Confined Space Checklist - Brentwood Services, Inc.

Writing Your Program
To help you think through your confined space program and implement safety precautions, the following
is a suggested method to survey your spaces and document your program. Please feel free to copy any
pages in this section, carry them to the space in question. Document your findings and retain them for
review by safety compliance inspections.
Space is available under each entry for you to document your particular space information in full.
General Information
Identify the space_________________________________________________________________
Date of initial survey: ________________
Name of Person making Survey:_____________________________________________________
Is this a confined space? ____ Yes ____ No
If you answer all of the following questions with “yes” the space is considered to be a confined space.
Does the size and shape allow a person to bodily enter to perform work? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Are there limited or restricted openings making entry and exits difficult? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is the space designed for continuous human occupancy? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Permit Required Confined Spaces
If you answer “yes” to at least one of the next four questions, this is a permit-required space.
1. Does it contain or have the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Brentwood Services Loss Control
2. Does it contain a liquid or finely-divided solid material such as a sand or sawdust that could
surround or engulf and entrance? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Does it have an internal shape—Such as a (Page3 top) converging walls or a floor that slopes
downward and tapers to a smaller cross section—that could cause an entrant to be trapped or
asphyxiated? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
4. Does it have any other characteristics that is recognized as a serious safety or health hazard?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Will your own employees enter this confined space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Will contractor employees or visitors enter the confined space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is it feasible to seal off this space to prevent space? ____ Yes ____ No
Possible Methods: ___ Locks ___ Covers
___ Guardrails
___ Fences
___ Others
Explain: _______________________________________________________
If you cannot completely prevent entry, you must decide how to inform employees and others
about hazards of the space
Possible Methods:
___ Signs
___ Training
___ Visitor training
___ Covers
___ Barriers
___ Other
How will you determine that these methods are in place?
___ Regular surveys
___ Inspections
___ Training
___ Other
Explain: _______________________________________________________
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Reclassifying the Space
Could this be a non-permit required space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is it possible to eliminate all its hazards without anyone entering the space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
It is possible to certify that the space has no actual or potential atmosphere hazards and all other
hazards within the permit space have been eliminated? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Certification of reclassification:
 Date of the determination
 Location of the space
 Signature of the person making the determination.
This certification becomes a permanent part of the employer’s written permit space program and must be
made available to each employee entering the space.
Could this space qualify for alternate entry procedure? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Do testing and monitoring results show a controllable hazardous atmosphere as the only hazard?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Monitoring and inspection data demonstrate both of the following:
 First, actual or potential hazardous atmosphere is the only hazard poised by the permit-required
confined space.
 Second, continuous forced air ventilation alone is sufficient to maintain the permit space safe for
 Since these determinations must be made in writing and supported with actual testing and
monitoring results, the person making the determination must complete the paper documentation
and sign it.
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Developing Safe Permit Entry Procedures
The following can help you to develop and implement the means, procedures and practices necessary for
safe permit space entry operations.
Does the space contain and immediate or delayed threat to life? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain a threat that would cause irreversible adverse health effects?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Does the space contain a threat that would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape unaided
from a permit space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain atmospheric hazard? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is it a flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10 percent of its lowest flammable limit (LFL)?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Is it an airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL (approximated
as a condition in which the dust obscures vision at a distance of 5 feet (1.52 m) or less)?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Is it an atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 percent (oxygen-deficient)?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Is it an atmospheric oxygen concentration above 23.5 percent (oxygen-deficient)?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
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Is it an atmospheric concentration of any substance that could result in employee exposure to toxic
air contaminates in excess of permissible exposure limits? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is it any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Would periodic atmospheric testing or continuous monitoring control the above hazards?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
If you answered “yes” to this question, develop a testing and/or monitoring program for this space.
Developing Safe Atmospheric Testing/Monitoring
Is it necessary to test periodically for oxygen content? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, how often? _____________________ Instrument to use: ___________________________
Is it necessary to test periodically for flammables? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, how often? _____________________ Instrument to use: ___________________________
Is it necessary to test periodically for toxics? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, how often? _____________________ Instrument to use: ___________________________
Would continuous monitoring be better? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Add monitoring needs, what monitor to use and describe how:
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Identifying Other Hazards
Does this space contain thermal burn hazards? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain chemical burn hazards? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain mechanical force hazards? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain engulfment in liquids or finely-divided solid particle hazards?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Does this space contain noise hazards? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Does this space contain heat stress hazards? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Are there other hazards not listed here which are potentially present in this space?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Developing Hazard Control
Now you are ready to develop procedures to eliminate or control the hazards listed above.
Can the space be cleaned, purged or inerted? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
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Can the space be isolated from hazardous energy and materials? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Can lockout/____ prevent unexpected operation of equipment inside the space?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Can blanking or blinding prevent accidental entry of hazardous materials?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Would mechanical ventilation conceal toxic or flammable gases and vapors?
____ Yes ____ No Explain: _______________________________________________________
Would mechanical ventilation ensure adequate oxygen supply? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Is there a need for back work permits and procedures? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Are line breaking procedures required? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
Are there other isolating methods necessary for this space? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
During entry and work does the space require barriers such as covers, guardrails, fences or
locks to keep unauthorized personal out? ____ Yes ____ No
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________
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Identifying Equipment Needs
Now you are ready to decide which equipment is necessary for safe entry work and exit. You will also
need to decide how to maintain this equipment, how it is to be inspected and who is responsible for the
equipment program.
List atmospheric testing instruments:
How maintained?
How inspected?
Person(s) responsible?
List monitoring instruments:
How maintained?
How inspected?
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Person(s) responsible?
List ventilation equipment:
How maintained?
How inspected?
Person(s) responsible?
List necessary communication equipment:
How maintained?
How inspected?
Person(s) responsible?
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List special lighting equipment required:
How maintained?
How inspected?
Person(s) responsible?
List PPE:
Eye protection:
Head protection:
Hearing protection:
Egress bottle:
Special tool requirements:
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Barriers and signs:
Entry and exit equipment:
Rescue equipment:
Any other equipment required for safe entry, work and exit:
Assuring Proper Equipment Use
How will you ensure that the above equipment is used properly?
How Often:
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If any of the previous equipment is not available or serviceable, how will you prevent entry?
Assigning Entry Team Personnel
How will entrances be assigned?
Listing can permit:
How will attendants be assigned?
Listing can permit:
How will entry supervisor be assigned?
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Previous experience:
Listing can permit:
Establishing Rescue Plans
Should conditions become unacceptable, what are rescue plans?
Elements of self-rescue:
Calling for help:
Service assigned to rescue:
How is emergency team trained?
How will emergency team know special space conditions?
How will emergency team know special space hazards?
Brentwood Services Loss Control
Will there be first-aid and CPR training?
How will untrained would-be rescuers be kept out of the space in an emergency?
Establishing Contractor Safety
You are now ready to think about contractor/host relationship
How will you as best employer inform the oncoming contractor that your workspace has permit
spaces that are to be entered only under a permit space program?
How will you apprise the contractor of hazards associated with the permit space?
How can you include in this pre-entry briefing information about your experience with the space?
How will you apprise the contractor of any permit space procedures you have in place?
Are there other topics you should cover with the contractor to assure safety for your employees and
the contractor employees as well?
How will you coordinate entry, work, and exit with the contractor?
Brentwood Services Loss Control
How will you debrief the contractor when permit-required confined space entry is complete?
The contractor has certain requirements under 1910.146. You are ready to plan to assure he is in compliance
How can you be assured that the contractor will obtain any available information concerning
permit space hazards and entry procedures from you?
How can you enforce the cooperation of joint permit space entry operations between host and
How can you be assured that your permit-required confined space program and the contractor’s
program are suited to the entry and work planned?
How do you plan to gather information from the contractor about hazards encountered or created
by contractor employees in your space?
What control do you have over the contractor to ensure a complete debrief when entry and work
are completed?
Concluding Entry
What systematic measures are in place to safely conclude confined space work entry?
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What is to be done about ensuring that all elements are out of the space at the termination of the
What is the procedure to shut down the space?
Espcially when there has been work in the space what provisions are made so control fire or
explosions after work is ended?
How is the entry portal to be closed?
Does the entry supervisor have a list of the procedures necessary for safe cancellation of the
What provisions are made for returning the space to normal operating conditions?
Are there special worker safety provisions related to restoring normal work?
Are there other considerations needed to provided an orderly transition between periods when
entry is authorized and when it is not?
Reviewing the Program
You are now ready to decide what form the permit space program review and revision will take.
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How will you be notified when conditions at the workplace indicate that existing permit space
procedures provide inadequate protection?
Who reports near misses?
How are they reported?
How will you find out that a hazard not addressed in the entry permit was present?
How will you find out that a condition not allowed by the permit was part of entry, work or exit?
How will you know when a change in the use or shape of the space has affected entry team safety?
Is there a method to receive employee complaints about permit program effectiveness?
In all the above data collection is this a non-accusatory method, designed to gather information
rather than to blame?
How will you prevent additional entries before the above information is collected, reviewed and
reflected in your permit program?
The above are condition or situation-driven indicators that permit program needs revision. OSHO
requires that you review each entry permit at lead annually to ensure entry team safety.
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How do you plan to keep completed permit?
What will be done to notify you that the annual review is due?
Who is responsible for analyzing the permit and reporting necessary changes?
How will you correct permit program inadequacies?
Is there a procedure developed to ensure that all affected entries benefit from the analysis of each
permit space?
Brentwood Services Loss Control