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Ceramic Techniques
By Shelley Long
Technique Packets are for personal use, photocopying for distributing or reselling is
prohibited. Visit www.shelleysbrushworks.com for more packets. Thank you for
appreciating the work involved.
Project: Santas & Snowmen
# 2884, 2885, 2886)
(Doc Holliday
Materials Needed:
(BC) Basecoat, (WB) Wet brush,
(HL) High-light, (CL) Corner-load
Butter Cream DH2, Black DH8, Sky Blue DH20,
Bone DH23, Lexington Green DH26, White DH29, Country Blue DH30, Leaf Green
DH31, Soft Brown DH34, Navy Blue DH36, Cream DH37, Grass Green DH38, Mauve
DH51, Cranberry DH52, Paradise DH71, Crystal Ice Metallic DH84, Firewood DH94,
Harvest Gold DH99, Make Me Blush DH104, Deep Desire Rose DH105, Burst of Mint
DH110, Bronze Essence Metallic DH118, Mirror Lake Metallic DH116, Golden Satin
Metallic DH127, Tuscan Rose DH134,
Red Brown AT4, Matte Spray SP8, Mineral Spirits, Glitter
BC all hair, fur trim and tassels White, all skin with Soft Brown
Short: BC coat, hat and pants Sky Blue, BC Star Deep Desire Rose, BC Shoes & Gloves
Grass Green
Medium: BC Robe Burst of Mint, BC Star Sky blue, BC Shoes & Gloves Mauve
Tall: BC Coat Deep Desire Rose, BC Star Burst of Mint, BC Shoes & Gloves Country
Antique all three Santas with Red Brown antique, and wipe back. Then wipe back
smooth areas with cloth damp with mineral spirits to get as clean as possible.
WB all the fur trim and hair with White. CL the face and hair with Firewood. WB
Crystal Ice Metallic on all hair.
Short “Hope”: WB the gloves and shoes with Burst of Mint, CL with Grass Green. WB
front of Star with Make Me Blush, CL front edge of star with Mauve, then CL again
with Cranberry. With soft damp brush, lightly brush over front of star with Paradise
to give a pearl finish, Using a liner loaded with thinned Black write the word “Cheer”
on the star. With small square shader brush paint alternating squares of Burst of
Mint and Harvest Gold to create a checkerboard pattern on hat and 2 rows on
bottom of coat and 2 rows top of pants. Outline squares with Firewood (For blue
outline, leave room between squares to show Blue through or use Country Blue.)
[Type the document title]
Ceramic Techniques
By Shelley Long
Technique Packets are for personal use, photocopying for distributing or reselling is
prohibited. Visit www.shelleysbrushworks.com for more packets. Thank you for
appreciating the work involved.
Using a detail brush loaded with Sky blue, paint small hearts in the center of each
yellow square (can outline these hearts with Mauve if desired), around the hearts,
paint dots of Butter Cream on the yellow squares on one row, and stripes on the
second row. Paint dots of Make Me Blush one row of green squares and stripes of Sky
Blue on the green squares on the other row, alternating this pattern. CL edges of
coat with Country Blue. CL the Fur Trim with Sky Blue.
Medium “Peace”: Load a clean brush with Mauve, add Make Me Blush and WB the
gloves and shoes. CL Cranberry. With a clean brush WB the front of the star Sky
Blue, CL with Country Blue, then CL again with Navy Blue. With soft damp brush,
lightly brush over front of star with Mirror Lake Metallic to give a pearl finish, Using
a liner loaded with thinned Black write the word “Peace” on the star. With a clean
medium square shader brush loaded with Cream, paint a band down the front of the
coat on both sides of the fur trim, following all the way around the bottom of the
coat. Next to the Cream, in the same manner paint a band of Make Me Blush Pink.
Paint a thin coat of Golden Satin Metallic on top of the Cream. Using a detail or small
round brush paint a line of Country Blue next to the pink to create a border. Using a
liner, in the middle of the pink band paint a thin line of Make Me Blush and a line of
Cream side by side. In the middle of the cream band paint thin lines of Burst Of Mint
and Make Me Blush pink side by side. Paint small horizontal stripes of Burst Of Mint
across the cream and pink bands down the coat to create a plaid look. On top of
these mint horizontal lines paint very thin lines of Sky Blue, Cream and Country Blue.
CL Cranberry the outside edge of the long vertical pink band all the way around the
coat. Paint the large buttons Gold Satin Metallic and the small buttons Crystal Ice
Metallic. CL the rest of the robe in Grass Green. CL the edges of the fur trim with
Make Me Blush and or Mauve.
Tall “Joy”: Load a clean brush with Country Blue, add Sky Blue and WB shoes and
gloves, CL with Country Blue, then CL again with Navy Blue. CL fur trim with
Cranberry. Load clean brush with Grass Green, add Burst Of Mint WB Front of Star.
CL front edge of star with Grass Green, then CL again with Lexington Green. With soft
damp brush, lightly brush over front of star with Bronze Essence Metallic to give a
pearl finish. Using a liner loaded with thinned Black write the word “Joy” on the star.
Using a small square shader brush, paint alternating squares of Leaf Green and Deep
Desire Rose along the bottom of the coat and hat, making 2 rows of a checkerboard
pattern. Using a round detail brush paint a borderline of Lexington Green above the
top of the checkerboard. Then using a medium square shader loaded with Bone,
paint a smooth band of color above that green line. Place another borderline of
Lexington Green above that bone stripe. Repeat the checkerboard and green lines
and bone one more time on the hat to double the pattern. Using a liner with
[Type the document title]
Ceramic Techniques
By Shelley Long
Technique Packets are for personal use, photocopying for distributing or reselling is
prohibited. Visit www.shelleysbrushworks.com for more packets. Thank you for
appreciating the work involved.
Cranberry, paint snowflake designs on the bone border, alternating with Christmas
tree designs painted with Lexington Green.
Faces: Eyes –Using detail brush, block in White in the eye area, paint in circles of
Black thinned for pupils, and add lashes in Black. CL the noses, lips and cheeks with
Deep Desire Rose or Tuscan Rose
SNOWMEN (Doc Holliday # 2887, 2888, 2889)
Black DH8, Lexington Green DH26, Midnight Blue DH27, White DH29, Navy Blue
DH36, Rust DH28, Country Blue DH30, Cream DH37, Grass Green DH38, Willow
Green DH41, Shadow Green DH45, Mauve DH 51, Cranberry DH 52, Pumpkin DH98,
AT4 Red Brown, Krackle SP7, Matte SP8, Glitter
BC all body areas and hat fur with White, BC all noses Rust
Short: BC star and back of hat Cranberry, Scarf Navy Blue
Medium: BC star and hat Navy Blue, hat band & berries Cranberry, leaves & scarf
Lexington Green
Tall: BC hat & star Lexington Green, BC scarf Cranberry, BC birds Navy Blue
Antique all three snowmen with Red Brown antique, then wipe back body with cloth
damp with mineral spirits to get smooth areas of body as clean as possible .
Short “Love”: Load brush with Cranberry, add Mauve and WB back of hat CL edges
and lines with Cranberry. Load clean brush with Navy Blue, add Country Blue and
WB scarf, add Sky blue and HL raised areas and fringe, add White and brighten
fringe. Load clean brush with White and WB to brighten fur on hat and scarf fringe.
Using detail brush paint stripes on scarf with Grass Green & Willow Green. CL scarf
with Midnight Blue. CL fur on hat with Mauve.
Medium “Hope”: Load brush with Lexington Green, add Grass Green and WB scarf,
add Cream and HL raised areas and WB scarf fringe, Add White and brighten scarf
fringe. CL stripes on scarf with Lexington Green. Then using detail brush paint on
thin lines of Cream next to green stripes. Load clean brush with Navy Blue, add
[Type the document title]
Ceramic Techniques
By Shelley Long
Technique Packets are for personal use, photocopying for distributing or reselling is
prohibited. Visit www.shelleysbrushworks.com for more packets. Thank you for
appreciating the work involved.
Country Blue and WB hat. CL edges of hat with Midnight Blue. Load clean brush with
Cranberry, add Mauve and WB hatband and berries, add Cream to lighten shade HL
berries. CL band and berries with Cranberry. Load clean brush with Lexington
Green, add Cream to lighten shade and WB leaves, add more Cream and HL edges. CL
leaves with Shadow Green
Tall “Faith” : Load brush with Lexington Green, add Grass Green and WB Top of hat,
CL with Shadow Green. Load clean brush with Cranberry, add Mauve and WB Scarf,
add White to Highlight Fringe. Load clean brush with White and WB to brighten fur
on hat and scarf fringe. CL scarf with Cranberry. CL fur on hat with Grass Green.
Using detail brush paint dots on scarf using Cream and Country Blue (tiny dots).
Load clean brush with Navy Blue, add Country Blue and WB birds. Using small round
brush paint the under belly and cheeks of birds with White. Using detail brush paint
beaks, lines on tail and eyes with Black. Place White dot for HL in eyes. CL all white
on birds with Country Blue and CL all blue areas with Midnight Blue.
Mouth, Nose & eyes: Using detail brush loaded with thinned Cranberry, paint mouth
lines. Load Clean brush with Pumpkin and WB nose, tip corner in Cream and HL tip
of nose using WB stroke. CL nose with Rust. Using detail brush fill in eye circles with
White, add a smaller circle at top with Black for pupil, can add a half moon of Grass
Green or Country Blue for color if desired. Paint lashes with Black and add White
Stars: Apply a coat of Krackle to front of stars and let dry completely. Using a large
soft brush apply one even coat of Cream over the Krackle. Let dry. Corner load the
edges of the star first with the first color, allow to dry then using a smaller corner of
paint CL a second layer using the darker shade(Short: Mauve, then cranberry.
Medium: Country blue, then Navy. Tall: Grass Green, then Lexington) Paint words
“Faith” Hope” “Love” with Thinned Black and detail brush.
Pattern: Using washes of Country Blue, Mauve and Grass Green, draw on hearts and
stars. After completely dry, CL edges of blue stars with Midnight Blue, green stars
with Lexington Green, hearts with Cranberry. Paint on curly Q’s and dotted line
borders using a medium wash of Black and a detail brush. Add tiny hearts with
detail brush and Cranberry randomly.
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