TSDSI-M2M-TR-SmartCitiesICT-V0.1.0-20150326 Technical Report TSDSI - Sub Group on Indian Smart Cities Smart Cities - An overview of the role of Information and Communication Technologies in the Indian context. Draft Release 1.01 Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal TSDSI document intended only for use by members of TSDSI and their collaborators. It shall not be made available to, and used by, any other persons or entities without the prior written consent of TSDSI. Page 1 of 64 Table of Contents 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7 2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 8 3 Public objectives achievable from ICT in Smart Cities .................................................................... 9 4 Business Drivers for Smart Cities .................................................................................................. 10 5 A ‘Common’ approach to Smart Cities .......................................................................................... 12 5.1 6 Financial viability of this unifying common model ............................................................... 14 ICT Pillars of a Smart city............................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Integrated Management Centre ........................................................................................... 17 6.2 Services and Applications...................................................................................................... 19 6.2.1 Services and Applications for Physical Infrastructure ................................................... 19 6.2.2 Services and Applications for Social Infrastructure ...................................................... 20 6.2.3 Services and Applications for Institutional Infrastructure ............................................ 20 6.2.4 Services and Applications for Economic Infrastructure ................................................ 21 6.3 Communications Network .................................................................................................... 22 6.4 Devices .................................................................................................................................. 24 6.5 Data Center, Cloud, Analytics and Backend Platforms ......................................................... 25 6.6 Information and Digital Security ........................................................................................... 27 7 Challenges ..................................................................................................................................... 27 8 Smart Ministries and Departments............................................................................................... 28 9 Use Cases for Smart Cities ............................................................................................................ 29 9.1 Vertical: Transportation ........................................................................................................ 29 9.2 Vertical: Health ..................................................................................................................... 32 9.3 Vertical: Pollution Control..................................................................................................... 38 9.4 Vertical: Smart Home ............................................................................................................ 40 9.5 Vertical: Remote Access Management (RAM) ...................................................................... 42 9.6 Vertical: Public Safety ........................................................................................................... 49 9.7 Vertical: Utilities .................................................................................................................... 51 9.8 Vertical: Industrial Automation............................................................................................. 58 10 Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 62 Page 2 of 64 Index of Tables Table 1 - Smart applications for Public Infrastructure ......................................................................... 20 Table 2 – Smart applications for Social Infrastructure.......................................................................... 20 Table 3 – Smart applications for Institutional Infrastructure ............................................................... 20 Table 4 – Smart applications for Economic Infrastructure ................................................................... 21 Table 5 – Use Cases for Transportation ................................................................................................ 32 Table 6 - Use Cases for Health .............................................................................................................. 38 Table 7 - Use Cases for Pollution Control ............................................................................................. 40 Table 8 - Use Cases for a Smart Home .................................................................................................. 42 Table 9 - Use Cases for Remote Asset Management ............................................................................ 49 Table 10 - Use Cases for Public Safety .................................................................................................. 51 Table 11 - Use Cases for Utilities........................................................................................................... 58 Table 12 - Use Cases for Industrial Automation ................................................................................... 61 Index of Figures Figure 1 – Silo’d systems ....................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 2 – Common Information Infrastructure ................................................................................... 13 Figure 3 – ICT Pillars of a Smart City ..................................................................................................... 15 Figure 4 – Integrated Management Center .......................................................................................... 17 Figure 5 – City IMC: From Ingestion to Insight...................................................................................... 18 Figure 6 – Different networks in a city .................................................................................................. 22 Figure 7 – Network Technologies ......................................................................................................... 23 Figure 8 – Various Sensors .................................................................................................................... 25 Page 3 of 64 About this Technical Report This Technical Report has been prepared as a contribution to the TSDSI Focus Group on Smart Cities under the aegis of M2M workgroup. Acknowledgements This Technical Report was researched and principally authored by Bipin Pradeep Kumar from Reliance Jio Infocomm (RJIL). The author would like to thank TSDSI for providing such an exciting opportunity to work and research under the TSDSI M2M Working Group. Aastha Sayal (RJIL), Bindoo Srivastava (TICET), Sumit Chowdhury (GSC), Anuj Asokan (TTSL), Hem Thukral (ISGF) provided inputs for this Technical Report. Mayuri Nayak (GSC) provided fresh views to the graphics. Individual vertical heads and contributors provided their respective uses cases which were then adopted as appropriate for Smart City uses. Page 4 of 64 Left Blank for Procedural information to be addressed Page 5 of 64 Left Blank for Procedural information to be addressed Page 6 of 64 Some have called the smart city trend the most transformative thing to happen to cities since the urban renewal movement of the 1960s1 Introduction 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 One of the captains of the Internet world – the W3C sees Smart cities as a web of people, things and services2. Whilst this is a contextual manner to begin this document, its relevance is compounded as it also illustrates the notion that cities are viewed differently by different professions and people. City engineers view the city as a complex system with multiple layers. Information Technology companies view cities as an area where information and technology can be unleashed. Architects and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) see the city in terms of people, social inclusion, and a sense of space. Government leaders view the city in terms of economic growth, managing scarce resources and a political arena. Visionaries view it as space for new or improved city services supported by policy initiatives designed to effect positive change. Regardless of their viewpoint, most agree on a common vision: make cities smarter and more sustainable; to improve quality of life. Smart Cities present an opportunity to achieve most of the views expressed by integrating technology advancements, especially in the Information and Communications Technology space to physical city infrastructures—from utilities, transportation, education, health and real estate to city services; thereby bringing about a cyber-physical metamorphosis. But ultimately, no matter how technologically adept or challenged it may be, a Smart City is not about M2M or IoT or Big Data or any particular Information or Communication Technology, but about what technology enables one to do, about how technology empowers citizens, and how technology improves the quality of life for every individual. This becomes paramount in the Indian context. From the 2001 census to 2011 census, there is an insignificant a shift in urban – rural users in India. Roughly 70% of India still lived in villages and the remaining 30% in urban areas. But reports released last year3, show that by 2030 India will have 590 million urban inhabitants. Taking this number along with another 200 million that is expected to live in close proximity to the major cities, it means that in another 15 years, roughly more than half of India will live in its cities or close to cities. This unprecedented shift to urban areas, areas that are more contained, creates overwhelming challenges for local municipalities such as growing demand for services, safety of its citizens, and effective utilisation of resources and consequently impacts their ability to manage their citizens’ quality of life. Mismanaged or under managed cities are likely to have detrimental social and environmental repercussions, as well as significant economic costs on the nation. It would be arguable to say that Information and Communications Technologies, that we all acknowledge is and 1 2 3 http://www.govtech.com/data/The-Rise-of-the-Sensor-Based-City.html http://www.w3.org/2013/Talks/smart-cities-dsr-mws-2013.pdf India’s Urban Awakening: Building Inclusive Cities, sustaining Economic Growth. McKinsey Global Institute Page 7 of 64 was an important economic driver for India, has not been leveraged optimally within India and its cities. It needs to move from being seen as a mere 'employment spinner' or ‘economic contributor’ to a medium for infrastructure improvement and large scale upliftment. 40 45 50 55 As we compose and discuss this document in early January 2015, 6 Indian cities have made it to the ‘Megacities’ list of which there are only 35 in the world4. A megacity is usually defined as a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of ten million people. In India these are Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad, in respective order of ranking. Furthermore, not just about size, but going forward, Indian cities are expected to dominate world competitiveness. The Economist’s Hotspots for 20255, that benchmarks the future competitiveness of cities, has New Delhi (along with Tianjin) leading the City Competitiveness Index globally. Nine Chinese and seven Indian cities are in the top 20, with Bengaluru 11th on the global list. Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) has the capability to provide environmentally friendly and economically viable solutions for cities. Potential advancements could be made in the forms of efficient water management based on real-time information exchanges, public transport systems organized through information gathered by satellites, cellular technologies or plain exchange of data among other civic systems, exploring solutions to concerns related to air quality monitoring and electromagnetic fields, among others. These technological solutions enhance the environment, improve governance and facilitate more efficient energy utilisation. In addition, this is where the concept of ICT based smart and sustainable becomes more inclusive. This document strives to broadly depict areas within Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that can help cities become smarter, more sustainable and efficient, improve governance structures, bring in more autonomy thereby improving overall quality of life of its citizens. 60 The material in this document is mostly strategic; it highlights and presents the few but expansive Smart city ICT pillars to the reader. It outlines the scope and possible depth and breadth of each area, at the same time impressing their importance and calling to attention the diligent studies further needed in each of those specific areas. To drive cohesion, this document includes a non-exhaustive draft of Smart City related use cases that is filtered from some of the vertical study items of TSDSI M2M Study Group. 65 1 Scope The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) released its draft ‘Concept note on Smart City’ in September 2014. This TSDSI document seeks to complement it by addressing the ICT aspects of Smart Cities. 70 This document seeks to: 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacity 5 http://www.citigroup.com/citi/citiforcities/pdfs/hotspots2025.pdf Page 8 of 64 1. provide an overview of the main ICT pillars that contribute to the smartness of cities 2. explore the role and potential of ICTs within smart Cities, and 3. acknowledge, at a general level, the key ICT infrastructure needed to enable smart cities 75 80 This document is not intended to be a specification or a recommendation for best practices. It aims to lay a general foundation for further, more in-depth explorations of specific topics on smart cities in the Indian context. Consequently, it provides a broad overview of issues that impact the concept of a smart city, while at the same time setting the stage for additional detailed technical reports which could be topics of separate TSDSI Focus Groups on Smart Cities. The intended audience of this Technical Report are stakeholders and members of the government, industry, academia and even general civil society interested in gaining a better understanding of what constitutes a smart sustainable city, and what its main attributes are. This document identifies the existence of further opportunities of collaboration in the identified ICT pillars, as well as the need to foster further dialogue and discussion on these issues. 2 Public objectives achievable from ICT in Smart Cities 85 90 95 It is important to begin this section stating the obvious - that different cities have different objectives, and that cities in India are different from each other, sometimes vastly. However, just like the fundamental requirements and basic rights of every citizen in India are the same, expectations of and by every city dwelling Indian for day to day activities and tasks are similarly fundamental and aspirational to large extents. Combine this with the speed of urbanization occurring in India and it poses an unprecedented managerial and policy challenge—yet India has not engaged in a national discussion about how to handle the seismic shift in the makeup of the nation6. As urban population and incomes increase, demand for every key service such as water, transportation, sewage treatment, low income housing will increase five- to sevenfold in cities of every size and type. And if India continues on its current path, urban infrastructure will fall woefully short of what is necessary to sustain prosperous cities. If not well managed, this inevitable increase in India’s urban population will place enormous stress on the system. ICT though not a direct answer to any problem, is seen as a means to manage this more efficiently. 100 In general the objectives expected from Smart Cities and therefore the implementation of ICT in Smart Cities are: 105 6 Optimization: Looking at all data coming in from various input sources – resources, utilities, devices and services and putting in systems such that they can improve their operations and make it more efficient. Predictive failure information: Forecasting the probability or knowing when a system or public machinery will go down. And as next steps, taking measure to address that. The Planning Commission, Approach to the 12th Plan, The Challenges of Urbanization in India Page 9 of 64 Improved usage information: Understand how citizens are using different services and the consumption of essentials. Enhance what is falling short, and de-emphasize what is excess. Improved failure and diagnostic information: Make sure services are operating and generating revenue. Transparency: Facilitated by making the information, processes, costs, consequences, more open and democratic 110 115 From a sector specific view, the objectives expected by the public that ICT can significantly aid in are: 120 125 130 135 New services packages: With more information about citizen behaviour and consumption patterns, the government will be able to offer more tailored services in and future. City administration: to streamline management and deliver new services in an efficient way Education: to increase access, improve quality, and reduce costs Health care: to increase availability, provide more rapid, accurate diagnosis, provide wellness and preventive care, and create more cost efficiencies Public safety: to use real-time information to anticipate and respond rapidly to emergencies and threats Real estate: to reduce operating costs, use energy more efficiently, increase value, and improve occupancy rates Transportation: to reduce traffic congestion while encouraging the use of public transportation by improving the customer experience and making travel more efficient, secure, and safe Utilities: to manage outages, control costs, and deliver only as much energy or water as is required while reducing waste Unlike more developed countries where ICT is more prevalent and city infrastructures are more mature, the dynamics in India are very different and consequently the requirements, uses and methods to achieve this vastly different too. But, just like the laws of physics and chemistry are not different in India or anywhere e else in the world, the foundations of these requirements or use cases are no different; differences usually lie in the nuances of implementation. A non-exhaustive set of use cases for different verticals worked upon by the different groups in the TSDSI M2M Study Group are listed in Section 10 of this document. 3 Business Drivers for Smart Cities 140 145 A sound local economy attracts investment, increases the tax base, creates employment opportunities for residents and generates public revenues. An economic strategy which balances the need for development with other city goals and objectives is the call of the hour. As such, while cities may have many social and environmental objectives, one cannot dismiss the economic objectives of cities which are usually common. These include and are not limited to: Increasing revenue of the various public departments Improving operational efficiencies Page 10 of 64 150 Reducing costs of services, both top line to citizens and bottom line to the administration Improve citizen satisfaction and quality of life Staying ahead of the consumption cycle Identifying new service opportunities Improving Economic investment which results in maximum public revenues and minimum public service costs. An economic climate conducive to attracting new developments which yield net social and economic benefits to the City Page 11 of 64 155 4 A ‘Common’ approach to Smart Cities 160 Cities are intricate composite environments and the manner in which cities are operated, financed, regulated and planned are extremely complex to say the least. City operations are multidimensional and comprise of multiple stakeholders whose dependencies and interdependencies affect and ultimately determine the built environment. 165 170 These dependencies and interdependencies though known, are mostly overlooked by the various departments in their efforts and focus of providing their services and of being answerable only for the services they provide. Part of the answer to making cities 'smarter' is a more all-embracing coordinated management of resources and infrastructure, a collaborative approach to a cleaner greener environment, and harmonized governance that result in a better quality of living of its citizens. Coordination, collaboration and harmonization can be better implemented by the effective use of open, common and shareable, information and communication technologies that allows the creation of a truly interconnected system with seamless communication between services. Even though the services and applications can be diverse, they could leverage the use of common infrastructure to achieve this objective. Cities have to move from isolated silo’d systems as depicted in Figure 1 to a more unifying, common model From a vertical, silo’d approach Transportation Gas Water Power Servers & other ICT Infra Servers & other ICT Infra Servers & other ICT Infra Servers & other ICT Infra 175 Waste Management Servers & other ICT Infra Other City Services and Departments 180 Sensors Meters Meters Meters Sensors Figure 1 – Silo’d systems To a converged common ICT infrastructure pool 185 A common infrastructure pool allows the creation of a truly interconnected system with seamless communication between services. Even though the services and applications can be diverse, they could leverage the use of common infrastructure which is highly recommended or at the least common data models and semantics. Page 12 of 64 190 The interconnection or adoption of ICT by different government departments and agencies or the means to do so is not the realm of this document. However, the sharing of infrastructure, unifying the information infrastructure or even the sharing of meaningful information/data such that it can improve efficiency and the quality of life of its citizens is an opportunity that will be recommended. 195 Cities with Homes with Multiple Smart Meters Com mon Info rma tion Infra stru ctur 200 Multiple Network Topologies Common Network Secure VPN Common Data Platform Integrated Data Acquisition /Integrated Data Management Internet Secure Open Data Platform Transportation Master Data Management System Gas Water Power Waste Manageme Public Utility Companies 205 Infrastructure Business Support Systems (BSS) Figure 2 – Common Information Infrastructure 210 215 India has already undertaken a path towards Open government data in collaboration with the United States of America (USA). Together they have pioneered OGPL7, a joint product to promote transparency and greater citizen engagement by making more government data, documents, tools and processes publicly available. This platform is used to build the Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India8 which on date makes available 13,203 resources in 3,439 catalogs provided by over 30 Ministries and Departments. While this refrains from laying basic ontology and semantics, of true ability for interoperable data, of a regular stream of real time data, in many ways, it is a big leap forward. Taking this to the next step would be a similar platform at City or State level, along with a Common Information Model, which going forward could be integrated at a National level An example for a common information model is the Common Information Model (CIM) for Electricity9, a standard developed by the electric power industry that has been officially adopted by 7 http://ogpl.gov.in/ https://data.gov.in/ 9 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5772503 8 Page 13 of 64 220 225 230 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) that aims to allow application software to exchange information about an electrical network. It defines a common vocabulary and basic ontology for aspects of the electric power industry10. Another example of a common model to share information between various infrastructures at state or central government bodies and departments is the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) in the United States of America11. NIEM is a community-driven, standards-based approach to exchanging information. Diverse communities can collectively leverage NIEM to increase efficiencies and improve decision making. It was started by a handful of organizations supporting state and local government to overcome the challenges of exchanging information across state and city government boundaries. NIEM was formally initiated in April 2005 by the chief information officers of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Justice. In October 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services joined as the third steward of NIEM. A common information pool can be designed in manners that it need not impact jurisdictional overlap within government agencies nor a shift towards decentralized planning, should that come into play. Unifying the network and data platform would only make it more transparent, easier for informed decision making and less strenuous financially. 235 4.1 Financial viability of this unifying common model 240 When one looks at smart cities from financial viability perspective, the common model may make it more economically viable too. It will overwhelmingly likely make the next application or service cheaper and easier to implement, and the next, and the next. This is an important and oft-neglected feature and this increased simple scalability would be an ongoing feature. 245 250 Traditionally every department in every city or area puts out its own technology infrastructure as depicted in Figure 1 and they make their procurements and purchases independently. These hinder the financial autonomy of urban local bodies, the state government and of the central government too. The financial implications or burden are borne by the organisation and ultimately by the general public. What this independent, department-wise infrastructure sourcing and operations has resulted in is no sharing of costs and resources – resulting in net higher costs to the city and taxpayer, a lot of waste or duplication in investment and effort and possible under-utilisation of the infrastructure too. Financial viability and feasibility of projects – regardless of whether they are EPC, PPP or through other means of funding could be better addressed and made more feasible by the Common model. This could in turn ensure the long term viability and health of many projects and of the overall Smart City initiatives too. 255 Identification of a minimum common set of service layer requirements and capabilities, data model and semantics, visualising meta-models from the varied information sources to create a higher level of information, and consequently ideating the base set of criteria of a ‘Common information pool’ can be the objective of a separate dedicated Study Item. 10 11 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5772503 https://www.niem.gov/ Page 14 of 64 5 ICT Pillars of a Smart city 260 265 The Information and Communication Technology - ICT pillars of a Smart City are not to be confused with the pillars of a Smart City. The latter consists of traditional functions – physical, social, institutional and economic infrastructures that are required for a city, are addressed in the document released by the MoUD. The former that is the realm of this document consists of the different technological domains and technologies, and attempts to determine the main classification of methods and means in which each of those functions in cities can be made smarter. This document identifies and recommends 6 areas as pillars for a Smart City. These are depicted in Figure 3 below. 5 3 Communications Network 2 Services/Applications that cover 1 Physical Infra 270 4 Governance 275 Education Devices and Chipsets Econo mic Infra Transport Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Water) Service/Data exchange Safety & Security Data Centre, Cloud, Analytics and Backend Platforms Social Infra Dashboard & Integrated Mngmt and Command Center Healthcare Buildings Institutional Infra 280 6 Information and Digital Security Figure 3 – ICT Pillars of a Smart City As such to make a Smart City, the essential pillars comprise of: 285 1. An Integrated Management and Command Centre – That will provide a single interface to view all integrated city level information. These Command Centres do not imply that only one will be applilcable to a city, but many smaller ones could feed requisite information along its various nodes Page 15 of 64 290 295 300 305 310 2. The Services and Applications across various verticals - These have been classified according to the Infrastructure segments identified by the MoUD. It covers vertical solutions or applications in Predictive Maintenance, Vehicle telematics, Insurance, Healthcare, Fleet management, Connected cars, Home automation, Utility solutions and, the software and solutions that can be used by the various departments for Smart Governance 3. The Communications Network – This includes the wired and wireless networks, satellite networks, transmission protocols (MQTT), M2M connectivity; networks that can be called MAN, WAN, PAN, HAN. Dedicated resources could be allocated for critical communication or communication during emergencies or disasters. 4. Devices and Chipsets – Devices are an immense area and comprise a larger umbrella of routers, computers and other networking equipment. For narrowing focus and since M2M is a tenet this study revolves around, this document focuses on Sensors, RFID tags, Chipsets, Mobile devices, Embedded software, etc. that facilitate the ‘sensor web’ in cities 5. Data Centre, Cloud, Analytics and Backend Platform Infrastructure – This includes the M2M platforms, Service enablement solutions, Application services, Device management software, Cloud services, Integration and Managed services that are hosted on the Cloud or Data Centre and the Analytics necessary to derive intelligence and implement it 6. Information and Digital Security – Security of Smart City is a very large area and as illustrated in the diagram touches every aspect – the devices themselves, the communications part, the data part, the application part and the storage and services part. Besides information security, security as a topic also encompasses privacy of data and physical security. This section briefly addresses the illegal access to information and attacks causing physical disruptions in service availability in a Smart City. Each of these ICT pillars are only outlined in this document. Each has their own intricacies and challenges and detailed study items for every pillar will be required. A call for this more focussed study further is outlined in the respective sections Page 16 of 64 315 320 325 5.1 Integrated Management Centre A vast body like a city consists of large number of heterogeneous information resources. These include sensors, exchanges between or information from citizens, the various workflows and processes, events that occur, etc. that can together complement the integrated management of smart cities. The relationships of these diverse information resources are complicated and could be complementary, reinforced or redundant relationships. The data gathered can further be processed and modelled, correlated with historic data and other activities performed on it before it can be made insightful and can be presented to offer MIS, analysis, decision support or forecasts. This is illustrated in Figure 4 There is also a recursive cycle to the data in a Smart City. Information that is generated is information that is consumed which in turn adds to the information generated which becomes information used again. Generate 330 With an Objective of Decision Support Insight & Information Presentation for City Management Reports Forecasts & Prediction Apply 335 Integrated Management Center Perform Analysis Enrich Algorithms, Tools Data Modeling for City Operations Metadata Optimize, Process Historic infusion Input 340 Integrate from and with all sources Data Ingestion from all City Stakeholders and Systems Citizens Sensor data & metadata Events Workflows, Processes Figure 4 – Integrated Management Center 345 In India, resources, data and information generated by the city from different sources, systems and services are distributed across the myriad different government departments, agencies, their Page 17 of 64 contractors, in different regions and thus in varied information systems. There is no mechanism or model to connect them together. Disparate, disconnected, silo’ d systems are harbingers of cataclysm of the very concept of smartness. 350 355 360 The integrated management centre is intended to establish a co-ordinated approach to this constraint. The functions of the Integrated Management Centre will include the observation, reporting, analysing, correlation, forecasting and decision supporting for the entire gamut of citywide services. At its very foundation, it will integrate with and ingest data from all possible sources, then apply various data models, processes and tools and ensure quality with an aim to provide insight and intelligence on various city resources and services while at the same time establishing a sharing and serving mechanism for all information resources and services in the city. Different sources of information can blend together, in some ways compensating their own deficiencies, enriching the larger information pool and therefore providing the ability to offer services more efficiently. A drill down of the above is depicted in Figure 5 below. Forecasts Applications Information & Insight 365 Reporting Engine Trend Analysis Energy Modelling Bill Analysis Environmental Impact Cost Allocation Historic Data Processing Data Modelling Data Quality Data Warehouse Data Sharing 370 Data Integration 375 Power, Water, Waste Management and Metering systems Transport, Power, Water, Production, Building Waste, Transport Automation systems billing and Pricing systems Ingestion Governance, Financial, Business and Accounting systems Other relevant inputs: Metadata, Weather, Occupancy, Area Figure 5 – City IMC: From Ingestion to Insight Page 18 of 64 380 385 To this effect, while the semantics of data that sensors generate can be studied for standardisation, prior research (Visconti and Cook, 2002; ISO 2003, Chen, 2014), could facilitate the approach for the metadata for Indian use fairly easily. A separate more detailed document outlining the information sources of cities in India and their data models uniformly, determining metadata, visualising meta-models from the varied information sources to create a higher level of information, and consequently ideating the base set of data to open and share to citizens will be the objective of a separate dedicated Study Item. 5.2 Services and Applications 390 The draft Concept note on Smart Cities identified 3 pillars of Smart Cities. These are Physical Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure and Institutional Infrastructure. This was then extended to include Economic Infrastructure. Basing applications and services on this classification we can look at applications and services that enrich these spaces. 5.2.1 395 Services and Applications for Physical Infrastructure Physical infrastructures and the services and applications that run on top of, or cater to the physical infrastructure comprises of: No. Physical Infrastructures Smart Services and Applications 1. Energy 2. Buildings 3. Transportation 4. Water 5. Waste Management Smart Electricity Management Smart Power Grid Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas Smart Gas pipeline Management Smart Lighting Smart buildings CCTV Surveillance Smart Transportation (across roads, bridges, highways, local trains, buses, cabs, metro train, ports, airports) Route Optimization Smart Ticketing Smart Signage Smart Parking Interactive Bus Stops Smart Water Management Smart Metering Water Leakage Detection Smart pipes and sensor networks Smart Irrigation management Smart Waste Management Page 19 of 64 6. Housing 7. Disaster Management and Emergency 8. Public works Waste tracking systems Integrated Building management Housing finder Housing plan management and tracker Integrated Response and Management for Regional Police Headquarters, Coastguard facilities (for coastal cities), Fire Headquarters, Hospitals, Ambulance and Administrative Departments Smart Management of Public Works – Dams, Canals, Subways Smart Public Lighting Table 1 - Smart applications for Public Infrastructure 5.2.2 400 Services and Applications for Social Infrastructure Services and applications that run on top of, or cater to Social infrastructure include: No. Social Infrastructures Smart Services and Applications 1. Safety and Security 2. 3. Health Care Education Smart physical safety and security City Surveillance Remote Monitoring Smart health care Remote Education 4. 5. Entertainment Environment 6. Homes and Buildings Open public access digitally Smart Lighting Smart Irrigation management Controlling appliances remotely Home security, climate control and lighting. Table 2 – Smart applications for Social Infrastructure 5.2.3 Services and Applications for Institutional Infrastructure Services and applications that run on top of, or cater to Institutional infrastructure include: No. 405 Institutional Infrastructures Smart Services and Applications 1. 2. Service Delivery Transparency and Accountability 3. Citizens Participation and Advisory 4. Justice and Judicial System Smart Digital Transactions Models, optimization, and decision-support tools Citizens interface to policy Direct voting Transparent, Integrated Legal processes Smarter Court System Table 3 – Smart applications for Institutional Infrastructure Page 20 of 64 5.2.4 Services and Applications for Economic Infrastructure Services and applications that run on top of, or cater to Economic infrastructure include: No. Economic Infrastructures Smart Services and Applications 1. Job Creation 2. Livelihood Activities 3. Transparency and Accountability Remote Education Smart Evaluation Environmental Information Access to Experts Remote Education 4. Taxation Tax calculator and filer Claims management Table 4 – Smart applications for Economic Infrastructure 410 415 420 Many of the above applications are detailed in the use cases against each vertical addressed towards the end of this document. To leverage these infrastructure services and applications holistically, fundamental systems need to be connected and exchange information where required between other services and applications. As outlined in the section above, the Common Information Model (CIM) for Electricity12, and the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) in the United States of America13 are good examples of homogenizing information exchange methods between utilities by the former and the state and local government in the latter to overcome the challenges of exchanging information across silo’d government boundaries. In order to realize these opportunities – of applications and solutions in Physical, Social, Institutional and Economic infrastructures in cities and of leveraging the benefits of exchanging information between these, a separate more detailed technical report that determines and details the services and emphasizes the need for careful design and proper coordination among all relevant infrastructure sectors will be the matter of a dedicated Study Item. 425 12 13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Information_Model_(electricity) https://www.niem.gov/ Page 21 of 64 5.3 Communications Network 430 435 440 As part of the realization of a smart city, communication systems are an indispensable part of the public infrastructure. The telecommunications infrastructure is the basis for data generation, exchange of data, control information and their transport that provide intelligence to the city. The reason for this is that many of the requirements of a smart city, including creating systems to reduce the environmental load, revitalization of corporate activities, and the achievement of comfortable living can only be realized by seamlessly coordinating everything14. To this end, communication network or networks are necessary to establish all sorts of connections and share information for coordination, including human to human, human to machine and machine to machine. Within a city, many kinds of communication networks can exist, many kinds of communication networks will be needed to fulfil various needs and all could carry matter relevant for a city’s functioning. A smart city must combine legacy networks and new communication architectures in order to configure existing communication networks to achieve compatibility and interoperability15. There could even be a Network of Networks in a city. These networks can be visualised as a series of layers as illustrated in Figure 6. Sensors, objects or systems that need to transport information could use more than one type of network to reach its destination. 445 Back-haul using fiber, microwave Sensor Mesh-Network DC1 WiFi-network MDC Ultra Narrow Band Network 2G, 3G, 4G Network DRC Multi-Network Figure 6 – Different networks in a city 14 http://www.hitachi.com/products/smartcity/smart-infrastructure/communication/index.html Network Architecture based on Virtualized Networks for Smart Cities. A.D. Guerrero-Pérez, A. Huerta, F. González and D. López http://smartcities.ieee.org/images/files/images/pdf/ngn_sdn_v3.1.0.pdf 15 Page 22 of 64 450 An ideal Network of Networks would offer the benefits of stateless routing with adequate failover mechanisms. Network technologies that can co-exist include the following ones illustrated in the Figure 7. Satellite Cellular GSM/GPRS CDMA/1X 3G Wide Area Network 455 4G/LTE WiFi INMARSAT IRIDIUM DOMESTIC VSAT Fixed xDSL Optic Fiber Wireless Personal & Local Area Network RFID NFC Wi-Fi Z Wave X Bee Wireless M-Bus M2M only Networks Ultra Narrow Band Whitespace DSRC Wired Bluetooth/BLE ZigBee Ethernet PLC HomePlug HomeGrid HomePNA LonWorks Figure 7 – Network Technologies 460 465 470 Communications network in a city should make provisions and be prepared for communication during times of crisis, emergency or disasters. Such systems rely on the common network or cross network principles designed to integrate the cross-communication of messages. This communication could occur between varieties of communication technologies on one plane and citizens and relevant governmental and non-governmental agencies that are part of the Critical Communication axis on another. This section highlights the communications possibilities for smart cities. It also impresses upon the reader the existence of further opportunities of collaboration in this field, as well as the need to foster further dialogue and discussion on evolving communication networks in cities. A separate more detailed document outlining the various networks, the spectrum used for wireless networks, critical communication needs and other related communication infrastructure for cities would be the objective of a dedicated study item. Page 23 of 64 5.4 Devices 475 Devices needed by a smart city cover a wide spectrum of Electronics and Computational equipment. Typical devices that are part of a Data / ICT city infrastructure include: 480 485 490 Sensors, Actuators, HMI’s and HCI’s Chipsets, Modules, Boards, PLC’s Computers, Servers and Networking LAN infrastructure Mobile phones, Tablets and other Handheld devices Core Routing Switches & Access Switches Wireless Networking Gateways and Routers Firewalls and Network Routers OSP, Base Stations and Towers For the purposes of this document, since IoT and M2M are central themes, devices will be restricted to the realm of sensors, actuators and HMI/HCI that are embedded in physical objects; tiny electronic devices that can measure and track just about anything that goes on in a city and can control or perform actions. This is linked through communication networks described in the above section. These include the sensors, actuators, HMI’s that are illustrated in the diagram below that can function in systems like: 495 Building Automation & HVAC Control / Energy Management Systems Lighting Control Systems Building Security and Access Control Video Surveillance Systems Fire and Safety Systems Car Parking Systems Smart Grid systems Health and Medical systems Transportation 500 505 “Sensor technology has the power to provide data about what’s going on in a number of unprecedented ways. It changes the way we can understand, manage and study cities. Citizens can be better engaged by having more city data available”16, said the director of New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress. Sensors and Actuators are the cornerstone of the devices that will be used in City Management. The notion of having sensors and actuators on every utility pole, water line, bus, train and traffic light is steadily gaining acceptance. SenML and its extensions are an attempt to arrive at a uniform way to exchange sensor metadata, which includes sensor measurement, name, id, unit, timestamp etc., as well as methods to uniformly 16 http://www.govtech.com/data/The-Rise-of-the-Sensor-Based-City.html Page 24 of 64 510 exchange actuator metadata, that includes commands to actuators like reduce speed of a motor, switch on or off power17. Machine Vision, Ambient Light Acceleration, Tilt Electric, Magnetic Water Leaks, Levels, Force, Load, Torque, Displacement Strain, Pressure Position, Presence Liquid/Gas Flow Motion, Velocity Temperature, Humidity, Acoustic, Amplitude, Moisture Vibration 515 These devices communicate with each other and with the Command Center Figure 8 – Various Sensors 520 Sensor Virtualisation, the challenges imposed by Heterogeneity where sensors/actuators belong to different domains, using various technologies to communicate, the management of connected objects, their discovery, the naming and addressing of these billions of objects are all items for more detailed study and a separate document 525 5.5 Data Center, Cloud, Analytics and Backend Platforms18 530 535 Data and information availability are vital for the functioning of any smart solution. Access to data must be possible under any circumstance, thus enabling corresponding actions to be taken by city officials both through the Integrated Command Centre and through individual applications or services. This becomes particularly important in the case of emergency and crisis situations. Cross-scale information sharing using common platforms allow policy makers and officials from different sectors to base their decisions on common information, and undertake coordinated courses of action. Such data exchange not only strengthens the collaborative efforts between departments and sectors, but could also be used as part of critical assessments and forecasting of various emergencies, as well as to optimize any smart solutions implemented in the city. The unifying nature of the Common information model has also been illustrated above 17 Datta, Soumya Kanti; Bonnet, Christian; Nikaein, Navid, "CCT: Connect and Control Things: A novel mobile application to manage M2M devices and endpoints," Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on , pp.1,6, 21-24 April 2014 18 Largely derived from ITU draft on Smart Sustainable Cities, Sekhar Kondepudi Page 25 of 64 540 Therefore, it is recommended for city managers to base the implementation of smart solutions on appropriate policies and governance structures that can support and sustain such efforts in the short, medium and long term. In addition, the recursive nature of data in a smart city has been illustrated earlier, highlighting the characteristic of a system of continuous growth and consequently the need for data storage and mechanism of immense scale. The following are some of the key components that ensure data accessibility and management in a Smart city: 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 Accessibility to data: There is a need for schemas, semantics and ontology that will promote openness and accessibility to data. While there will always be a concern in terms of privacy and the proprietary nature of data, most sensitive data can be made anonymous or different levels of access rights enabled before being made accessible. This question of balancing the need for security, privacy and accessibility is still not well understood in terms of a legal and regulatory framework and needs to be addressed in the design of smart sustainable cities. Open data: It is recommended that data on energy, utilities, transportation, and other basic datasets are to be made public. This is vital in facilitating the cross-scale information sharing component of a smart city that was suggested above. Information sharing allows better operational decisions to be made and implemented. It is equally important to note that all data should be presented in a consistent and standardized manner. It is only when all data is based on the same parameters that it allows for meaningful exchanges and decision making, such as in the case of open application programming interfaces (APIs). Managing massive data: Cities come in various sizes and so does the information associated with them. To get an accurate view of the data from various sources and various places, this information usually comes in huge packets and should be able to provide accuracy, analytical capabilities, data security, and data storage. Therefore, data needs to be managed using highly efficient database constructs. High performance: Creating new insights from massive volumes of data needs to be complemented with digital infrastructures that are capable of high performance. Large amounts of data can place a lot of pressure on the workload and operational capacity of existing devices. To make the task optimal, the ICT systems should be reliable, ensure precise data transmission, minimize downtime, and avoid system failure. In cases of failure, the solution should be ready to handle and recover from error. Maximum efficiency: In order for ICTs to be ready to swiftly disseminate the information from one corner of the city to another, it should operate at its peak efficiency at all points of time. Improving quality and flexibility while minimizing capital and operational cost is crucial for both maximizing and maintaining the role of ICTs over time. A more detailed document that captures the ‘big’ data that a city will generate, the varied information sources, the frameworks for offering open data, the viability and practise of cloud enablement, the analytics necessary to derive intelligence for a city to evolve to self-sustainability will all be the objective of a separate dedicated Study Item. Page 26 of 64 5.6 Information and Digital Security 580 Security of Smart City is a very large area and as illustrated in the Pillars diagram touches every aspect – the devices themselves, the communications part, the data part, the application part and the storage and services part. Besides information security, security as a topic in a city also encompasses privacy of data and physical security. ********************This section will be addressed in a subsequent release****************** 585 6 Challenges 590 595 600 605 610 615 All resources and information generated by the city from different sources, systems and services are distributed in different departments, regions and their respective information systems. There is no mechanism or model to connect them together, leave alone the perceived need. Until this verticalisation is resolved, whatever technology or intelligence applied will be grossly insufficient and inefficient in holistically addressing issues from a city wide perspective. There is no technical proposal to manage data created across the multiple departments in an integrated way so that the redundant information can be eliminated, the weakness of one kind of information resources can be supplemented by another, and several information resources can be combined together to fulfil tasks more effectively. While the interconnection of different government departments and agencies is not the space of this document, the sharing of meaningful data that can improve efficiency and the quality of life – a recurrent theme of a Smart City, of citizens is a challenge that can be explored. Scaling of many newer technologies is unproven. Because ICT is an enabler in Smart City projects, the implementation of the necessary layers related to ICT services (for example, Communication, Command Centre and Services/Applications) is usually determined by drivers behind the project and those who initiate it. Although ICT is a key enabler in the development of a Smart City project, the value propositions of most Smart City initiatives do not position ICT as the key to the project’s success. Technology challenges the existing status quo in how cities are run; and technology is not well understood across city sectors and by its administrators. Among the main barrier to adopting such solutions is the complexity of how cities are operated, financed, regulated, and planned. City operations are multidimensional and comprised of multiple stakeholders whose dependencies and interdependencies affect and ultimately determine the built environment. Rapid urbanization adds pressure to the resource base, and increases demand for energy, water, and sanitation, as well as for public services, education and health care. Consequently, social, economic and environmental issues have become tightly interrelated. Page 27 of 64 But this relatedness remains opaque to officials in charge of particular departments responsible for those services 620 7 Smart Ministries and Departments A non-exhaustive list of ministries and government departments that are developing ICT based Smart Solutions and could leverage Common Information Pool and other matter described in this document is listed below: 625 630 635 640 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India Ministry of Finance, Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India Ministry of Defense, Government of India Ministry of Power, Government of India 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DAR&PG), Government of India Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture Department of Commerce, Govt. of India Department of Food & Civil Supplies, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Civil Supplies Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India Director General of Income Tax (Legal & Research), Income Tax Department Employee’s State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India Page 28 of 64 8 Use Cases for Smart Cities 645 These use cases are derived from the various vertical sub-groups of theM2M Work Group. 8.1 Vertical: Transportation Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 1. Use-case is related to public transport 2. Use-case is related to essential (must-have) features for all transport vehicles (including public and private fleet car/cab companies) like safety etc. 3. Use-case is related to efficient utilization and management of public/shared infrastructure (like toll booths, roads, highways, parking lots etc.) 4. Use-case is related to safety, security, emergency services on the road 650 Exclusions or Limitations: 655 1. Use cases related to smartness of private vehicles for including non-essential features like infotainment etc. are not considered under the purview of smart city use-case list. S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 Panic buttons in public conveyance In vehicle Emergency Call System Public Security and Emergency Management in India A panic button in vehicle to raise alarm in emergency control centre 2 3 4 5 Over Speed and Traffic Signal Violation Monitoring Smart Parking Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes To Provide Auto Emergency calling in vehicle in case of road accident Yes Framework to provide faster security and emergency services in case of any untoward scenario, This is a very important use case which will enhance the public security and emergency management system in India. M2M technology will enable police emergency VAN to respond to Citizens panic calls efficiently and will reduce the time to react. The framework can enable officials to manage and monitor the incident remotely. Framework to monitor and control over speeding and traffic violation centrally Yes Pre-book parking slot using your smart phone, while vehicle is approaching the parking area at the allocated time slot, various sensors can detect and guide the vehicle to the allocated slot using sign Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Page 29 of 64 6 Traffic management and Route optimizing 7 Real-time Passenger Information Systems Automatic Passenger Counting Traffic Signal Priority 8 9 10 Car Sharing Services 11 Vehicle Diagnostic & road side assistance (OBDII) 12 Fleet Management boards, central monitoring system will manage the parking areas and deduct the charges electronically. Once we have considerable number of vehicles in a city fitted with GPS device, data can be monitored centrally to find out the traffic congestion by determining the speed at which all vehicles are moving on a particular road. This information can be provided to the vehicles approaching the congested area. Same data can be used by traffic regulators to manage it remotely. Yes Framework to provide bus and route information to the passengers, along with the vacant seats in the public vehicle. Yes To count the number of passengers coming in and going out of the transport vehicle. Adjusting the signal timing and priority based upon the priority of the vehicle like ambulances etc. Smart car-pooling to reduce traffic on road Yes For OBDII complaint vehicles, collect data related to health of the vehicle, oil temperature, coolant temperature, Speed, breaking, Oil level, to perform the vehicle health & driver behaviour analysis and creating use cases for the insurance, Logistics companies. This use case will enable transportation fleet enterprises to manage their operations more efficiently. The High Value Asset (fleet) will be connected with a GPS + GSM/CDMA module, and will transmit location information on a predefined time or on request. The Application will utilize the data transmitted by the device to derive maintenance schedule, route optimization, distance travelled, speed, driving behaviour, fleet efficiency. Can be done in 3 ways: 1. Google Maps traffic density on phone 2. GPS-based traffic monitoring with advisory on OBD 3. Satellitebased traffic monitoring with advisory on OBD/phone Yes Yes Yes Yes Can be done in ways: 1. Smartphone app-based 2. GPS-based tracking of vehicle Road-side assistance comes under purview of smart cities. For public vehicles, it is a smart city usecase. Page 30 of 64 13 Radio Taxi Management 14 Employee Commutation Safety 15 Students Commutation Safety 16 Work Force Management (Different sectors) 17 Road Tolling: Electronic fee collection 18 Smart Highways This use case will enable radio taxi operators to automate their operational process. All the CABs operating in the field will be embedded or fitted with a M2M gateway device, which would continuously transmitting the location, status, alerts, driver behaviour. Call Centre Agent can track any CAB through the GUI and allocate the CAB to the nearest customer. Value Added Services like maintenance management, Driver behaviour, Security feature for passengers (Panic Button), In vehicle surveillance etc. This service will enable companies operating in BPO/ITES/IT sector to automate their CAB Management service for employees and ensure their safety. All the CAB operating for a specific company will be tracked along with the employees on board. Companies will be able to manage and monitor their employee commutation policies. This use case will ensure safety of children traveling by school’s owned transport services. The users of this solution would be school administrators, parents of the students who would track and trace the school bus on real time, receive alerts and notifications. The device installed in the vehicle should be equipped with GPS for Locations tacking, RFID for identifying the students and staff on boarded. Assigning tasks online to work force, define beat routes. And track daily movement with regards to the schedule and route as well as monitor progress. This use case will enable private car/fleet owners to decide the most economical toll route and pay the charges automatically through online payment gateway. Using RFID tags telematics box on vehicles, automated road toll collection can be computed. Automated highway system defines relationship with vehicle and highway infrastructure. The concept uses short range communication, sensors and obstacle-detection to enable smooth and safe traffic flow. It will also have smart digital signage to inform driver about the dynamic condition of the road ahead. As a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes City control centre should be able to access this info on demand, even if it is managed by private companies. City control centre should be able to access this info on demand, even if it is managed by private companies. All public utility services involving field force, offered by municipality directly would come under purview of smart city. Electronic toll collection and smart challans come under purview of smart cities. Real-time broadcast of road condition using digital signage comes under smart city. Page 31 of 64 19 Push advertising in public transport future concept it can also control the vehicles to regulate speed and driving behaviour. Location Based Advertising on integrated displays in public transport systems has great potential. The passengers are normally bored when they ride with a public transport system (metro, bus, tram etc.) so they are open to general interest information and location based advertising (push approach). Therefore they will receive messages during their ride. Mostly they get valueadded information e.g. on events, special activities, opening hours of museums, timetables, delays, city-activities etc. Example: When the public transport system passes an electronics store, on the display of the high resolution screen special offers and saving of the store are displayed. At the next exit you have the chance to get out of the public transport system and go directly to the store to check the service/product and buy it directly. Yes Can be looked at as a revenue model for the city through advertising for tourist spots, museums etc. Table 5 – Use Cases for Transportation 660 8.2 Vertical: Health Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 1. Use-case is related to ambulance services, elderly care, community city centres, unique patient identification through Adhaar card 2. For hospital-specific use-cases, only the government/municipal hospitals are considered to be under the purview of smart city (Private players would automatically fall in line and follow the best practices) 665 Exclusions or Limitations: 1. Use cases related to smartness of private hospitals, or non-essential but good-to-have features like medical asset tracking are not considered under the purview of smart city usecase list. 670 S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 UC_Health_RPM Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a tele-health solution that enables monitoring of patients outside of conventional clinical settings (e.g. in the Can be used directly in Smart Cities Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Ambulatory patient monitoring for patients Page 32 of 64 2 UC_Assisted_Livi ng 3 UC_Mobile_Care home). The patient has medical device on or close to his body which has sensors that capture the patient’s healthcare/ physiological data. This data is then transferred across networks with the help of transmitters and is monitored for any abnormality with the help of software or clinical and healthcare experts. Assisted Living application combines housing, support services and health care, as needed. It is designed for individuals who require assistance with everyday activities such as meals, medication management or assistance, bathing, dressing and transportation. Some residents may have memory disorders including Alzheimer's, or they may need help with mobility, incontinence or other challenges. Residents are assessed upon move in, or any time there is a change in condition. The assessment is used to develop an Individualized Service Plan. Following scenarios exist specific to Elderly care: i. Fall condition ii. Vital Signs monitoring iii. Routine check-up iv. Scheduler for Medicines reminder v. Activity monitoring vi. Home Dialysis This use case deals with transportation of patients to hospitals. i. There are following types of Ambulance services Advance transport ambulance: Contains special equipment Patient Transport Ambulance: Not much medical equipment are there ii. Two-way communication is needed using UHF/VHF/ Cellular phones This is needed to provide information to hospital about the Patient condition and physical information. iii. Patient allergies need to be recorded and informed to the hospital. The medical equipment can be used which can be used for measurement of the physical data and informed to the hospital iv. Video conference is also required for transferring medical information of the patient v. Online 12 Lead ECG which can be transmitted from moving Ambulance. ECG with DICOM compatibility is useful. registered with govt. hospitals falls under smart city domain. Yes Yes At present, India has over 18 different models of transportation for emergency, pregnant women, children and other categories of patients, which are broadly categorized as: a. State-wide models. This is the “108 Emergency Transport Facility”, where the ambulance comes with equipment and trained staff to manage emergencies during transit. Page 33 of 64 b. Decentralized district or blocklevel publicprivate partnership (PPP) models. Here, the District Health Society (under the Govt. Department of Health) manages these services. The fleet includes government and contracted private vehicles. c. Decentralized communitybased models. These are managed by communitybased organizations and there is significant involvement of communities and private vehicle owners. Typically, these vehicles are not tracked in real time by any government body. 4 UC_Asset_Tracki ng Asset Tracking and Device Tracking is important aspect in the health sector where the entire health care instrument needs to be tracked in hospital. RFID, Real time location based services (RTLS) and NFC technology can play an important role in the asset tracking inside the hospital. All the hospital equipment / instruments can have a NFC passive Tag embedded with unique id of the instrument. All the entrance/exit should have NFC transceiver which would record the movement of the medical instrument/equipment and update in the database on the hospital management system. Yes For municipal/govt. hospitals, it comes under smart city purview. Over the past decade, there is deployment of hundreds of RFID and RTLS applications, tracking assets as diverse as medical supplies, aircraft subassemblies, Page 34 of 64 5 UC_Patient_Iden tification 6 UC_Video_Confe rencing agricultural seeds, tissue samples, reusable transport items, controlled pharmaceuticals, industrial machinery, lab equipment and storage trailers. In Healthcare, different kinds of organizations use asset tracking for different purposes. Hospitals and clinics may track medical equipment and consumables. Medical facilities may need to pay extra attention to the location of small, highly mobile supplies and equipment stored on their trucks. Medical laboratories need to automate medical specimen tracking, while medical device and pharmaceutical firms have asset tracking processes similar to other complex manufacturers. The Patient Identification is needed for correct logging of the data in the servers and systems These can be following types i. Aadhar number: India this number is unique number provided by UIADI (Unique Identification Authority of India). Each citizen has a unique number. ii. Biometric type: User uses the thumb impression as login in the system. The It can be linked to Aadhar system in India for validation and getting the user details iii. RFID: Near Field communication tag unique to the user can be issued. It will contain a unique ID for the user and when this tag is put on the authentication device, a unique number is used to get the Patient identity etc. This can be good for Primary health care system iv. Iris Type: The eye scan can be used as unique identity. However, the technology still needs to be deployed on mass-scale v. Mobile Phone number: Users phone number can be used as unique ID. Though the Mobile phone penetration in the population is high the challenge is that all people do not have the mobile vi. Smart-Cards: Smart cards can be used for the unique ID. These can be ISO7816 compatible. The health-system must have the smart-card reader input. The video conferencing solution, would bridge the healthcare practitioners and the patients, across geographies, to make basic healthcare services available. It could assist in monitoring with recently discharged or recovering patients, preliminary consultation with patients in locations where in-person appointments with a specialist may not be easily Yes Initiatives like Smart cards linked to Adhaar number for each citizen come under smart city purview. Yes For municipal/govt. hospitals and community centres, it comes under smart city purview. Page 35 of 64 available, among many other possible benefits. 7 UC_TeleMedicine 8 Rural Health The Tele-health Counselling System is used as a Tele-health consultation service, that provides a communication service by video phone between citizens (e.g. elderly people) in rural areas and health professionals (e.g. medical doctors) in urban areas, and includes e-health device (e.g. blood pressure monitor, weight scale and pedometer) to be used by citizens at home or local community centre, and an easy service to upload their data. The purpose of the Tele-health Counselling System is to provide counselling to patients remotely using video phone and easy data uploads from e-health device. This deals with enabling outreach to the rural population through ASHA and AWW workers by supporting them through standardized patient interview kits, audio training packs and remote telephonic support. Yes For municipal/govt. hospitals and community centres, it comes under smart city purview. Yes For municipal/govt. hospitals and community centres, it comes under smart city purview. Medical services organizations can create a custom questionnaire containing multiplechoice-questions, quantitative input questions, and qualitative audio recordings, that can be broadcast to different contact groups. For example: a network of ASHA workers (community health workers) can be sent a survey to capture self- reported data on the number of visits they did; similarly, AWWs (Aanganwadi Workers) can be sent a survey to get data on the number of children that were fed, the menu that was served, and if they are running out of ration supply and need to alert the district authorities. Audio packs with a series of tutorial messages can be created, which can be played out over a phone call to a desired contact group. For example, ASHAs or AWWs, could be sent messages on best practices to follow during ante-natal care, danger signs to look out for, and ensure that they take expectant mothers for institutional delivery. The users can also ask questions, which can be answered by experts. Thus, if ASHAs or AWWs have any questions or concerns, they can record their message which can be answered by experts live or through recordings over the phone. Page 36 of 64 9 Smart Gadgets This includes wearable health monitoring devices that could save your life. Some devices allow care givers to constantly monitor patient's medical conditions, so that doctor can be notified immediately on detection of any abnormality and thus avoid development of complications. Other devices can detect whether an elderly patient has taken a fall, or remind patients it's time to take their medications. Still other wearables allow consumers to keep tabs on their own health and fitness, helping them lose weight or sleep better. Wearable devices provide output and connect to the Web in various ways. Some enable wearers to monitor their own readings using a mobile phone and a special website. Others allow data to be downloaded and viewed by third parties such as healthcare managers, or clinicians who are watching for disturbing trends that merit medical intervention. Some devices simply encourage wearers to share their fitness progress with work-out buddies and friends via social media sites. 10 Remote Surgery Remote surgery or tele-surgery is performance of surgical procedures where the surgeon is not physically in the same location as the patient, using a robotic teleoperator system controlled by the surgeon. The remote operator may give tactile feedback to the user. Remote surgery combines elements of robotics and highspeed data connections. A critical limiting factor is the speed, latency and reliability of the communication system between the surgeon and the patient, though transAtlantic surgeries have been demonstrated. 11 Remote Drug Delivery It is an easy way to provide drugs/medicines to animals and monitor compliance for people far off from healthcare facilities. 12 Remote Equipment Management Majority of medical equipments are capital intensive and a remote equipment management can help in preventive Yes Yes Yes Page 37 of 64 measures to reduce the failure of medical equipments. A simple example can be seen from “Silent Observer” which sends SMS status to headquarter with respect to the machine on/off/storage statistics etc. Such a system may come handy for medical imaging and ICU related equipments as most hospitals have only limited number of such equipments due to their costs. A more comprehensive diagnostics and remote terminal system for firmware upgrade/bug fixing can cut down on the costs of visits and ensure a timely and cost effective service delivery through Remote Equipment Management. 13 Hospital Information Management System It addresses the automation needs of all departments of a hospital covering the administrative, clinical back office and peripheral activities. The various components envisaged under a typical HIMS architecture are as follows: Mobile Registration process Mobile Admission Patient Transfer Ambulance Management Patient consultation with resident doctors f. Operation theatre g. Blood bank, Stores and Purchases Inventory Management h. Billing and Cash Counter i. Payroll a. b. c. d. e. 14 Laboratory Information System A laboratory information system (LIS) is a series of computer programs that process, store and manage data from all stages of medical processes and tests. Physicians and lab technicians use laboratory information systems to supervise many varieties of inpatient and outpatient medical testing, including hematology, chemistry, immunology and microbiology. Yes Table 6 - Use Cases for Health 8.3 Vertical: Pollution Control Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: Page 38 of 64 1. Use-cases related to pollution control, waste disposal and management, monitoring the quality of essentials like air, water, food etc. are considered as smart city use-cases 675 Exclusions or Limitations: 1. Use cases related to pesticide use in agricultural and farm-lands are not considered under smart city S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 UC_Automotive Vehicle Pollution Under Control To control the pollution done by Vehicles, Indian Govt has recently mandated that the fuel to a vehicle will only be provided on producing valid PUC certificate. It is possible to enable the complete process of validation electronically, to ensure the mandate is easily adhered to. Vehicle Pollution checking test records will be uploaded online to a centralized Pollution monitoring server along with scanned vehicle details. The Central system will generate a PUC report online, that can be downloaded by the vehicle owner and more importantly, can be accessed by fuel dispensing owners, traffic police etc. Fuel pump owner will be able to check if vehicle has valid PUC, online from the Centralised server, on submitting vehicle details that are scanned from vehicle RFID tag. RFID tags on vehicle with a facility to upload the details of the vehicle condition on cloud. 2 UC_Urban Garbage Disposal Management Objective of this use case is to monitor waste collection and disposal electronically in urban areas. Waste collection vehicle is fitted with a GPS tracking device to monitor its location and movement. Waste bins are fitted with RFID tags that can be used to electronically handshake with the waste collection vehicle. Waste Bins will have sensors to monitor its capacity and the ability to provide alert notification when it is full. This will help Garbage collection vehicle to approach the bin to collect waste immediately. Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Page 39 of 64 3 UC_Water quality monitoring Water quality monitoring will be a system to ensure that the water is not contaminated from the source to the destination. The water reservoir can have sensors to detect the quality of water; there can be sensors to monitor the water quality at the intermediate distribution centres. Portable sensors will be used in household and societies to ensure that the water is of good consumable quality. Monitoring of air water and solid wastes generated by the factories. And penalize them on real time to ensure they are not polluting the environment. This use case envisages a network of online sensors, which capture the pollution parameters of the City. The sensors can be static and also mounted on public vehicles fitted with GIS/GPS system (in order to mark the location and time of sampling of pollution data). The sensor network can capture the parameters related to within the city for monitoring air, water, soil pollution and also radioactive waves. A Central monitoring centre acquires sensor data online and disseminates the same to relevant stakeholders and public. Pollution heat maps created from this online data can be useful for policy makers and controlling authorities to work out remedial actions. 4 UC_Factory Waste monitoring 5 UC_Remote Pollution monitoring in Public Areas 6 UC_River Health Monitoring Health of rivers and other water bodies can be monitored in real time using static sensor networks on banks of river and floating sensors which collect data with the location and time stamp and dump this data to the central monitoring centre whenever they obtain connectivity. 7 UC_Methane GAS monitoring in drainage Loss to human life occurs due to methane gas in mines and drainages. A portable device which can check the methane presence before a human enters to complete the operational activity. Yes Yes Yes Yes Initiatives like Ganga cleaning to clean/ maintain the city-specific rivers/other infrastructure/r esources are considered to be a part of smart city activities. Yes Table 7 - Use Cases for Pollution Control 680 8.4 Vertical: Smart Home Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: Page 40 of 64 1. Use-cases related to safety and security of home/office/in-building premises are considered as smart city use-cases 2. Use-cases related to efficient utilization of utilities like power, water, gas etc. are considered as smart city use-cases 685 Exclusions/Limitations: 1. Use cases related to good-to-have, but non-essential smart home features like moodsensing lights, automatic HVAC, mobile control of equipment etc. are not considered a part of smart city use-cases. S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 UC_SmartHome_ Safety_PanicAlar m 2 UC_SmartPremis e_Safety_GasLea kageDetection UC_SmartPremis e_Automation_ WaterPumpMan agement Single touch panic alarm to alert monitoring station and family members during medical, fire or any other emergency situation . Early detection of fire using smoke detectors to ensure timely response. Detection of hazardous LPG/CO (Carbon monoxide) gas leakage 3 4 UC_SmartPremis e_EnergyManage ment_Total Power Consumption On/off control of water pump based on the water levels in OH/UG tanks. The system allows monitoring the water levels in the overhead tank as well as the underground sump. Base on the program/logic the pump motor is started or stopped. The customer is presented with information about the global energy consumption of his/her house. The Smart Meter provides a sub-set of its data, included instant power. Data are dispatched either periodically, or upon request. The Smart Meter provides its data to the HAN either directly, using its own interface, or through a meter service module [The meter records its measurements in the form of index (one per tariff period type) or load curves. Some smart meter also has a switching device to limit the power output in conformance with the contracted subscribed power. It is also equipped with a HAN interface for delivering information (index, tariff period, etc.) to devices in the HAN. ] This information may be directly received, treated, stored and displayed on a dedicated display, either in kWh or in €. It may also be collected by a Home Gateway, who hosts a Web application Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Yes In the interest of promoting effective water usage in the city Yes In the interest of promoting effective power usage in the city Page 41 of 64 690 5 C_SmartPRemise _CCI_Monitoring ,Alerts & Notifications 6 Smart LPG Distribution System (SLDS) that collects data from HAN (Home Area Network) devices and organizes them for a user-friendly presentation. 1. Central monitoring station for 24*7 alarm monitoring and verification 2. Programmable Notifications of events (like their children coming home from school) via text message, e-mail, instant message on multiple cell-phones & email accounts as registered 3. Co-ordinated third party emergency response - Medical, Fire, Police 4. In case an alarm goes off, an alert to authorities with message to user cell phone 5. Wrong passcode alert 6. Duress alert 7. Pet alert 8. Device health update alerts like low battery, tamper, fault, etc. India has a discrete LPG gas distribution system, customer need to book a cylinder at least 7 days before the actual requirement. Every household entitled to hold only one connection with a maximum 12 cylinders at subsidised rates. Up to 35% of India’s LP Gas has to be imported, so subsidies constitute a huge drain on national resources which is affecting the CAD. Problem Statement: These subsidised cylinders which are to be used for domestic purposes are being used for commercial illegal consumption in auto gas, manufacturing and hospitality industries. Solution: The smart LPG system designed to address this problem will reduce illegal use of LPG cylinder and help government reduce fiscal deficit. This system will address the following areas: Track illegal usage of domestic cylinders Smart Gas Leakage Alert System Fuel Gauge Monitoring Yes Inter-linking of these alarms/notificat ions with services like police, fire, ambulance is under the purview of smart city. Yes In the interest of promoting gas usage in the city. Also, linking the LPG distribution with Adhaar number, comes under smart city purview. Table 8 - Use Cases for a Smart Home 8.5 Vertical: Remote Access Management (RAM) Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 695 1. Use-cases related to management of public assets like street-lights, garbage bins, digital signage boards etc. are considered as smart city use-cases 2. Use-cases related to notifications, alerts, data management, insights and reports on city dashboards are considered as smart city use-cases Page 42 of 64 Exclusions or Limitations: 1. Use cases related to private companies/individuals assets like BTS sites, ATM sites, various sensors etc. are not considered a part of smart city use-cases. S. No. Use case name Use case objective Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes 1 UC_RAM_Cell Tower The power consumption of assets, energy source utilization, battery health, cooling parameters & asset health are the typical parameters remotely monitored at a cellular base station site. The objective is to ensure high site uptime & maintain conducive environment for BTS & transmission equipment operation while keeping track of energy utilization. For security/theft concerns accurate reporting is more important than immediate preventive action. 2 UC_RAM_ATM Site Security is the primary requirement & real –time detection of any theft attempt with actionable insights is critical. Multi-layer detection system based on sensors & CCTV is required, with capability for instant feed retrieval from remote server. Yes 3 UC_RAM_Logistic s fleet management Consider the case of Refrigerated trucks used for this use case. Other use cases have requirements which are generally a subset of Refrigerated truck fleet requirements. Location tracking, temperature monitoring for different chambers, door open alarm, goods in/out tracking, alerts on route deviation & unexpected delays, energy/fuel monitoring are typical requirements. Yes 4 UC_RAM_Data center Monitor temperature, energy consumption & health of equipment. Yes 5 UC_RAM_Carrier s (Railway, Bus, taxi) Location tracking, secure communication link, Message transfer Yes 6 UC_RAM_Power Grid Sites Monitor health and operating parameters Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Page 43 of 64 7 UC_RAM_Industr ial Equipment (Chiller, Pumps etc.) Remote management of distributed industrial equipment such Chillers, Pumps, Compressors, Generators, Wind Turbines etc. includes centralized monitoring of operational performance on the field, remote diagnostics and tracking of mobile assets. Remote diagnostics and tracking of the asset (its visibility, availability, and health can be covered in RAM horizontal). Asset connectivity monitoring is also part of RAM (note – not all assets are required to be online all the time). These features are currently considered as part of the specific Industrial Automation solution. This improves asset visibility, availability and utilization thus resulting in reduced operational costs. Oil/gas pipelines transmit crude oil/natural gas from point of production to processing facilities and subsequently to point of end use. They are high risk, high value assets in remote locations running into thousands of kilometres and hence require continuous monitoring to detect leaks, tampering, potential damage due to encroachment or environmental factors like floods etc. Near real-time visibility enables the oil/gas companies to respond to any abnormalities quickly to prevent any further damage to the pipeline or to the environment. This application comes under Pipeline SCADA segment. Remote Asset Monitoring and Management (visibility, availability and health of the assets is an inherent part of the SCADA solution). Yes 8 UC_RAM_Oil/Gas Pipelines 9 UC_RAM_Storag e Tanks Remote tanks are deployed in various industries to store liquids, solids or gases. Remote tank monitoring helps in better inventory management, immediate actionable information in case of abnormalities and optimal re-filling trips resulting in reduced operational costs. Yes 10 UC_RAM_Home Appliances/Equip ment Remote status monitoring of home appliances; Remote control of appliances (start/stop); Remote scheduling of appliances to start/stop at a certain time; Yes Yes Page 44 of 64 Energy consumption insights for the applications. 11 UC_RAM _Healthcare equipment Monitor health Yes 12 UC_RAM_Elevato rs Remote monitoring enables automated collection of elevator performance and usage data to detect any issue quickly. The trends allow better visibility of degradation of performance, if any and identify any potential issue to readjust the equipment maintenance cycle. This results in improved uptime of the elevators. Yes 13 UC_RAM_Digital Signage Management Yes 14 UC_RAM_Forests /protected environment 15 UC_RAM_Street Lights 16 UC_RAM_High value structures e.g. bridges Digital signage management as an asset (registration, location, health management). Digital signage content management remote content upgrade. Content can have a static element and some real-time dynamic data. Remote monitoring of forests could help in early detection of forest fires which thus can be quickly brought under control. It also enables prevention/detection of cutting of high value trees and movement of animals in the forest environment. Street lights should come on based on illumination levels. Street light health monitoring to detect faulty lights. Street lights on lonely stretches should come on when a vehicle is approaching. Street lights powered by solar panels should be monitored for charge status. Street light poles can be used to mount environment monitoring sensors (for pollution and noise level monitoring). Street light infrastructure can be used to mount other utilities like communication cables, TV cables etc. Critical and remote infrastructural assets like bridges have to comply to rigid safety demands. These structures may have to bear harsh environmental and operational conditions throughout their expected life which is ever increasing. This calls for continuous monitoring of the structures for cracks, movements, vibration etc. which might indicate a potential problem. Remote monitoring enables remote gathering and analysis of this data which reduces overall cost of inspection, maintenance and repair. Yes Yes Yes Page 45 of 64 17 UC_RAM_Sensor s Commonly used sensors in remote asset management applications are: temperature sensor, humidity sensor, smoke sensor, air flow sensor, water sensor, power sensor, door sensor, fuel level sensor – all these need to be managed remotely. Yes 18 UC_RAM_Alarm/ Event notification Ability for a user to define rules against which the asset data may be continuously validated to flag any alarms or events. The validation can happen on real-time or historic data. The rules could be defined in the RAM application or on the edge close to the asset e.g. on the gateway. The rules could be to detect a threshold being exceeded to take an appropriate action or it could be some action based on changing state of an asset. Multiple parameters may be correlated to come up with an actionable event. Alarm/event notification could be done using SMS or email etc. Yes 19 UC_RAM_Registr ation & Authentication Yes 20 UC_RAM_Asset Location Management Detect or acknowledge presence of a new asset in the field. This asset may be configured in the system and is therefore a "Valid" asset or it maybe a "new" asset that is still to be configured OR a "Strange" asset that is not meant to be configured in the system. Asset geographical time based tracking: Asset proximity sensing - detected through RFID locator or NFC/ bluetooth. Some assets are stationary like meters, cell towers, ATMs. but some assets are mobile - like hand-heldunits/meter reading instruments etc. therefore location monitoring has a time element. Asset proximity locator - Previously geotagged devices should pop up when they are within communication range. Example- Walkby meter reader where the meter reading instrument carried by the meter reader is able to detect meters in the vicinity over bluetooth/WiFi and then perform remote meter reading. Another example - radio cabs locator. Notifications to city command and control centre come under the purview of smart city Yes Page 46 of 64 Asset geo-fencing: Monitor location of asset and raise alert in case it crosses a predefined geofenced area. Example - pet animals straying out of designated "Safe" areas. 21 UC_RAM_Asset Presence Check & Health Diagnostics Monitor the asset (example - loading condition of a distribution transformer, Monitor "health" of the Asset - example its power supply/battery status, communication signal quality etc. Diagnostic monitoring of asset - example: if an asset is not communicating, perform remote troubleshooting of the asset. 22 UC_RAM_Data Accumulation Various types of data can be captured from the asset as follows Asset location data – especially for mobile assets to track their location; Asset usage data – the period for which asset has been used; Asset status/operating data – for monitoring of health and performance of an asset; Asset environment data – monitor environment data like temperature, humidity etc. around the asset. This is important for some assets e.g. perishable assets like dairy products for which maintaining a proper ambient temperature during storage and transit is of utmost important. Yes 23 UC_RAM_Aggreg ation & Transmission Transmission of the collected/aggregated data to a remote centralized location for analytics and visualization. The data could be sent by an asset directly to the RAM application or aggregated for a number of assets by a gateway and then sent to RAM application. Yes 24 UC_RAM_Analyti cs & Insights Operational Analytics: Static information about assets e.g. asset ID, asset type, owner etc. Trends – Time series trends of the operating parameters of the asset. Detect patterns and anomalies. Key performance indicators – Monitor current asset performance e.g. Yes Insights about city services comes under smart city Page 47 of 64 Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Energy consumption etc. Predictive Analytics: Optimization – Compute optimal decision based on the sensor data and the defined system constraints. For example, predicting optimal route for vehicles in a fleet , optimal route maintenance personal to reach a remote asset, optimal maintenance schedule for a fleet instead of unitbased maintenance to reduce overall operational costs Condition based maintenance/ predictive maintenance – use of operational data to predict failures and schedule maintenance accordingly. Also, predict remaining useful lifetimes (RUL) of equipment Recommendations – context aware recommendations. E.g. promotions/offers on digital kiosks based on user browsing, context aware promotions/information on products etc. 25 UC_RAM_Remot e Device Management 26 UC_RAM_Report s and Dashboards 27 UC_RAM_Interga tion with Enterprise Systems Remote over the air firmware upgrades of the asset; Remote configuration of the equipment e.g. sampling interval, threshold etc.; Bulk provisioning and configuration; Remote SIM management if an interface is provided to CSPs SIM management platform e.g. SIM activation/deactivation, SIM data usage information etc.; Remote diagnosis Yes Yes The sensor data and related analytics results from the asset may need to be transferred from the RAM to other Enterprise IT systems to trigger business workflows. City management dashboards comes under smart city purview Yes Page 48 of 64 28 UC_RAM_Securit y 700 Ticketing systems – Alerts from RAM could trigger automated generation of trouble tickets in a ticketing system Spare parts Inventory – Predictive maintenance information could be fed to inventory system to ensure availability of spare parts on time Product Engineering IT systems – Asset usage information data may be integrated with product engineering systems to give an insight on how the asset features are being used by end users. This may provide inputs in deciding asset roadmap. User authentication –through a login and password validated against a user database stored in the RAM application or interfacing with an external Identity management system Role based access control – Ensure that access to the asset data and operations on the asset/data will be based on the authority and the responsibility pre-defined for a role which is assigned to a user e.g. Only Administrator role can configure the assets or regional offices can only view assets operating within their region. Data Integrity and Confidentiality – Protect data at rest and data-intransit. The data stored on the asset could be encrypted if required. Strong encryption mechanisms between communicating systems to ensure a secure data transfer. Support for secure connectivity with assets which could be behind firewall Audit trail – Maintained for user actions for traceability Yes Table 9 - Use Cases for Remote Asset Management 8.6 Vertical: Public Safety Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 1. All Use-cases related to public safety form a part of smart city use-case list Page 49 of 64 S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 City Surveillance Countering challenges faced by urban cities like increasing crime rate, terrorist attacks and situation of unrests. There is a strong need to monitor our cities and ensure the satiation is efficiently controlled without causing damage. This can be achieved with use of: • Video surveillance through IP camera network, fixed as well as mobile. • Video analytics to detect malicious activities, • Automatic number plate recognition • Facial recognition system • Command and Control Centres for monitoring and management 2 Women safety 3 Water level Monitoring of rivers and DAMs 4 Controlling Deforestation 5 Landslide prediction 6 Smart infra Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Sensor network which can detect the level of water reservoirs and take automatic action like raising alarm diverting the water or opening of closing gates of the dam Deforestation is a major concern globally as well as in India. Major reasons of deforestation are cutting trees and fire. Sensor network can identify the cutting of trees in an areas using accelerometer and also predict the forest fire using gas sensing, sensing of environment parameters and monitoring through video. Landslides occur during monsoons in India, causing great loss of life and property. Landslide prediction using sensor network can reduce the damage to a great extent. Smart bridge system regularly monitors the bridge and provides real time information regarding health of bridge to the central monitoring system helping the authority to take the corrective measures before the deterioration increases which might led to the high restoration or maintenance costs or bridge collapse. Smart bridges also alert vehicles approaching the bridges of overloading of the bridge and also of the potential collision with the underside of the bridge preventing collisions and damage to both vehicle and bridge. Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 50 of 64 Table 10 - Use Cases for Public Safety 705 8.7 Vertical: Utilities Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 1. Use-cases related to provision and metering of basic utilities including power, water, gas are considered as smart city use-cases 710 Exclusions or Limitations: 1. Use cases related to asset management and smarter operations of individual utility service providers are not considered as smart city use-cases. S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 UC_Utilities_Adv anced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Advanced Metering infrastructure is a bidirectional communication system between meters installed at customer premises and a “head-end” system installed at utility end. Electricity, Water and Gas utility service providers install meters at consumption point to measure the quantity and quality of the “utility” supplied to the consumer. An Advanced Metering Infrastructure helps the service providers to acquire readings from these meters remotely and automatically at regular predefined intervals and on demand. Apart from shortening the revenue meter reading cycle, this infrastructure also helps utility in monitoring the reliability and quality of supply to each of its consumers. Thus, AMI helps to avoid meter related field trips by utility representative. Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Utility can remotely control supply to the consumer premise by sending connect/disconnect commands to the meter. Load Control for Demand Response programs can also be effected through AMI. It can also configure the meters to set their parameters (like Page 51 of 64 contractual threshold for prepayment metering) and update their firmware. 2 UC_Utilities_Aut omated Meter Reading (AMR) Power Utilities have been doing revenue meter reading of users through the mechanism of Automated Meter Reading using walk-by or drive-by methodology: a meter reader walks through a locality carrying a Meter Reading Instrument (MRI). This MRI is able to "connect" with meters in the neighbour-hood over wireless and acquire meter readings. The readings are uploaded to a Head end System (HES) as and when backhaul connectivity is available (over an internet connection). HES can give remote route navigation support to the meter reader. In some cases, the meter reading Instrument can be configured to calculate revenue bill of the user (by pre-loading the user’s tariff rate and revenue history in the instrument). Here, the Meter reader can deliver the bill to the user on the spot, after reading the meter. This is known as Spot Billing. The bills generated by the MRI are uploaded into the utility revenue system later or online for synchronization in the Revenue Management System. Such techniques are very popular in areas that are difficult to reach, as it helps avoid dual visit to the customer premise for delivering bills. This technique is increasingly being used widely in water and gas revenue metering projects. 3 UC_Utilities_AMI Network Management System (NMS) AMI requires reliable network connectivity from each meter to the head-end application through the interim gateway/Data Concentrator/Aggregator i.e in the WAN and FAN/NAN segments. A Network Management system helps manage the AMI network by configuring, monitoring, and supporting detection and restoration of connectivity of devices. Many of the functionalities of such systems that are candidates for an M2M platform common services layer are: Yes Page 52 of 64 Configuration, Monitoring, Device connectivity monitoring and Recovery. 4 UC_Utilities_Distr ibution Transformer Monitoring Distribution transformers are the “power gateway” to downstream Low Tension (LT) residential, commercial and agricultural consumers in the predominantly radial distribution systems in India. The intent behind this is to enable remote monitoring of DTs through an AMR system, to identify incipient faults in the DT. A few utilities have implemented remote operation of the DT LT supply to disconnect when the DT is overloaded in order to save it. Here, DT meters are provided with an AMR modem that helps the utility to obtain DT consumption parameter details at a daily frequency. It also gets automated notification alerts in case of supply outage at the DT end. Yes 5 UC_Utilities_Ring Main Utilities (RMU) & Fault Passage Indicator (FPI) Yes 6 Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Fault Passage Indicators (FPI) and Ring Main Unit (RMU) devices are being installed on key sub-transmission Network nodes (66kV to 11kV) to improve reliability of the system. Utility can monitor the health of the network at these nodes through remote monitoring of these devices over a SCADA system. These devices can autonomously isolate faults in their section, thus enabling recovery of the remaining system. Alerts sent by these to the control centre, help the maintenance staff to identify the location of the faulty sections immediately and thus reduce the time to detect and locate faulty sections. Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) system gathers and displays information from a wide geographical area and permits control of selected elements. Complex systems like road or rail traffic; power, water or gas grids cannot be managed locally. These systems need an overarching monitoring system that has the capability of detecting critical conditions and notifying them to the Operator for their immediate attention and remedial action. The operators in turn may need to control the network remotely in order to respond to such critical situations example – prevent traffic jams or collisions, clearing yes Page 53 of 64 7 UC_Utilities_Prep ayment metering 8 UC_Utilities_City Gas distribution overloaded power lines in a network, identify gas leakages etc. SCADA systems are the fundamental infrastructure layer in Power systems on which applications like Energy Management Systems (EMS), Distribution Management Systems (DMS), Distribution Automation (DAS), Substation Automation (SSA) are built. Key SCADA system functionalities comprise of continuous data acquisition from RTUs, event notification on its detection at RTU end and remote control of actuators through the RTUs. Sensors and actuators are connected to the RTUs over instrumentation wires. RTU to FEP communication links are required to be with deterministic low latency and can be redundant/fault tolerant depending upon the criticality of the application. SCADA systems may have a FEP system at a Primary Data Centre and may have another FEP system at a Disaster Recovery Centre. Many power utilities are encouraging prepaid mode of electricity purchase for their consumers, as this helps to reduce efforts for collecting payment at their end. Consumers are adopting prepaid mode in order to help them “budget” for its usage. Landlords prefer prepaid mode of payments, to save them the bother of recovering payments from their tenant consumers. Smart Grids of the future will have smart meters that support both prepayment mode as well as credit mode of electricity consumption, from which consumer can select any mode at will. In the conventional credit mode of payment, utility supplies electricity to the consumer on “credit” basis and raises a bill for consumption made in the past, as measured by electricity meter installed at the consumption premise. This scenario applies to water and piped gas supply also and for Guest houses. Cities, especially metros are increasingly going in for supply of natural gas through piped gas distribution systems. A gas distribution agency supplies natural gas to consumers through a pipeline network. The gas pipeline network is expected to come with a SCADA/telemetry system to monitor and control the supply pressure at various nodes in the distribution Yes Yes Page 54 of 64 network and to ensure that there is no leakage in the gas flow. AMI meters, also known as smart meters, are designed to transmit pricing and energy information from the utility company to the consumer enabling a two way communication. The various solutions in the smart gas market are Meter Data Management (MDM), meter data analytics, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), asset management for gas pipeline, Geographic Information System (GIS), leakage detection, and mobile workforce management. 9 City Water Distribution Water distribution in cities is undergoing renovation and modernization with water SCADA systems inbuilt into the newer systems. Here, SCADA system helps monitor the water flow and pressure at various nodes in the water distribution network as well as help in identifying leakages quickly. A few municipal bodies are in the process of implementing SCADA systems on their existing water and waste water networks, to monitor the flow and pressure characteristics for improving operational efficiencies and planning. Several water supply boards/municipalities are piloting the concept of actual consumption based water supply billing as against a fixed charge practice prevalent currently. The idea behind this move is to accurately measure the consumption of water by consumers in order to monitor and plan for consumption trends, and also to monitor quality of supply (water pressure) at the consumption points. Metering is also expected to help conduct water audits, a crucial tool for identifying and plugging water leakages. Most bulk consumers of water are being provided with AMR ready/compliant water meters that can be read either through a GSM/GPRS based RAMR mode or through a walk-by AMR mode. AMR metering is being piloted for residential categories of consumers in a few municipalities. These are capable of being read through walk-by AMR. GPRS based RAMR systems for residential consumers with dedicated Page 55 of 64 communication infrastructure does not make commercial sense. 10 UC_Electric Vehicles As per the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020, there is a potential for sale of 6-7 million xEV (Hybrid and Pure Electric) Vehicles in 2020 in India. Electric Two-wheelers have already gained popularity in the country. These vehicles contribute in saving precious fossil fuel and reduced pollution. However, they are a new class of consumer for the already burdened electric grids. Yes There are 4 types of EV charging: 1. 2. 3. V0G or Dumb Charging: Vehicle is plugged into the power socket and it gets charged like a regular load. V1G or Smart Charging: Vehicle charging characteristics can be controlled from the grid side through an enabling AMI infrastructure via the Home Automation route. Here, the charging current can be controlled to suit the prevailing grid side network characteristics and therefore overburdening of the grid can be avoided. V2G (Vehicle to Grid): Here energy stored in the EV batteries can be pumped back into the Grid for grid support. The EV here acts as a mobile Electric storage device i.e. Virtual Power Plant. 4. V2B (Vehicle to Building): Here, vehicle does not communicate with the Grid but only with the Building Automation System. Energy from vehicle is consumed within the Building and is not fed back into the grid. A suitable public electric charging infrastructure with standard charging interfaces and billing and payment mechanism is required as a companion to encourage adoption of electric vehicles. This infrastructure will require a system for monitoring of charging behavior at the Page 56 of 64 charging points, and a system to support pay-on the-go billing (Prepayment or credit charging) for the electric charging. Currently, EVs charge status is monitored remotely by the EV service provider through a GPRS enabled M2M platform and alert notifications are provided on the vehicle dashboard when charge levels are approaching near empty. The EV service providers can also remotely enable release of a “reserve” charge in the vehicle when it is near empty levels at the request of the driver. There is a potential for M2M based solutions for searching for and indicating location of the nearest charging point on the vehicle dashboard, when the vehicle charge is nearing empty levels. 11 UC_Utilities_Micr ogrids EV reverse charging the home or the grid (in the form of a local storage). Electricity Micro grid that can be grid connected or off-grid. It comprises of local distributed generation (example solar/wind/biomass/micro-hydel/Diesel), local storage (battery) and a some local consumption premises. Meters are used to measure the generation and consumption. These can be prepayment or post-paid type; have load connect/disconnect switches to manage or restrict load consumption. Sensors and actuators are installed at the local Generation equipment and storage to manage them from a central control centre. These are getting popular in villages and townships. Yes Microgrids rely heavily on smart sensor based communicating systems for AMI based metering, dispatching of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Storage, and a Control Centre for managing the operations, stability and safety of the grid. Smart Microgrids integrate various systems such as renewable energy generation, energy storage, Building Management System (BMS), the utility’s Distribution Management Systems (SCADA/DMS) etc. and facilitate active Page 57 of 64 participation in the Demand Response and Ancillary Services markets, create enabling platform for roll out of Electric Vehicles (EV) and transition to Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB). 12 UC_Utilities_Distr ibuted Generation Small capacity Generation of electricity that can be consumed within the power distribution network locally is known as Distributed Generation. This includes Captive Power Generation from Diesel Generation power backup units, or from solar, wind, biomass, micro-hydel plants that serve the load behind the meter. Small scale solar, wind, or other renewable power generation that can be integrated into the local grid at the distribution network level at community level also come under this category. Example – captive power plants in malls, shopping complexes, hospitals, campuses, industrial complexes, housing societies and townships etc. Yes Recently, as a result of JNNSM initiative and net metering policy announcements, retail level consumers are turning into prosumers by installing rooftop solar systems in their homes/buildings. A renewable distributed generation system includes a SCADA system with sensors for monitoring the renewable source intensity (example - insolation or wind speed), voltage, current, power quality (harmonics) etc. This data is required at a central control centre for analysis to help improve the forecasting algorithms and renewable generator performance. An RAMR system with a meter at the power generation point for measuring the actual generation and a meter at the grid injection point to measure the net export/import of energy is also part of the overall distributed generation package. Table 11 - Use Cases for Utilities 715 8.8 Vertical: Industrial Automation Page 58 of 64 Criteria for a use-case’s inclusion in Smart City domain: 1. Use-cases related to automation of industries within/near city geographies are considered as smart city use-cases S. No. Use case name Use case objective 1 UC_Industrial Automation_Utili ties 2 UC_Industrial Automation_Oil & Gas Pipeline In the case of transmission and distribution elements of electrical utilities, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems (SCADA) will monitor substations, transformers, feeders, lines, capacitor banks, breakers, other switching equipment and other electrical assets. SCADA systems are typically used to control geographically dispersed assets that are often scattered over a wide area. This use case addresses a cellular gateway to transport oil and gas pipeline data to a backend server, to remotely monitor, manage and control devices equipped in the pipeline (e.g. meters, valves, etc.). Can be used directly in Smart Cities Yes Can be used in Smart Cities with slight modification Remarks Yes Oil and gas companies can have meters are remote destinations that makes manual monitoring of the state of these meters as an expensive task to be pursued on a regular basis. Automated monitoring of oil and gas pipeline data can streamline the remote monitoring and management of these remote pipeline meters. When a fault is monitored on specific link of the pipeline network, it is necessary to open or shut the pipeline valve to block the link or to provide detour route. Also, when there is a necessity to change the quantity of oil and gas in pipeline, the valves should be damped through remote control. 3 UC_Industrial Automation_Sma rt Buildings Smart building is a M2M service that utilizes a collection of sensors, controllers, alerter, gateways deployed at the correct places in the building combined with applications and server resides on the Internet to enable the automatic management of the building with just limited human labour. Smart building Yes Page 59 of 64 system can greatly reduce the cost involved in managing the building like energy consumption, labour cost. With the smart building system, services like video monitor, light control, air-condition control and power supply can all be managed at the control centre. Some services can be triggered automatically to save the precious time in case of fire, intruder, gas leak etc. 4 UC_Industrial Automation_Aut omated Yard Management 5 UC_Industrial Automation_Sola r Power Generation Automated yard management is an example of Wifi/Zigbee or such wireless technologies for inventory management & placement of material in a yard. Several variation of automated yard management are available where M2M/IoT technology is used in varied context depending on the material in the yard, speed of material movement, inbound marking & QC of the material, material grade management depending on the production cycle or customer demand, and dispatch. Since the installation base is spread over several miles, remote monitoring and alarm based maintenance & repair will have better ROIs and near-real time picture of the performance of their solar farms for increasing cost of operation, maintenance, and reducing yield due to performance degradation during the life cycle of plant equipment. The critical parts which need to be monitored and informed about are Weather monitoring such as solar radiation etc. Throughput/efficiency or production Plant Condition (dust, rain etc.) Yes Yes 6 UC_Industrial Automation_Rem ote Equipment Management Maintenance & repair as per need Geographical spread of install based of equipments is generally difficult to manage. For example, remote agriculture pump, submersible water pumps, utility substation, power banks, telco-tower sites or at times medical units or industrial/plant equipment (AC/Refrigerators etc.). They are generally installed where the resident population is less, no population area or in case of medical/consumer equipment technically less literate population. Yes Page 60 of 64 7 8 9 720 UC_Industrial Automation_Rob otic Arms UC_Industrial Automation_Liqu id Flow Management UC_Industrial Automation_Pro duction Management It is extremely important for such remote assets to be monitored from central monitoring units. Some of the cases also come into the possibility of remote monitoring as well as control, or complete remotely managed equipment. Some of the important aspects of remote equipment management are: Throughput/efficiency or production level monitoring Condition Monitoring Maintenance & repair Used for uniform painting of an automobile/consumer good With regard to the chemical flow management in various industries for cleaning & enriching of various ores in mining; adding of chemicals in food items; bleaching; preservative addition etc. Used for qualitative and quantitative measures of a production life cycle Yes Yes Yes Table 12 - Use Cases for Industrial Automation Page 61 of 64 9 Bibliography 725 http://www.govtech.com/data/The-Rise-of-the-Sensor-Based-City.html http://www.w3.org/2013/Talks/smart-cities-dsr-mws-2013.pdf India’s Urban Awakening: Building Inclusive Cities, sustaining Economic Growth. 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Change Description Release 1 Contributors: Aastha Sayal, RJIL; Bindoo Srivastava, IIT Bombay; Hem Thukral, ISGF; Anuj Asokan, TTSL. Author: Bipin Pradeep Kumar, RJIL. Release 1.01 Contributors: Aastha Sayal, RJIL; Bindoo Srivastava, IIT Bombay; Hem Thukral, ISGF; Anuj Asokan, TTSL. Page 64 of 64