REQUEST RECEIVED 02/01/14 02/01/14 02/01/14 02/01/14 SUBJECT MATTER Details of staff salaries and expenses and Councillor attendance Staff issued with smart phone etc and those lost or stolen Details of obese children taken into care Details of public health funerals 02/01/14 Details of JE Panel and Process. 02/01/14 Details of background papers for O& S Committee and emails to and between Members 02/01/14 02/01/14 06/01/14 Details of Monitoring and Deputy Monitoring Officer appointments Details of business rate accounts Questions around the Telecoms Expenditure at Northumberland County Council. Abandoned cars. Information relating to the local council tax support scheme. Schedule of all non-domestic rate accounts in billing authority. Under occupancy housing benefit penalty. Software currently used for filtering / blocking / monitoring access to the internet for council staff. Questions regarding staff levels and turnover Detail of IT lead and contact details Details of number of crossing guards/lollipop men Details of right to buy properties Information regarding the Right to Buy in the local authority area. Details of all communications between the authority and Royal Mail relating 07/01/14 07/01/14 08/01/14 08/01/14 08/01/14 10/01/14 10/01/14 10/01/14 10/01/14 10/01/14 12/01/14 RESPONSE SENT 24/01/14 29/01/14 02/01/14 16/01/14 28/01/14 & 27/01/14 Partial response SENT 20/01/14. Clarification sought 07/01/14 – provided 16/01/14 Remainder will be sent by 30/01/14 SENT 29/01/14 20/01/14 29/01/14 10/01/14 27/01/14 03/02/14 15/01/14 22/01/14 10/01/14 03/02/14 10/01/14 10/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 03/02/14 12/01/14 13/01/14 13/01/14 13/01/14 13/01/14 13/01/14 13/01/14 14/01/14 15/01/14 16/01/14 15/01/14 16/01/14 16/01/14 17/01/14 17/01/14 17/01/14 20/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 to the proposed addition of Heybridge to any postal addresses. Payment kiosk question. Details of premises that have surrendered alcohol licenses since January 2008. Details of children under 16 being taken into care with weight and nutrition issues. Details of effective catchment areas of all the primary and secondary schools in the area. Details of any new high school buildings constructed within the last 10 years. Whether the council is undertaking an insulation improvements to housing stock. Business Rates Information Tenants subject to the social sector size criteria who would be exempt due to pre-1996 tenancy. How many complaints received about Chelmsford Northwood Ltd. Bailiff / debt recovery contractors Project methodology for IT projects. Details of planning application fees not paid in the past 12 months Details of all decisions on bedroom tax/spare room subsidy Details of outstanding roadworks/road maintenance in the area Details of staff use of Internet and any disciplinary issues arising Details of Fixed Telephony, Broadband and WAN Contract Information List of business, addresses, name of rate paper and date they became responsible for NNDR. Payscale range of Building Surveyors and criteria for progress Expenditure on PCSO Details of provision of electric car charging points Details of provision of performance bond Details of CEs since 1980 and length of service Details of unaccompanied asylum seeking children 14/01/14 24/01/14 14/01/14 14/01/14 15/01/14 03/02/14 22/01/14 04/02/14 12/02/14 18/02/14 20/01/14 20/01/14 22/01/14 20/01/14 11/02/14 27/01/14 04/02/14 17/02/14 10/02/14 03/02/14 29/01/14 07/02/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 21/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 22/01/14 23/01/14 23/01/14 23/01/14 23/01/14 24/01/14 24/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 28/01/14 Details of people dying with no next of kin Details of addressed and rateable values of empty commercial properties Details of people paying increased council tax or council tax for the first time Details of officers responsible for collating information on child neglect or abuse Details of scrap metal licences issued/refused Details of housing benefit/Council Tax benefits recipients Details of Interception of Communications Commissioner’s inspection reports for 2011 and 2012 for MDC Details of school buildings needing replacement and projects commissioned Details of business rates accounts Details of documents used to support number of traveller pitches contained in Draft LDP Details of potholes and resurfacing works Details of disposal of timber Details of staff driving licences Details of postal votes Details of costs of crisis loan scheme Details of Council owned school buses Details of children taken into care from EU countries and child protection budgets Details of taxi licensing procedures Details of debts owed to the Council REVISED 28/01/14 Details of dealing with dead pets found by workers Details of software used Questions regarding licensed pet shops Figures regarding adoptions Council tax arrears 10/02/14 05/02/14 18/02/14 24/01/14 27/01/14 and 03/02/14 18/02/14 27/01/14 22/01/14 19/02/14 14/02/14 24/01/14 04/02/14 12/02/14 29/01/14 27/01/14 27/01/14 03/02/14 Sundry Debtors info sent by Ann Nagy 30/01/14 SENT 21/02/14 05/02/14 29/01/14 05/02/14 29/01/14 24/02/14 29/01/14 29/01/14 29/01/14 30/01/14 30/01/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 03/02/14 04/02/14 04/02/14 04/02/14 04/02/14 05/02/14 05/02/14 27/01/14 (sent to committee services 06/02/14) 06/02/14 06/02/14 07/02/14 07/02/14 07/02/14 09/02/14 Commercial premises receiving small business relief Information regarding Millfields Caravan Park Details of public health funerals carried out between 1 June 2013 to date Details of Defibrillators/AED in the Council Details of disused/empty council owned buildings Details of new business rate registrations Number of solicitors employed in house Costs of running in house legal department Expenditure on external legal services Details of homelessness Details of expenditure on subsidising local bus services Details of vacant commercial warehouses with a rateable value up to £1m. Information relating to fetal burials. Printer and toner cartridge information. Shredding service information. Information about housing benefit. Winter Maintenance Service Querying whether any land is registered as common land or town/village green. Enforcement of Approved Document P of the Building Regulations by Building Control. Full Council Tax for plots 74, 75, 76, 77 & 78. Details of accommodation provided for trade union business Details of Local Council Tax Support Scheme Details of social care costs Details of published datasets Details of PSN compliance 05/02/14 30/01/14 30/01/14 26/02/14 10/02/14 05/02/14 31/01/14 31/01/14 11/02/14 20/02/14 03/02/14 05/02/14 05/02/14 28/02/14 05/02/14 25/02/14 05/02/14 17/02/14 25/02/14 14/02/14 05/03/14 10/02/14 07/02/14 Further clarification requested 28/02/14 CHASED 17/03/14 SENT 19/03/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 Details of micro-chipping of children of care Details of micro-chipping of children in care Details of MDC involvement in Planning application FUL/MAL/13/01151 Snows Corner Details of community pharmacists and health and wellbeing boards. Details of expenditure on printer toner and inkjet cartridges. Details of public health/welfare funerals Copies of public consultation papers from draft LDP consultation. Business rates for Great Totham. Details of all information relating to Braintree District’s involvement with LDP. Questions regarding archives, arts development, libraries etc. Damaged to motorist vehicles by bin lorries and legal action taken Various questions regarding planning permission and new dwellings Various questions regarding Car Parking. Business rates Questions regarding bedroom tax and Discretionary Housing Payments 13/02/14 14/02/14 14/02/14 14/02/14 17/02/14 17/02/14 17/02/14 `17/02/14 17/02/14 17/02/14 Details of recycling rates for 2012/13 Details of business liable for business rates Details of expenditure on vehicles including purchase, maintenance etc Details of Duty to Cooperate meetings with Braintree Details of officers responsible for 16-19 year old placements Details of LDP documents Details of recycling rates, policy and claims Details of the Council’s insurers Details of planned flood alleviation measures in Heybridge Details of Councillors with unpaid Council Tax 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 11/02/14 11/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/03/14 10/02/14 03/04/14 10/02/14 11/03/14 12/02/14 04/03/14 10/03/14 13/02/14 11/03/14 12/03/14 19/02/14 Sent 11/03/14 Follow up question received 13/3/14 –sent to Revs/Bens SENT 04/04/14 17/02/14 20/02/14 26/02/14 04/03/14 17/02/14 18/03/14 18/03/14 25/02/14 18/03/14 05/03/14 17/02/14 17/02/14 18/02/14 Details of appeals made against the bedroom tax Any information relating to the Council using TM Group (UK) Ltd. Financial information relating to paper stationery products and photocopying. 19/02/14 19/02/14 20/02/14 20/02/14 Compulsory Purchase Orders on Council owned land. Housing stock that is not geographically within the council’s boundaries. How much money has been spent on cloud-based services. Various questions regarding individuals taken to court and the Local Council Tax Support Scheme Various questions regarding staff, living wage etc. Questions regarding PCs and operating systems. School Improvement services Various questions regarding planning permission 21/02/14 21/02/14 21/02/14 21/02/14 24/02/14 24/02/14 25/02/14 25/02/14 25/02/14 25/02/14 25/02/14 25/02/14 26/02/14 26/02/14 26/02/14 26/02/14 26/02/14 Various questions regarding eprocurement and etendering Monies from Department for Communities and Local Government in respect of New Homes Bonus Details of establishments licensed as pet shops and for dog breeding Details of expenditure on community centres and leisure facilities etc Details of completion notices served on commercial properties Details of those who have died with no next of kin and Public Health Act funerals Details of right to buy sales Details of mutual exchange swap schemes Revenue due in spare room subsidy Details of library closures Numbers of homes to be built under Local Plan Details of classes for housing allocation scheme Details of trading standards in dealings with second hand tyre dealers 25/02/14 04/03/14 21/02/14 Further email received on 21/02/14 Reply sent 25/02/14 21/02/14 20/02/14 03/04/14 20/03/14 20/03/14 03/03/14 24/02/14 CHASED 21/05/14 26/02/14 03/04/14 25/02/14 19/03/14 05/03/14 24/02/14 03/04/14 02/04/14 26/03/14 28/02/14 11/03/14 28/02/14 28/02/14 26/02/14 26/02/14 27/02/14 28/02/14 28/02/14 28/02/14 03/03/14 03/03/14 03/03/14 04/03/14 04/03/14 05/03/14 Cost benefit analysis of street light switch off Information on swimming pool provision in Maldon Details of public health funerals Details of companies responsible for NDR Information on monies spent related to bus services Fines made for littering Details of current dog breeding establishments Information regarding business rates Questions regarding monies received from Landfill Site Operators Households relocated during 2012 – 2014 Numbers of laptops owned by Maldon District Council Statements of Accounts from 2000-2013 28/02/14 25/03/14 17/03/14 04/03/14 04/03/14 31/03/14 31/03/14 20/03/14 18/03/14 06/03/14 17/03/14 01/04/14 05/03/14 Details of land ownership land adjacent to 2 Fairfield View, Queen St, Maldon Request to complete a survey on homelessness Details of vacant dwelling and council tax charges on long term empty properties Details of Commercial Waste service provision Details of homelessness support Details of costs to attend MIPIM real estate trade show Details of over-vend revenue from parking meters which don’t give change Details of those dying with no next of kin Total amount of money overpaid in parking machines that do not give change. Telephone maintenance. Concerns over response to previous FOI F13/0454 and further points made. Question regarding use of mobile phones, laptops and how they are recycled. Figures for public health funerals and related expenses. List of business rates for certain criteria. Household affected by the housing benefit under-occupancy charge. 07/03/14 06/03/14 06/03/14 07/03/14 07/03/14 10/03/14 10/03/14 10/03/14 10/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 11/03/14 12/03/14 03/04/14 28/03/14 19/03/14 12/03/14 11/03/14 24/03/14 18/03/14 24/03/14 20/03/14 07/04/14 20/03/14 01/04/14 07/04/14 04/04/14 12/03/14 12/03/14 12/04/14 12/03/14 13/03/14 14/03/14 17/03/14 17/03/14 17/03/14 17/03/14 19/03/14 19/03/14 19/03/14 21/03/14 21/03/14 21/03/14 24/03/14 24/03/14 24/03/14 21/03/14 25/03/14 How much was spent on securing vacant housing/commercial properties. Information relating to Discretionary Housing Payments How many people of working age have transferred from claims of Housing Benefit to Local House Allowance since April 2014. Information relating to underoccupying social properties. Details of providers of telecare and telehealth services Details of inspections/prosecutions regarding houses in multiple occupation Details of Disabled Facilities Grants awarded Details of servicing of automatic doors Details of foreign national children in care Details of fees for fitness instructors or boot camps using open parks and green spaces Questions regarding Direct payments Numbers of vacant properties and council housing stock Copies of documentation relating to discussions on B1019 impacts of proposed developments Expenditure on maintenance of football pitches and buildings at football facilities Details of commissioned public health services Details of empty buildings and their use Details of staff sickness levels for 2009-2013 Details of expenditure on support for staff with stress related conditions 2009-2013 Details of genealogical companies used and details of public health funerals held Details of all emails, agendas etc relating to B1019 Maldon Road/B1137 The Street junction in Hatfield Peverel Details on non-domestic rate accounts which reflect an overpayment. 13/03/14 09/04/14 04/04/14 04/04/14 14/03/14 28/03/14 23/04/14 08/04/14 18/03/14 19/03/14 03/04/14 20/03/14 16/04/14 24/04/14 21/03/14 22/04/14 23/04/14 23/04/14 28/03/14 Asked for clarification 24/03/14 Clarification provided 26/03/14 SENT 25/04/14 07/04/14 25/03/14 25/03/14 25/03/14 27/03/14 27/03/14 27/03/14 28/03/14 28/03/14 31/03/14 31/03/14 31/03/14 31/03/14 Details of companies becoming liable for business rates Information relating to clusters of schools. Information regarding ICT department Information regarding children in care over radicalisation concerns Information regarding children being smacked Information relating to costs of website, hits and total ICT budget Details of Council Tax collected Copy of Debt recovery policy for Council Tax Details of insurer and current policies Details of rateable commercial properties Details of all toilets within the District Policies on use of social media for business purposes. 01/04/14 01/04/14 01/04/14 Business Rates information Accrued NNDR credit balances. Information relating to disabled facilities grants. 01/04/14 How many Licensed Betting Offices were licensed in the borough in each year from 2007 to 2013 02/04/14 02/04/14 02/04/14 Use of lie detectors. Use of private investigators. Council Tax discounts for flooded housing victims. 03/04/14 03/04/14 Information relating to meals served at staff canteen. How much spent on specialist classroom and gym equipment in schools for obese and overweight children. List of the Billing Authority reference number, address and rateable values under £18,000. Details of spend on older person’s social care Details of spend on grounds maintenance and landscaping Details of pet shop licence holders Details of new NNDR accounts 03/04/14 03/04/14 03/04/14 04/04/14 04/04/14 15/04/14 27/03/14 16/04/14 28/03/14 28/03/14 16/04/14 29/04/14 22/04/14 11/04/14 23/04/14 01/05/14 07/04/14 07/04/14 07/04/14 CHASED 22/04/14 SENT 23/04/14 CHASED 22/04/14 & 28/04/14 SENT 30/04/14 03/04/14 09/04/14 CHASED 22/04/14 SENT 23/04/14 03/04/14 03/04/14 Advised to redirect to ECC 23/04/14 04/04/14 23/04/14 10/04/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 06/05/14 04/04/14 Details of business not benefiting from Small Business Rates Relief. 04/04/14 Details of planning gain over the last 5 years 07/04/14 07/04/14 Details of deaths with no next of kin Details of unclaimed credit balances for businesses 07/04/14 07/04/14 Details of sickness absence Details of business rates overpayments/credit 07/04/14 Details of un presented business rates refund cheques 07/04/14 Details of housing benefits recipients 07/04/14 How many applications, website and desktop applications the Council uses. 08/04/14 Information relating to speed cameras. 08/04/14 09/04/14 11/04/14 11/04/14 A full list of all the business liable for non domestic rates/business rates between 25 March and 8 April 2014. Payments received under Section 106 planning agreements. Monies paid in Discretionary Housing Payments for last five financial years Properties where liable party is registered charity 11/04/14 14/04/14 14/04/14 14/04/14 Various questions regarding children Number of fixed penalties issued for recycling related offences Information regarding owners of animals under the dangerous animals act. Disadvantaged two year old early education. 15/04/14 How many applications on the housing list are for wheelchair accessible housing. CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 06/05/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 07/05/14 09/04/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 29/04/14 09/04/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 29/04/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 09/05/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 29/04/14 CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 08/05/14 09/04/14 Re-directed to Essex Police CHASED 28/04/14 SENT 06/05/14 30/04/14 25/04/14 CHASED 13/05/14 SENT 13/05/14 14/04/14 – ECC 14/04/14 14/04/14 16/04/14 – Advised to redirect to ECC CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 & 27/05/14 & 3/06/14 & 09/06/14 & 16/06/14 SENT 16/06/14 15/04/14 Information relating to allotments. 15/04/14 14/04/14 16/04/14 16/04/14 Information relating to children in care. Copy of businesses with the district that are not currently from Small Business Rates Relief. Information relating to environmental health and pest control. Business Rate Relief details. 16/04/14 Non-domestic rates – discretionary relief. 16/04/14 17/04/14 How many licensed betting offices were licensed in the authority area each year from 2008 to 2013 How many applications received for Repair and Renew Grants. 17/04/14 Public Parks and beach maintenance. 22/04/14 List of all live business rates accounts with a 2010 list Rateable Value greater than or equal to £5,000. 17/04/14 Properties with rateable values. 21/04/14 Details of compensation paid to staff members for the last five years. 22/04/14 Details of spend on procurement 22/04/14 20/04/14 Details of people dying with no next of kin Name of Council officer responsible for claims from RTA’s, traffic lights, street lights and street furniture. 16/04/14 – advised that this is a town/parish council function. 16/04/14 –ECC. 06/05/14 – original reply sent – this is a duplicate request 01/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 SENT 19/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 SENT 16/05/14 22/04/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 & 27/05/14& 03/06/14 & 09/06/14 & 16/06/14 & 23/06/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 CHASED 13/05/14 SENT 16/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 21/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 20/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 SENT 15/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 19/05/14 08/05/14 22/04/14 Advised to redirect to ECC 22/04/14 On-going complaint correspondence with Derek Lawrence – element of letter asks for information under FOI for details of negotiations with applicant and LPA. 23/04/14 Questions relating to Council tax. 23/04/14 24/04/14 24/04/14 24/04/14 Information relating to parking permits in the Authority. Notices seeking possession for rent arrears and other related information. Details of A2 and B Authorisations Information Details of HMO licensed properties 28/04/14 Copy of current empty homes register 24/04/14 Details of solutions and licences for IT security areas 28/04/14 25/04/14 School meals provisions Details of closed council tax accounts with credit balance 25/04/14 Survey on collection methods and billing mechanisms 25/04/14 Details of premises with rateable value assessments 29/04/14 Details of taxis and PHV in the District 30/04/14 Details of procurement and efficiency programmes 30/04/14 01/05/14 Details of PCNs issues Details of vehicle parts procurement CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 & 27/05/14 & 03/06/14 & 09/06/14 & 16/06/14 & 23/06/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 20/05/14 09/05/14 24/04/14 07/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 19/05/14 CHASED 19/05/14 SENT 23/05/14 CHASED 13/05/14 & 19/05/14 SENT 19/05/14 28/04/14 – ECC CHASED 19/05/14 SENT 23/05/14 CHASED 19/05/14 SENT 23/05/14 CHASED 19/05/14 SENT 22/05/14 CHASED 19/05/14 SENT 22/05/14 CHASED 19/05/14 & 27/05/14 & 03/06/14 SENT 27/05/12 12/05/14 CHASED 27/05/14 01/05/14 01/05/14 02/05/14 02/05/14 Details of business premises with no rate relief Number of roundabouts in the District boundaries Details of computers, operating systems and money spent on IT Expenditure on IT systems and storage 06/05/14 Details of benefit tenants buying through Right to Buy 06/05/14 07/05/14 08/05/14 08/05/14 09/05/14 06/05/14 07/05/14 09/05/14 Details of expenditure on Troubled Families Details of provision of automatic wash/dry toilets in housing stock Details of intestate estates Details of the Council’s investments Details of compulsory purchase orders Detail of enforcement notice The Schoolroom, Creeksea Lane Details of expenditure of Mayor (Chairman) Expenditure on the Local Development Plan since 2004. 09/05/14 Various questions regarding street lighting. 12/05/14 Food premises inspections for care, nursing or elderly persons homes scoring under 3. Plc’s and Ltd companies liable for NNDR between 23 April and 9 May 2014 Various questions regarding off-street car parking Relief applied to properties Rateable values of commercial properties not receiving small business rate relief Number of social workers in the District Strategy for fining non recycling Summary of recycling rates for the last five years Various questions regarding DBS (Disclosure and Baring Service) checking 12/05/14 13/05/14 13/05/14 13/05/14 14/05/14 14/05/14 14/05/14 14/05/14 SENT 27/05/14 23/05/14 07/05/14 19/05/14 CHASED 27/05/14 SENT 27/05/14 CHASED 27/05/14 SENT 27/05/14 07/05/14 12/05/14 13/05/14 09/05/14 14/05/14 14/05/14 14/05/14 Clarification sought 14/05/14 received CHASED 03/06/14 SENT 09/06/14 13/05/14 ECC 29/05/14 28/05/14 15/05/14 28/05/14 28/05/14 15/05/14 16/05/14 16/05/14 CHASED 03/06/14 & 09/06/14 SENT 09/06/14 14/05/14 Witten communications between the Council and Countryside Properties and any affiliates NB: Complaint received 17/06/14 regarding non response 16/05/14 19/05/14 Various questions regarding Section 106 Agreement Injuries to refuse collectors. 19/05/14 Questions regarding planning enforcement orders 19/05/14 Persons dying with no next of kin. 19/05/14 19/05/14 Details of external wall insulation on housing stock Details of planning applications from main supermarkets CHASED 03/06/14 & 09/06/14 Email sent to Mr Sismey 12/06/14 advising response will be delayed due to resource issues CHASED 16/06/14 & 07/07/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 Status as at 22/07/14 is that IT are collating information, Mr Sismey is aware of this. CHASED 28/07/14 See email from Tai 28/07/14 – should be sent on 01/08/14 Tai sent further info on 01/08/14. Mr Sismey then responded with further query. CHASED 18/08/14 SENT 07/08/14 21/05/14 CHASED 09/06/14 & 16/06/14 & 23/06/14 & 07/07/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 & 28/07/14 & 07/08/14 Closed on 07/08/14 from advice from Ian Haines as no reply from BBC Essex. CHASED 09/06/14 Did not require a response CHASED 09/06/14 SENT 11/06/14 23/05/14 27/05/14 20/05/14 22/05/14 23/05/14 23/05/14 23/05/14 23/05/14 26/05/14 15/05/14 27/05/14 Details of expenditure on exorcist, psychic or religious healers Details of vehicle leasing and maintenance contracts Details of community and school transport Details of housing related expenditure Planning permission for properties for external wall insulation. Details on food tests carried out by the Authority. Business/Non Domestic Rates where no relief is in payment. How many residential properties were requested to be demolished and when. EIR REQUEST - Data on total energy usage. 27/05/14 27/05/14 Incidents where refuse collectors were assaulted by members of the public. Information relating to finance and procurement management systems. 28/05/14 28/05/14 28/05/14 28/05/14 Copy of Building Control initial notices list from 01/01/2013-31/01/2013. Details of football pitches available for rent Details of online forms on our website Adherence to UK Marine Policy Statement 28/05/14 29/05/14 29/05/14 Details of income for overpayment for car parking Details of self employed benefits claimants Households with families placed in housing accommodation 30/05/14 30/05/14 30/05/14 30/05/14 02/06/14 List of Ltd companies and PLCs responsible for NNDR Details of Serious Case Reviews Details of staff declaring romantic relationships with colleagues Details of probate solicitors Details of social media use and contracts 27/05/14 27/05/14 23/05/14 23/05/14 27/05/14 03/06/14 11/06/14 11/06/14 CHASED 16/06/14 SENT 20/06/14 02/06/14 CHASED 16/06/14 SENT 17/06/14 Clarification sought 02/06/14 03/06/14 04/06/14 CHASED 16/06/14 & 23/06/14 & 07/07/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14& 28/07/14 & 07/08/14 & 18/08/14 SENT 20/08/14 09/06/14 12/06/14 Clarification sought Received 03/06/14 CHASED 16/06/14 & 23/06/14 SENT 26/06/14 04/06/14 30/05/14 12/06/14 11/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 02/06/14 02/06/14 Details of credits for ratepayers of Business Rates Details of deaths with no next of kin 03/06/14 03/06/14 03/06/14 04/06/14 Assistance provided to staff dealing with stress from court appearances Information relating to Fixed Telecommunications and Internet Services Information relating to number of occasions a member of public has reported false benefit claims. Various documents relating to the LDP. 04/06/14 05/06/14 Information relating to school meals. Details on parking enforcement. 06/06/14 09/06/14 Prosecutions of landlords of non-licensable HMOs Numbers of FOIs received 2010-2014 09/06/14 Details of Parking fines/PCNs issued 09/06/14 Details of systems and issuing of PCNs 09/06/14 09/06/14 10/06/14 Information relating to free school meals. Details of breaches of the Data Protection Act. Money spent on road safety. 10/06/14 Housing stock related questions. 10/06/14 11/06/14 Amount of money spend on external law firms and barristers. Number of planning consents granted for additional dwellings in North Fambridge. 11/06/14 12/06/14 What service and supplier MDC uses for logging and managing FOI requests. Details of expenditure on water and consumption SENT 24/06/14 05/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 03/07/14 09/06/14 17/06/14 13/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 02/07/14 05/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 24/06/14 10/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 30/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 24/06/14 CHASED 23/06/14 SENT 24/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 CHASED 07/07/14 & 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 CHASED 07/07/14 & 14/07/14 SENT 14/07/14 02/07/14 CHASED 07/07/14 SENT 07/07/14 11/06/14 CHASED 07/07/14 12/06/14 13/06/14 16/06/14 16/06/14 16/06/14 Details of IT hosting systems Details of businesses becoming responsible for business rates Details of transfers of housing stock Details of insurance property cover submissions to Zurich Municipal Details of social media usage policy 16/06/14 16/06/14 17/06/14 17/06/14 18/06/14 18/06/14 19/06/14 20/06/14 23/06/14 23/06/14 24/06/14 Average time taken for the council to pay invoices submitted by suppliers. Cutting of grass verges. Waste management systems for cesspits and septic tanks. Register of gifts and hospitality for employees. Information relating to Agricultural Occupancy Condition. Various questions related to housing Various questions regarding the provision of accessible housing for disabled people in the area Persons dying with estates being passed to the Treasury Solicitors Department Details of CCTV cameras Questions regarding noise complaints and notices Details of expenditure on legal services for planning applications from supermarkets 26/06/14 26/06/14 26/06/14 26/06/14 details of companies becoming liable for NDR Details of correspondence with Braxted Park re development of site Details of staff employed on zero hours contracts Details of CTax arrears 29/06/14 27/06/14 30/06/14 Information relating to vehicles owned by the Council. Disabled Facilities Grant information. People who have died with no next of kin and public health act funerals. 30/06/14 Number of taxi drivers licenses issued to individuals with previous criminal convictions. Details of land and property own by the authority which is vacant or not in use. 30/06/14 SENT 10/07/14 18/06/14 19/06/14 14/07/14 17/06/14 CHASED 07/07/14 SENT 07/07/14 18/06/14 07/07/14 11/07/14 02/07/14 02/07/14 15/07/14 15/07/14 03/07/14 23/06/14 24/06/14 CHASED 14/07/14 & 14/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 09/07/14 28/07/14 07/07/14 CHASED 14/07/14 & 21/07/14 SENT 22/07/14 02/07/14 15/07/14 CHASED 21/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 21/07/14 11/07/14 03/07/14 04/07/14 04/07/14 07/07/14 Details of IT hosting and support systems Details of housing structure charts Housing benefit payments to letting agencies Food growing and urban regeneration. 07/07/14 07/07/14 Details of NNDR Accounts Credit Balances or Write-On’s Information relating to Trading Standards. 07/07/14 Full organisation charts of legal, HR, finance and housing departments including names, phone numbers and job titles. List of physical servers, storage devices, network switches and routers under support contracts. Copy of the opinion from Counsel referred to in the letter from the Council of 30 June 2014 to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the Maldon District Council Local Development Plan Examination: Exploratory Meeting. Details of the number of complaints relating to breaches of multiple occupancy licences. Details of waste and recycling collections. Information relating to landlord incentive schemes. 08/07/14 08/07/14 08/07/14 09/07/14 09/07/14 09/07/14 10/07/14 11/07/14 11/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 15/07/14 List of companies which have become responsible for NDR between 1 July to 15 July 2014. Details of systems to record incidents, investigations, counter fraud and health and safety Details of buildings classed as derelict or abandoned Details of financial reserves Details of loans paid to commercial and residential property developers Details of zoo licences Details of primate licensing – DWAA Details of banner advertising Details of printer software and contracts Details of people dying with no next of kin Details of DWAA licences Requests copy of inspection report –China Garden, Heybridge 15/07/14 08/07/14 17/07/14 CHASED 21/07/14 SENT 21/07/14 15/07/14 09/07/14 Advised to forward to ECC 10/07/14 31/07/14 CHASED 28/07/14 & 07/08/14 & 12/08/14 SENT 04/08/14 31/07/14 14/07/14 11/07/14 15/07/14 11/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 14/07/14 17/07/14 15/07/14 14/07/14 15/07/14 16/07/14 15/07/14 16/07/14 16/07/14 16/07/14 Contract details for recycling kerbside collections Information relating to printing and scan. Information regarding drug addict referrals and alcohol services in the local authority area. Dangerous dogs and social services referrals for children at risk. 18/07/14 21/07/14 22/07/14 22/07/14 22/07/14 Various questions regarding Zoos and the Zoo Licensing Act Commercial properties owned by MDC and contracts relating to them Number of tenants affected and cost of social sector size criteria Details of expenditure on sanctuary schemes Details of insurance contracts 23/07/14 24/07/14 24/07/14 Broadband ICT provision to schools Usage and spend on printer toner and inkjet cartridges Details of arts and artefacts listed in statement of accounts 24/07/14 28/07/14 28/07/14 Details of pest control service provided Details of care home compliance Details of IT officers and IT suppliers 28/07/14 Information relating to financial services within the Authority. 28/07/14 List of all commercial properties who qualify for a reduction in their rates payable under Small Business Rates Relief. How much is charged per hour for the hire of a council-owned conventional grass football pitch. Local Welfare Assistance schemes. Expenditure on teenage pregnancy prevention Details of contingencies for fridge breakdowns in catering Numbers of staff in social care services Details of Business Rates accounts Business receiving discretionary relief for charities Details of licensed dog breeding establishments 29/07/14 29/07/14 30/07/14 30/07/14 30/07/14 30/07/14 31/07/14 31/07/14 15/07/14 17/07/14 17/07/14 Advised to re-direct to ECC 17/07/14 Advised to re-direct to ECC 21/07/14 22/07/14 29/07/14 06/08/14 CHASED 12/08/14 SENT 15/08/14 24/07/14 25/07/14 CHASED 12/08/14 SENT 13/08/14 12/08/14 28/07/14 CHASED 18/08/14 SENT 21/08/14 CHASED 18/08/14 SENT 19/08/14 14/08/14 31/07/14 30/07/14 31/07/14 31/07/14 31/07/14 13/08/14 14/08/14 CHASED 18/08/14 SENT 18/08/14 01/08/14 04/08/14 04/08/14 01/08/14 04/08/14 04/08/14 05/08/14 Details of changes from office to residential use Unpresented business rates refund cheques Enforcement issues reported to the council If the council has undergone a diagnostic peer review of housing options services. Residential care provision for the authority. Non domestic billing rates. Applications for Wind Turbines. 05/08/14 06/08/14 06/08/14 06/08/14 Directory of businesses that have become liable for business rates. Contracts relating to school. Contact for Local Safeguarding Children Board Manager. Business rates for live accounts with a 2010 list rateable value greater than or equal to £5,000. Selection criteria for Part P and renewables installers on all tendering and contract based selection exercises. 07/08/14 07/08/14 07/08/14 Transport Statement in relation to 14/00108/OUT. File of all contractors that have done business with the Council over the calendar year 2013-14. 08/08/14 08/08/14 Details of deposits illegally kept by letting agents Details of illegal sub letting 11/08/14 Use of animals in circuses 11/08/14 11/08/14 11/08/14 12/08/14 24/07/14 Details of direct payment recipients Details of childcare Details of CTax claimants liability Various questions regarding CCTV Businesses responsible for business rates starting 15/07/14 to 31/07/14 26/08/14 18/08/14 06/08/14 06/08/14 06/08/14 14/08/14 Clarification sought by RC 06/08/14 18/08/14 07/08/14 07/08/14 19/08/14 CHASED 26/08/14 & 02/09/14 & 08/09/14 & 15/09/14 & 29/09/14 & 06/10/14 & 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 & 17/11/14 & 02/12/14 & 15/12/14 07/08/14 CHASED 26/08/14 & 02/09/14 & 08/09/14 SENT 09/09/14 12/08/14 CHASED 26/08/14 SENT 26/08/14 CHASED 02/09/14 SENT 02/09/14 12/08/14 12/08/14 22/08/14 CANCELLED 12/08/14 12/08/14 11/08/14 Article 4 Direction affecting parts of Steeple, St Lawrence, Bradwell-on-Sea and Tillingham. 12/08/14 13/08/14 14/08/14 15/08/14 15/08/14 15/08/14 15/08/14 List of licensed caravan parks. Public Health Act Funerals within the last 8 weeks. Use of the App ‘Tinder’ and viewing of dating websites Properties sold under the right to buy scheme Details of family assessment units Details of public health funerals Various questions regarding properties 15/08/14 Information on planning application HOUSE/MAL/14/00467 15/08/14 18/08/14 Details of IT servers etc. Various questions regarding staff remuneration. 18/08/14 18/08/14 19/08/14 Communications between FOI Team / Employees and LGA Information regarding his twin boys Monies paid to the Confederation of British Industry and its subsidiaries. 19/08/14 Article 4 Directions 19/08/14 19/08/14 List of empty properties that have been empty for over 6 months. Structure of ICT and other ICT related queries. 19/08/14 Enforcement (Change of Use) – The Blackwater Estuary Estate Leisure Plots. 20/08/14 List of care homes that have recently opened or been taken over in your area by a new Ltd company since 1 April 2014. Mobile phone information. 21/08/14 CHASED 02/09/14 & 15/09/14 & 29/09/14 SENT 29/09/14 29/08/14 20/08/14 22/08/14 15/08/14 15/08/14 20/08/14 CHASED 02/09/14 & 08/09/14 & 15/09/14 SENT 15/09/14 18/08/14 Further emails received on 19/08/14 26/08/14 CHASED 08/09/14 SENT 09/09/14 20/08/14 19/08/14 CHASED 08/09/14 SENT 09/09/14 CHASED 08/09/14& 15/09/14 SENT 16/09/14 20/08/14 CHASED 08/09/14 SENT 15/09/14 CHASED 08/09/14 SENT 15/09/14 26/08/14 27/08/14 20/08/14 Number of contracts put out for tender for 2010 and 2013. 21/08/14 Use of the Full Electoral Register. 20/08/14 22/08/14 24/08/14 Various contact information relating to business rates. Information relating to social services staff. Journal controls in local government finance departments. 26/08/14 26/08/14 Managerial organisation structure for the Council. Properties with a credit held on the account or there was previously a credit which has now been written on. Direct Labour Force information, other services delivered for the Council. Public Health funerals carried out from 1 January 2014. All environmental information held on the Old Ship and Diane Cooper. Software companies carrying out audits on use of their software since 1 January 2013. Questions around new rules for labelling pre-packed foods and non pre-packed foods. Registered food businesses operated or under ownership of Mitchells and Butlers Plc / Mitchells and Butlers Retail Ltd Companies liable for business rates within 12/08/14 – 31/08/14 Information regarding FOIs and business rates Details of the Council’s Auditors Details of hackney and private hire licences. Clarification of size of vacant lang Various questions regarding properties being built by housing associations or under S106 obligations Various questions regarding complaints 23/08/14 26/08/14 26/08/14 27/08/14 27/08/14 28/08/14 28/08/14 28/08/14 01/09/14 01/09/14 01/09/14 02/09/14 02/09/14 CHASED 08/09/14 & 15/09/14 & 29/09/14 & 06/10/14 & 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 & 17/11/14 & 02/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 CHASED 08/09/14 SENT 09/09/14 08/09/14 26/08/14 CHASED 15/09/14 & 24/09/14 SENT 24/09/14 27/08/14 15/09/14 CHASED 15/09/14 SENT 15/09/14 27/08/14 09/09/14 05/09/14 12/09/14 02/09/14 10/09/14 03/09/14 04/09/14 CHASED 24/09/14 & 29/09/14 02/09/14 Certificate of Lawful use relating to mobile homes and caravans. 03/09/14 Costs in relation to IT and IT technologies 03/09/14 05/09/14 05/09/14 05/09/14 Premises where small business rate relief has been awarded. Structure charts Various questions regarding social workers Costs regarding planning appeals 06/09/14 09/09/14 09/09/14 11/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 Number of empty residential properties privately and publicly owned. Various questions regarding waste collection Businesses liable for NNDR Aug – Sept 2014 Information relating to new business rates liabilities. Details of body worn video cameras Details of unclaimed business rate credit balances Details of Bona Vacantia cases 12/09/14 Details of those dying with no next of kin 16/09/14 17/09/14 How many occasions the council has invoked the powers of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. Papers, minutes and agendas for remuneration committees from 2005/6 until present. Information regarding Community Grants and Local Community Engagement Structures Monies paid to a particular list of companies 18/09/14 Questions regarding Councillors and Council tax monies 16/09/14 17/09/14 SENT 03/10/14 CHASED 24/09/14 & 29/09/14 SENT 29/09/14 CHASED 24/09/14 SENT 29/09/14 11/09/14 16/09/14 08/09/14 CHASED 24/09/14 & 29/09/14 SENT 03/10/14 15/09/14 11/09/14 16/09/14 11/09/14 15/09/14 12/09/14 CHASED 29/09/14 SENT 03/10/14 CHASED 29/09/14 SENT 03/10/14 19/09/14 24/09/14 CHASED 06/10/14 SENT 07/10/14 CHASED 06/10/14 SENT 07/10/14 Cllr Boyce to have a copy of response when sent CHASED 06/10/14 & 14/10/14 19/09/14 Homelessness amongst young people 16/09/14 EIR 22/09/14 Information on contaminated Land 23/09/14 23/09/14 23/09/14 23/09/14 25/09/14 29/09/14 29/09/14 29/09/14 Licensing for Hackney and Private Hire drivers. Commercial properties with rateable value up to £12,000. Commercial properties with credits listed on their account to the value of £1000. List of charity shops or registered charities liable for business rates. Questions regarding Early Education Entitlement Companies liable for the NNDR between 15/09/14 – 30/09/14 Various questions regarding business directories and funeral directors Complaints regarding overflying aircraft / correspondence with EA etc. re Blackwater, Crouch and Roach. 29/09/14 Various questions regarding interim staff 29/09/14 Information regarding planning permission FUL/MAL/14/00541. Data loss and security breeches. Email from MK advising that is not an FOI as dealt with as a complaint 30/09/14 Items with a value of over £50 taken without authorisation from the Council 01/10/14 29/09/14 Information relating to business rates Contaminated land in the vicinity of Burnham Road, Latchingdon SENT 15/10/14 CHASED 06/10/14 & 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 SENT 22/10/14 18/09/14 CHASED 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 SENT 22/10/14 09/10/14 26/09/14 25/09/14 25/09/14 26/09/14 30/09/14 30/09/14 CHASED 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 SENT 27/10/14 CHASED 14/10/14 & 20/10/14 SENT 24/10/14 CHASED 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 Email from MK advising that is not an FOI as dealt with as a complaint CHASED 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 SENT 24/11/14 03/10/14 01/10/14 EIR REQUEST 02/10/14 02/10/14 03/10/14 03/10/14 All business rates benefitting from mandatory charitable relief Persons dying with no next of kin from 01/06/14 – day of response Various questions regarding car parking Number of contractors working for the council on a self employed basis 06/10/14 06/10/14 Information regarding meals on wheels Details of mobile phone and mobile data contracts 06/10/14 Questions relating to Wickham Bishops Field, Maypole Road, Great Totham 08/10/14 Various questions regarding housing allocations and domestic violence 08/10/14 Domestic gas boiler installation reported to Building Control 08/10/14 Injury claims made at NHS hospitals, bodies etc. 08/10/14 08/10/14 09/10/14 09/10/14 09/10/14 10/10/14 Number of food related sickness/illness at primary schools Christmas / festive-related injury claims made against the Council Details of NNDR payers who seek rate relief. Action taken against the company Sports Direct by Trading Standards Expenditure over £500 Details of NNDR payers with a non-active / closed account or listed as in administration. Companies and charities recently taken over new business in the area. Whether the Council publishes data of business rates accounts with credit balances Details regarding those now paying Council Tax following introduction of new scheme and details of specific arrears Details of planning applications for special needs family housing applications 10/10/14 10/10/14 10/10/14 13/10/14 14/10/14 07/10/14 07/10/14 CHASED 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 SENT 29/10/14 06/10/14 CHASED 20/10/14 & 27/10/14 SENT 28/10/14 CHASED 20/10/14 SENT 24/10/14 CHASED 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 SENT 05/11/14 CHASED 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 SENT 05/11/14 CHASED 27/10/14 SENT 31/10/14 09/10/14 22/10/14 14/10/14 09/10/14 09/10/14 16/10/14 16/10/14 17/10/14 CHASED 27/10/14 SENT 16/10/14 CHASED 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 13/10/14 All information on proposals for flood alleviation north of Heybridge 13/10/14 Various questions regarding RIPA. 13/10/14 Various questions regarding food hygiene and safety official controls 14/10/14 14/10/14 15/10/14 15/10/14 Various questions regarding street lighting. Various questions regarding asbestos and North Fambridge Various questions regarding unclaimed credit balances (Domestic Rates) Costs for road / pavement gritting/salting 15/10/14 15/10/14 17/10/14 Children taken into care by the Council (care order obesity) Various questions regarding child sexual exploitation and care homes Cost of credit card spending for the last five years 17/10/14 20/10/14 21/10/14 09/10/14 Details of in-house school meals service to schools Business rate information Impact of Legal Aid Changes on Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children Information regarding contaminative uses of the site or any pollution incidents associated with such uses EIR 22/10/14 23/10/14 EIR 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 27/10/14 Homelessness figures for the past five years Any complaints relating to undesirable odours from neighbours adjacent to Meat Processing factory on west side of Maldon Road, Latchingdon. Applications under the Community Right to Bid Scheme Various questions regarding parking charges in the last three financial years. Number of public health funerals and costs involved All letters that have been sent to him since 2006 with regards to planning issues relating to Wades Farm. Charities and Companies liable for business rates between 12 and 31 October 2014. SENT 11/11/14 CHASED 27/10/14 SENT 03/11/14 CHASED 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 SENT 18/11/14 CHASED 27/10/14 & 05/11/14 & 17/11/14 SENT 18/11/14 14/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 Chased 05/11/14 Sent 06/11/14 17/10/14 17/10/14 CHASED 05/11/14 & 17/11/14 SENT 21/11/14 20/10/14 24/10/14 22/10/14 21/10/14 17/11/14 SENT 24/11/14 27/11/14 10/11/14 29/10/14 SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST 31/10/14 28/10/14 28/10/14 28/10/14 28/10/14 Licences under the dangerous wild animals act in respect of spiders Various questions regarding leisure centres and sports facilities Process for dealing with complaints regarding overflying aircraft Questions regarding electric vehicles and the Council’s population 28/10/14 29/10/14 28/10/14 29/10/14 Estates passed to the Treasury Solicitors dept in last three months Various questions regarding care workers Various questions regarding homeless Various questions regarding Environmental Health Staff and private sector rented housing 31/10/14 Further questions in relation to F14/0317 05.11.14 05/11/14 05/11/14 People dying with no next of kin. Credits for business rates accounts. Structure Charts for MDC. 06/11/14 28/10/14 IT server, support and maintenance contracts. What HR / payroll system is used by the Council. 03/11/14 Information relating to lighting products. 04/11/14 Information relating to the cost of stray dogs in the District. 05/11/14 The authority’s use of RIPA. 06/11/14 06/11/14 All live business rates accounts with a 2010 value greater or equal to £5,000. Reduction in height of wall at 51 Coopers Avenue. 28/10/14 10/11/14 31/10/14 CHASED 17/11/14 SENT 02/12/14 04/11/14 31/10/14 30/10/14 CHASED 17/11/14 (Part response received from Paul Gayler) With Shirley 18/11/14 SENT 02/12/14 06/11/14 Further info sent 11/12/14 10/11/14 27/11/14 CHASED 17/11/14 SENT 02/12/14 02/12/14 CHASED 17/11/14 (Info received from Frances, awaited from HR) SENT 27/11/14 CHASED 17/11/14 & 02/12/14 SENT 02/12/14 CHASED 17/11/14 SENT 18/11/14 CHASED 02/12/14 SENT 09/12/14 SENT 16/12/14 CHASED 02/12/14 SENT 05/12/14 13/11/14 13/11/14 13/11/14 External / 3rd party hosting contracts. Unaccompanied asylum seeking children. Accreditation and registration arrangements for landlords. How much spent on consultants, agency staff, street cleaning, children’s services and child protection. War pension contributions in relation to Council Tax. List of companies liable for business rates 1 Nov – 15 Nov 2014. Information relating to the Community Hospital. Environmental search on 6 Saxon Court, Bull Lane, Maldon. Statistic on all complaints or reports resulting from the development of Southend Airport. Details of officers undertaking work in relation to health, smoking and drinking. Examples of joint management of Planning Policy and Development Control. People put into B&B’s (ex offenders, domestic violence). 14/11/14 17/11/14 Commercial properties within the billing authority and associated information. Public Health Act Funerals carried out from 1 August 2014. 17/11/14 Councils budget for sports and fitness facilities, maintenance of parks, how many leisure centres owned and public swimming pools owned. Finance information relating to Business Rate refunds. Asset Management Software for Housing. Questions relating to public health. Drug misuse treatment services. Staff statistics related questions, specifically IT. 08/11/14 08/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 10/11/14 10/11/14 11/11/14 03/11/14 11/11/14 17/11/14 17/11/14 13/11/14 19/11/14 20/11/14 21/11/14 21/11/14 23/11/14 Costs of purchase card spending for the last five years How many occasions has the Council refused planning permission that have resulted in appeals. Conversion of offices to residential accommodation. (direct by Richard Holmes) 28/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 31/12/14 16/12/14 16/12/14 17/12/14 12/11/14 17/12/14 17/12/14 17/12/14 Part response received from Lesley Lushington CHASED 02/12/14 SENT 09/12/14 17/12/14 CHASED 02/12/14 & 15/12/14 SENT 15/12/14 CHASED 02/12/14 SENT 05/12/14 17/12/14 17/12/14 20/11/14 20/11/14 CHASED 15/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 30/12/14 17/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 23/11/14 24/11/14 24/11/14 Staff employed for pest control. Does the Leader of the Council send out Christmas Cards to residents, staff and voluntary groups. Local authority commissioned refuge places. Up to date list of companies and charities that have become liable for the non domestic rates between 15-30 November 2014. Every compensation or insurance claim made against the Council for the last five years. Number of occasions reminder letters were sent for non payment of council tax. 26//11/14 Various questions regarding NNDR rate payers 26/11/14 26/11/14 Details of fleet vehicles Various questions regarding staff sickness 26/11/14 Various questions regarding NNDR rate payers 10/11/14 26/11/14 26/11/14 27/11/14 27/11/14 9 The Square, Tillingham Grounds maintenance and landscaping contracts Public toilets and contract arrangements Dangerous Wild Animal Act Licences Businesses with a rateable value of between £2,000 and £12,000 28/11/14 Subsidising local bus services 01/12/14 Various questions regarding planning and allocated sites etc. 24/11/14 24/11/14 24/11/14 Response drafted awaiting further information CHSD 19/01/15 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 17/02/15 09/12/14 17/12/14 25/11/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 17/12/14 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 07/02/15 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 24/11/14 17/12/14 09/12/14 17/12/15 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 07/01/15 CHASED 16/12/14 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 01/03/2015 Gone back to Officers with draft response as 2 and 11 not answered – 9/12/14 01/12/14 Various questions regarding suspended Officers 01/12/14 List of closed or ended Council Tax accounts with credits from 1993 – 2014 01/12/14 Various questions regarding Julie Alderson and Sim Manley 01/12/14 02/12/14 Questions relating to the Chief Executive. Taxpayers with arrears including charging orders and bankruptcy orders 02/12/14 02/12/14 Questions relating to car parks. How much the Council has spent on translating documents, web pages and leaflets. 03/12/14 04/12/14 How many school children in the area have mental health related issues. Recovery action for unpaid business rates. 02/12/14 Unclaimed credit balances. 05/12/14 Details of all animals requiring licensing under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. Capacity, use and spending on FE places for young people with autism and learning difficulties. People hired on a consultancy basis, agency staff and those earning £70k or more. Collection of council tax arrears and the impact of council tax collection policies on children. How much the Council spent on services relating to domestic violence. List of companies liable for the non domestic rates between 1 Dec – 15 Dec 2014. Outsourcing/purchasing external recruitments or staffing services. Number of all affordable/social housing units that have been achieved by the Council as a result of a planning permission granted or allowed on appeal in the past 3 years. Business Rates. How ‘official’ information is stored electronically. 08/12/14 08/12/14 08/12/14 09/12/14 09/12/14 09/12/14 10/12/14 11/12/14 11/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 17/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 28/01/15 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 21/01/15 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 23/12/14 15/01/15 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 31/12/14 08/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 07/01/15 04/12/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 21/01/14 CHASED 16/12/14 SENT 07/01/15 11/12/14 09/12/14 29/01/15 31/12/14 09/12/14 29/01/15 03/02/15 22/12/14 29/01/14 31/12/14 12/12/14 12/12/14 12/12/14 12/12/14 15/12/14 List of all limited business going into liquidation since 2010 to present day. List of vehicle purchases and related services. People dying with no next of kin from 1 Sept 2014 to the day of response. Entries on the public register for contaminated land. Copies of all correspondence with owners of land in North Fambridge and their agents following publication of the NPPF. Internal correspondence relating to applications for outline permission at Manor Farm. 15/12/14 16/12/14 17/12/14 Commercial properties not receiving any business rates relief. Non-domestic rates assessments information. Questions regarding the communications budget 17/12/14 All files on Muhammed Hamid. 17/12/14 17/12/14 Farm Animal Welfare. 18/12/14 18/12/14 19/12/14 Weight management programmes for children. Number of voters registered on the electoral register. Filtering/blocking/monitoring access to the internet for council staff and contracts for these services. Properties currently receiving any types of business rates relief. Number of households part of sanctuary scheme. Charging of LLC1 and Environmental Information fees – has the Council put aside a sum for potential proceedings towards all local authorities. How many people registered as being homeless by your local authority over the last 4 years. Questions relating to people with Myasthenia Gravis (MG). 19/12/14 19/12/14 19/12/14 24/12/14 27/12/14 Breakdown of the responses given during the Draft Local Development Plan consultation - 28 August to 14 October 2013 29/01/15 06/03/15 30/12/14 28/01/15 CHASED 19/01/14 CHASED 29/01/15 SENT 02/02/15 FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED. FWDED TO OFFICERS 04/03/15 response being reviewed 16/4/15 29/01/15 29/01/15 CHASED 29/01/15 SENT 02/02/15 21/01/15 Advised not FOI but Data Subject request. 28/01/15 19/01/15 06/01/15 28/01/15 28/01/15 29/01/15 28/01/15 QUERY 03/02/15 Chased 03/07/15 03/02/15 – No response to clarification yet received. 06/01/14 29/12/14 29/12/14 30/12/14 Children in care. Business rates. Annual Monitoring Reports for the years 2012/13 and 2013/2014 31/12/14 31/12/14 05/01/15 05/01/15 05/01/15 Public Health Act Funerals information. Questions relating the Housing act 2004. Council litter bins. Garages available for rent owned by the Local Authority. Local council tax support. 06/01/15 "How much has your authority spent on CCTV cameras for use in public areas in the years of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 and please provide the number of cameras installed per year in your authority area in the years of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014." 06/01/15 Complaints against landlords. 07/01/15 07/01/15 08/01/15 08/01/15 Asset register for buildings and land. Spending on temporary accommodation. Targets for voter registration. The position of all of the council’s payment card holders and a list of items/services each individual has spent the money on, plus the amount spent on each item/service for financial year of 2013-14 Dealing with graffiti. Current overpayment/credit shown for any financial year if credit balance hasn't been carried forward. Accounts where a 'write on' has been used since 1st April 2000 to cancel an overpayment which has not since been reversed. Various housing related questions. Key contact within ICT department. Deceased persons since December 2014. ICT spend. Litter Fixed penalty notices and fly tips. Street Cleaning in Purleigh ICT infrastructure. Rateable empty commercial properties. 08/01/15 09/01/15 09/01/15 12/01/15 12/01/15 12/01/15 12/01/15 12/01/5 12/01/15 12/01/15 06/01/15 29/01/15 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 01/03/15 09/01/15 29/01/15 19/03/15 07/01/15 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 05/02/13 07/02/15 CHASED 03/02/15 SENT 01/03/15 28/01/15 12/03/15 CHASED 03/02/15 05/02/15 07/02/15 07/02/15 07/02/15 03/03/15 19/01/15 03/03/15 01/03/2015 01/03/2015 03/03/15 03/03/15 12/01/15 13/01/15 13/01/15 13/01/15 All commercial properties within billing authority. Management of FM contracts. Adult Social Care 13/01/15 13/01/15 14/02/15 13/02/15 14/01/15 14/01/15 14/01/15 15/01/15 15/01/15 16/01/15 Work-related respiratory disease. Noise issues relating to Wyndeham Heron, Heybridge. LDP – upgrades to the A12. Organisational structures. Non-domestic rate payers. Money spent on staff training. All correspondence between the Council and Countryside Properties. Street trees in the District. Planning Appeal costs. Asylum-seeking children and young people cared for by your Local Authority. 16/01/15 16/01/15 16/01/15 Highway claims. Data breaches by staff. if there are plans to redevelop the Wyndeham Heron site at the Bentalls Complex on Colchester Road Road and footpath compensation. Firework licenses. 16/01/15 16/01/15 19/01/15 19/01/15 19/01/14 20/01/15 20/01/15 19/01/15 20/01/15 20/01/15 20/01/15 List of companies that have recently become liable for business rates between the 30th Dec 2014 to the 15th Jan 2015 Copies of Housing Department's Annual Accounts for the last 3 years along with a copy of your Housing Department's Business Plan. Various IT and software queries. Traffic management contracts. Adults with learning disabilities. How many people the Council employs and how many of them receive above or equal to the living wage. Disable Facilities Grant. Revenues from resident parking permits. Money spent on Christmas Parties. Public health funerals. 03/03/15 16/01/15 03/03/15 16/01/15 03/03/15 CHASED 11/02/15 03/03/15 06/03/2015 03/03/15 16/01/15 16/01/15 16/01/15 03/03/15 19/02/15 18/01/15 28/01/15 06/03/15 03/03/15 27/01/15 27/01/15 03/03/15 03/03/15 03/03/15 Awaiting info– chased 26/3/15 and 15/4/15 20/01/15 21/01/15 Itemised breakdown of all spending on council credit cards. Cost for cremation and burial fees. 22/01/15 23/01/15 22/01/15 23/01/15 23/01/15 26/01/15 26/01/15 26/01/15 26/01/15 26/01/15 Bedroom tax relating to foster families. Various IT related questions. Licensed pet shops. Commercial waste and recycling collections. Copy of food hygiene report for Golden Sand, 15 Dryden Close, Maldon. New business rate liabilities from October 2014 to present. Ratepayer information for commercial properties. Overdue Council Tax and enforcement. Leisure facilities tenders. Full list of companies, care homes and charities/chartiable organisations that have become responsible for the business rates from the 12th Jan 2015 to the 31st Jan 2015 New Homes Bonus questions. Staff training. Non domestic ratepayer information. New Homes Bonus information. Information of deceased people with no next of kin. Parking fine information. Business rate son commercial properties for 15/1/15-31/1/15. Name, address and rateable values of all current non-domestic rate assessments. Name of company providing Service Support for alarm and call systems. If the Local Authority is purchasing renewable energy. Public Health Funeral conducted since 1 January 2014. A list of all live business rates accounts with a 2010 list Rateable Value greater than or equal to £5,000. Questions relating to affordable housing in section 106 agreements. Stray dogs. ICT contracts for Server Hardware Maintenance. From December 2014 how many deaths the council has sent or will be sending to the Treasury Solicitor. Interim staff questions. 28/01/15 29/01/15 30/01/15 30/01/15 30/01/15 30/01/15 30/01/15 03/02/15 03/02/15 04/02/15 05/02/15 06/02/15 06/02/15 09/02/15 09/02/15 10/02/15 11/02/15 06/03/15 Awaiting info– chased 26/3/15, 15/4/15 and 14/5/15 03/03/15 10/04/15 03/03/15 03/03/15 06/03/15 03/03/15 03/03/15 27/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 03/03/15 03/03/15 06/03/15 11/03/15 19/03/15 03/03/15 02/04/15 06/03/15 13/02/15 06/03/15 12/03/15 03/03/15 12/03/15 11/02/15 11/02/15 11/02/15 11/02/15 11/02/15 1102/15 `12/02/15 12/02/15 12/02/15 13/02/15 13/02/15 13/02/15 13/02/15 16/02/15 17/02/15 17/02/15 17/02/15 17/02/15 18/02/15 18/02/15 19/02/15 19/02/15 19/02/15 19/02/15 20/02/15 20/02/15 20/02/15 23/02/15 23/02/15 23/02/15 24/02/15 Costs regarding planning appeals Business rates with a credit balance Various questions regarding car parking Numbers of teachers with criminal convictions Budget relating to domestic violence / sexual violence issues Number of Councillors who are registered as landlords Number of times Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James borrowed from libraries Number of educational psychologists employed Contact details of various finance staff Council owned properties which are empty or derelict Various questions regarding personnel Number of rough sleepers and homeless applications Questions regarding social workers Questions regarding G-Cloud IT framework Questions regarding care of the elderly Questions regarding legal advice costs Costs related to personal injury claims Instances of keys being lost Companies paying business rates on more than one business rates assessment Graduate schemes or internships IT hardware and maintenance costs Persons who have died with no next of kin from 01/09/14 to date of response Liability orders granted in respect of unpaid business rates Name of person making complaint to enforcement Officer regarding posters displayed on Holloway Road Various questions regarding licensing and ID verification systems Landlords whose tenants received the largest amounts of housing benefit over the last financial year Payments made to celebrities / famous personalities Total cost to the council related to planning application FUL/MAL/14/00515 13A Hillside Road, Burnham-on-Crouch Data on individual sold to non-council organisations Various questions regarding Self Directed Support (personal budgets) Various questions regarding telephones, broadband and WAN contract information 06/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 13/02/15 13/02/15 06/03/15 13/02/15 13/02/15 06/03/15 13/02/15 19/03/15 27/03/15 13/02/15 05/03/15 04/03/15 16/03/15 05/03/15 12/03/15 19/03/15 16/03/15 19/03/15 12/03/15 18/03/15 09/03/15 19/03/15 05/03/15 06/03/15 15/04/15 05/03/15 02/04/15 24/02/15 24/02/15 24/02/15 24/02/15 26/02/15 26/02/15 Business rates related to independent schools Total numbers of staff, redundancies, sickness and grievances Various questions regarding LAN, telephones, SAN, data, cloud and contacts Various questions regarding affordable housing Titles of senior officers / staff allowed to telecommunicate for working hours List of windfarm / wind turbine / solar farm applications 27/02/15 27/02/15 02/03/15 02/03/15 02/03/15 Various questions regarding elections Number of female staff with name beginning with letter A List of businesses who have become liable for business rates between 15/02/15 and 28/02/15 Various questions regarding ICT and quality assurance and procurement Costs related to postal services 02/03/15 02/03/15 04/03/15 05/03/15 06/03/15 06/03/15 09/03/15 09/03/15 09/03/15 09/03/15 11/03/15 11/03/15 12/03/15 13/03/15 13/03/15 13/03/15 16/03/15 16/03/15 16/03/15 17/03/15 Various questions regarding roadworks Various questions relating to commercial properties Information on data entry officers within the Council. Questions relating to roundabout sponsorship scheme Information regarding children taken into care and youth offenders Information on people dying with no next of kin Information on elections Information on planning permission Information on housing Information on penalty charge notices Information on dog fouling Information on car parks Information on garden waste Information on business rates Information on senior/director level recruitment Information on meeting at MDC Information on remote/out of hours journals Information on food contamination Information on parks Information on cremation 19/03/15 19/03/15 09/03/15 04/03/15 26/03/15 Chased 14/04/15 SENT 05/05/15 Chased 13/04/15 10/04/15 12/03/15 18/05/15 Chased 18/5/15 Sent 27/05/15 05/03/15 19/03/15 30/03/15 19/03/15 06/03/15 19/03/15 13/04/15 10/04/15 02/04/15 02/04/15 23/03/15 13/04/15 13/04/15 26/03/15 15/04/15 09/04/15 15/04/15 23/03/15 Chased 13/04/15 15/04/15 18/03/15 18/03/15 20/03/15 20/03/15 19/03/15 09/03/15 19/03/15 20/03/15 23/03/15 23/03/15 24/03/15 24/03/15 25/03/15 26/03/15 20/03/15 26/03/15 30/03/15 26/03/15 27/04/15 30/03/15 30/03/15 31/03/15 31/03/15 01/04/15 01/05/15 02/04/15 07/04/15 07/04/15 Information on procurement staff Information on primate licensing Information on procurement compliance Council tax accounts for deceased residents Information on e-procurement/e-tendering Planning Contravention Notice Revenues and Benefits information on data Information on business rates Information on CCTV Information on bandstands Informationon taxi operators Informationon deceased no next of kin Information of retail rate relief Information on vexatious FOIs Information on staff disciplinary proceedings Information on litigation Information on financial expenditure Information on new computing curriculum Information on District Councillor attendance Information on department heads Information on health checks Information on Directors/Managers of MDC Information on business rates Information on Essential/Regular Car Users Information on Discretionary Housing Payment Pension Fund Information Information on intestate estates Cost of traveller’s pitch 07/04/15 07/04/15 02/04/15 09/04/15 09/04/15 Information on business rates Information on housing Information on PCNs Information on planning appeals with sustainability issues Business Rates information Chased 13/04/15 23/03/15 Chased 13/04/15 15/04/15 17/04/15 02/04/15 15/04/15 15/04/15 13/04/15 27/03/15 11/05/15 10/04/15 14/05/15 23/04/15 Advised to redirect to ECC 02/04/15 05/05/15 Redirected to ECC 05/05/15 15/04/15 15/04/15 05/05/15 15/04/15 15/6/15 15/04/15 advised to redirect to ECC 15/04/15 11/05/15 14/05/15 05/05/15 15/04/15 09/04/15 Information on Public Health Funerals 13/04/15 13/04/15 13/04/15 14/04/15 15/04/15 15/05/15 15/05/15 15/04/15 15/04/15 Information on non-domestic rate credit balances Information on road and their classification Information on Public Health Funerals Information on recruitment Information on dog breeding Information on Business Rates with a credit balance Information on Retail Relief and SBRR Information on Rateable values Information on cost of temporary accommodation 17/04/15 18/04/15 20/04/15 19/04/15 21/04/15 Information on costs awarded against MDC Information on residential development at Southminster West Business Park Information on contract centre/network services Information on FOIs Information on development/capital works/major projects policies and procedures 20/04/15 Information on Monday Maldon Market Chased 15/6/15 03/07/15 SENT 03/07/15 16/05/15 Advised to redirect to ECC 15/6/15 Advised to redirect to ECC 23/04/15 16/04/15 14/05/15 05/05/15 Chased 11/05/15 12/06/15 03/07/15 24/07/15 Sent 31/07/15 22/04/15 08/06/15 08/05/15 24/04/15 CHASED 15/06/15 03/07/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 31/07/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 CHASED 15/06/15 03/07/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 31/07/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 24/04/15 23/04/15 Suitability of The Potato Shed as a food operator Noise complaints. 23/04/15 27/04/15 27/04/15 28/04/15 Fly tipping and fly tipping of white goods. Dog breeders. Employees paid off payroll. Recycling and waste support and maintenance contracts. 28/04/15 28/04/15 New liabilities for business rates between 15/4/15 – 30/4/15. Information regarding youth homelessness/ 29/04/15 People dying with no next of kin. 29/04/15 30/04/15 06/05/15 Planning application related questions. Planning gain and CIL agreements made since 2010. Window Replacement at Blackwater Leisure Centre NOT THIS AUTHORITY 27/05/15 Further email asking for clarification. 08/06/15 with Officer for response Chased 03/07/15 Further response sent 06/07/15 08/05/15 14/05/15 19/06/15 15/06/15 Chased for further response 3/7/15 Further response sent 13/07/15 27/05/15 14/05/15 – Further query Officer will get a response to us by 28/5/15 if at all possible Chased 15/06/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 31/07/15 14/09/15 Requester has not chased further request Chased 15/06/15 03/07/15 SENT 03/07/15 01/06/15 01/06/15 14/05/15 06/05/15 07/05/15 07/05/15 Business rate information Families in temporary accommodation Business Rates information 11/05/15 13/05/15 13/05/15 Business Rates information Staff earning over £50,000 Noise Pollution complaints 13/05/15 Revenues and Benefits information 13/05/15 12/05/15 Business Rates information Youth Homelessness 15/05/15 15/05/15 Commercial Property owned by MDC Accessible Housing 15/05/15 15/05/15 18/05/15 Local Development Plan Change of Street Name Dog Breeding 27/05/15 01/06/15 01/06/15 response asking for which type of relief 08/06/15 emailed asking requester for clarification 27/05/15 02/07/15 Chased 15/6/15 Sent 15/06/15 Response will be sent w/c 15/06/15 Chased 03/07/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 31/07/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 01/06/15 Chased 15/06/15 03/07/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 Sent 11/09/15 19/06/15 Chased 15/06/15 13/07/15 24/07/15 Sent 31/07/15 19/06/15 12/06/15 Chased 03/07/15 Sent 06/07/15 01/05/15 19/05/15 Application FUL/MAL/14/01152 Living wage information 19/05/15 20/05/15 20/05/15 Procuring of goods and services Stray dogs Non-Domestic Rates information 21/05/15 22/05/15 22/06/15 22/06/15 25/05/15 25/05/15 26/05/15 26/05/15 26/05/15 26/05/15 21/05/15 Primary age children due to start school in September Deceased persons with no next of kin People working for MDC off payroll Prosecutions under Zoo Licensing Act 1981 Advertising on bus shelters Burnham-on-Crouch North Ward District Council election Work-related accidents Fair access panels for schools Parking meter over-vend payments Business Rates Application 15/00419/OUT 26/05/15 27/05/15 27/05/15 ICT training Contact Details of Directors Total Budgets / Organisational Costs 27/05/15 27/05/15 27/05/15 27/05/15 27/05/15 Commercial Property Rates Commercial Rates Non-domestic rates Various planning department questions including NPPF Zoo licensing 02/06/15 02/07/15 See F15/0124 08/06/15 11/06/15 Chased 03/07/15 Email to requester on 04/06/15 requesting clarification Redirect to ECC 15/06/15 19/06/15 08/06/15 Redirect to ECC 02/07/15 11/06/15 Redirect to ECC 12/06/15 19/06/15 With Officer 3/7/15 ongoing but requester is aware of process 25/06/15 19/06/15 NB: advise that MDC cannot provide all information as it is not within our remit Responded 19/06/15 15/06/15 15/06/15 25/06/15 11/06/15 Chased 03/07/15 Sent 08/07/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 29/05/15 30/05/15 Business Rates information Assaults on refuse collectors Business Rate accounts Animal Collections 01/06/15 02/06/15 03/06/15 05/06/15 08/06/15 09/06/15 09/06/15 Deceased with no next of kin IT spending/ suppliers etc. Helpdesk/ IT support CCTV and Street Lighting Managed Print Services Cloud services Licensing for private rental properties 09/06/15 Revenue from Maldon Monday Market and Butt Lane Market 10/06/15 Breach of Planning Condition Notices 11/06/15 15/06/15 15/06/15 15/06/15 Right to Buy properties Business Rates IT Local Development Plan 15/06/15 Section 44A Rate Relief 15/06/15 12/06/15 25/06/15 Chased 03/07/15 Sent 06/07/15 03/07/15 02/07/15 25/06/15 Request withdrawn 12/06/15 02/07/15 02/07/15 Chased 13/07/15 24/07/15 07/09/15 Sent 11/09/15 Chased 13/07/15 24/07/15 31/07/15 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 Chased 13/07/15 24/07/15 Sent 31/07/15 15/06/15 02/07/15 02/07/15 16/07/15 response from Officer with Legal & Democratic Services Manager for approval Sent 03/09/15 02/07/15 16/06/15 17/06/15 Outsourced ICT services Section 106 contributions 17/06/15 16/06/15 Leisure/Refuse Contracts Intestate estates 18/06/15 18/06/15 18/06/15 19/06/15 19/06/15 Hygiene Inspections in restaurant premises Housing waiting lists Use of private bailiffs Fleet Engineer/Workshop Manager – maintenance of council vehicles and passenger transport Procuring of goods and services 22/06/15 19/06/15 22/06/15 23/06/15 23/06/15 Business Rate Accounts Unclaimed business rate credit balances Deaths with no next of kin Rateable value reduction in business rates Temporary Event Licences for primary/junior schools 23/06/15 Markets 23/06/15 23/06/15 24/06/15 24/06/15 Information regarding ratepayers Database names/descriptions Waste Collection Enterprise Resource Management/Finance System 03/07/15 Chased 31/07/15 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 17/09/15 02/07/15 Chased 24/07/15 31/07/15 Sent 21/08/1502/07/15 06/07/15 Sent 31/07/15 08/07/15 13/07/15 Chased 24/07/15 Emailed 31/07/15 as request is identical to F15/0056 08/07/15 08/07/15 03/07/15 08/07/15 Chased 24/07/15 Sent 27/07/15 Chased 24/07/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 08/07/15 16/07/15 09/07/15 Chased 24/07/15 07/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 26/06/15 Council staff criminal convictions 26/06/15 Improving electoral registration 26/06/15 04/06/15 26/06/15 Care/nursing/residential homes admissions suspended or cancelled MDC LDP Payroll information 26/06/15 27/06/15 28/06/15 Living Wage Public Liability Insurance Claims Independent Living Fund 28/06/15 29/06/15 29/06/15 30/06/15 30/06/15 30/06/15 30/06/15 30/06/15 Bullying and Harassment Policy Safety Practices Whilst Working Alone Licensed Dog Breeding Establishments Spending on Stationery Laptops, Mobile Phones, Tablets/iPads FOI requests Businesses and charities liable for business rates Statutorily overcrowded properties 02/07/15 Voting in General Election and learning disabilities 02/07/15 Voluntary Transfer of Housing Association Homes 06/07/15 06/07/15 07/07/15 08/07/15 Senior Members and Officers Analysis, Reporting and Data Quality Practices Business Rate Information Homeless Declarations 06/07/15 Reviewed response sent 25/08/15 Chased 31/07/15 Sent 24/08/15 Redirect to ECC 17/07/15 Chased 31/07/15 24/08/15 Sent 07/09/15 02/07/15 see F15/0055 08/07/15 Chased 31/07/15 Referred to ECC 08/07/15 27/07/15 16/07/15 06/07/15 06/07/15 03/07/15 08/07/15 Chased 31/07/15 Sent 21/08/15 Chased 31/07/15 With Officer 24/08/15 Sent 03/09/15 Chased 14/09/15 28/09/15 03/09/15 16/07/15 16/07/15 Requested clarification 03/09/15 04/09/15 10/07/15 10/07/15 Street Cleaning Services LDP Costs 13/07/15 Legal Challenges to Council’s Tendering Activities 14/07/15 Parish Councils responsible for street lighting in their area 14/07/15 Telephone System Maintenance Contract 16/07/15 Armed Forces Covenant Housing 16/07/15 16/07/15 Business Rates Liability Deaths with no next of kin 17/07/15 Planning Application 14/01234 17/07/15 17/07/15 Discretionary Housing Payments CCTV Cameras 18/07/15 Gas, Electricity and Water Information 18/07/15 Facilities Management 19/07/15 Vehicle, Leasing and Maintenance contracts With Officer for response Chased 14/09/15 21/09/15 Sent 25/09/15 13/07/15 31/07/15 draft response with Officer for approval Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 Advised to contact parish and town councils Chased 03/09/15 Sent 07/09/15 Response received and with Officer for outstanding question 04/09/15 Sent 04/09/15 23/07/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 17/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/0915 21/09/15 23/07/15 Chased 07/09/15 Sent 10/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 Sent 14/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 21/07/15 21/07/15 21/07/15 IT Department Structure Licensed Taxis and Private Hire Cars Guide and Assistance Dog Refusals Preventing Youth Homelessness 22/07/15 23/07/15 24/07/15 IT information IT information Housing Schemes for over 500 dwellings 29/07/15 Software Information 29/07/15 Flood Defences/risk management 30/07/15 30/07/15 30/07/15 31/07/15 Houses in Multiple Occupation Deaths with no next of kin Domestic Homicide Reviews Business Rate Liability 01/08/15 Statement of Accounts and Budget Information 03/08/15 Vacant, unused and underused plots of land 03/08/15 Statutory Homeless households 03/08/15 Business Rates Credits Sent 14/09/15 24/08/15 21/08/15 Chased 07/09/15 Sent 14/09/15 24/08/15 24/08/15 Chased 07/09/15 Sent 07/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 Chased 28/08/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 Sent 25/09/15 17/08/15 21/08/15 31/07/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 14/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 21/09/15 28/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 21/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 21/09/15 03/09/15 03/08/15 Social Tenants 04/08/15 Health and Safety Investigations 04/08/15 CBI contributions 04/08/15 05/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 06/08/15 10/08/15 10/08/15 10/08/15 10/08/15 12/08/15 12/08/15 13/08/15 Households moving from district and county Genealogical companies Business Rates Information Stray Dogs Information Off-Street Parking Housing for homeless people outside the district Essex Military Festival correspondence Employment Value Proposition survey Business Rates Credit Business Rates Rating Assessments Section 44a Policy Waste Collections and Disposal 13/08/15 Public Health Funerals 13/08/15 13/08/15 Business Rates Liability Housing Associations 13/08/15 14/08/15 14/08/15 Football Pitches Shared IT Services Website usage 17/08/15 Wheelchair Accessible Properties Some responses received 04/09/15 forwarded to Officer 07/09/15 Sent 08/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 Sent 10/09/15 Chased 07/09/15 14/09/15 Sent 14/09/15 03/09/15 24/08/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 24/08/15 04/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 07/09/15 04/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 Sent 25/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/15 Sent 28/09/15 04/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/15 10/09/15 04/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/15 04/09/15 16/08/15 Section 215 notices 18/08/15 18/08/15 18/08/15 Private Medical Insurance for Employees Budget Holders information Public Health Funerals 18/09/15 Invoice expenditure 18/08/15 20/08/15 20/08/15 Business Rate relief for Independent Schools Non-Domestic Rates Payments terms with suppliers/ contractors etc. 20/08/15 Temporary Accommodation 20/08/15 24/08/15 Properties without mains drainage Housing Allocations 24/08/15 25/08/15 25/08/15 26/08/15 Empty Homes Homelessness Restaurant Odour Complaints Council Cybersecurity 28/08/15 01/09/15 01/09/15 01/09/15 02/09/15 03/09/15 IT structure Non-domestic rates Circuses using council-owned land Business Rates Liability EIR Request Refugee housing 03/09/15 04/09/15 07/09/15 Waste information Deaths with no next of kin Salaries of Local Land and Property Gazetteer Custodian and Local Street Custodian Chased 21/09/15 Sent 24/09/15 10/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/15 Sent 28/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 Chased 21/09/15 28/09/ Chased 21/09/15 Sent 25/09/15 Requested clarification 03/09/15 response sent by Braintree DC 04/09/15 25/09/15 Sent 23/09/15 Chased 28/09/15 Sent 01/10/15 07/09/15 14/09/15 14/09/15 07/09/15 Further response sent 11/09/15 17/09/15 07/09/15 06/09/15 07/09/15 07/09/15 09/09/15 09/09/15 10/09/15 Business Premises rates Rates Payment Adult Domiciliary Care Visits Social Workers All properties within the authority Warwick Crescent Allotments Unpaid Business Rates 14/09/15 17/09/15 10/09/15 17/09/15