The Lucky 100 terms, ideas, events Below are the last 50 of the

The Lucky 100 terms, ideas, events
Below are the last 50 of the Lucky 100, you have already done the first 25. The middle 25 will
come with an in class review. (150 points) Due: 4-15-15
50. French politics in 20th century (development of 3rd-5th Republics)
51. impact (esp. psychological) of WWI
52. rise/consolidation of Bolsheviks
53. policies of governments during Great Depression
54. Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP)
55. Wilson's Fourteen Points
56. League of Nations and/or United Nations
57. rise and fall of Spain (15th-17th centuries)
58. comparison of various revolutions
59. rise and philosophy of fascism
60. science's and philosophy's challenge to Liberalism (late 19th/early 20th)
61. diplomacy of interwar (WWI-WWII) period
62. postwar (WWII) governments
63. Holocaust and/or Nazi racial policies
64. Stalin's economic and political actions to modernize USSR
65. de-Stalinization in USSR and Eastern bloc (after 1953)
66. existentialism
67. social conditions in postwar (WWII)
68. Second Vatican Council
69. Marshall Plan and other U.S. Cold War policies
70. revolts of Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968) v. USSR
71. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke (Treatises on Government)
72. territorial development of any of the major states (esp. Russia, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary)
73. society in Renaissance Italy
74. religious wars of 16th/17th centuries (esp. Thirty Year's War)
75. Crimean War
76. rise of various nation-states in 15th/16th centuries
77. role of Hapsburgs (esp. in 16th/17th centuries)
78. response to Indust. Revolution in G.B. (e.g., Corn Laws, Luddites, Chartism)
79. Enlightenment philosophes (Voltaire, Montesquieu, Hume, etc.)
80. G.B.'s unique political development (Parliament)
81. early course of French Revolution
82. development of families in 19th century
83. Bismarck and unification of Germany (and perhaps Cavour)
84. opposition to French Revolution
85. women's rights and suffrage (19th/20th centuries)
86. Darwin and theory of evolution (and how applied later)
87. causes of Russian and/or French Revolutions
88. causes/development of Industrial Revolution (esp. in G.B.)
89. Sigmund Freud and his ideas on the irrational
90. method of control over colonies (imperialism)
91. impact of voyages of exploration (15th/16th centuries)
92. Congress of Vienna
93. important scientists (usu. Galileo, Newton, Copernicus, Einstein)
94. rise of Nazis and domestic policies
95. events leading up to WWII
96. Western economic integration after WWII
97. battles during WWII
98. comparison of totalitarian governments (Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini)
99. causes of WWI
100. practices and development of feudalism