Negotiated Study Proposal Form


Negotiated Studies

Information Pack



The Negotiated Studies Task

A Student Guide


What is the Negotiated Task?

The Grade 10 Negotiated task has been included in the English program so that you can plan and carry out a major piece of individual work. You will be required to produce 3 pieces of work. These will be an analytical piece, a

creative piece and an oral presentation. Although your teacher will offer you advice, help and guidance, you will be expected to work independently and

responsibly throughout the study. You must negotiate an agreed deadline for all tasks.


What do I have to do?

There are 3 different types of tasks you are required to complete: a) You have to craft an analytical piece. This may be a discursive essay, argumentative essay, or persuasive writing piece on an aspect of your chosen topic. b) You have to craft a creative piece and you may select one of the following genres:

Short stories

A script

A letter story

An interview


A diary

A number of newspaper stories – an agreed upon number

A series of monologues

A featured article for a magazine

A short graphic novel

A child’s picture book

(See the attached Information sheet for the requirements for each of the genres)

Your teacher will introduce and explain the requirements of each of these forms of writing in the weeks leading up to the Study. There are many other forms of writing which you may choose to include in your study.

C) You are required to give an oral presentation of your study. This may include a reading of one of your creative pieces or presenting your whole study to the class or you may decide to video record an aspect of your study and present it to the class as an audio visual text.


Are there any other restrictions on what I can do?

It is important to remember that your study is an English study and not intended to be a History or Science type of research project where you summarise the writings or scientific research of others.


What time will I have?

Class time will be 15 lessons (or 5 weeks) plus homework.

Set yourself tasks and steps in order to complete work in the designated time

Plan your time carefully.

What do I have to do?


Fill in a proposal sheet.


Complete a plan.


Start and maintain a learning journal.


Conference with peers, parents and a teacher.


Assess your own work.


Share your work with others.


Hand in your work in a display folder and include:

 A contents list or cover page

 A copy of the proposal

 The learning journal

 All negotiated pieces of work

 All of your drafts

 A bibliography

 A Self-Assessment

Negotiated Piece of Work Information Sheet

A) Below are the requirements of each of these forms or writing, which you may select to do as your analytical piece of work. Each style of essay must be of a length of 750 to 1000 words.

Discursive/expository essay: This style of essay presents a balanced and objective examination of a subject, using evidence. (For example ‘The Use of

Symbolism in Macbeth’). It follows the standard essay structure of:

Introduction (outline your topic); Body (each paragraph explores another issue of your topic); Conclusion

Argumentative essay: This style of essay presents a strong position on a topic. Like a discursive essay, it must still use evidence, but may include persuasive language to convince the reader of your opinion. (For example,

‘Lady Macbeth is more evil than her husband’). It follows the standard essay structure of: Introduction (outline your topic); Body (each paragraph explores another issue of your topic); Conclusion

Persuasive writing piece: This style of writing attempts to convince the reader of a particular issue or opinion. It uses persuasive, emotive language as well as evidence and examples to do so. Unlike an argumentative essay, the structure of a persuasive writing is less strict, although most persuasive writing pieces do use the Introduction, Body, Conclusion format. They may also be set out as a ‘letter to the editor’, ‘letter to a relevant person’

(politician etc.) or in a narrative form.

B) Below are the requirements of each of these forms or writing, which you may select to do as your creative piece of work.

 Short Stories: 1 -3 short stories with a total length of at least 1000 words

 A script: either a radio or stage show script. The script must be at least 2

Acts in length and at least 1200 words in length (600 words per act)

 An interview: at least 1000 words in length. Similar to an interview held on TV.

 Poetry: at least 8 poems of at least 4 different styles, i.e. Haiku, Rhyming couplets, Shape poems, ballads, sonnets, blank and free verse.

 A diary: minimum of 6 entries of at least 150 words in length for each entry.

 Newspaper: a minimum of 3 stories/articles in length on your chosen topic. These must be of different styles i.e. international or national news, entertainment and or sporting. Each story must be at least 500 words in length.

 A series of monologues: at least 3 monologues of at least 400 words in length

 A letter story: a letter to a friend or relative telling about an important event or day in your subject’s life (if your study is on an individual or author). At least 750 words in length.

 A feature article for a magazine: at least 750 words in length.

 Graphic novel: at least 6 pages of a graphic novel.

 Picture book; at least 2 picture books of 8 pages in length each.

With each piece of work you must give an overview of the piece and an explanation as to why you choose that piece of creative work.

C. Below are the requirements for your oral presentation:

 A speech of at least 3 minutes in length. This may be given as: o o o a video recording an audio recording or as a speech/presentation in front of the class.

You may give a speech about your study, read one of your monologues, you may act out your interview with the help of a friend or give a poetry recital of your poems.

The subject of your Negotiated Task is up to you. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

An author study

A novel study

Playwright/play study (classic or modern)

Exploring a theme (such as power, freedom, hatred, guilt, revenge, forgiveness)




Film study

Famous musician/poet/actor

TV show. Either specific series or genre: sci-fi (e.g. Star Trek), supernatural

(Supernatural), reality (Keeping Up with the Kardashians), soap operas

(Home and Away) etc.

Racism/prejudice/sexism in literature

Negotiated Study Proposal Form

Student’s Name:______________________________

Class: ________ Teacher: ____________________

Title of the Negotiated Study:

Ideas/focus – What I intend to do:






My Study will include:

A Reading List (Bibliography)

Writing Tasks



I understand that the study is to be my own work, undertaken in the time provided in class and in homework time.

Due Date: _____________

Student Signature: ______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Teacher Signature: ______________________________

Negotiated Study Gr 10 – English – Assessment

(Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards)

Analytical Piece

 develop and justify their own interpretations of texts

 explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development of cohesive and logical arguments

 demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts

Creative Piece

 develop their own style (when speaking, writing and creating) by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices, text structures and images

 create a wide range of texts to articulate complex ideas

 demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts

Oral Presentation

 make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, building on others' ideas, solving problems, justifying opinions and developing and expanding arguments demonstrate (in their own written, spoken and multimodal texts) how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic effect demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation when creating and editing texts
