Parents, please read Handbook w/student and send signed Acknowledgment (last page) back to school. William B. Travis Vanguard & Academy For the Academically Talented and Gifted Travis Student/Parent Handbook 2013-2014 Mission Statement: To Create a Community of Learners, Striving for Excellence Mascot: Timberwolf Colors: Kelly Green & White Mari Smith, Principal Twinda Williams, Assistant Principal 3001 McKinney Avenue Dallas, Texas 75204 972-794-7500 972-794-7501 (fax) Travis Student/ Parent Handbook 2013-2014 Mari Smith Twinda Williams Carol Blair Gwendolyn Grace Principal Assistant Principal Counselor Office Manager Introduction The goal of the Travis TAG Student/Parent Handbook is to create and maintain a positive school climate where every student can achieve his or her potential. The contents of this handbook are not intended to create any contractual or legal rights and are designed solely to be used as a guide for students at W.B. Travis Vanguard and Academy in conjunction with the rules and guidelines in the DISD Code of Conduct Handbook. This document is not a replacement of the District Student Code of Conduct, but should be considered as an explanation of the higher expectations required of each student attending this magnet school. DISD SCHOOL BOARD POLICY: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to disciplinary penalties as well as academic penalties. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of the information. What is an example of plagiarism? If a student cuts and pastes someone else’s words off an Internet website for a report or project without crediting the source that is plagiarism. Why is plagiarism in elementary and middle school a bad thing? Copying or stealing someone else’s ideas and claiming them as your own are dishonest. In addition, it’s a shortcut to the production of original work. Thirdly, plagiarism can cost a person their college degree, even their livelihood later on in life. How can a student avoid plagiarism? To avoid plagiarism, a student must give credit whenever he or she uses: Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory Any pieces of information (facts, drawings, graphs) that are not common knowledge Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words A paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words What does the DISD Student Code of Conduct say? The code of student conduct makes these two things major offenses: Forgery: Imitating an original piece of writing with the intent to deceive Cheating/Copying: To reproduce the school work of another student with the intent to represent it as one’s own What is the consequence of knowingly plagiarizing someone else’s work? A student will not receie credit for the assignment; they may lose privileges such as participation in extracurricular activities GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS SCHOOL SECURITY To maintain security, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. all entrance doors to the building will be locked. To gain entrance to the building during the day, visitors will need to ring the buzzer at the back door (teacher parking lot) and a staff member will buzz the visitor in. There are cameras installed on the first and second floors as well as the portable entrances to further enhance Travis security. Attendance If a student is absent from school for ten or more days or parts of days within a six month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four week period, the student’s parent may be prosecuted under Education Code 25.093, and the student may be prosecuted under Education Code 25.094. After three (3) unexcused absences your parent/guardian will receive a warning letter from truancy and be required to attend an intervention program provided by the district. After five (5) unexcused absences the City of Dallas will issue a court date for the parent and child. CELL PHONE POLICY -IMPORTANT To excuse legitimate student absences, written excuses signed by the student’s parent or guardian are to be submitted no later than three school days after the student returns to school. Absences not eligible to be excused and absences for which a written excuse is not received within three school days shall be counted as unexcused absences. The following reasons are considered excused absences: Personal illness Religious holy day – written notification should be submitted to the school prior to the day of absence. Medical or dental appointments School approved extracurricular activities Family emergencies or unforeseen or unavoidable instances requiring immediate attention VACATIONS ARE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES BY BOARD POLICY Travis Tardy Policy If an intermediate student (grades 4-5) arrives at school after 10 a.m. they are counted absent for the day. If the student arrives twenty minutes after the first bell or leaves twenty minutes before the last bell without an acceptable excuse, it will be considered an unexcused partial day. If a middle school student (grades 6-8) arrives to ANY CLASS 10 minutes late, they will be counted absent for that class. Transportation Students are to maintain good behavior while being transported to and from school, at all times. If a driver gives an administrator a referral on a student for bad behavior the student may be suspended from transportation. Cell Phones/Pagers/Beepers The District prohibits the use of cellular phones and pagers/beepers at all schools during the instructional day. The Instructional Day begins when a student enters the building in the morning. Middle school and high school students may possess cellular phones and pagers/beepers. (District Policy FNCE-Local) However, such devices shall not be visible and shall remain off once a student has entered the school building. Students who violate this policy will have their device confiscated. The District is not liable for lost or stolen cell phones. All confiscated phones must be turned in to the principal’s office. Once the cell phone has been confiscated, the following procedure will be used to return the device: 1. The first time a cell phone is confiscated, it can be picked up by the student or parent no earlier than the following school day. An administrative fee of $5 will be charged. 2. The second time a cell phone is confiscated, it can be picked up by the student or parent no earlier than the following Monday. An administrative fee of $10 will be charged before the device can be returned. Parents will be notified that the student’s device has been confiscated for the second time. 3. If a cell phone is confiscated a third time, it will be kept for 30 days. An administrative fee of $15 will be charged. 4. If a cell phone is confiscated a fourth time, it will be kept until the end of the school year. An administrative fee of $15 will be charged. Any device not claimed by September 1 following the end of the school year will be disposed of according to District Policy FNCE (LOCAL). 5. Any student refusing to give the device to school personnel will be subject to Level II disciplinary consequences. Chaperones on Fieldtrips Please see Mrs. Grissom, the Librarian, to sign up for volunteering prior to chaperoning on a fieldtrip. As a chaperone you will be expected to monitor students. Classroom Rules Travis is committed to the rights of students as recognized and protected under state and federal laws. In addition, the District has enumerated certain expectations of student responsibility regarding student behavior, that when adopted by the students, effect a positive influence on the school and community. The following five standards are the basis of the development of student responsibility. Exercise Self Control Use courteous language Resolve conflict in mature manner Be appropriately dressed and groomed Demonstrate a Positive Attitude Be a leader Be polite Be cooperative Respect the rights and feelings of others Support the Learning Process Behave in a manner that is not disruptive Attend all classes, regularly and on time Treat others with courtesy and respect (empathy for all) Be prepared for class Listen carefully to instruction Take responsibility for school property Participate in activities/complete ALL Respect the building, grounds and property assignments Keep the campus free from trash and graffiti Provide an example for peers and younger students The district’s standards for conduct are designed to maintain order in the school, foster mutual respect, and teach students that they are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner appropriate to their age and level of maturity. Each teacher will review the classroom rules with the students and the rules will be posted in the classroom. All classroom rules will conform to District policy. Minor Offenses and Consequences Offenses may include, but are not limited to: • Eating in class/chewing gum • Being unprepared for class (not having necessary supplies) • Not turning in homework or failure to complete classroom assignments • Copying someone else's homework and presenting it as your own • Cheating • Class disruption • Cafeteria disruption • Failure to deliver or return written communication between school and home • Dress Code violation • Inappropriate or disrespectful language • Bullying or intimidating • Bus rule violations • Littering or loitering • Noncompliance with school or classroom rules Consequences may include: • Verbal warning • Time-out in the classroom • Telephone contact with parents • Conference with parents and teacher • Administration Referral • Counselor Referral • Referral to the Student Support Services Team (SST) • Isolation • Suspension • Recommendation to the parents that the TAG environment may not be conducive to the child’s learning style. The child may need an environment with more structure and fewer choices and less freedom. Examples cited may be expanded, edited or amended as deemed necessary. If the above remedies fail and the student’s behavior continues to disrupt the classroom-learning environment, the teacher has the right under Senate Bill 1 to refer the child to the Teacher Student Removal Committee and due process shall be followed. The Committee consists of two staff members and an administrator. The Travis Student/Parent Handbook addresses campus and classroom rules for minor offenses only. Once an offense has gone beyond the designation of “minor” and is listed as a Level I, II, or III offense, the regulations and responses set forth in the District’s Student Code of Conduct shall apply. Referral Appeal Process A parent has the right to appeal a referral for minor campus or classroom offenses. Please refer to the District’s Student Code of Conduct for the appeal process relating to Level I, II, or III offenses. One of the Travis Discipline Committee’s roles is to review appeals at the request of parents. If a parent wishes to appeal a referral for a minor campus or classroom offense, the following sequence will occur: •The parent must submit a written appeal to the Travis administration within two school days of the offense. •State the student’s name and why the referral is being appealed. •The principal will notify the Discipline Committee within two school days. •The Committee will schedule a meeting within two school days after being notified by the principal. •A meeting will be scheduled or a written response will be given to the parents within five school days of the committee meeting. Concerns: Please refer to the attachment, “Brokering the System for Resolution of Concerns” for the protocol in addressing concerns. Always speak with the teacher first. Dress Code Students are expected to come to school dressed according to the district/school dress code policy (see attachment). If a student comes to school without the proper clothing a telephone call will be made to the parent/guardian to bring the appropriate clothes. Every second and fourth Friday of the month will be “Non Uniform Dress Day” for students who have not been cited for dress code violations during the previous days leading up to the Non Uniform Dress Day. The following Monday will begin a new period for violations. They will not be cumulative. Drop Off and Pick Up of Students The following are allowed drop off and pick up zones: *the loading zone lane on McKinney Avenue (front of school) *the left lane on Allen Street (back of school) *the back parking lot (behind the sports court) The following are NOT allowed at ANY time: *drop off or pick up in the teacher parking lot *leaving your car unattended in the loading zones along McKinney Ave. and Allen Street *doubling-up the car line on Allen Street *blocking crosswalks or intersections while stopped in a drop off or pick up line EXAMS - Fall and Spring Middle school students have two, two hour exams the first three days of exams, ending at 12:40 p.m. The fourth day they have one, two hour exam ending at 10:30 a.m. It is unknown at this time if transportation will be provided or if students without personal transportation will remain in school until the end of the day. If a parent picks a student up on these days we ask him/her to go to the cafeteria to sign their child out. If your child is to ride home with someone other than a parent we require a note stating who will pick the student up. The note must be signed and dated by a parent and include a telephone number so we can call to verify the note’s contents. The note “MUST” be turned in to the office before 8:30 a.m. each day to allow office personnel time to verify all notes. Every student’s safety is our focus. Grading Policy We follow the grading policy set by the School Board Hall Passes Students are to have a hall pass any time they are in the halls other than changing classes. Failure to have a hall pass can result in disciplinary action. Lockers Middle School students are allowed to go to lockers in the morning, before and/or after lunch and at the end of the school day only. Money It is the policy of the school to accept cash money only. Checks will not be accepted. Musical Instruments If your child has a musical instrument for band or orchestra, it is their responsibility to maintain and care for the instrument. Lost and misplaced instruments are the responsibility of the student. Carelessness with musical instruments has been a continuing problem at Travis. Instruments have been left in hallways or in classrooms at the end of the day. Please help your child understand the importance of caring for their instruments at all times. National Junior Honor Society Students in the seventh and eighth grade and second semester sixth grade students can qualify for induction into the National Junior Honor Society. Those students who maintain a 93.0 GPA (no rounding) on the four core curriculum subjects (and foreign language for middle school students) are eligible to be considered for membership. Planners The school provides planners for every student. Students are expected to bring their planner to school daily. They are provided to aid students with organization and to help communication with parents. Prohibited Items The district prohibits the unauthorized possession and/or use of devices such as bull horns, jam boxes, radios, tape recorders (video or audio), compact disc players, and/or electronic games while on school property. (District Policy FNCE- Local) Students are not allowed to bring toys, trading cards or items that are non-instructional to school. These items will be confiscated and returned to a parent or guardian in person only. Any items not claimed by the last day of school will be discarded. Telephone Calls “No” personal phone messages will be taken/given to students. This has proven to be very disruptive to the classroom and the learning environment. Students will not be allowed to use the office telephones during the instructional day to call home for frivolous reasons. Students must have a note from their teacher asking permission to use the office phones. Textbooks Students are responsible for all books issued to them. If books are lost or damaged, they must be paid for before another one is issued. Students are encouraged to keep up with their textbooks throughout the year. Textbooks must be covered at all times. Tutoring As part of the After School Program, tutoring will be offered on Wednesdays from 3:20 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Teachers will tutor in core subjects (English, History, Math, Science and all foreign languages for middle school students). Students do not need to sign up for tutoring. They can stay on the Wednesdays they need help, not necessarily every Wednesday. Visitors Parents must schedule appointments with teachers and/or administrators in advance. All visitors are to report to the office to sign in upon arrival where they will receive a visitor’s badge. The person they are visiting will come to the office to greet the visitor. At no time should a visitor go to a teacher’s room without following this procedure. Volunteering at School Please see Mrs. Grissom, the Librarian, to sign up to volunteer in the school. IMPORTANT DATES Mark Your Calendar August 28, 2013 ......................................... Picture Day August 28, 2013 ......................................... 4th grade Pot Luck Dinner @ school 6:00-7:30 p.m. August 29, 2013 ......................................... 5th grade Pot Luck Dinner @ school 6:00-7:30 p.m. September 2, 2013 ..................................... NO SCHOOL- Labor Day September 3, 2013 ..................................... Meet the Teacher Night @ 6:30 p.m. September 6, 2013 ..................................... 1st Friday Parent Coffee in library 7:45-8:30 a.m. September 10, 2013 ................................... 6th grade Pot Luck Dinner @ school 6:00-7:30 p.m. September 12, 2013 ................................... 7-8 grade Pot Luck Dinner @ school 6:00-7:30 p.m. September 27, 2013 ................................... End of first six weeks October 3, 2013 ......................................... Annual School Picnic @ Cole Park (behind North Dallas High School) 5:00-7:30 p.m. Bring your dinner and a quilt or chair and get to know other parents while students play and socialize October 4, 2013 ......................................... 1st Friday Parent Coffee in library 7:45-8:30 a.m. October 8/January 14 ................................. Middle School Parent Conferences 4:00-8:00 p.m. October 10/January 16............................... Elementary School Parent Conferences 4:00-8:00 p.m. October 11, 2013 ....................................... Fair Day (No School) October 25, 2012 ....................................... Fall Festival 6-9 p.m. October 28, 2013 ....................................... NO SCHOOL – Teacher Staff Development Day November 1, 2013 ...................................... 1st Friday Parent Coffee in library 7:45-8:30 a.m. November 8, 2013 ...................................... End of second six weeks November 27-29, 2013 .............................. NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Holiday December 17-20, 2013 .............................. Middle School Exams December 20, 2013 .................................... End of third six weeks & semester December 23-January 6............................. Winter Break January 7, 2014 ......................................... students return from Winter Break PTA Meetings – 7:00 p.m. SBDM – 5:30-6:30 p.m.. September 26 February 6 October 31 April 3 December 19 May 22 Parent Conferences – 4:00-8:00 p.m. October 8, 2013 Middle School October 10, 2013 Elementary January 14, 2014 Middle School January 16, 2014 Elementary PTA First Friday Coffee September 6, 2013 October 4, 2013 November 1, 2013 December 6, 2013 January 10, 2014 February 7, 2014 March 7, 2014 April 4, 2014 May 2, 2014 Travis TAG Attire Acceptable Attire Athletic shoes, loafers, dress shoes, or other closed toed shoes White and black polo style shirt with collar and buttons, dress shirt with collar, turtleneck, shirts may have long or short sleeves. Logos must be one inch or less unless a District logo Undershirts must be white or the same color as shirt Pants/slacks/skirts/shorts/capri pants /jumper dresses must be of solid color (khaki, navy blue, or black) Shorts/skirts/jumpers must be knee length or longer Jackets/cardigans and sweaters (solid) must match uniform colors Student ID badges must be worn at all times (No defacing) Unacceptable Attire Flip-flops, slippers, high-heeled shoes Scarf/Sash used as belts Sagging pants/slacks, low rise/low cut pants Sweatshirts/sweatpants Outerwear (ex. Jackets/coats or parkas worn in class or tied around their waist) Form fitting garments Display of cleavage, low cut blouses and tops Clothing with decorations/designs/lettering/logos Hats, caps, bandanas, sweatbands, sunglasses, etc Insignia on outerwear (professional sports teams, colleges, logos, lettering, symbols, etc) larger than 1 inch Facial/spiked jewelry (earrings-boys only) Clarification regarding apparel should be obtained PRIOR TO WEARING IT TO SCHOOL; this can be obtained from the school administration. Students in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the school’s administration. The school administration shall have the right to consider any current fashion to determine its acceptability for school wear. Brokering the System for Resolution of Concerns Complaints and inquiries should be directed to proper Administrative levels, as indicated below, before Coming to the Board of Trustees The Teacher The Board of Trustees of the Dallas Independent School District is committed to improving educational opportunities for boys and girls through public Involvement and participation The first person to resolve any concerns that you might have is the teacher. Parents can always request a parent-teacher conference. If an accord cannot be reached there, the next person with whom to discuss your concerns is your building assistant principal/principal. Assistant Principal/Principal If your visit with the teacher does not satisfy your Citizens of the district are concerns, then include the assistant principal/prinalways welcome to attend and cipal. As the instructional leaders, they are responappear before trustees at the sible for setting the tone of discipline and instruction. board’s meetings. If you have suggestions or concerns about discipline, instruction, student activities or the building climate, Time is reserved at all board ask for an appointment to speak with the assistant meetings for citizens and is principal/principal. Indicated on the agenda as Executive Director, Associate Superintendent Speakers on Numbered Action School Operations Items or Public Forum When a concern cannot be resolved at the school building level, the next step is to visit the principal’s supervisor, his/her executive director, the next step is the office of the associate superintendent for school instructional leadership and operations. These individuals are accessible to parents, but appointments are recommended. Questions and concerns may be directed to them at various area offices by calling 972-925-3700. Board of Trustees Serving without compensation, our elected Board of Trustee members establish policies by which the Schools are operated. In carrying out the task of setting Policy, the board identifies needs and establishes priorities for the school system, allocates financial and human resources among priority areas and evaluates school performance. The board is empowered to provide tax monies for maintenance and operation of the schools and to submit bond issues for construction of school facilities to be voted on by the people of Dallas. Trustees may be reached by contacting the Office of Board Services, 972-925-3720. W. B. Travis Academy/Vanguard PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY W. B. Travis Academy/Vanguard is committed to parental involvement in the education of its students. We actively involve parents in the process. 1. All parents are invited to attend the “Meet the Teacher” night in the fall. 2. Issue a document that states the needs and responsibilities of both the school and at home. It will be called the Student/Parent/School Compact. . 3. Schedule and encourage parents of each grade level to attend an evening “Pot Luck Dinner” within the first three weeks of school where parents will meet and network with other parents. 4. Provide an annual “School Picnic” in the early fall to foster school teamwork and pride. 5. Include parents in the CIP, PTA and SBDM. 6. Parents will receive copies of the weekly school newsletter, “Wolftracks”. 7. Teachers will meet with parents to share student performance and expectations through fall and spring parent teacher conferences. 8. The school will provide monthly “1st Friday Coffees” for parents and teachers. 9. The school will provide opportunities for parents to volunteer. William B. Travis Vanguard and Academy Student/Parent/School Compact The goal of the Travis TAG Student/Parent/School Compact is to foster the development of a school-parent relationship and create and maintain a positive school climate where every student can achieve his or her potential. Parent/Guardian Agreement As the parent/guardian I will encourage and support my child’s learning by doing the following: Understanding the policies and procedures as listed in this document See that my child attends school regularly and on time Insist that all homework assignments are completed Insist that projects/assignments are turned in on time Supporting school rules and procedures Communicating with teachers and/or school officials about problems that interfere with my child’s learning Discussing report cards, behavior reports, etc., with my child Providing a quiet, well lit study area and establish a regular time for study Student Agreement As a student of W. B. Travis Academy/Vanguard, I will become an active partner in my own learning progress by doing the following: Understanding the policies and procedures as listed in this document Attending school regularly I will go to class with the materials needed (pencils, paper, textbooks, etc.) Completing and turning in my assignments on time Respecting the personal rights and property of others Participating in classroom activities Cooperating with parents and teachers Being truthful, respectful, and keeping my promises School Personnel Agreement School Personnel will encourage and support student learning by doing the following: Create a welcoming environment for students and parents Ensure a safe and orderly learning environment Providing quality teaching and leadership Making efficient use of academic learning time Assigning meaningful homework assignments that support classroom instruction Responding quickly to parents’ requests for information about their student Demonstrating care and concern for each student PARENT SIGNATURE STUDENT SIGNATURE SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE 2011-2012 School Year