1 MINISTRY OF HELTHCARE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY APPROVED Vice-rector for studying process Senior Prof. Teshaev O.R. «_________» __________2011y Uniform tutorial Theme: Ischemic simtomokompleks upper and lower extremities (Lesson 10) Tashkent - 2011 2 APPROVED On conference in department of surgical diseases for general practitioners Head of department___________________senior prof Teshaev O.R. Text of lecture accepted by CMC for GP of Tashkent Medical Academy Report №___________from____________2011 y Moderator senior professor Rustamova M.T. 3 Edematous-pain syndrome in diseases of the veins Syndromes in the pathology of venous Subject: Edematous-pain syndrome in diseases of the veins. Varicose veins of the lower extremity. The inferior vena cava syndrome, and thrombophlebitis phlebemphraxis. Postthrombophlebitic syndrome. Superior vena cava syndrome and syndrome of PedzhettaShrettera. Etiology, clinical syndrome, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment strategy. Complications, pulmonary embolism (PE). Prevention, clinical examination of patients. The tasks of GDs. 1. Venue activities and equipment: Hospital, school room, dressing room, operating. By category patients, outpatient and hospital cards and medical history of patients, clinical and biochemical analysis, the conclusion of instrumental methods of examination, radiographs, guidelines, case studies, tests, algorithms for the implementation of practical exercises, the scenario of interactive teaching methods, protocols, standards, materials on the subject Taken from the Internet, slides, videos, training aids: slaydoskop, TV and video. 2. Duration of training - 327 minutes 3. Session Purpose 3.1. Learning objectives: to complement and consolidate students' knowledge of anatomy, topographic anatomy of veins and lymphatic system. -Provide students with contemporary issues of pain in edematous diseases of veins, particularly highlighting the relevance of topics for GPs. - Consolidate and extend students' knowledge of clinical topographic anatomy of venous system. - Provide students with existing diseases leading to edema, pain. - Know the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, venous diseases difdiagnostiku. - Provide students with clinical features of different edema syndrome of the inferior vena cava, depending on the location. - Know the methods of sampling for diseases of the veins of the lower extremity. - Be able to diagnose the syndrome posttrombeflebitichesky, Pedzhetta-Shrattera - To know the complications of varicose veins of the lower extremities. - The acquisition of practical skills in overlapping elastic bandage, applying knowledge and skills in practice. 4 - To acquaint students with modern methods of treating varicose veins of the lower limbs, and the optimal organization of health care and rehabilitation of the population. - Define the indications for phlebectomy. 3.2 The student should know: - Anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the veins of the extremities. -Etiology and pathogenesis of superficial varicose veins, thrombophlebitis deep leg Prince of treatment of edematous syndrome of the lower extremities -The role of direct and oposredstvennyh factors (local and general) in the development of the disease and complications -Diagnostics and difdiagnostiku postromboflebiticheskogo sindromai syndrome PedzhettaShrattera. -Basic principles of treatment of chronic venous insufficiency -Organization of optimal health profilaktichekskih activities among the population. 3.3 The student should be able to do: - Collection of complaints and medical history of patients - Survey of patients, palpation, percussion, auscultation of vessels - To carry out functional tests - Interpret the data of functional tests, surveys patients, lab tests - Identify the indications for hospitalization and surgical treatment. - Formulate and justify the clinical diagnosis. - Maintain a surveillance card. - Diagnose varicose superficial thrombophlebitis and deep vein - Proper conduct tests reflecting functional state of different parts of the venous system. - Elastic bandaging limbs. - Principles of conservative treatment. - Prevention of varicose superficial and deep vein thrombophlebitis. 5 4. Motivation. Diseases of the leg veins are still one of the leading causes of disability and disability. In the United States and Western Europe, the frequency of varicose veins is 25%. In Russia, various forms of varicose disease affects more than 30 million people, 15% of which are trophic disorders. Today, for varicose veins are characterized not only is the number of cases, but also to the appearance of varicose veins trend in young adults. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism may be concomitant to meet a doctor in any specialty. Diagnosis and treatment of vein diseases often cause difficulties and baffled doctor. The ability of a general practitioner to diagnose, provide the necessary assistance and be treated effectively early in the disease of the lower limb veins is of great importance in preventing complications. Putting into practice the new modern methods of investigation and a deeper knowledge of the pathogenesis of venous diseases can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. 5. Interdisciplinary communication and vnutripredmetnye. Anatomy, pathological anatomy, pathophysiology. Blood flow to the lower extremities by the veins of three types: superficial, deep and perforating (communicating). 1. Superficial veins are systems of the great saphenous and small saphenous veins. • Large subcutaneous Vienna originates in the medial malleolus, runs along the anteromedial surface of the feet and empties into the femoral vein at the level of the oval fossa. • Small subcutaneous Vienna begins at the lateral border of the foot near the lateral malleolus and empties into the popliteal vein between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. 2. Deep veins - thin-walled blood vessels that accompany the artery of the same name in pairs and their major branches, represented by systems of veins of the foot, shin, thigh and iliac veins. Venous network triceps legs consist of calf veins draining into the popliteal vein, and soleus veins draining into the posterior tibial and fibular veins. 3. Perforating (communicating) veins connect the superficial and deep venous network among themselves. On these vessels the blood is sent from the superficial veins into the deep. In the thigh are usually 2.1 perforating veins, and the rest are located on the lower leg. For venous plexus characterized by the presence and abundance of connections between different systems of veins, which provide great opportunities for the development of collateral blood outflow tract in occlusion of the main veins. 6 Physiology All leg veins are equipped with folding flaps, which provide blood flow in one direction: from the superficial veins - in the deep, from the distal sites - to proximal. Under the influence of retrograde flow valve closes, which contributes to the centripetal advance and protect the blood capillaries and venules by a sharp increase in pressure at the time of the muscle pump. When a person is, the hydrostatic pressure of the blood makes it difficult to venous outflow from the lower extremities. However, any reduction in the hip and thigh muscles drives blood through the veins in the proximal direction, and the venous valves, as discussed above, preventing retrograde blood flow. This mechanism is called the musclevenous pump or "peripheral heart". Full leaf valves are durable and can withstand pressures up to 3 atm. While walking the pressure in the veins of legs is reduced by more than twice. All veins carry blood flow from the muscles, are equipped with valves. There are no valves hollow veins, portal vein, the veins of the liver, lungs and brain veins. The transition from a prone position to standing position leads to increased hydrostatic pressure in the veins of the lower extremities. However, in the arteries of the hydrostatic pressure increases in the same range. Therefore, the change in body position is not accompanied by changes in the ratio of pressure in the veins and arteries at the appropriate levels. Above the inguinal ligament deoxygenated blood goes to the heart through the breath the diaphragm and the difference between intraabdominal and intrathoracic pressure. Pathological and pathophysiological basis of varicose veins Most varicose happening in the great saphenous vein, at least in the short saphenous and tributaries of the stem begins with the veins in the calf. So why do veins suddenly begin to expand? The main reason for developing varicose leg veins, is that of the venous wall is not muscle tissue, which could provide the tone of blood vessels and promote blood in the right direction, that is, to the heart. On the contrary, in the arteries of the muscular layer is, therefore, a disease like varicose veins of the arteries, does not exist. Vienna pushes the blood through valves through which blood can only move in one direction. Promotion of blood through the veins also contribute to the leg muscles, the fibers are located and veins. Muscle motion contributes to a better blood flow to the legs. When sedentary muscles are not able to fully compress the veins and to ensure normal blood flow. At this point, and is stretching thin vein wall. Blood collects in the veins of the weakest areas, expanding and stretching them to the state of varices. Pathological anatomy. At the beginning of the disease is hypertrophy and growth of cellular elements, resulting in significant thickening of the vein wall. In the future along with hypertrophy of the muscular elements is their loss of connection with the further propagation of the cells. Venous wall tension resulting from the death of muscle cells of subcutaneous 7 veins, stimulates production of collagen by fibroblasts. Neural elements located in the wall of the veins are in the process again and create a new negative factor leading to loss of function of smooth muscles of the venous wall - atony. The wall of varicose veins abruptly thickens, but it is uneven thickening and thinning alternating with large walls in some places. Vienna is extended, is tortuous, it formed multiple protrusions, sometimes reaching a diameter of 2-3 cm In addition, the vast majority of patients (85%) with varicose veins of the lower extremities have a pronounced lack of valves around the trunk of the great saphenous vein. Deterioration of blood flow through the veins leads to malnutrition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which is manifested on the skin the appearance of dark brown spots, and then venous ulcers. Physiopathology. The pressure in the veins of the lower extremities varies significantly with changes in body position during movement. In the initial stages of varicose veins, where there are no signs of failure of valves, venous pressure determined by the vertical position of the patient, in line with normal numbers - 75-120 mm water column In the further course of the disease, and especially when there are signs of valvular insufficiency in varicose veins the pressure increases to 500-800 mm water column and more. Increased venous pressure in superficial veins leading to the further unfolding of the physiologically inactive precapillary arteriovenous anastomoses through which resets the arterial blood in the veins, which in turn further increases venous pressure. In the standing position and walking in these patients arises violation of the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower extremities, congestion in the veins of the number to 500-1000, or even 2000 ml. The pressure in the veins of the legs and feet can be higher blood pressure. This leads to difficulties of transition from the blood capillaries of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the venules and veins with the development of stasis in the arterioles and capillaries, and the transition of the liquid part of blood into the tissues, skin and subcutaneous tissue with subsequent development of trophic changes in the legs and feet. 6. The order of activities: 6.1 The theoretical part; Research Methods 1. Duplex ultrasound. Use sensors with a frequency of 4 MHz radiation and 8 MHz to combine study with Doppler imaging of blood vessels. Access to any study of the deep veins below the iliac crest. In the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis duplex ultrasound is the method of choice and gradually replacing phlebography. Signs of a blood clot: intractability wall veins, increased echogenicity compared with the moving blood, the lack of blood flow in the affected segment. Duplex ultrasound to differentiate fresh thrombus from growing old organized. Study of iliac vein is often difficult due to gas accumulation in the intestine. The diagnostic accuracy of the method is 95%, sensitivity - 94%. 2. Doppler study can confirm the presence of venous flow, to register changes in blood flow during the phases of the respiratory cycle, an increase in blood flow during compression of 8 the leg distal to the test segment, the appearance of retrograde flow during compression of the leg proximal to the test segment. The method is simple and often used in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis and insufficiency of venous valves, but requires high skills of the researcher. 3. Plethysmography to determine changes in the volume of the limb. i. Impedance plethysmography. The method is based registration of the total electrical resistance, which reflects blood flow to the limb. Impedance plethysmography - a highly sensitive method for diagnosis of obstruction of the iliac, femoral and popliteal veins. However, any state, accompanied by an increase in venous pressure (postromboflebitichesky syndrome, heart failure, mechanical ventilation) increases the number of false positive results. With partial occlusion of the vein, double leg veins and local calf vein thrombosis may be false negative results. ii. Photoplethysmography is based on recording the optical density of the skin, which depends on its blood supply. The volume of blood in the vessels of the skin is greater the higher the pressure in the superficial veins. The rapid filling of superficial veins after exercise indicates failure of venous valves. Failure of venous valves can be quantified - to reduce the filling time previously emptied veins. Or a pneumatic tourniquet cuff to recompress the superficial veins can distinguish an isolated insufficiency of valves of superficial veins of insolvency valvular deep veins. iii. When mechanical plethysmography study segment extremity is placed in a sealed vessel, and the fluctuations in recorded using hydraulic or pneumatic transmission. Evaluate changes in blood flow during the phases of the respiratory cycle and after compression of the limb cuff. The method used in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis trunk. . Flebotonometriya. Measurement of venous pressure by catheterization of a vein of the foot performed at rest and after exercise. The method is considered the reference to quantification of valvular insufficiency of functional veins. Nevertheless, it has significantly pushed the noninvasive tests such as photoplethysmography. For suspected iliac vein obstruction measure the pressure in the femoral vein. 5. Scintigraphy with 125I-fibrinogen based on the inclusion of radioactive iodine in the blood clot. The method gives satisfactory results only at the stage of active growth and formation of thrombus and can not distinguish thrombosis from phlebitis. In addition, because of high background radioactivity in it malospetsifichen vein thrombosis of the upper thigh and pelvis. If you use drugs fibrinogen is always the risk of transmission of viral infections. 6. Venography - a common standard method for studying diseases of the veins. 1) Ascending venography. Rentgenkontrastnoe substance injected into one of the distal veins and get the image of proximal venous network. Thrombi appear as filling defects are rounded. The absence of staining for visualization of arterial venous collaterals of the set another sign of venous thrombosis. 9 2) The descending phlebography. Radiopaque substance injected into the femoral vein. Retrograde spread of contrast medium to evaluate the degree of venous insufficiency: I st. Slight reflux during the Valsalva maneuver. II with Art. Antegrade blood flow in the iliac venous segment reflux to the distal femur. III Art. Reflux through the popliteal vein to vein leg. IV with Art. Landslide reflux venous leg up, antegrade blood flow in the iliac segment is missing. 7. Function tests can detect failure valve surface and perforating veins, patency and functional status of the deep veins of the lower extremities. Sample Brodie-Trendelenburg Troyanov is designed to detect valvular insufficiency of superficial veins. For her performance in patients in the supine position to raise the investigated limb emptying varicose superficial veins. Next, place the confluence of the great saphenous vein in the thigh pressed with your finger or on the upper third of thigh tourniquet impose. The patient is on his feet. After a while the tourniquet is removed, and the varicose veins collapsed on top quickly and tightly filled with reverse flow of blood. This is a positive test, indicating the lack of valvular mouth of the barrel and the great saphenous vein. With a negative result of the superficial veins quickly (within 5-10 s) filled with blood prior to removal of the compression in the oval fossa, and their content is not increased by removal of compression. Sample Pratt - the most commonly used test to detect failure of perforating veins. In the patient lying down after emptying of varicose veins in the upper thigh rubber band is applied, compressing a large subcutaneous vein. Then the limb imposed crepe bandage from the toes up to the tow, and the patient is on his feet. Crepe bandage starting to take off the top, turn over a loop. When the formed between the tourniquet and bandage in 10 - 15 cm above impose a second crepe bandage, which gradually encircle limb down after contracting rounds first bandage. The appearance of a busy segment of the varicose veins between the two bandages indicates failure valvular perforating veins through which is filled from the deep venous network of the segment saphenous vein. Sample Barrow-Cooper-Sheinis or trehzhgutovaya sample based on the same principle as the sample Pratt. To impose a three investigated limb tourniquet: the upper thigh, above knee and below knee. Filling the segment between the bundles of the superficial veins in the transfer of a patient in a vertical position indicates the failure of perforating veins in this segment. The displacement of wire harnesses to meet each other can be more precisely determine the localization of perforating veins untenable. Sample Mayo Pratt - the most common test for detecting and evaluating cross-functional state of the deep veins. The patient is in a horizontal position to impose a rubber band the top third of the thigh. Then this finite tight bandage crepe bandage from the toes to the upper thigh. Patient walks 20-30 minutes. If the trouble and pain it does not, then it shows good patency 10 of deep veins, and, conversely, the appearance of arching pain in the shin alleges a violation of patency of deep veins. Sample Delbe-Perthes. In the upright position at the maximum filling of superficial veins on the upper third of thigh tourniquet impose. Then the patient walks for 5-10 minutes. Rapid (12 min), emptying of superficial veins indicates good patency of deep venous valvular and usefulness of perforating veins. If walking does not decrease the superficial veins, and, conversely, their content increases, there are arching pain, it indicates the deep venous system obstruction. Special methods of diagnosis. Before proceeding to the treatment of varicose veins doctor should make a very clear idea about the state of deep and perforating veins of the limb. To date, no one can leave the patient without Phlebology ultrasound. It is this study, non-invasive, highly informative in experienced hands, a short time and quite burdensome for the patient, was the main diagnosis in venous insufficiency. The most modern technique is duplex scanning with color Doppler mapping, which allows to identify and cross-state valves of deep veins, from tibia to the inferior vena, the direction of blood flow in the perforating and superficial veins. After the widespread introduction of ultrasound techniques in practice the role of classical venography greatly diminished. Today this technique is used infrequently, mainly in need of reconstructive surgery (shunt or plastic) on the deep veins of the legs, and that every year the frequency is reduced by venography performed learning and improving opportunities for ultrasound. Differential diagnosis CVI venous lymph thrombos is unilateral deme ly "Nephro tic edema" always "Cardiac sided primary Nye, often bilateral; Applyin g Swelling of the entire hip and thigh slightly cyanotic H\3 legs, over and Swelling n / a not expresse d unilateral localizati more on of often lesions two localizati parties on of edema Hue of the skin in the area of edema The nature of swelling Secondar y - more edema edema " orthostat "Articul ic ar edema always edema " Two hundred sided always duplex In both duplex Shin, okololol odyzhec hnyaa area pale Shin, okolololo dyzhechn yaa area H\3 shin okololo dyzhek, edema edema may rear foot pinkish pale more often duplex In the area of the affected joint normal pregnant lower limbs The lower third of tibia 11 Sutoch okololo dyzhek, Nye dynamic edema rarely limb volume in the acute period is not changed ka From ordinar y to cyanoti c not character ized indicators pain pulse women, increased muscle size Swelling soft of the feet of the rear leg + thigh + pale no Soft, soft dense with long-term NC no associat ed with immobil ity, disappea rs from the east. activity not not typical typical Soft at not first, in typical the later periods dense Differential Diagnosis Chronic arterial insufficiency (late stage) Manifested as claudication, pain in the future join in peace Loose or missing color The skin is pale, especially when lifting his feet with his feet sveshivanii skin becomes dark red temperature edema Reduced Absent or insignificant, could be due to the frequent mixing of feet to relieve pain. Atrophic skin, glossy, marked loss of hair on feet and fingers, thickening and deformation of the nail trophic changes ulcers gangrene soft pale no soft not typical transient Chronic venous insufficiency (late stage) Either not available or is aching in nature and occurs in an upright position Normal, although its definition due to swelling can be difficult Normal skin color. In the vertical position of the patient skin becomes cyanotic hue. Over time, there are petechiae and brown pigmentation. normal As a rule, there is often considerable and. Often in the ankles pigmented skin, there are signs of stagnation dermatitis, may decrease the circumference of lower leg with the development of scar tissue Usually formed on the fingers If formed, localized in the and in places subject to ankle, often in the medial frequent injury. malleolus High risk of developing do not develop 12 Classification of venous disorders of lower limbs A general classification of venous diseases not currently exist. Many of the proposed classification [Kuzin MI, Vasyutka VJ, 1966 Askerkhanov RP, 1969 Klioner LI, 1969, Saveliev VS et al, 1972; Klimov, VN et al, 1979; Shalimov AA, Sukharev II, 1984] reflect some aspects of the pathological process in acute and chronic diseases of various levels of the venous system. VI Bourakovsky and LA Bokeria (1989) proposed a generic classification in which the entire venous system is divided into two parts - the system of the superior vena cava and its main tributaries and the inferior vena cava system. With regard to the inferior vena cava and its main tributaries, the disease of which differ considerably large number of occurrences, the most common pathology in the range of the venous system is a varicose superficial veins of the lower extremity with the most likely outcome in chronic venous insufficiency. Another very common disease of the inferior vena cava thrombosis are acute. The latter have a tendency to transform into postromboflebitichesky syndrome (PTFS) - a chronic stage. At the same time are affected and the deep and superficial segments of the system, which again leads to the development of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. In addition, acute thrombosis of deep inferior vena cava system in some cases can cause serious complications, which primarily include pulmonary embolism and venous gangrene, so-called blue flegmaziya. Treatment. Existing methods for treating varicose veins of the lower extremities can be divided into four groups: 1) conservative and 2) sclerosing (injection), 3) surgical and 4) combined. Surgery is indicated in cases where the primary varicose veins is accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency, and with symptoms of circulatory disorders and lower extremity varicose accession to various complications - eczema, dermatitis, ulcers, varicose veins thrombophlebitis. Control questions: 1. anatomical features of the veins of the lower extremity. 2. mechanism of the musculo-venous pump. 3. Varicose leg veins. 4. Thrombophlebitis of veins. 5. Postromboflebitichesky syndrome 6. chronic venous nedostatochnocht. 7. Syndrome Pedzhetta-Shrettera (acute subclavian vein thrombosis) 8. superior vena cava syndrome. The answers to these questions: 13 1. Blood flow to the lower extremities by the veins of three types: superficial, deep and perforatnym (communicating). 1. Superficial veins and. Large subcutaneous Vienna originates in the medial malleolus, runs along the anteromedial surface of the feet and empties into the femoral vein at the level of the oval fossa. b. Small subcutaneous Vienna starts at the lateral margin of the foot near the lateral malleolus and runs into the popliteal vein between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. 2. Deep veins - thin-walled blood vessels that accompany the artery of the same name in pairs and their major branches. Venous network triceps legs consist of calf veins draining into the popliteal vein, and soleus veins draining into the posterior tibial and fibular veins. 3. Perforating veins connect the superficial and deep venous network among themselves. On these vessels the blood is sent from the superficial veins into the deep. In the thigh are usually 2.1 perforating veins, and the rest are located on the lower leg. 2. All leg veins are equipped with folding flaps, which provide blood flow in one direction: from the superficial veins - in the deep, from the distal sites - to proximal. When a person is, the hydrostatic pressure of the blood makes it difficult to venous outflow from the lower extremities. However, any reduction in the hip and thigh muscles drives blood through the veins in the proximal direction, and the venous valves prevent the retrograde flow of blood. This mechanism is called the muscle-venous pump or "peripheral heart". Above the inguinal ligament deoxygenated blood goes to the heart through the breath the diaphragm and the difference between intraabdominal and intrathoracic pressure. 3. "Varicose" is derived from the Latin. "Varix, varicis" - bloating. When the disease is swelling of the subcutaneous veins, impaired outflow of blood on them with the development of congestive changes in the lower extremities. Varicose veins are characterized by the appearance feet saccular protrusion - varicose veins, tortuosity and increase in the length of the surface of leg veins. 1. Primary varicose veins - the most common disease of the leg veins, occurs in 10-20% of the population. The main reason, apparently, is a hereditary connective tissue weakness and educated her vein walls and valves of venous valves. Risk factors: family history, profession, associated with prolonged stay on his feet, pregnancy, age-related changes; obesity. 2. Secondary varicose veins due to increased venous pressure. 4. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the vein wall, accompanied by the formation of a blood clot in the lumen of her. May be affected by any superficial Vienna. The main complaint - the pain, along the vein is palpated a painful cord tight. To eliminate the associated deep vein thrombosis are shown non-invasive study. Deep vein patency was 14 determined by non-invasive methods (duplex ultrasonography, Doppler study) rarely used phlebography. For the differential diagnosis is used: 1. A sample of the Trendelenburg 2. Photoplethysmography. Superficial veins are pinched or pneumatic tourniquet cuff: an increase in venous filling time means that only affected the subcutaneous veins. 5. Postromboflebitichesky syndrome develops after suffering deep vein thrombosis and is characterized by failure of venous valves and occasionally - a violation of the venous outflow. Small clots can completely dissolve under the action of the fibrinolytic system of blood. But more is organizing a blood clot, that is, its replacement by connective tissue and sewerage - germination thrombus capillaries. As a result, cross-veins is restored. However, this process is accompanied by damage to the valves of venous valves, leading to their inferiority. As a result, disturbed function of musculo-venous pump and develops a persistent increase in venous pressure. 6. Chronic venous insufficiency develops in varicose veins or postthrombophlebitic diseases of the lower extremities. Despite the similarity of many of the clinical symptoms, especially edema syndrome manifestations in these diseases are different. 7. Development of the disease contribute to the topographic features of the subclavian vein, located in the circumference of the bone and tendon-muscle formation. With strong stresses the shoulder girdle muscles, combined with the movements of the shoulder joint, eliminates the subclavian space and Vienna is squeezed between the clavicle and a rib. 8. A group of symptoms arising from impaired blood flow in the trunk of the superior vena cava and venous hypertension caused by regional upper body is called "the superior vena cava syndrome." According to the literature men suffer 3-4 times more often than women. 6.2. The analytical part. The case dealt with the problem consistently, emphasizing the diagnostic and tactical features in a particular case. situational problems Problem number 1. Patient 65, a number of years suffering from BPB lower extremities. 3 days ago there was pain along the posteromedial veins of the left tibia. Morbidity increased, the patient began to experience difficulty in moving, the temperature rose to 37.8 * C. On examination, along the vein is determined by the sudden flushing. Vienna thickened, sometimes chetkiobraznaya, palpable in the form of a sharply painful pinch. The skin around a few infiltrated, hyperemic and painful. Swelling in the foot and lower leg almost none. Diagnosis? Survey:? Tactics? 15 The standard answer: № Replies Max. ball Full answer Неуд. answer 1 Acute thrombophlebitis of greater saphenous vein 5 5 0 2 Doppler ultrasound study of venous 5 5 0 3 Strict bed rest 5 5 0 4 Exalted position of limb 5 5 0 5 Appointment antikoogulyantov, ointment bandages, antibiotics 5 5 0 Objective number 2. In patient 70, a secondary varicose veins left leg and thigh, which gradually emerged after suffering 10 years ago, deep vein thrombosis. In addition to the medial surface of the tibia has a trophic ulcer size 10x5 cm, which has no tendency to heal. When flebograficheskom study found that deep vein femur and tibia rekanalizirovany, there are a lot of communicating veins. Diagnosis? Tactics? The standard answer: № replies Max. ball Full answer Неуд. answer 1 PTFS, the mixed form 5 5 0 2 Hospitalization in the surgical department 5 5 0 3 Treatment of trophic ulcers 5 5 0 4 Appointment of improving the blood supply, antibiotics 5 5 0 5 Operations on fleboektomiya Babcock and ligation komunikantnyh veins in Linton 5 5 0 16 Task number 3 The patient's 62 years on the 8th day after hysterectomy appeared suddenly choking, chest pain, loss of consciousness. Effective resuscitation to restore consciousness. The patient's condition is extremely serious. Determined by cyanosis of face and upper body. In the lungs, breathing auscultated on both sides. Ps-120 beats per minute. AD-80 / 50 mm Hg. determined by the moderate right lower limb edema, increased vascular pattern in the groin area, pain on palpation of the projection zone of the vascular bundle hip. Angiography (APG) revealed a symptom of "stump" left branch pulmonary artery. The development of the disease complicated the postoperative period? What was his reason? The tactics of a doctor? The standard answer: № Replies Max. ball Full anwer Неуд. answer 1 Postoperative femoral vein phlebemphraxis 5 5 0 2 Thromboembolism left branch pulmonary artery 5 5 0 3 Appointment of thrombolytics and antigogulyantov after installing cava filter 5 5 0 4 Local appointment to the finiteness of ointment dressings 5 5 0 5 If failure of therapy, surgery 5 5 0 Objective number four The patient aged 53 complained of sharp pain, numbness, itching in the right lower limb, fever, 37.8. OBJECTIVE: tibia thickened, cyanotic, edematous. Determined by the threadlike, compacted surface veins, right limb, the skin over the vein giperemiya. There is tenderness on palpation of the vein. The diagnosis of the patient. What complications are possible in this situation? № replies Max. ball Full anwer Неуд. answer 1 Varicose veins in the right lower limb 5 5 0 17 decompensated 2 Acute saphenous vein thrombophlebitis right leg 5 5 0 3 Pulmonary embolism 5 5 0 4 ascending thrombosis 5 5 0 5 venous gangrene 5 5 0 Interactive game "question ball" Write questions about the little pieces of paper and stick on the ball with a ribbon molding so that it is possible to read the questions completely and remove the following response. Throws the ball to one of the students. A student who receives the ball detaches one of the questions and answers the question written on a piece of paper. If the answer is correct the game continues and the student who answered the question, throws the ball to another student. Thus, the game continues until you have answers to all questions. Questions and answers: 1. - The value of duplex ultrasound in the diagnosis of venous diseases of lower limbs. Use sensors with a frequency of radiation 4 and 8 MHz to combine study with Doppler imaging of blood vessels. Access to any study of the deep veins below the iliac crest. In the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis duplex ultrasound is the method of choice and gradually replacing phlebography. Signs of a blood clot: intractability wall veins, increased echogenicity compared with the moving blood, the lack of blood flow in the affected segment. Duplex ultrasound to differentiate fresh thrombus from growing old organized. Study of iliac vein is often difficult due to gas accumulation in the intestine. The diagnostic accuracy of the method is 95%, sensitivity - 94%. 2. Venous malformations A venous malformations - a relatively rare and heterogeneous group of diseases, including aplasia, hypoplasia, a doubling of the veins and the presence of vestigial veins. Congenital diseases of veins can be combined with arteriovenous malformations. B. Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome - a congenital disease of the major veins. Characterized by a triad of signs: a vascular nevus, congenital varicose veins, soft tissue hypertrophy of one or more limbs. In addition, common hypoplasia or absence of deep vein thrombosis and, consequently, the secondary increase in venous pressure. Develop a network of collaterals around the missing segment of the vein can lead to the formation of large thin-walled varices in the pelvic veins, which often are the cause of rectal and vaginal bleeding. To eliminate the 18 need angiography arteriovenous malformation. Treatment is conservative: the exalted position of the legs, wearing elastic stockings. 3. Pulmonary embolism. One of the serious complications of deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities is a pulmonary embolism (PE). Clinically observed sudden severe chest pain, shortness of breath and tsianogz (face, neck, upper half of the thorax), lower blood pressure. In cases of hemoptysis associated infavrkta light, the temperature rises. In the treatment of heparin administered in large doses (30-50 thousand units.) Selectively into the pulmonary artery or intravenously streptazu (500 thousand-1 million. ED), avelizin (250 thousand - 1.5 million units per day). Occasionally, emergency surgery is shown, the pulmonary artery embolectomy. 4. Methods venography Venography - a common standard method for studying diseases of the veins. and. Rising phlebography. Radiopaque substance injected into one of the distal veins and get the image of proximal venous network. Thrombi appear as filling defects are rounded. The absence of staining for visualization of arterial venous collaterals of the set - another sign of venous thrombosis. b. Descending phlebography. Radiopaque substance injected into the femoral vein. Retrograde spread of contrast medium to evaluate the degree of venous insufficiency: 1) Slight reflux during the Valsalva maneuver. 2) anterograde venous blood flow in the iliac segment reflux to the distal femur. 3) reflux in popliteal vein to vein leg. 4) to venous reflux landslide tibia; anterograde blood flow in the iliac segment is missing. 5. Treatments for varicose veins varikonogo limb 1. Conservative: the sublime position of the feet, wearing stockings, creating a pressure gradient from foot to thigh. These measures are most effective when postflebiticheskom syndrome, varicose veins, caused congenital arteriovenous malformation. 2. Sclerotherapy is used to remove small varicose veins and residual varicose after surgery. 3. Surgery. The most frequent indication for surgery - removal of a cosmetic defect feet. Other indications: failure of conservative therapy, continuous pain, complications (bleeding, ulcers, thrombophlebitis of superficial veins). Acquired arteriovenous fistulas also require surgical intervention 6.Tromboz deep vein 19 A. Incidence. Deep vein thrombosis is often asymptomatic and go unrecognized, so that the overall incidence of disease is unknown. According scintigraphy with 125I-fibrinogen, deep vein thrombosis complicating the postoperative period in 30% of patients older than 40 years. Deep vein thrombosis is diagnosed in more than half of patients with paralysis of lower limbs and more than half of patients, long-term bedridden. B. Etiology and pathogenesis. The main causes of deep vein thrombosis coincide with thrombotic pathogenetic factors (Virchow's triad): 1) endothelial damage; 2) slowing of venous flow; 3) increased blood clotting. Risk factors include heart failure, advanced age, malignancy, trauma, obesity, prolonged immobilization of the limb, prolonged bed rest, oral contraceptives, erythremia, thrombocytosis 7. What are the contraindications for phlebectomy. Contraindications to the removal of saphenous veins: limb arterial insufficiency, pregnancy, infections of skin and soft tissues, lymphedema, hemorrhagic diathesis, a high anesthetic risk, as well as thrombotic occlusion of the main deep veins and deep vein hypoplasia. Major complications: hematoma formation and ecchymosis, subcutaneous, or damage to the sural nerve, necrosis of wound edges and long nezazhivlenie. Known erroneous ligation and removal of the femoral artery and femoral vein. 8. thrombosis prophylaxis Prevention of thrombosis is important because it saves the patients with deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities from serious complications such as pulmonary embolism and posttromboflebetichesky syndrome. The need for measures to prevent thrombosis is greatest in elderly patients, patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system in the postoperative period. Specified quota of patients should be prescribed drugs which improve blood rheology and microcirculation, which have inhibitory effects on adhesively-aggregative function of platelets, reducing the potential for coagulation of blood. Non-specific prevention of thrombosis: limb bandaging elastic bandages, electrical muscle stimulation shins, gymnastic exercises, which improve the venous outflow, getting up early in the postoperative period, prompt correction of fluid and electrolyte disturbances, anemia, removal, control of the cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. 6.3 The practical part Definition of symptoms with pain for edematous limbs venous disorders, conduct fuktsionalnyh samples venogram reading. 20 Identification of symptoms in edematous limb pain syndrome skills № Not doing (0 ball) Definition of ripple on the vessels 1 2 3 15 palpation of the limb Auscultation limb vessels Perform functional tests for deep vein thrombophlebitis Perform functional tests reading venogram Total: 4 5 6 Doing (10 ball) 15 20 20 15 15 100 7. Forms of control knowledge, skills and abilities: • oral; • writing; • testing; • addressing situational problems; • demonstration of skills mastered 8.Assessment criteries of the current control № % evaluation Criteria 1 96-100 Excellent "5" The full presentation is on the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational problems applies unconventional approaches grounded in the responses. 2 91-95 Excellent "5" In full view of a syndrome of limb ischemia, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods 21 dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational problems applies unconventional approaches grounded in the responses. When interpreting the data biochemistry made one mistake 3 86-94 Excellent "5" The full presentation is on the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives a correct and comprehensive answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks made some errors 4 81-85% "Good" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets the data of clinical and instrumental studies, but not fully aware of the value of individual data. Knowingly involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks made some errors 5 76-80% "Good" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. To think independently. Self-supervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Interprets 22 the data of clinical and instrumental studies, but not fully aware of the value of individual data. Knowingly involved in the choice of treatment. Actively involved in conducting intraktivnyh games. In solving the situational tasks and skills made a few inaccuracies 6 7 8 Good "4" A student has full understanding of edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions gives the correct answer. To think independently and draw conclusions. Selfsupervised patients and skillfully applies the practical skills. Independently, with knowledge of the facts involved in the choice of treatment tactics, but admits mistakes. In carrying out the practical skills makes a grave error. Situational problems decides not to complete. Satisfactory "3" The student is aware of the edematous limb pain syndrome, classification, diagnosis, and treatment methods dif.diagnostike. The questions do not give a complete answer. Make mistakes in presenting the classification and dif.diagnostike. The answers are not confident. Practical skills and case studies serves correctly. 71-75% 66-70% Satisfactory "3" At half the questions gives the correct answer. Answers are not confident. Poor knowledge of the classification of ischemia. To individual questions knows the answers, but to present their idea can not. Satisfactory "3" Half the questions asked gave the correct answer. In presenting the essence of the syndrome, diagnosis, diff. Diagnostic algorithm for the interpretation of medical mistakes. Uncertain poses a problem. Practical skills are difficult to perform. Situational tasks executes correctly. Unsatisfactory "2" The student has no idea about the syndrome, classification, diagnosis of the disease, does not know diff.diagnostike treatment policy and is 61-65% 9 55-60% 10 under 54% 66-70% 23 not able to perform practical skills. 9. Chronological map of activities: stages of training form class № Duration of activity (327min) 1 Introductory speech teacher, study subjects 5 2 Discussion of homework. Interactive game "lottery" The survey, discussion (Annex № 1) 30 3 Admission of patients in the clinic, dispensary work. Study dispensary cards. Reception questioning, examination of patients. Primary surgical treatment of wounds. 60 4 Improvement of practical skills, interpretation of laboratory data, radiographs. The algorithm of 60 break 30 5 Discussion of the practical lessons with the teacher. A poll debate 35 6 Hearing the abstract of the report the student, followed by discussion as a group Abstract messages, discussion threads 32 7 Group discussion as interactive games. The solution Working in small groups, of case problems on the wound, securing the interactive game students' knowledge 8 Conclusion lecturer on the topic. Evaluation of each student on a 100 ballnoy system and announces it. Distributes tasks for self-training. (Annex № 2,3) 9 Independent work in the library Magazine, the work program, questions for self-training. 0. Control questions: 1. The main diseases are manifested edematous pain. 65 10 24 2. Diagnosis and difdiagnostika varicose veins and superficial thrombophlebitis of deep veins of the lower extremity. 3. Anatomical features of the structure of veins of the extremities. 4. theoretical basis of sampling, reflecting the functional state of different parts of the venous system. 5. Mechanisms phase of chronic venous insufficiency 6. Classification of varicose superficial veins; 7.Postromboflebitichesky syndrome; 8.Sindrom superior vena cava and Pedzhetta-Shrettera; 9. phlebemphraxis and thrombophlebitis; 10.Oslozhnenie (PE); 11.Osnovnye types of surgery; 12.printsipy prevention of complications. 11. References: Summary: 1. Gostischev VK, General Surgery. Moscow. 2003 2. Savel'ev VS, Surgical Diseases, Moscow, 2006. 3. Karimov SH.I. Surgical diseases, Tashkent, 2005 MORE: 4. Murtagh, J., Handbook of general practice, 1998 5. Shevchenko YL, Private Surgery, St Petersburg, 2000 6. AV Gavrilenko, SI Disappeared, FA Radkevich. Surgical methods of correction of valvular insufficiency of deep veins of the lower extremities. - Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 1997. - № 2. - S. 27 - 34. 7. GD Konstantinova, T. V. Alekperov, ED Don. Outpatient treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. - Annals of Surgery. - 1996. - № 2. - S. 52 - 55.