ZigBee Security - Sacramento - The California State University

A Project
Presented to the faculty of the Department of Computer Science
California State University, Sacramento
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
Computer Science
Roger Meyer
© 2012
Roger Meyer
A Project
Roger Meyer
Approved by:
__________________________________, Committee Chair
Isaac Ghansah, Ph.D.
__________________________________, Second Reader
Martin Nicholes, Ph.D.
Student: Roger Meyer
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the project.
__________________________, Graduate Coordinator
Nikrouz Faroughi, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Roger Meyer
Smart meters are typically equipped with a ZigBee wireless interface. ZigBee enables a
customer to connect intelligent displays (called In-Home Displays, or IHD) wirelessly to
the smart meter to receive real-time energy consumption data. ZigBee gives customers
ways to save energy by connecting a washing machine or a fridge to the utility's current
electricity price feed and adjust their time of use automatically. Although currently all
smart meters have the wireless interface disabled, the utilities are starting to enable it for
pilot users.
However, this new wireless functionality comes with security risks. This project is about
the analysis of security and privacy issues of ZigBee implementations. This involved a
number of steps. First, ZigBee device firmware was modified so that well-known attack
frameworks such as KillerBee and Scapy could be used to do security testing of other
ZigBee devices. Second, Scapy, which is a packet manipulation program, was improved
to support more ZigBee packets. This allows the use of the Python programming
language for fast creation of standard compliant frames and an easy parsing of received
frames. This work will help future attack frameworks to build on this existing Scapy
Major contributions of this project are an improved implementation of the
802.15.4/ZigBee layer in Scapy, a command-line tool to generate Matyas-Meyer-Oseas
(MMO) hashes (converts installation codes to preconfigured link keys), and a security
analysis of a closed ZigBee network.
_______________________, Committee Chair
Isaac Ghansah, Ph.D.
I would like to thank my project advisor Dr. Isaac Ghansah for providing me a wonderful
opportunity to work on this project, which provided a great exposure to the field of Smart
Grid. I thank him for providing all the help, support and necessary resources to complete
the project successfully.
I am also thankful to Dr. Martin Nicholes for his willingness to serve on the committee. I
benefited very much from the professor’s advice. Thank you for helping me and guiding
me through the project.
My special thanks go to Dr. Nikrouz Faroughi, Graduate Coordinator, for his advice
throughout my master degree and for his support and help in making this project possible.
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... xi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................. xii
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1
The Smart Grid .................................................................................................1
Smart Meters ....................................................................................................2
Smart Meter communication to the utility ................................................3
Privacy Issues ...................................................................................................5
Significance ......................................................................................................5
Related Work ....................................................................................................6
ZigBee Security Toolsets ..........................................................................7
Home Area Networks (HAN) Security .....................................................7
Smart Grid Security ..................................................................................8
Smart Meter Security ................................................................................9
Objectives .......................................................................................................10
2. THE 802.15.4 AND ZIGBEE STANDARDS .......................................................11
IEEE 802.15.4 ................................................................................................11
ZigBee ............................................................................................................12
ZigBee layers ..........................................................................................13
Technology comparison ..........................................................................14
ZigBee device and node types ................................................................15
ZigBee star and mesh network ................................................................16
ZigBee encryption ...................................................................................17
ZigBee keys ............................................................................................18
ZigBee security challenges .....................................................................20
Smart Energy Profile (SEP) ....................................................................21
FOR SECURITY TESTING..................................................................................27
Atmel RZUSBSTICK.....................................................................................27
Flashing the RZUSBSTICK firmware ....................................................29
Memsic TelosB...............................................................................................33
Loading the precompiled KillerBee firmware onto TelosB ...................35
SimpleHomeNet ZOE-MP1 ...........................................................................36
Telegesis ETRX2USB-IHD ...........................................................................37
Connecting to ETRX2USB-IHD ............................................................38
Using the Telegesis Demo Program on Linux ........................................40
Configuring the Telegesis “mock meter” firmware ................................41
4. ATTACKS AND TOOLS......................................................................................44
KillerBee ........................................................................................................44
Scapy ..............................................................................................................45
Implementation of the 802.15.4 and ZigBee layers in Scapy .................46
How to use the Scapy layer implementation...........................................49
The Installation Code .....................................................................................52
An analysis of a closed ZigBee network ........................................................54
Communication with Scapy and KillerBee.............................................55
Encryption ...............................................................................................56
Authentication .........................................................................................58
Privacy ....................................................................................................58
The ZigBee Alliance ......................................................................................59
Helpful tools ...................................................................................................59
Source code ....................................................................................................60
5. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................61
Which ZigBee device shall it be? ...................................................................62
Limits of TelosB/RZUSBSTICK Hardware/Software ...................................63
Future work ....................................................................................................64
References ....................................................................................................................67
Table 1 Smart meter messages per 24-hour period ........................................................4
Table 2 IEEE 802.15.4 frequency bands .....................................................................12
Table 3 Wireless technology comparison ....................................................................15
Table 4 ZigBee device types ........................................................................................16
Table 5 Security levels available to the NWK, and APS Layers .................................18
Table 6 Security key assignments per cluster ..............................................................24
Table 7 ZOE-MP1 supported ZigBee clusters .............................................................37
Table 8 Telegesis USB stick terminal settings ............................................................39
Table 9 The KillerBee tool set .....................................................................................45
Table 10 Implementation of frames for the Scapy dot15d4 layer ...............................46
Table 11 Format of the MAC sub-layer beacon payload .............................................47
Figure 1 Home Area Network and AMI connection to the utility .................................4
Figure 2 ZigBee layers .................................................................................................14
Figure 3 ZigBee network topologies............................................................................17
Figure 4 ZigBee stack: version 1.x vs. 2.0...................................................................23
Figure 5 Device authentication: association and CBKE ..............................................26
Figure 6 Atmel RZUSBSTICK ....................................................................................28
Figure 7 JTAGICE mkII window Main tab .................................................................30
Figure 8 JTAGICE mkII window Program tab............................................................31
Figure 9 Connecting the Atmel JTAGICE mkII On-Chip Programmer to the
RZUSBSTICK ..............................................................................................32
Figure 10 Memsic TelosB ............................................................................................34
Figure 11 SimpleHomeNet ZOE-MP1 ........................................................................36
Figure 12 Telegesis ETRX2USB-IHD ........................................................................38
Figure 13 Telegesis demo program..............................................................................40
Figure 14 Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO) hash function ..............................................53
Chapter 1
The Smart Grid
The Smart Grid is the new intelligent network, which produces, delivers and consumes
electricity. A Home Area Network (HAN) is part of a Smart Grid infrastructure. Its
purpose is to enable the communication between a smart meter, devices consuming
electricity (e.g. heating/cooling, lamp, computer) and devices displaying near real-time
energy consumption data to the home user.
In 2004, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) ordered all four Californian
investor‐owned utilities (IOUs) to deploy wireless Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) for both electricity and gas. The purpose of AMI is to allow customers to have a
better control of their energy costs, give operational benefits for the utilities, and advance
the CPUC's policy to expand demand response in the state. Each IOU has been given the
authorization to deploy smart meters throughout their territories. The deployment of
smart meters is expected to be complete by 2012.
Smart meters are reporting the collected near real-time energy data back to the utility
(e.g. PG&E, SMUD) over the AMI where it will be stored and analyzed. This vast
amount of data allows fine-grained data mining, gives the utilities important information
to reduce wasted peak capacity, and helps to better control the demand and response.
Smart meters are equipped with wireless technology (ZigBee, IEEE 802.15.4). This
increases the security perimeter significantly compared to traditional wired meters and
requires adequate protection. If transmitted data is tampered with, the implications can
vary from false display of energy consumption to fraudulent charges. Furthermore, as the
smart meters are in constant communication with the utility, there is the potential to
abuse this connection originating at a consumer’s home all the way back to the utility.
Therefore, the protection of this link is essential for the functionality of this critical
Smart Meters
Smart meters are a new type of electrical meter that, like the old meters, measure energy
usage. Smart meters, however, send information back to the utility by wireless signal
instead of having a utility meter reader come to the property and manually do the
monthly electric service reading. The new smart meters are replacements for the older
analog electric meters.
Typically, smart meters have two radios installed (see Figure 1): 1) a radio that utilizes
the licensed 902-928 megahertz (MHz) band for connection to a utility (part of the AMI),
and 2) a 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) radio to transmit to devices in the customer premises (the
Home Area Network or HAN).
Smart Meter communication to the utility
The smart meters are connected back to the utility over a wireless link. This is called the
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). Smart meters are a part of a mesh network at
the neighborhood level to collect and transmit wireless information from all the smart
meters in that area back to a utility. Figure 1 shows how the smart meter connects back to
the utility over the AMI.
The mesh network requires wireless antennas to be located throughout neighborhoods in
close proximity to where smart meters will be placed. This wireless network operates in
the unlicensed 900 MHz band. The antennas are typically connected to a utility over the
existing cellular and data transmission antennas (cell tower antennas). The mesh network
antennas are often utility-pole mounted. This part of the system can spread hundreds of
new wireless antennas throughout neighborhoods.
Figure 1 Home Area Network and AMI connection to the utility
According to a document [20] PG&E filed with the California Public Utilities
Commission on November 1, 2011, the typical meter sends out 9,981 signals per day.
The vast majority of those signals (9,600 signals) came from the devices relaying
information from other meters. Only 6 signals are of meter read data (per 24-hour
period). According to tests from Silver Spring Networks, one meter sent out more than
190,000 signals in one day (see Table 1).
Table 1 Smart meter messages per 24-hour period (source PG&E [20])
Messages per 24-hour
Message Type
Meter Read Data
Network Management
Time Synch
Mesh Network Message
Privacy Issues
The Smart Grid has potential privacy issues. The collection and storage of information
requires a strong privacy policy and a strict enforcement. As we have seen in the previous
section, smart meters send messages back to the utility in real-time. This real-time energy
consumption data allows the utility to create detailed consumer profiles and can include
daily habits like when people get up, go to sleep, take a shower or are not at home. In the
wrong hands, this data can be abused and may create physical safety issues through
robberies, for example. To protect the privacy of customers, adequate practices to
safeguard the data at collection time, in transit and at the storage place are required.
Smart meters are becoming the standard electricity-metering device in California. With
the current deployment of PG&E's smart meters (15,000 meters with SmartMeter
technology installed daily by PG&E [6]), the SmartMeter system will be rolled out to all
PG&E customers by mid-2012. More (ZigBee enabled) Home Area Network devices will
become available to the end users. This allows, for example, a utility to signal appliances
the periods of critical peak energy usage or highest prices. Then smart grid-enabled
appliances can temporarily reduce power consumption and save consumer’s money by
choosing to work only during times with the lowest rates.
Vulnerabilities in those new systems would allow a malicious user to attack smart meters,
gateways, and ZigBee enabled devices. Wireless systems not only simplify the
deployment of remote devices and the transmission of data but also enable a whole
spectrum of security issues that have to be addressed.
A worst-case scenario would be an attacker breaching not only one home’s systems, but
through one smart meter hop on to other smart meters or even the utility itself. As smart
meters are connected to other smart meters through a mesh network, this scenario is not
unrealistic. The electric grid (generation, transmission, distribution) is part of a nation’s
critical infrastructure and therefore has much higher protection needs than other systems
like a common Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) for home computers.
Related Work
ZigBee enabled Home Area Networks are a relatively new field as current smart meters
in California have the ZigBee wireless network disabled. It is therefore a new
environment to explore and assess. Nevertheless, the different technologies (ZigBee,
HAN, smart grid, and smart meters) to be used are known and in use today. In the
following four sections, we give an overview about related work in the fields of ZigBee,
Home Area Networks (HAN) Security, Smart Grid Security, and Smart Meter Security.
ZigBee Security Toolsets
ZigBee is a relatively new wireless technology, which has not seen a significant amount
of security research. This makes it an interesting topic.
KillerBee [8] is a tool set for exploring and exploiting the security of ZigBee and IEEE
802.15.4 [9] networks. KillerBee feature set includes ZigBee network eavesdropping,
traffic replay, cryptosystem attacks and more. This project used the KillerBee framework
to gain insight into the ZigBee enabled devices and to test their security. See section 4.1
for a detailed description of the KillerBee framework.
Api-do [10] is a project based on the KillerBee tool set. It is the ZigBee/802.15.4 security
research at the Dartmouth Trust Lab [11]. Improvements include support for more radio
devices and jamming.
Home Area Networks (HAN) Security
The security of Home Area Networks (HAN) was a subject of research and several
documents and presentations about requirements and their architecture are available.
Here are two noteworthy papers and one presentation:
In the white paper “Cyber Security Requirements for Business Processes
Involving Home Area Networks (HAN)” [12], Xanthus Consulting International
Inc. discusses the security requirements for different interfaces of HAN-based
systems. They provide a checklist for all systems connected to a HAN.
The presentation “Home Area Network (HAN) Security and Architecture” [13] by
R. Eric Robinson from Itron Inc. shows how the general attack process
(reconnaissance, scanning, exploiting, keeping access) applies to the HAN and
In 2008, UtilityAMI, a collaboration of multiple utilities, published the
“UtilityAMI 2008 Home Area Network System Requirements Specification”
[14]. Its main part is a list of system requirements to enable a successful
functionality of a Home Area Network. The following criteria are covered in the
specification: HAN applications, communications, security, performance, and
Smart Grid Security
The Smart Grid and its security and privacy implications are topics that are regularly
covered by the media. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has
prepared Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security which includes high-level security
requirements, an evaluation of privacy issues and other threats [15].
There are entire books written on the topic of Smart Grid Security like “Securing the
Smart Grid: Next Generation Power Grid Security” [16]. Additionally, regulations like
[17] by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) mandate an
“appropriate” level of security awareness training for persons accessing critical cyber
assets in the electric grid.
Smart Meter Security
At the annual Black Hat 2010 security conference, Mike Davis from IOActive showed
how he and his team from the security consulting firm created a simulation in which over
a period of 24 hours about 15,000 out of 22,000 homes had their smart meters taken over
by a worm that could place the device under the control of the worm’s designers [18]. He
exploited a fundamental design flaw in the specific meter model itself. Among other
things, the meter he took over did not have proper data encryption and did not know the
difference between the meter next to it in the network or a device that was intended to
wirelessly upgrade its software.
In another presentation at Black Hat 2010, Jonathan Pollet, founder of Red Tiger
Security, explained that smart meter technology is making the same mistakes again. Old
vulnerabilities have a new impact when considering smart meters. E.g., data enumeration
can tell criminals when somebody is on vacation and when it is thus a good time to rob
somebody’s home. The software in smart meters is vulnerable to old classes of bugs, like
the ping of death [19].
The field of ZigBee enabled Home Area Networks is only developing right now and there
has not been a large amount of research to ensure the safe operation of all involved
devices. This project aims to shed some light on the current state of Home Area Network
First, the project required the setup of ZigBee test devices. We have replicated known
ZigBee attack devices and frameworks to reproduce known attacks. Current tools like
Scapy were used and improved for the purposes of the analysis. The goal of the
vulnerability assessment was to assure the robustness of the devices, to learn about their
security features and how this technology can be abused so that a secure deployment can
be achieved.
This report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 introduces the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee
standards. Chapter 3 describes the ZigBee equipment we had access to for this project.
Chapter 4 details the attacks and tools we have used including extensions we made to the
tools. Chapter 5 concludes the project, summarizes the security issues, and proposes
future work.
Chapter 2
This chapter lays the foundation knowledge about the core technologies involved in
Home Area Networks. It is important to understand the basic architecture and the
different layers of both standards as ZigBee is built on top of 802.15.4. The architecture
contains four layers: the physical layer, the media access control (MAC) layer, the
network layer, and the application layer. IEEE defines the lower two layers (physical and
MAC) in 802.15.4. The ZigBee Alliance defines the upper two layers (network and
application). The complete architecture is commonly referred to as the ZigBee
architecture. We begin with a short overview of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and then
delve into security related ZigBee features like device types, encryption and security
IEEE 802.15.4
IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) [23]. It defines the physical layer (PHY) and the media access control layer
(MAC) for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). The active standard
is 802.15.4-2011 (released in 2011). The previous standards were 802.15.4-2006 and
802.15.4-2003 respectively. Its main goal is to provide a wireless standard for low power,
low cost and low data rate devices (see section 2.2.2 for a technology comparison). The
802.15.4 standard provides the basis for multiple technologies like ZigBee, ISA100.11a,
WirelessHART, MiWi, and 6LoWPAN. All those standards have the same PHY and
MAC layers.
The physical layer can operate in three different frequencies as shown in Table 2:
Table 2 IEEE 802.15.4 frequency bands
Where used
868.0-868.6 MHz
one communication channel
902-928 MHz
North America
up to thirty channels
2400-2483.5 MHz
worldwide use
up to sixteen channels
The physical layer is responsible for the packet generation, the packet reception, the data
transparency, and the power management. The MAC layer’s responsibilities include
channel acquisition, contention management, NIC address, and error correction. There
are four types of MAC frames: data frames, beacon frames, acknowledgment frames, and
MAC command frames.
ZigBee is a wireless standard specifically designed for low power, low cost devices. The
ZigBee Alliance [7], a non-profit association, creates the ZigBee standard. ZigBee
operates in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands (2.4 GHz) and is
designed to consume small amounts of power so that devices can have a battery life of
several years. There are three different frequency ranges. 868 MHz is used in Europe,
915 MHz is used in the USA and Australia, and 2.4 GHz is used worldwide (see Table 2).
ZigBee layers
ZigBee is built on top of IEEE 802.15.4 (see Figure 2) [9]. Layers one and two, the
physical (PHY) and the media access control (MAC) layers, are defined in the IEEE
standard 802.15.4. The ZigBee Alliance [7] defines the layers above, the network (NWK)
and the application (APS) layers. The application layer consists of ZigBee device objects
(ZDOs) and manufacturer-defined application objects, which allow for customization.
The ZigBee Alliance publishes application profiles like ZigBee Home Automation and
ZigBee Smart Energy to allow different device classes to interoperate. In the Smart Grid
environment, the Smart Energy Profile is used (see 2.2.8).
Figure 2 ZigBee layers
Technology comparison
The main goal of ZigBee is to provide a wireless standard for low power devices. Its
competitors are Wi-Fi (802.11), Bluetooth (802.15.1) and GSM/CDMA (the cell phone
network). As can be seen in Table 3, ZigBee’s low power usage is a clear advantage
compared to the other wireless standards. A disadvantage is that it is a relatively new
standard and not yet as widely deployed as the others.
Table 3 Wireless technology comparison
ZigBee /
Wi-Fi / 802.11
Bluetooth /
Sensor Network Wide Area
High Speed
/ Low Power
Voice and Data
Battery Life
1 week
1 week
1 week
250 Kbps
Up to 2 Mbps
Up to 54 Mbps
720 Kbps
Up to 100
100+ Meters
10-100 Meters
Low Power,
Low Cost
ZigBee device and node types
There are two 802.15.4 device types: Full Function Devices (FFD) and Reduced Function
Devices (RFD). An IEEE 802.15.4 network requires at least one FFD to act as a network
coordinator. A RFD needs only a minimum of resources to send or receive data for itself.
ZigBee RFDs are generally battery powered. RFDs can only talk to an FFD, a device
with sufficient system resources for network routing. The FFD can serve as a network
coordinator, or as just another communications device. Any FFD can talk to other FFD
and RFDs. FFDs discover other FFDs and RFDs to establish communications, and they
are typically line powered. Table 4 gives an overview of the 802.15.4/ZigBee device
Table 4 ZigBee device types
establishment and
Supports routing
functionality; can
talk to other routers,
coordinator, and end
End Device
Can only talk to
routers and the
Full Function
Device (FFD):
Requires resources
to handle all
designated tasks.
Reduced Function
Device (RFD):
Requires modest
resources compared
to FFD.
A ZigBee network needs exactly one coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for the
Personal Area Network (PAN) setup. The other ZigBee node types, ZigBee routers and
ZigBee end devices, may join a network, but do not form one themselves.
ZigBee star and mesh network
A mesh topology is a type of network where at least some nodes must not only send and
receive their own data, but also serve as a relay for other nodes, that is, they must
collaborate to propagate data in the network. A star network consists of one central
coordinator, which acts as a conduit to route messages. A ZigBee network can be a mixed
star and mesh network topology as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3 ZigBee network topologies
ZigBee encryption
ZigBee frames can be optionally protected with the security suite AES-CCM*. This is a
minor variation of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a modified CCM mode
(Counter with CBC-MAC). There are two parts of the protection: encryption and
integrity protection. ZigBee has eight different security levels (see Table 5). For example
ZigBee security level 5 in the AES-CCM* suite uses AES 128-bit encryption with a
message integrity code (MIC) length of 4 octets. The bit length of the MIC may take the
values 0, 32, 64 or 128 bits and determines the probability that a random guess of the
MIC would be correct. Table 5 lists the security properties of the security levels.
Table 5 Security levels available to the NWK, and APS Layers (source [22])
Security Level
Security Attributes
Data Encryption
Frame Integrity
(length of MIC)
NO (M = 0)
YES (M=4)
YES (M=8)
YES (M=16)
NO (M = 0)
YES (M=4)
YES (M=8)
YES (M=16)
Frames can be protected at the NWK layer, at the APS layer or both at the NWK and
APS layer. Additionally, the MAC layer of 802.15.4 can protect the frame.
ZigBee keys
As explained in the previous section about ZigBee encryption (see 2.2.5), frames can be
protected with encryption and integrity protection. AES-CCM* is a symmetric encryption
cipher and therefore requires symmetric keys. There are three kinds of symmetric keys in
ZigBee: network, master, and link keys. All keys have a bit length of 128.
Network key: The network key is shared among all the devices participating in a PAN.
The trust center generates the network key and rotates it at different intervals. Each node
requires the network key in order to join the network. Once the trust center decides to
change the network key, the new one is distributed through the network encrypted with
the old network key. Once this new key is updated in a device, its frame counter is
initialized to zero.
Master key: Master keys form the basis for long-term security between two devices and
are pre-installed in each node. Their function is to keep the link key exchange between
two nodes in the Symmetric-Key Key Establishment procedure (SKKE) confidential.
Link key: Link keys are unique between each pair of nodes and are used to encrypt all
the information between each two devices. They are derived using SKKE. The
application level manages these keys.
Keys can be factory-installed or setup over the air or using out-of-band mechanisms (to
prevent eavesdropping). Link and Network keys can and should be updated periodically.
Additionally, keys can be distributed with the Certificate-Based Key Establishment
protocol (CBKE). CBKE provides a mechanism to negotiate symmetric keys with the
Trust Center based on a certificate stored in both devices at manufacturing time and
signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).
ZigBee security challenges
This section briefly discusses the main security challenges for ZigBee devices. These
include the resource constraints of the mobile sensor devices, the small form factor, and
the low cost components.
To pass the ZigBee certification, devices must have a battery life of at least two years.
This low power consumption creates security challenges. Tasks like encryption, key
management, and key exchange are resource intensive and are difficult to achieve with
low power devices. Some mobile devices have very little storage space for keys and
temporary data like security nonces and counters.
Mobile devices are too small to have a display or any input mechanism. Therefore, the
initial key has to be included at manufacturing time. Key provisioning becomes a difficult
and/or cumbersome process if the user has to find a serial number on equipment as big as
a washing machine or as small as a fridge magnet (to display energy price/consumption
for example).
For devices to be cheap, they have to be assembled of low cost components that generally
do not have sophisticated security mechanisms to protect them from physical attacks.
Unprotected data or flash memory can be extracted if not protected adequately. The entire
firmware can be copied and analyzed for included cryptographic keys, certificates and
application details. Side channel attacks can be launched to gain information about the
power consumption to derive keys.
Smart Energy Profile (SEP)
The ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification [24] is a profile defined by the ZigBee
Alliance. It defines standard practices for Demand Response and Load Management for
“Smart Energy” applications. Because of the type of data and control within the Smart
Energy network, application security is a key requirement. The application will use link
keys, which are optional in the ZigBee and ZigBee Pro stack profiles but are required
within a Smart Energy network. Smart Energy networks will not interact with a consumer
ZigBee Home Area Network unless a device is used to perform an “application level
bridge” between the two profiles or the consumer devices satisfy the Smart Energy
profile security requirements. This is due to the higher security requirements on the Smart
Energy network that are not required on a home network.
Security requirements for the Smart Energy Profile include:
Application link keys are required
Preinstalled link keys are installed in each device prior to joining the network
Keys are distributed through an out of band process
Device keys are required to be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA)
The last bullet point implies that a public key infrastructure (PKI) is in place. In practice,
Certicom, a subsidiary of Research In Motion Limited (RIM), is the only ZigBee Smart
Energy certificate authority issuing Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (ECMQV)
certificates (see SEP security keys). SEP versions
There are three versions of the Smart Energy Profile: version 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 (see Figure
4). The latest version 2.0 is still in development and therefore subject to change. Version
1.1 is only a minor update to version 1.0. Version 1.1 includes three new clusters:
tunneling, prepayment and Over-the-Air (OTA) upgrading. In November 2011, PG&E
announced that they will start testing a ZigBee enabled Home Area Network (HAN) with
Control4’s EC-100 In-Home Display in March 2012 [25]. PG&E will use SEP 1.0 for
their HAN implementation initially as the later versions are not yet supported by
manufactured devices [25]. PG&E plans to switch to version 2.0 in the future.
The main addition to Smart Energy (SE) 2.0 is that it is physical layer (PHY) agnostic.
This means that it is designed to run on multiple PHY technologies such as IEEE
802.15.4, power line communications, or Wi-Fi. Version 2.0 is also designed to run on
the IP (Internet Protocol) stack, the dominant networking standard. This interoperability
with existing IP-based networks such as Wi-Fi and Ethernet is a key advantage of SEP
2.0. SEP 1.0 only runs over IEEE 802.15.4 radios.
Figure 4 ZigBee stack: version 1.x vs. 2.0
Smart meters running SEP 1.0 or 1.1 in meters today can be remotely upgraded to run
SEP 2.0. However, as SEP 2.0 requires more hardware resources, some smart meters
might need to have their circuit boards upgraded, or even be replaced entirely. SEP security keys
The SE Profile requires a higher level of security on the network but not all clusters need
to utilize Application Link keys. Table 6 lists the security keys utilized by each cluster:
Table 6 Security key assignments per cluster (source [24])
Functional Domain
Cluster Name
Security Key
Network Key
Network Key
Network Key
Application Link Key
Application Link Key
Power Configuration
Network Key
Key Establishment
Network Key
Smart Energy
Application Link Key
Smart Energy
Demand Response and Load Control Application Link Key
Smart Energy
Application Link Key
Over the air Bootload Cluster
Application Link Key
Smart Energy
Application Link Key
Smart Energy
Tunneling and Generic Tunneling
Application Link Key
Smart Energy
Application Link Key
The operation of a device in a Smart Energy network requires the use of a preconfigured
link key, derived from the Installation Code, to join a ZigBee Pro network. The
Installation Code is created randomly during the manufacturing process of each Smart
Energy device. This Installation Code is labeled on the back of the device so that the enduser can read it and provide it to the utility in an out of band process.
After joining the network, a device is required to initiate key establishment using
ECMQV (Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone) key agreement with the Trust Center, to
obtain a new link key authorized for use in application messages. Prior to updating the
preconfigured link key using key establishment, the Trust Center does not allow Smart
Energy messages that require APS encryption. See Figure 5 for the device authentication
flow in which security keys mentioned in Table 6 are used.
Figure 5 Device authentication: association and CBKE
Although the node has a link key, that node has not been authenticated and thus the key's
use is not authorized for application messages. Its use is still required for certain
messages and will be accepted by the trust center.
Chapter 3
This chapter describes the ZigBee hardware devices and software used for this project.
The hardware devices can be classified into two categories. The first category includes
hardware devices that are used to launch our tests and to communicate with ZigBee
devices. The second category contains the ZigBee devices that we tried to test for
security issues. These include ZigBee coordinators, routers and end devices (e.g. smart
plugs, smart meters) as follows.
Memsic TelosB
SimpleHomeNet ZOE-MP1: A Metering Smart Plug
Telegesis ETRX2USB-IHD Demo Kit:
o 1 USB stick acting as an In Home Display (IHD)
o 1 USB stick acting as a “mock meter”
The RZUSBSTICK (see Figure 6) is a USB stick manufactured by Atmel with a 2.4GHz
transceiver and a USB connector [2]. RZUSBSTICK was chosen because it is the original
device for which the KillerBee framework was developed (see section 4.1 for a detailed
introduction of KillerBee) and it is low priced at $40. The RZUSBSTICK supports the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard and comes with an open-source firmware. The firmware shipped
by Atmel allows the KillerBee framework to use it as a passive sniffer. To be able to
inject packets, the firmware has to be modified. In the following, we describe the process
to flash the default firmware with the modified KillerBee firmware.
Figure 6 Atmel RZUSBSTICK
Flashing the RZUSBSTICK firmware
The modified firmware is part of the KillerBee framework. To update the firmware on
the RZUSBSTICK, the following hardware and software is required:
Atmel JTAGICE mkII On-Chip Programmer (hardware, around $300)
Atmel 100-mm to 50-mm JTAG standoff adapter (hardware, around $40)
50-mm male-to-male header (hardware, less than $10)
AVR Studio for Windows (software, free)
The following steps are required to update the firmware:
1. Install AVR Studio on a Windows machine
2. Connect the Atmel JTAGICE mkII On-Chip Programmer via USB to the
Windows machine
3. Download the KillerBee firmware from http://killerbee.googlecode.com. The
firmware file is named kb-rzusbstick-001.hex and is located in the
killerbee/firmware directory.
4. In AVR Studio, click Tools | Program AVR | Connect. From the Platform list,
select JTAGICE mkII, and then click Connect.
5. On the JTAGICE mkII window Main tab (see Figure 7), select AT90USB1287
from the device list. In the Programming Mode and Target Settings group, select
JTAG Mode. Click the Program tab (see Figure 8). In the Flash group, browse to
the path of the KillerBee RZUSBSTICK firmware.
Figure 7 JTAGICE mkII window Main tab
6. Connect the RZUSBSTICK to the USB port. The blue LED will light. Using the
JTAG adapter supplied with the JTAGICE mkII, convert to 50-mm pitch with the
JTAG standoff adapter and male-to-male header and insert the pins into the top of
the RZUSBSTICK, holding the pins at a slight angle to provide contact to the
PCB socket. Pin 1 on the JTAGICE mkII JTAG interface should be farthest from
the USB interface on the RZUSBSTICK (see Figure 9).
Figure 8 JTAGICE mkII window Program tab
7. With contact between the JTAGICE mkII JTAG interface and the socket on the
RZUSBSTICK, click the Program button in the AVR Studio Programmer. The
Programmer will present status messages as the RZUSBSTICK is programmed:
Reading FLASH input file.. OK
Setting device parameters.. OK!
Entering programming mode.. OK!
Erasing device.. OK!
Programming FLASH ..
Reading FLASH ..
FLASH contents is equal to file.. OK
Leaving programming mode.. OK!
Figure 9 Connecting the Atmel JTAGICE mkII On-Chip Programmer to the
If the programming was successful, the amber LED will be lit on the RZUSBSTICK
instead of the blue LED, indicating that the hardware is ready as a KillerBee device. The
device is now ready for all KillerBee features. See [4] for a more detailed description of
the programming process.
Memsic TelosB
The TelosB platform was developed and made available to the research community by
U.C. Berkeley [1]. The device comes with the open-source operating system TinyOS.
TinyOS is a small, open-source, energy-efficient operating system developed by UC
Berkeley that supports sensor networks. The source code and software development tools
are publicly available [3]. It has an integrated onboard antenna, which has an indoor
range of 20 m to 30 m, according to the datasheet. The TelosB has a connector for an
optional external antenna, as seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10 Memsic TelosB
The TelosB used for this project, model TPR2420, is built by Memsic Inc. (formerly
XBow) and is a low power device that can run on two AA batteries. As part of the
ZigBee/802.15.4 security research at the Dartmouth Trust Lab [10] [11], the firmware has
been modified to work with KillerBee. The following steps explain how to load the
precompiled firmware image on the TelosB platform.
Loading the precompiled KillerBee firmware onto TelosB
The KillerBee framework contains the precompiled firmware for the TelosB platform in
the “killerbee/firmware” directory. The file gf-telosb-001.hex (SHA1
5d85b311b24cc79579cb81651101688b49f38a9e gf-telosb-001.hex) can be loaded on the
TelosB with the following command:
$ ./goodfet.bsl --telosb -e -p gf-telosb-001.hex
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Mass Erase...
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-goodfet-8
Mass Erase...
Transmit default password ...
Invoking BSL...
Transmit default password ...
Current bootstrap loader version: 1.61 (Device ID: f16c)
Changing baudrate to 38400 ...
Program ...
5208 bytes programmed.
Once the firmware is successfully loaded on the device, KillerBee will detect it:
$ zbid
Product String
Found 1 devices.
Serial Number
GoodFET TelosB/Tmote
SimpleHomeNet ZOE-MP1
The ZOE-MP1 from SimpleHomeNet (Compacta International, Ltd.) is a Smart Energy
metering device in the form of a plug (see Figure 11). It supports the ZigBee Smart
Energy profile and allows controlling appliances with a maximum of 480 Watts. With the
ZOE-MP1, a homeowner can turn on/off the power over the ZigBee network. It acts as a
ZigBee router and therefore is a range extender for other ZigBee devices in the same
PAN. In its function as a metering device, it acts as a server in the Simple Metering
cluster (see Table 7 for a list of supported clusters). This allows other ZigBee devices like
the coordinator to poll the ZOE-MP1 for the consumed energy by its connected
Figure 11 SimpleHomeNet ZOE-MP1
Table 7 ZOE-MP1 supported ZigBee clusters
Cluster ID
Cluster Name
Cluster Description
Attributes for determining basic
information and setting and enabling
Attributes and commands for putting
a device into Identification mode
Attributes and commands to interface
to a real-time clock
Attributes and commands necessary
for managing secure communication
between ZigBee devices
Provides mechanism for
communicating electricity pricing
information within the premise
Response and
Load Control
Interface to the functionality of Smart
Energy Demand Response and Load
Provides mechanism to retrieve
electric power usage
Telegesis ETRX2USB-IHD
The ETRX2USB-IHD (see Figure 12) is a demo kit from Telegesis Ltd. The demo kit
includes two ZigBee devices in the form of USB sticks:
USB stick with a ZigBee Smart Energy In-Home Display (IHD) firmware
USB stick with a basic “mock meter” firmware
The IHD USB can be controlled through AT commands similar to modem commands.
The commands are explained in the document “Smart Energy In-Premise Display AT
Command Manual” [27]. Similarly, the meter USB stick firmware can be controlled
through a Command Line Interface (CLI) described in Ember’s “Application Framework
V2 Developer Guide” [28].
Figure 12 Telegesis ETRX2USB-IHD
Connecting to ETRX2USB-IHD
Both USB sticks offer a simple command line interface. To access the devices, Telegesis
provides their “Terminal PC Software” for Windows only. However, as the commands
are simple terminal commands sent over USB, any terminal emulation program works. In
the following, we describe how to configure the program minicom on Linux to connect to
the IHD. Minicom is a popular terminal emulation program that can be installed on
Debian based systems with the command “sudo apt-get install minicom”. Once installed,
it can be either configured in the program itself with a menu-driven help, or by editing
the default configuration file /etc/minicom/minirc.dfl:
pu port
pu baudrate
pu bits
pu parity
pu stopbits
pu rtscts
The Telegesis USB sticks require the settings shown in Table 8:
Table 8 Telegesis USB stick terminal settings
Baudrate (speed)
Hardware Flow Control
Software Flow Control
The devices usually show up as /dev/ttyUSBX on Linux, where X can be any digit. The
first USB device plugged-in will be assigned /dev/ttyUSB0, the second device
/dev/ttyUSB1, and so on. Once the above settings are correct, you can launch minicom
with the command “minicom”, or alternatively with “minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0” to
specify a device on the command line.
Using the Telegesis Demo Program on Linux
Telegesis provides a sample application written in Java to demonstrate the capabilities of
the two USB devices (see Figure 13 for a screenshot of the demo program). The Demo
application allows the configuration of the channel, the PAN ID, the link key and the
network key. It then associates the IHD to the mock meter. The mock meter sends
random energy readings, which are displayed in the Java GUI.
Figure 13 Telegesis demo program
The included CD-ROM provides the source code, the compiled class files and a Windows
executable to install and launch the program. We are describing how to use the program
on Linux.
The demo program requires the following two Java libraries:
RXTX: a library for serial and parallel communication (http://rxtx.qbang.org/)
JFreeChart: a chart library (http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/)
Once the requirements are met, the Java classpath variable has to be set correctly. It has
to include both libraries (RXTX and JFreeChart). Here is an example of how to launch
the demo program:
java -classpath .:jfreechart-1.0.13.jar:jfreechart-1.0.13swt.jar:jcommon-1.0.16.jar DemoMain
If you modified the source code and want to compile it, just replace the java command
with the javac command. The classpath requires the same two libraries for compilation
and for launching the program.
Configuring the Telegesis “mock meter” firmware
The mock meter firmware comes configured with the link key 56 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 (hexadecimal format, 128 bit), which is the Smart Energy
Security Test profile global link key. Although Ember’s “Application Framework V2
Developer Guide” [28] describes the command on how to change this key, the command
fails with error messages. The error message “OUT OF SERIAL CMD BUFFER” means
that the command exceeds the maximum number of command-line arguments. The error
“OUT OF SERIAL CMD SPACE” means that an individual argument is longer than 17
The work-around is to split up the keys in two parts and remove the spaces in the key so
that the complete command has only 5 arguments. The following sets a link key in the
link key table. The MAC address has to be in reverse order, the key in normal order.
General format:
option link [index in key table decimal or 0x<hex>] [EUI64 in
little endian format in hex without preceding 0x] [key bytes 0-15
in hex without preceding 0x]
Example command:
option link 0 0011223344556677 0011223344556677 8899aabbccddeeff
The complete commands to setup a PAN on the mock meter follows:
# Set the link key (derived from the Installation Code)
option link 0 0011223344556677 0011223344556677 8899aabbccddeeff
# Leave the currently joined ZigBee network
network leave
# Start a PAN on channel 15, with power 3 and PAN ID abcd
network form 15 3 abcd
# Enable permit joining on a PAN permanently
network pjoin 0xff
Chapter 4
This chapter covers the tools we have used and extended. The first tool, KillerBee, is
laying the foundation for attacks on ZigBee networks. Without KillerBee, there is no
open-source and low-cost framework available to sniff and manipulate ZigBee traffic.
Scapy, the second attack tool, allows the creation and parsing of ZigBee packets. We
have extended Scapy to support more ZigBee frames. Next, we provide a utility, which
creates the preconfigured link key from a ZigBee device installation code. We then
describe how these attack frameworks and tools are used in an analysis of a closed
ZigBee network. The last three sections describe issues dealing with the ZigBee Alliance,
list more tools, and show how to access the produced source code.
KillerBee [8] is a tool set for exploring the security of ZigBee and 802.15.4 networks. It
provides tools to sniff, inject and replay traffic, does packet decoding, and attacks
cryptosystems. See Table 9 for an overview of the tool set provided by KillerBee. Written
in Python, it works well with other Python tools like Scapy (see section 4.2) and fuzzers
like Sulley. The goal of KillerBee is to aid in reconnaissance and exploitation of ZigBee
Table 9 The KillerBee tool set
List the available devices supported and plugged-in.
A tcpdump-like tool to save sniffed traffic in the libpcap or the
Daintree format.
Convert a capture file format from Daintree SNA files to libpcap
format and vice-versa.
Replay traffic from libpcap or Daintree files.
Over The Air (OTA) crypto key sniffer: looks through capture
files and searches for cleartext keys.
A GUI for ZigBee location tracking.
Searches a binary memory dump file (e.g. firmware dump) for
encryption keys.
ZR/ZC association flooder: Transmit a flood of associate requests
to a target network.
Search ZigBee controllers. Zbstumbler sends beacon requests on
all channels and listens for beacon frames to identify controllers.
Scapy is a versatile packet manipulation tool written in Python [21]. Its two main features
are mechanisms to create standard compliant packets and to parse received packets into
their fields. Without a tool like Scapy, every packet has to be assembled manually bit by
bit. On the receiving side, every frame has to be parsed individually for the included
fields. Scapy simplifies this process by providing an easy to use interface.
Before Scapy can be used to create and parse IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee frames, it has to
be extended to support these new protocols. In Scapy, protocols are called layers. The
ZigBee research at Dartmouth [10][11] provided an almost complete implementation of
the 802.15.4 layer (“Dot15d4 layer”). We completed the missing frames of the 802.15.4
layer and added more frames in the ZigBee layer.
Implementation of the 802.15.4 and ZigBee layers in Scapy
The implementation of the frames was done according to the 802.15.4 [23] and ZigBee
[22] specifications. Table 10 shows which frames we have implemented.
Table 10 Implementation of frames for the Scapy dot15d4 layer
Class Name
802.15.4 Association Request Payload
802.15.4 Association Response Payload
802.15.4 Disassociation Notification Payload
802.15.4 GTS request command
ZigBee Beacon Payload
ZigBee Link Status Entry (helper class for
“Link Status Command”)
Completed all ZigBee Network Layer
Command Frames: "Route request", "Route
reply", "Network Status", "Leave", "Route
Record", "Rejoin request", "Rejoin response",
"Link Status", "Network Report", and
"Network Update"
ZigBee Network Layer for Inter-PAN
ZigBee Application Layer Data Payload for
Inter-PAN Transmission
ZigBee Cluster Library (ZCL) Frame
ZCL Read Attribute Status Record
We will show how to implement the ZigBee beacon frame as an example. Each frame is
implemented in a Python class. The list of fields is stored in the attribute named
fields_desc. Table 11 shows the formatting of the bit sequence representing the beacon
payload according to the ZigBee specification [22]:
Table 11 Format of the MAC sub-layer beacon payload
profile Protocol
Router Device
capacity depth
Extcapacity ended
class ZigBeeBeacon(Packet):
name = "ZigBee Beacon Payload"
fields_desc = [
# Protocol ID (1 octet): bits 0-7
ByteField("proto_id", 0),
# nwkcProtocolVersion (4 bits): bits 12-15
BitField("nwkc_protocol_version", 0, 4),
# Stack profile (4 bits): bits 8-11
BitField("stack_profile", 0, 4),
# End device capacity (1 bit): bit 23
BitField("end_device_capacity", 0, 1),
# Device depth (4 bits): 19-22
BitField("device_depth", 0, 4),
# Router capacity (1 bit): bit 18
BitField("router_capacity", 0, 1),
# Reserved (2 bits): bits 16-17
e ID
BitField("reserved", 0, 2),
# Extended PAN ID (8 octets): 24-87
"extended_pan_id", 0, adjust=lambda pkt,x: 8
# Tx offset (3 bytes): bits 88-111
# In ZigBee 2006 the Tx-Offset is optional, while in the
# 2007 and later versions, the Tx-Offset is a required value.
BitField("tx_offset", 0, 24),
# Update ID (1 octet): bits 112-119
ByteField("update_id", 0),
For a correct implementation, each bit/byte must be aligned exactly as in the
specification. The standard network byte order uses the big-endian byte order. Fields that
have less than one octet (8 bits) require special attention. These bit fields must be ordered
with the first byte (lowest address) at the most significant address. This can be seen in the
second octet of the ZigBee beacon frame. The Python implementation first specifies bits
12-15 following bits 8-11. Scapy provides simple data types like BitField and ByteField.
BitField requires three parameters. The first parameter is the name of the field, the second
is the default value, and the last parameter is the bit length of this field. ByteField
requires two parameters, a name and a default value.
How to use the Scapy layer implementation
Once the layers are implemented, the application is straightforward. This section will
show how to create ZigBee packets to send a beacon request, associate to a network, and
how to process incoming frames. Creating a ZigBee Beacon Request
If a device wants to join a ZigBee PAN, it first has to find a coordinator. The end device
can do this by sending ZigBee beacon request frames on each channel. If a beacon
request reaches a coordinator or a router, they will reply with a ZigBee beacon frame that
contains all the necessary information for a client device to decide to which PAN it wants
to associate.
In Scapy, a ZigBee beacon requires the Dot15d4 and the Dot15d4Cmd classes:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from killerbee import *
from scapy.all import *
# Beacon Request is part of the Command Frame
b = Dot15d4()/Dot15d4Cmd()
# Destination Addressing Mode set to two (16-bit short address)
b.fcf_destaddrmode = 2
# Source Addressing Mode shall be set to zero
# (source addressing information not present)
b.fcf_srcaddrmode = 0
# Frame Pending subfield shall be set to zero
b.fcf_pending = 0
# Acknowledgment Request subfield shall be set to zero
b.fcf_ackreq = 0
b.seqnum = 150 # set the current sequence number
# Destination PAN Identifier shall contain the broadcast PAN ID
b.dest_panid = 0xFFFF
# Destination Address shall contain the broadcast short address
b.dest_addr = 0xFFFF
b.cmd_id = 7 # BeaconReq
kb = KillerBee() # get KillerBee instance
kb.set_channel(11) # set desired channel
kb.inject(str(b)) # send the frame Creating a ZigBee Association Request
Once a device has found a PAN it wants to associate with, the device sends an
association request to the corresponding coordinator/router. The ZigBee specification
additionally requires a data request to be sent to the coordinator/router before the
coordinator replies to the request with an association response frame.
The ZigBee beacon request consists of the Dot15d4, Dot15d4Cmd, and
Dot15d4CmdAssocReq classes:
# Association Request is part of the Command Frame
b = Dot15d4()/Dot15d4Cmd()/Dot15d4CmdAssocReq()
b.fcf_srcaddrmode = 3 # Long addressing mode
# The destination addressing mode shall be set to the same
# mode as in the beacon frame
b.fcf_destaddrmode = 2 # short addressing mode
b.fcf_pending = 0
b.fcf_ackreq = 1
b.seqnum = 150
b.dest_panid = 0xABCD # PAN to which to associate
b.dest_addr = 0x0000 # coordinator address
# Source PAN Identifier shall contain the broadcast PAN ID
b.src_panid = 0xFFFF
b.cmd_id = 1 # command ID 1 is the Association Request Receiving and parsing a frame
In this section, we describe how to receive and parse frames with Python, Scapy and
KillerBee. Once a frame has been sent with KillerBee’s inject method, the same
KillerBee instance can be used to receive packets. The code below demonstrates a way to
process incoming packets.
arg_delay = 2 # default delay in seconds to wait for a response
kb = KillerBee() # get KillerBee instance
start = time.time()
pkts = []
# wait for arg_delay seconds to receive answer packets
while (start+arg_delay > time.time()):
pkts.append(kb.pnext()) # append frame to pkts
for recvpkt in pkts:
# Check for empty packet (timeout) and valid FCS
if recvpkt != None and recvpkt[1]:
scapyd = Dot15d4(recvpkt['bytes']) # parse frame
# Check if this is a beacon frame
if isinstance(scapyd.payload, Dot15d4Beacon):
src_panid = scapyd.getlayer(Dot15d4Beacon).src_panid
src_addr = scapyd.getlayer(Dot15d4Beacon).src_addr
print "PANID 0x%04X
Source 0x%04X"%(src_panid, src_addr)
# Check if this is a beacon request frame
elif isinstance(scapyd.payload, Dot15d4Cmd):
# Check if this is a beacon request frame
if ( scapyd.getlayer(Dot15d4Cmd).cmd_id == 7 ):
print "Received a Beacon Request"
# Check if this is an association request frame
elif ( scapyd.getlayer(Dot15d4Cmd).cmd_id == 1 ):
print "Received an Association Request"
# Chef if this is a data request frame
elif ( scapyd.getlayer(Dot15d4Cmd).cmd_id == 4 ):
print "Received a Data Request"
The Installation Code
The installation code is created randomly during the manufacturing process of each smart
energy device. This installation code is labeled on the back of the device so that the enduser can read it and provide it to the utility in an out of band process.
This installation code is required when a smart energy device joins the PAN. After the
association request/response, the trust center (TC) sends the joining device the new link
key, encrypted with the preconfigured link key. This preconfigured link key is derived
from the installation code. After joining the network, a device is required to initiate key
establishment using ECMQV (Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone) key agreement with
the Trust Center, to obtain a new link key authorized for use in application messages.
The preconfigured AES-128 link key is derived from the Installation Code using the
Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO) hash function (specified in Annex B.6 in the ZigBee
Specification [22]). The installation code consists of a 48, 64, 96, or 128-bit number and
a 16-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check, an error-detecting code). The output is a digest
with a size equal to 128 bits. See Figure 14 for the information flow to create the
preconfigured key from the installation code.
Figure 14 Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO) hash function
We have created a command-line tool, which takes the installation code as input and
calculates the link key. The MMO hash function has been adapted from the Wireshark [5]
source code. Here is an example of how to use it:
$ ./mmo 83FED3407A939738c552
= 83FE D340 7A93 9738 C552
MMO = A833 A774 34F3 BFBD 7A7A B979 4214 9287
An analysis of a closed ZigBee network
We had access to a closed ZigBee network for testing purposes. A closed network means
that only devices from the same vendor are allowed to join the network. Encryption
prevents non-vendor devices from joining and protects the network from eavesdropping.
We used this network to test our Scapy and KillerBee modifications. We also analyzed its
encryption implementation. For security reasons, we will not divulge the identity of the
manufacturer of the devices we used.
The specific network consists of one or more power strips (a block of electrical sockets)
and one coordinator. The power strips act as a router and an end device. This router
functionality creates a mesh network, which is useful if the distance between two power
strips is too large to reach the coordinator. A power strip just needs reachability to one
other power strip which itself then connects to the coordinator (or to the next router).
The power strips send power consumption information over the ZigBee network to the
coordinator. The coordinator device has an Ethernet interface, which allows it to connect
to the existing wired network. A web-interface and an Application Programming
Interface (API) on the controller allow one to read the power consumption and to
enable/disable each power socket.
Communication with Scapy and KillerBee
As the complete ZigBee communication is encrypted, possible communication is very
limited. In the following, we describe our efforts in associating to the controller and in
trying to make the power strip associate to our emulated ZigBee controller. Emulate a ZigBee controller
We wrote a basic ZigBee controller to emulate Beacon frames and reply to association
request frames. We used the KillerBee framework to send/receive frames and the Scapy
Dot15d4 layer to create/parse 802.15.4/ZigBee frames.
We were unable to cause the power strip to make an association request to our controller.
The power strip ignored our Beacon frames. It looks like the power strip is looking not
only for the Beacon frames from the controller but also to the regularly sent broadcast
frames that are encrypted and therefore not reproducible.
56 Associate to the controller
We were able to associate to the controller with our emulated ZigBee end device written
in Python. Although the controller is sending an “association successful” frame, the
association is not complete until an ACK frame has been sent and received in time by the
controller. Unfortunately, the attacking devices controlled by Python are not fast enough
to generate the ACK frame in time. The controller is sending multiple Association
Response frames because the associating device does not confirm (retransmission after
the timeout). We were therefore unable to successfully associate to the controller and
All ZigBee devices (the end devices/routers and the controller) use encryption for their
ZigBee communication. We were looking at how the devices implemented the usage of
the nonce. The cryptographic nonce is an arbitrary number used only once. It is
interesting for two reasons. One, the nonce is a sensitive part in cryptography to generate
non-deterministic ciphertext. A nonce should never be reused within the lifetime of a
single key [26]. This is challenging in mobile and low powered ZigBee devices. This
requires that the nonce be stored on the device while a device sleeps (to save power) or is
shut down. The second reason is that the nonce can be easily analyzed as it is part of the
ZigBee header and therefore has to be sent in cleartext.
The most important part of the nonce is the 32-bit frame counter. The frame counter is a
field in the ZigBee frame and protects the message from replaying. This frame counter is
incremented after each frame transmission and hence will at some point wrap to zero.
The ZigBee standard requires that if a device receives a transmission with a frame
counter that is less than or equal to the last received frame counter to discard this frame.
To prevent an eventual lockup where the frame counter on a device reaches the maximum
value (0xFFFFFFFF as the frame counter is a 32-bit field), the network key should be
periodically updated on all devices in the network. This network key update will restore
the frame counter to zero.
We were testing the closed ZigBee network devices to see what happens to the frame
counter if they are shut down and/or reset. It seems like both the power strip and the
controller have local storage where they maintain the current frame counter value. After a
power cycle the counter increases by around 4096. If the power strip loses the association
to its coordinator for a certain amount of time (approximately 4 minutes), it resets its
frame counter to zero and starts a new association.
This power cycle caused the device to reproduce the same ciphertext (CT). When two
different plain texts (PT) are encrypted as CT1 and CT2 using the same key and the same
nonce values, of which CT1 = [PT1 XOR Ekey(nonce)] and CT2 = [PT2 XOR Ekey(nonce)],
an eavesdropper can obtain [PT1 XOR PT2] through computing [CT1 XOR CT2].
The comparison of several ciphertexts showed which bytes in the cleartext have changed
and therefore allowed an eavesdropper to make guesses about the plaintext. Here are two
example packets with almost the same ciphertext. The XOR reveals which bytes in the
packets changed in the cleartext:
packet 1:
55 8a 7b e9 1d 61 6c 57 8d bc f1 a1 9d 47 c9 96 59 87 a6 ab f0
packet 2:
55 8a 7b e9 1d 61 6c 30 8d bd f1 a1 9d 47 c9 96 59 87 80 d2 33
packet 1 XOR packet 2:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 67 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 79 c3
The coordinator device offers two interfaces: a web-interface and an API. Neither uses
encryption nor any form of authentication. It is therefore strongly recommended to
connect the device only to a controlled network that allows some form of authentication.
An intruder with access to the network with this coordinator device can monitor the
power consumption and turn on/off the power sockets at will.
The ZigBee coordinator does more than simply give access to the power consumption
data in the local network via the web-interface. The coordinator also sends the power
consumption of each power strip over the Internet to the manufacturer in cleartext. This
raises privacy issues as an attacker anywhere on the Internet path between the device and
the manufacturer website can read and manipulate the data. Power usage data can include
a detailed profile of a home or business and reveal when people are at home or not.
The ZigBee Alliance
Even though the ZigBee Alliance is a non-profit association, complete access to all
documents and source code requires membership. A membership starts at USD $3,500
for a 12-month period. While the final specifications are freely available on the ZigBee
Alliance website (www.zigbee.org), additional documents like sample source code are
only available to members. For most work, the specifications are good enough. For other
matters like the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas hash function, a sample implementation would
have been helpful. In this case, we used code from the Wireshark project to produce a
tool that implements the MMO hash function (see section 4.3).
Helpful tools
Wireshark [5] proved to be an indispensable help. The Wireshark protocol analyzer
includes 802.15.4 and ZigBee layer support. When debugging network traffic a graphical
protocol analyzer was very helpful. When crafting our own packets with Scapy,
Wireshark allowed me to verify their standard compliance. Even a decryption routine is
included. This allows decrypting packets for which the key is known or transported over
the network in the clear. Of course, not all ZigBee clusters are implemented. Currently,
the Key Establishment cluster (0x0800) is not implemented yet, for example.
Source code
All source code written as part of this project is available at
http://gaia.ecs.csus.edu/~meyerr/zigbee/. This includes the extended ZigBee Scapy layer
(dot15d4), the MMO hash function and Python test scripts showing how to use the Scapy
We have also submitted our Scapy dot15d4 layer to the Scapy community repository at
http://hg.secdev.org/scapy-com. This repository allows anyone to contribute to Scapy.
Our changeset is available at http://hg.secdev.org/scapy-com/rev/437f5fe62c32.
Chapter 5
This project provided me an excellent insight into one area of the Smart Grid. The fact
that the California State University Sacramento has a Smart Grid Center offered me the
opportunity to learn and explore a new technology. ZigBee and the Home Area Network
are fields with little previous research. This made our work harder but challenging. This
concluding chapter includes the project summary, the choice and limits of our devices,
and future work.
The goal of this project was to analyze the security of ZigBee Home Area Network
implementations. The ZigBee smart energy profile is complicated and includes many
requirements. We set up a lab environment with tools, hardware, and software to analyze
ZigBee equipment. This installation was an important step for future projects at the
California Smart Grid Center.
We devoted a major part of this project to extend the ZigBee Scapy layer (dot15d4). We
believe that Scapy is very useful for security testing and the new frames greatly enhance
future security tests. At the same time, the implementation required me to read the
ZigBee specifications in detail and therefore gave me a deep understanding of the
With the deployment of millions of ZigBee enabled smart meters, 802.15.4/ZigBee is
becoming the dominant wireless standard for smart energy devices. This project provided
foundation work for future ZigBee projects at this university. We believe that there will
be a lot more security research on ZigBee as soon as more smart meters enable their
wireless interface. Once hardware is deployed, security issues are very expensive to fix. It
is therefore important to detect and correct security issues as early as possible in the
development phase. We hope that our work contributes in this design process.
Which ZigBee device shall it be?
The first question we had to answer was which ZigBee devices we should look at.
Finding smart energy devices proved to be harder than imagined. As most current smart
meters in the United States and all smart meters in California have their ZigBee interface
disabled at the time of this writing, few smart energy end devices are available on the
market. We have chosen the devices according to our limited budget and according to the
respective vendor description. The devices provided good testing equipment, although
some turned out not optimal for our purposes. Especially finding a flexible ZigBee
coordinator is still an open issue.
Limits of TelosB/RZUSBSTICK Hardware/Software
The hardware and software used for the KillerBee framework provided an excellent value
for the money. Nevertheless, they have limits.
The sniffer software provided by KillerBee does not always catch all 802.15.4/ZigBee
frames. The TelosB and the RZUSBSTICK also have different behavior. While the
RZUSBSTICK sometimes suddenly stops recording packets, the TelosB continues but
drops packets. We do not know if this is a software or a hardware issue.
Another issue with our setup is that production ZigBee devices have all their code (the
firmware) in hardware. This makes them very fast. Our software framework (KillerBee,
Scapy, and our custom test scripts are all written in Python) required much more time to
receive, parse, execute and send response frames. We were not able to generate response
frames (e.g. ACK frames) fast enough for any ZigBee device. 802.15.4 seems to have a
very low timeout value and fast retransmission which makes it very difficult to
communicate with using software.
In our tests, the TelosB device showed much better wireless reception than the
RZUSBSTICK. It seems like the built-in antenna of the TelosB is much better than the
RZUSBSTICK. The RZUSBSTICK could only “see” frames from devices in the same or
next room. The TelosB could even receive frames from outside the building. To improve
the reception of the TelosB, we attached an external antenna. For wardriving purposes,
the TelosB seems to be the better choice.
Future work
This project’s work is by no means complete. Here is a list of possible future work and
Find a versatile ZigBee coordinator: A coordinator is necessary so that end
devices can join the PAN. Ideally, a coordinator is implemented in hardware,
supports the smart energy profile, and provides a simple interface to configure the
PAN settings and the keys.
Implement more ZigBee frames in Scapy: Scapy allows the creation of custom
frames and therefore provides an excellent testing and fuzzing tool. The desired
frames have to be implemented in the Scapy layer first. A more complete ZigBee
layer implementation allows more frame types to be tested.
Implement a complete encryption/decryption routine: The ZigBee smart energy
profile mandates the use of encryption. Sending test frames to devices therefore
requires the encryption and decryption of frames. We have implemented a pure
Python decryption function (see the ZigBee test scripts). The logical next step is
to implement a method to encrypt ZigBee frames.
Test more (commercial) ZigBee devices: The budget of this project allowed only
a certain number of devices. A more complete assessment of ZigBee devices
should include smart meters and more end devices.
Smart Homes are becoming increasingly connected with lights, appliances,
heating, security systems and locks that communicate through a home control
network. Keyless locks are devices that can be controlled not only from within the
home but also remotely by way of Internet enabled smart phones and web
browsers. Deadbolts can be locked and unlocked and user codes can be managed
from anywhere in the world by way of an Internet connection. These devices
sound interesting from a security standpoint and would be well worth
experimenting with to verify their security features.
Fuzzing: We have refrained from using fuzzing techniques against the
commercial devices at our disposal. The main reason is the fear that fuzzing
would render those devices unusable. Fuzzing is an effective way to create
input/packets. Unfortunately, if devices do not implement safe error handling, this
can cause problems we tried to avoid. As the fuzzing technique is so powerful, it
should be included in future security audits.
Firmware and hardware analysis: Security keys are included in shipped smart
energy devices. If those keys are not adequately protected, they can be extracted
through the analysis of the firmware and/or hardware. As in the previous case of
fuzzing, this can render devices unusable and has therefore not been performed in
this project.
Denial-of-service attack on AES-CTR: There is a possible DoS attack on AESCTR mode, described in section 3.3.2 of [26]. We did not perform this attack
against our commercial ZigBee devices because it can disrupt an 802.15.4 link
permanently and might render a device unresponsive if the error handling is
improperly implemented. Nonetheless, this can be a serious vulnerability and
should therefore be part of a future analysis.
Memsic Website. TelosB Mote Platform Datasheet.
Atmel Website. RZUSBstick
TinyOS operating system. <http://www.tinyos.net>
Cache, Johnny, Wright, Joshua, and Liu, Vincent. Hacking Exposed: Wireless.
Second Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Wireshark – an open-source network packet analyzer. <http://www.wireshark.org/>
PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) SmartMeter™ Installation Progress.
The ZigBee Alliance. <http://www.zigbee.org>
KillerBee. Framework and tools for exploiting ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4
networks. <http://code.google.com/p/killerbee/>
802.15.4-2011 - IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part
15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
[10] Api-do: Tools for ZigBee and 802.15.4 Security Auditing from the Dartmouth Trust
Lab. <http://code.google.com/p/zigbee-security/>
[11] ZigBee Security at Dartmouth Trust Lab. <http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~rspeers/>
[12] Xanthus Consulting International, Inc. White Paper for NIST CSWG: Cyber
Security Requirements for Business Processes Involving Home Area Networks
(HAN), 2010. <http://www.xanthusconsulting.com/Publications/HAN_Business_Processes_Cyber_Security_Requirem
[13] R. Eric Robinson, Itron, Inc. Home Area Network (HAN) Security and
Architecture, 2007.
[14] UtilityAMI OpenHAN Membership, UtilityAMI 2008 Home Area Network System
Requirements Specification, 2008.
[15] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Guidelines for Smart Grid
Cyber Security (NISTIR 7628). 2010.
[16] Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse, Securing the Smart Grid: Next Generation Power
Grid Security, ISBN-10: 1597495700, 2010.
[17] Standard CIP-004. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC).
[18] Mike Davis, IOActive, SmartGrid Device Security, Black Hat USA 2009.
[19] Jonathan Pollet, Electricity for Free? The Dirty Underbelly of SCADA and Smart
Meters, 2010. <https://media.blackhat.com/bh-us10/whitepapers/Pollet_Cummins/BlackHat-USA-2010-Pollet-Cummings-RTSElectricity-for-Free-wp.pdf>
[20] Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Administrative Law Judge's 10/18/2011 Ruling
directing it to file clarifying radio frequency information, November 1, 2011.
[21] Scapy – a packet manipulation software. <http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/>
[22] ZigBee Specification, ZigBee Document 053474r17, ZigBee Alliance, January 17,
[23] IEEE Standard 802.15.4-2011, Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area
Networks (WPANs), 16 June 2011
[24] ZigBee Alliance: The ZigBee Smart Energy Profile Specification Version 1.1,
March 23, 2011
[25] Pacific Gas and Electric, Advice 3956-E, Subject: SmartMeter™ Home Area
Network (HAN) Implementation Plan, November 28, 2011.
[26] N. Sastry and D. Wagner, Security Considerations for IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, in
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Wireless security, 2004
[27] Telegesis ZigBee® Modules: Smart Energy In-Premise Display AT Command
Manual, Current Firmware R100 , SE IHD AT-Command Manual 1.00, 2010
Telegesis (UK) Ltd <http://www.telegesis.com/downloads/general/TG-ETRX-SEIPD-R100-AT-Commands.pdf>
[28] Ember Corporation, Application Framework V2 Developer Guide, 2011, 120-3028000E. <http://www.ember.com/pdf/120-3028000_ApplicationFrameworkV2DeveloperGuide.pdf>