential noun something that can develop or become actual (He has potential.) adj capable of becoming real (He is a potential Presidential candidate) creature noun a created being participate verb to take part in something in common with others authentic adj being really what it seems to be verb to say in a will that your property will be given to a person or organization verb to give knowledge to younger people as part of their history bequeath diminish genuine vinegar verb to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of; to make less adj actual, real, or true; not false or fake noun a sour liquid used to flavor or preserve foods or to clean things incident noun 1. an unexpected, usually unpleasant thing that happens

2. an event that is likely to cause serious problems in relations between countries verb to attract or interest someone (The gypsies beguiled Bear.) beguile punctilious adj very careful about behaving properly and doing things in a correct way

(Bear’s father abandoned him, but he was punctilious about paying fees to

the Abbey.)

Spelling List 1

autumn hideous relieve conceive livery entourage laggard monotony noun a special uniform worn by servants especially in the past.

(It was the same livery as Lady Furnival’s entourage wore.) noun a group of people who go with and assist an important person noun one who is sluggish, slow or reluctant to move or act noun tedious sameness hyphen noun punctuation marked used to separate compound words or numbers antecedent noun 1. word that is represented by another word… Example: a noun can be

represented by a pronoun

2. something that came before something else and may have caused it noun 1. The season between summer and winter noun 2. The later part of someone’s life (In the autumn of her life, she married.) noun 1. offensive to the senses and especially to sight.

2. morally offensive; shocking verb 1. to make a problem less serious (The medicine relieved his symptoms) verb 2. to take the place of someone (The nurse relieved the doctor.) verb 1. to think of something in the mind (He conceived of a plan to escape.) verb 2. to become pregnant (Abraham’s wife, Sara, conceived Isaac when she

was ninety years old.) control symptom verb to have power over someone or something noun a change that shows something bad exists. (His cough is a symptom of tuberculosis. or… His troubles are a symptom of his lifestyle.) rhinoceros noun a large animal from Africa or Asia with thick skin and horn(s) on his nose partial impartial musician architect adj 1) not complete

2) tending to treat one person, group or thing better than others adj treating all people and groups equally noun a person who writes, sings, or plays music noun 1) a person who designs buildings

2) a person who designs and guides a project, plan (example:

James Madison was the architect of the U.S. Constitution.)

Spelling List 2

exhaust diagram endeavor scissors associate saucepan benefit verb 1) to use all of someone’s mental or physical energy

2) to completely use up something (supplies or money) noun 1) a drawing that explains or shows the parts of something verb 1) to act of drawing an outline for mathematical, scientific or grammatical purposes (Example: Let’s diagram this sentence.) verb to work with a set purpose; to make an effort

(He endeavored to improve his swan dive.) noun a cutting instrument having two blades whose cutting edges slide past each other noun a partner or colleague (Homeschool moms are colleagues.) verb 1) to connect in the mind or imagination (I associate vacation with fun.)

2) to mix socially (He associates with authors.) noun a deep cooking pan with a handle noun 1) something that promotes well being

(The field trip was of benefit to the children.)

2) an entitlement available in accordance with:

- a wage agreement (The Teachers’ Union negotiated special benefits for its members),

- an insurance policy (The death benefit was $ 50,000.)

- a public assistance program (food stamps for the poor) masculine synopsis

3) A public event held to raise funds for a cause.

(There was a benefit yesterday to help the child who needed surgery.) noun 1. Male

2. having qualities usually associated with men or boys

3. (grammar) belonging to the class of words (gender) that ordinarily includes most words referring to males noun 1. a short description of the most important information about something;

2. a summary or outline circulate eccentric verb 1. to follow a course that returns to the starting point. adj

(Blood circulates throughout the body.)

2. to become widespread (Rumors circulated through the town.) deviating from accepted conduct in an odd or whimsical way.

(He is an eccentric millionaire.)

This is the end of spelling words based on the 1912 – Eighth Grade Examination

Check next page for more spelling words

Spelling List 3

Government noun a system of ruling or controlling

Monarchy noun the rule of one man in the interest of the common good


Anarchy noun the rule of one man for his own benefit; total control over those governed.

-Note 1: When arrogance comes into a monarch’s soul tyranny will result.

-Note 2:The constitution of the United States was designed to avoid tyranny. noun a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority;

Anarchy is the absence of law and the extreme opposite of tyranny


(total control)



(no law)

The final spelling words for the first semester are below.

Give the definition in your own words

Aristocracy noun the rule of the group in the interest of the common good

Oligarchy noun the rule of the group (few rich families) for its own advantage

Aristocracy turns into oligarchy when the group becomes arrogant

Republic noun government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding office during (the people’s pleasure) for a limited period, or during good behavior. ( Federalist Papers, No. 39, p. 241 )

The United States of America is a republic by constitution.

The Pledge of Allegiance states:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it (our flag) stands…

A republic requires an informed electorate that elects moral representatives; otherwise people will reach elective office who are NOT

“the better part of the people” who do NOT rule in the interest of the common good.

Democracy noun A true democracy consists of all the people participating in the direct legislative or decision-making processes of government. Ancient Greece was a democracy.

A pure democracy always fails because people become so occupied with

Their daily tasks that they do not properly study the issues, nor do they

Take the time to participate in extensive hearings before the vote is taken.

The Greeks tried to use democratic mass-participation in the government of their city-states, and each time it ended in tyranny.

Spelling List 4
