
2013 Flood Risk Management - Silver Jackets Webinar Week
Efficient - Effective - Connected
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August 20 –22, 2013
Our nation is confronted with numerous challenges in managing flood risks to public
safety and economic enterprise. While the USACE has a key role in managing flood risks,
no single federal or non-federal entity is solely responsible. Rather, multiple federal,
state, local and tribal agencies, as well as private citizens play a role in flood risk
This year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets
Programs will conduct a series of webinars to share information and experiences among
those actively managing flood risk. These webinars will focus on integrating and
leveraging efforts to reduce flood risk. Sessions will provide opportunities to share
successes and challenges; learn about flood risk management programs and activities in
other states and federal agencies; and further develop the knowledge and skills key to
managing flood risks effectively.
Further information on the developing agenda can be found at
1. Your ideas for webinar sessions to be developed by the Webinar Week Planning
Committee; and/or
2. Your webinar abstracts of success stories, lessons learned, innovations and wellintended failures in flood risk management. Virtual panel discussions, plenary
presentations, and breakout sessions will provide a variety of venues for a robust
exchange of ideas. While we invite abstracts on all potential flood risk management
topics, we have heard specific interest in the following topics:
Integration of multiple agencies in Flood Risk Management
o Roles and responsibilities of various partners
o Strategies for financing
o Interagency and Non-Governmental partnerships
o Post-disaster opportunities
Super storm Sandy recovery efforts
Interagency projects, including Silver Jackets pilot projects
Silver Jackets efforts, initiatives, approaches, development
Levee Safety initiatives
SMART planning initiatives
Floodplain Management Plans
Flood Warning Systems
Nonstructural approaches, including use of green infrastructure to manage flood risk
Community Resiliency, including coastal and riverine
Whole community and multi-purpose approaches
FEMA programs and their implementation, including NFIP, CRS, RiskMAP, HMGP
Climate Change
o Implications of climate change for floodplain and flood risk managers
o Adaptation approaches
o Use of sea-level rise scenarios and regional climate change studies
Integrated Water Resources Science and Services, including FRM-related initiatives
Training opportunities and approaches in current environment
Legal aspects of floodplain and flood risk management, including coastal, riverine, and
climate change
Presidential Policy Directive 8: National Preparedness and the 5 Frameworks
Please use the attached template to submit your suggestions by April 30, 2013.
2013 Virtual USACE Flood Risk Management & Silver
Jackets Workshop
August 20 – 22, 2013
Please submit by April 30, 2013 to Maria Placht via email at
My agency is a Silver Jackets Team Member:
What sessions should be developed by the Webinar Week Planning Committee? What topics or
training opportunities would you like to see?
If you wish to submit an abstract, please complete remainder of this form.
Presentation Title / Topic:
Brief abstract describing the content of your webinar (in the space available):
Objectives of your presentation:
What will the audience learn from this webinar:
Do you have webinar capability (phone and internet connection):