Project Completion Report SECTION A: Project profile Project number & title: Project time period: Committee / WG / Fora: Project Overseer Name / Organization / Economy: SME 13 2013A – The Seminar of Financing Innovation of SMEs February – September 2014 Date submitted: 26th November SMEWG Mr. Wang Peng China Center for information Industry Development SECTION B: Project report and reflection 1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, please describe the project and its main objective. The objective of the project was to promote understanding and recognition on innovative financing (peer-topeer lending, crowd funding, and network financing, etc.) in terms of SMEs. The project also discussed how to addr ess the challenges for SMEs in financing by applying innovative approaches and explored how to facilitate cooperat ion and resource sharing regarding innovative financing among APEC economies. 2. Meeting objectives: Describe how the project met each of its proposed objectives. Please outline any challenges you may have encountered in delivering the activity. We had launched two seminars in Yiwu (June) and Nanjing (September), China to meeting objectives. In order to achieve these objectives, lots of challenges inevitable in organizing sessions, selecting topics and inviting experts and speakers. 3. Evaluation: Describe the process undertaken to evaluate the project upon completion. (e.g. evaluation through participant surveys, peer reviews of outputs, assessments against indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.). Provide analysis of results of evaluations conducted and where possible include information on impacts on gender. Evaluation data needs to be included as an appendix. The principle evaluation of project is the number and quality of experts and participants from different economies and fields. While after the seminar, some reflections from media such as internet and newspaper reports are also vital for continuing focus on SMEs’ development. Below are the feedbacks by email from participants: General evaluation for this activity in organization, reception Which experts with speeches and opinions give you deeply impressions Suggestions for this seminar It’s a good one NO. Expert/ Participant General evaluation for the whole seminar 1. Qin Hailin Highly Highly Prof. Han Fuling (China) satisfactory satisfactory Ms. Kingkan Ketsiri Jason Le Vailliant Highly Highly Dr. Alex Lin ( New Zealand) satisfactory satisfactory Mr. Benel D. Lagua Wilton Chau Highly Highly Dr. Alex Lin (Hongkong, China) satisfactory satisfactory Mr. Benel D. Lagua 2. 3. Mr. Lai Jinchang Ms. Quynh Thai Le 4. Kingkan Ketsiri (Thailand) Satisfactory Highly satisfactory Dr. Jeh Shyan Wong Mr. Lai Jinchang The seminar provided wonderful speech and valuable panel discussion. More discussions on the approach on how SMEs should take for obtaining financing should be provided. In addition, the topics should be more specific so that speakers can give comments on similar topics. A bit too much content, you could have reduced few presentations to have a more relaxing environment and encourage more participation from participants. 5. Mohamed Ikhwan Bakri Highly satisfactory Highly satisfactory (Malaysia) 6. Dr. Jeh Shyan Wong I would prefer if the seminar is conducted somewhere that can be reached via a direct flight from our main airport. I really had a bad experience with flight delays while transit at Guangzhou. Mr. Lai Jinchang Prof. Wilton Chau Benel D. Lagua (Philippine) Highly satisfactory Highly satisfactory Mr. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia Since participants travel from far places, organizers should probably include visits to institutions in host economy doing financing innovations for SMEs. Prof. Wilton Chau 7. Linda Rusche (United States) Highly satisfactory Highly satisfactory Mr. Wilton Chau The seminar is fruitful and benefit in communication and development of SMEs. Mr. Benel D. Lagua Mr. Songwei 8. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia Highly satisfactory Highly satisfactory (Peru) Mr. Benel D. Lagua Panel discussion is very fantastic. Mr. Songwei Prof. Wilton Chau 4. Output indicators: Describe the main project outputs below. This may include workshops, tools, research papers, reports, recommendations, best practices, action plans. . Indicators # planned # actual Details or notes (Edit or Insert rows as needed) # workshops / events 2 2 # participants (M/F) 23 Males 6 Females 29 # economies attending 21 invited 11 # speakers engaged 12 12 # other organizations engaged 0 0 # publications distributed 150 150 # recommendations agreed on yes yes Other: Comments: 5. Outcomes: Describe any specific medium-term changes to policy, processes or behaviour that can be attributed to result from this activity. Please include details on: What indicators were used to measure medium-term impact? (Example indicators: type/number of policies/ regulations/processes changed, % of businesses conforming to new standards, change in sector’s commercial activity, # individual action plans developed, # agencies using resource or tools etc.) Monitoring plans in place and proposed indicators to measure impacts, including any impacts on gender. Please summarise relevant information. (a) At this project, experts gave an overview of details in the latest SMEs’ financing methods and government support policies, which have important implications for innovation financing. SMEs are one of an important component of China's national economy, but the financing problems always restricted the survival and development of SMEs. After the project explored in innovation financing, it is concluded three processes could be attribute to SMEs financing: Intellectual property pledge financing has important realistic significance to the Tech SMEs, play a positive role to carry out scientific and technological innovation, and the whole financial innovation is a good attempt. Tech-SMEs should actively treat the aspirations of guarantee agencies, allow appropriate guarantees in return for profit share out bonus, or guarantee in exchange for the option, and benefits in the future, improve the participation enthusiasm of guarantee agencies. SME financing has become a major bottleneck restricting the development of the real economy. Internet Finance as a weapon will break the monopoly and achieve financial democratization. It has unique advantages in personal consumption loans and financing services to SMEs. P2P has lots of advantages for SMEs financing conduct information operations and risk evaluation through the Internet platform. Without the help of banks, brokerage firms and other intermediate platform, the supply and demand could complete the whole transaction. For instance, New Zealand share of financing such as P2P and crowd financing, that help SME financing to find a new ways to reduce the threshold for SME financing. Currently, many economies including China, the Internet and financial development has started, but no government regulation refer to. While the Government of New Zealand make lots of practices and policies in regulatory aspects for P2P and crowd financing, and introduced the industry standard and regulation which provide a strong reference for other economies. (b) According to the development of SMEs in China, we had communicated with some experts by phone and email before selecting sessions’ topics. When considered the prevalent issue about The Internet Finance, experts indicated due to the inadequacy of successful cases in SMEs presently, the session Combination Between Industry and Finance for SMEs was included instead. (c) Combination Between Industry and Finance for SMEs Mr. Benel D. Lagua, from Development Bank of the Philippines, introduced Philippine MSME Development Plan(2011-2016), Models of Collaboration with Industry for SME Financing. Prof. Song Wei, discussed with participants about Patent Pledge Financing Practice for SMEs. Mr. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia, Director of Lima Chamber of Commerce, shared with the participants about the overall picture of SMEs in Peru, and recent support programs for SMEs financing. Best Practices for SMEs in Innovative Financing Ms. Wang Fei, from China Development Bank, introduced MSME Finance in China, International experience of development banks and CDB’s practice, challenge and innovation. The representatives of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Central University of Finance and Economics and Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd discussed with participants about Angel Invest, Venture capital, private equity and A&T financing innovation model. Financing Facilitation for SMEs Mr. Jingchang Lai, from World Bank Group, presented the Global Picture in MSME Finance and an Emerging Multi-Lender Platform in China. Ms. Maggie Hsiu-Ling Hsu explained the accelerator network with communication, regulation and financing, and other functions for SMEs. Mrs. Linda Rusche, from United States Small Business Administration, presented the SBA’s innovative financing programs developed in response to the credit needs of SMEs. Mr. Evan Holley, Manager of Small Business Policy Unit, The Treasury, Australian Government, introduced the SME and Financing Innovation of Australia. Prof. Wilton Chau, discussed about Enhance the Effectiveness of Incubators in Financing 6. Participants (compulsory for events): Must be gender-aggregated. May be included as appendix. Economy # female 1. 1 US √ 2. 2 INA 3. 3 MAS √ √ 5. THA Email Linda Rusche Director, Office of Financial Assistance United States Small Business Administration Eko Sari Budirahayu Head of Subdivision Ministry of Cooperativtives and SMEs, Indonesia Mayamin Haini Musa SME Corp Malaysia Chitraporn Amrapala Economist, Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance Kingkan Ketsiri √ 4. 4 THA Details √ Senior Examiner, Bank of Thailand Maggie Hsiu-Ling Hsu 6. Acting Director& Senior Specialist, Chinese Taipei Business Startup & Incubation Division, √ Small & Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs Economy # male Details 1. Hong Kong, china √ 2. √ RP 3. √ PRC 4. √ PRC 5. Hong Kong, china √ 6. √ PRC 7. √ PRC 8. √ INA 9. √ MAS 10. 7 √ PE 11. 7 PNG 7 12. 4 √ √ PNG 13. 4 THA Email Wilton Chau Chairman of QLeap Venture Fund;Founding Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network; Professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong. QLeap Venture ; Hong Kong Business Angel Network ; Chinese University of Hong Kong Benel D. Lagua Executive Vice President, Development Bank of the Philippines Song Wei Director of the School of Public Affairs University of Science and Technology of China Xie Minxiao Managing Director Infinity-CSVC Venture Capital Enterprise Martin Tsang Executive Director Hong Kong EV Power Limited Qin Hailin Director of the Institute of finance and economics China Center for Information Industry Development Yuan Lin Business Director Beijing Financial Assets Exchange Febri Andri Yadi Head of Subdivision Ministry of Cooperativtives and SMEs, Indonesia Nik Mohd Zainul Kamarun Senior Manager, Economics & Policy Planning Division ,SME Corp Malaysia Jorge Ochoa Garmendia Director, Lima Chamber of Commerce Willie Reia Project Manager-SME Access to Finance Project. Department of Trade, Commerce and Industry Norman Songo Senior Technical office. Department of Trade, Commerce and Industry Thitarat Pootrakull √ Vice President. SME BANK 14. THA √ 15. MAS √ Mahadthon Prutkajobchai Mohamed Ikhwan Shahdzul Bakri Senior Assistant Director, Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Ahmad Fariq Hashim 16. MAS √ Assistant Manager, SME Corp Malaysia Asep Budi Brata 17. INA √ PRC √ 19. New Zealand √ 20. Hong Kong, china √ Hong Kong, china √ Jason Le Vaillant Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand Jeh Shyan Wong Consulting Partner, CNSG Consulting Group PRC √ Dean of Department of Applied Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics Wang Xiaomin 23. alex.lin@infocomminvestments. com Head of Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd, Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd. Han Fuling 22. Deputy Director of, Investment Professional committee, China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development Alex Lin 21. Assistant Director, Indonesia Central Bank Wang Wenzhong 18. Secretary general PRC √ China Federation of IT Promotion Solution providers professionals committee Comments: What was the approach undertaken for participant nomination/selection and targeting? Please provide details. What follow-up actions are expected? How will participants/beneficiaries continue to be engaged and supported to progress this work? There are two approaches to nominate participants: on one hand, participants through APEC economies’ email with CV send to us. On the other hand, some sophisticated experts in Yiwu seminar had been appreciated initiated to attend Nanjing seminar again, moreover, we also invited academic and commercial experts in different fields because various participants will beneficial in communicate and discussion. 7. Key findings: Describe 1-3 examples of key findings, challenges or success stories arising from the project (e.g. research or case studies results, policy recommendations, roadblocks to progress on an issue, impacts on gender). (a). Mrs. Linda Rushce, Director of Financial Assistance for SBA in USA. The SBA guarantee is support for the possible inability of the SME to fully pay the loan. SBA shares the risk of loss with the lender. But, the SBA guarantee does not cover lender mistakes. Each SBA guaranteed loan requires the lending partner to manage its SBA lending activities in a commercially prudent and reasonable manner. SBA is guaranteeing against credit risk, not lender mistakes. These credit principles have remained steadfast since SBA’s inception. (b). Mr.Benel Lagua (Executive Vice President, Development Bank of the Philippines) was share the finance and loan service in Philippines. FINEX, as the Philippines association of financial personnel explores a website to help SMEs development. The SMEs and other finance organizations employ this website after registration to online apply loan and financing. (c). For Mr. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia’s perspective, who is the director of Lima Chamber of Commerce: the endeavor for developing SMEs not only depends on government, but also requires the assistance from educational circles. Government with stimulate measures in the market will enhance in innovation, such as tax reduction and tax exemption. For educational circles necessitate contribute in researching. 8. Next steps: Describe any planned follow-up steps or projects, such as workshops, post-activity evaluations, or research to assess the impact of this activity. How will the indicators from Question 5 be tracked? How will this activity inform any future APEC activities? Based on the experiences from Yiwu and Nanjing seminars, especially in selected topics, exclusive regulations and also keep the liaison of experts. The next step, we will submit some key findings for Chinese government gathered from the workshop to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. We hope it is going to be a fruitful document for policy-maker. 9. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have suggestions for more effective support by APEC fora or the Secretariat? Any assessment of consultants, experts or other stakeholders to share? The Secretariat examines feedback trends to identify ways to improve our systems. Thanks for all assistances and support from APEC Secretariat so that the project could be successful complete. SECTION C: Budget Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC-provided project budget, including: No. Planned costs (using most recently approved budget figures) Actual expenditures Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more. Item Description 1. Speaker's Honorarium 2. 3. 4. Budget Actual Balance Variance Notes 7,200.00 4,800.00 2,400 4 Speakers from goverment official Short-term Clerical/Expert Per Diem - Speakers/Experts Per Diem- Participants/Trainees 2,000.00 6,815.00 22,715.00 2,000.00 5,716.00 11,080.50 0.00 1,099.00 3,894.00 5. Airfare - Speakers/Experts 20,136.00 9,793.07 10,342.93 Variance of airfare 6. Airfare -Participants/Trainees 40,000.00 17,274.84 22,725.16 Only for 21 participants from 40 participants planned, and variance of airfare. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Photocopying Communication Hosting Component Total Project Total 1,000.00 134.00 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1,000.00 134.00 0.00 51,798.41 51,798.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,201.59 48,201.59 Only 21 participants come from 40 participants planned. Not utilized SECTION D: Appendices Please attach the following documentation to the report as required. Note that the participant contact list is a mandatory requirement for all Project completion reports. Appendices Notes Participant contact list: contact info, gender, job titles (mandatory) Experts / consultants list: contact info, job titles, roles, gender Event Agenda Reports, websites or resources created: links or soft copies Post activity survey or other evaluation data (raw and/or aggregated) Other information or resources SME 13 2013A Participant/ Expert Contact List Speakers N0. NAME GENDER JOB TITLES CONTACT INFO 1. Linda Rusche Female Director, Office of Financial Assistance United States Small Business Administration 2. Wilton Chau Male wiltonchau@baf.cuhk.ed 3. Benel D. Lagua Male Chairman of QLeap Venture Fund;Founding Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network; Professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong. QLeap Venture ; Hong Kong Business Angel Network ; Chinese University of Hong Kong Executive Vice President Development Bank of the Philippines 4. Song Wei Male Director of the School of Public Affairs University of Science and Technology of China 5. Xie Minxiao Male Managing Director Infinity-CSVC Venture Capital Enterprise 6. Martin Tsang Male Executive Director Hong Kong EV Power Limited 7. Yuan Lin Male Business Director Beijing Financial Assets Exchange 8. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia Male Director, Lima Chamber of Commerce 9. Jason Le Vaillant Male Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand Jason.LeVaillant@mbie. 10. Jeh Shyan Wong Male Consulting Partner, CNSG Consulting Group 11. Alex Lin Male Head of Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd, Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd 12. Han Fuling Male Dean of Department of Applied Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics alex.lin@infocomminvest 13. Kingkan Ketsiri Female Senior Examiner, Bank of Thailand 14. Maggie Hsiu-Ling Hsu Female Acting Director& Senior Specialist, Business Startup & Incubation Division, Small & Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs Participants N0. NAME 1 Eko Sari Budirahayu 2 Mayamin Haini Musa 3 GENDE R JOB TITLES CONTACT INFO Female Head of Subdivision Ministry of Cooperativtives and SMEs, Indonesia Female SME Corp Malaysia zhafri.aiman@smecorp. Chitraporn AmrapalaFemale Economist, Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance 4 Qin Hailin Male Director of the Institute of finance and economics China Center for Information Industry Development qinhailin@ccidthinktank. com 5 Febri Andri Yadi Male Head of Subdivision Ministry of Cooperativtives and SMEs, Indonesia 6 Nik Mohd Zainul Kamarun Male Senior Manager nikkamarun@smecorp.g Economics & Policy Planning Division SME Corp Malaysia 7 Willie Reia Male Project Manager-SME Access to Finance Project. Department of Trade, Commerce and Industry 8 Norman Songo Male Senior Technical office. Department of Trade, Commerce and Industry .pg 9 Thitarat Pootrakull Male Vice President. SME BANK 10 Wang Wenzhong Male Deputy Director of Investment Professional committee, 11 Asep Budi Brata Male China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development Assistant Director, Indonesia Central Bank 12 Ahmad Fariq Hashim Male Assistant Manager, SME Corp Malaysia 13 Mohamed Ikhwan Shahdzul Bakri Male Senior Assistant Director, Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia 14 Mahadthon Prutkajobchai Male Senior Operational Officer, Office of SME Promotion APEC Seminar of Financing Innovation of SMEs (Yiwu) Tentative Agenda 09:00 – 09:30 OPENING 09:30 – 09:45 Registration Opening Remarks Mr. Tian Chuan, Deputy Director General of SME Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, P. R. China (China) 09:45 – 09:50 Photo Session 09:50 – 10:10 Ms. Quynh Thai Le,Macroeconomist, APEC Policy Support Unit [Keynote Speech] 10:10 – 10:30 Mr. Jason Le Vaillant, Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand (New Zealand) 10:30 – 10:40 SESSION Ⅰ Tea Break Status and Trends: Innovative Financing for SMEs [Panel Discussion] Moderator: Dr. Qin Hailin, Director of the Institute of finance and economics, China Center for Information Industry Development (China) 10:40 – 11:25 Panelists: Mr. Benel D. Lagua, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Development Bank of the Philippines (Philippines) Ms. Kingkan Ketsiri, Senior Examiner, Bank of Thailand (Thailand) Mr. Jason Le Vaillant, Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand (New Zealand) 11:25 – 13:30 Luncheon [Keynote Speech] 13:30 – 14:10 Dr. Jeh Shyan Wong, Consulting Partner , CNSG Consulting Group (Singapore) Ms. Maggie Hsiu-Ling Hsu, Acting Director& Senior Specialist, Business Startup & Incubation Division, Small & Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (Chinese Taipei) SESSION Ⅱ Financing Facilitation for SMEs [Panel Discussion] Moderator: Dr. Qin Hailin 14:10 – 14:55 Panelists: Mr. Jinchang, Lai, Lead for Financial Infrastructure, East Asia and Pacific, Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group Mr. YuanLin, Business Director, Beijing Financial Assets Exchange (China) 14:55– 15:05 Dr. Jeh Shyan Wong, Consulting Partner , CNSG Consulting Group (Singapore) Tea Break [Keynote Speech] 15:05– 15:25 Prof. Wilton Chau , Chairman of QLeap Venture; Founding Director of Pan Asia Venture Development Platform; Founding Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Business Angel Network; Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship and Associate Director of MBA Programs, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong,China) SESSION Ⅲ Best Practices for SMEs in Innovative Financing [Panel Discussion] Moderator: 15:25-16:30 Prof. Wilton Chau Panelists: Ms. Wang Fei, Project Appraisal Department III, China Development Bank Co.,Ltd (China) Dr. Alex Lin , Head of Infocomm Investments Pte Ltd (Singapore) Prof. Han Fuling, Dean of Department of Applied Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics (China) Closed *Please note that this Agenda is subject to change by the organizer. APEC Seminar of Financing Innovation of SMEs (Nanjing) Tentative Agenda 09:00 – 09:30 OPENING 09:30 – 09:50 Registration Opening Remarks Mr. Tian Chuan, Deputy Director General of SME Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, P. R. China 09:50 – 09:55 Photo Session [Keynote Speech] 09:55 – 10:15 Ms. Linda Rusche, Director,Office of Financial Assistance, United States Small Business Administration(United States) 10:15 – 10:30 Tea Break SESSION Ⅰ Combination Between Industry and Finance for SMEs [Panel Discussion] Moderator: Prof. Wilton Chau, Founding Chairman of Pan Asia Venture Development Platform; Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship and Associate Director of MBA Programs, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) 10:30 – 12:00 Panelists: Mr. Benel D. Lagua, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Development Bank of the Philippines (Philippines) Mr. Jorge Ochoa Garmendia, Director of Lima Chamber of Commerce(Peru) Prof. Song Wei, Dean of the School of Public Affairs, University of Science and Technology of China Ms. Linda Rusche, Director,Office of Financial Assistance, United States Small Business Administration(United States) 12:00 – 14:00 Luncheon [Keynote Speech] 14:00 – 14:20 Prof. Wilton Chau,Founding Chairman of Pan Asia Venture Development Platform; Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship and Associate Director of MBA Programs, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) SESSION Ⅱ Financing Facilitation for SMEs [Panel Discussion] Moderator: Dr. Qin Hailin, Director of the Institute of finance and economics, China Center for Information Industry Development 14:20 – 16:30 15:00 – Panelists: Mr. Tsang Wai Wah Martin, Co-founder and CEO, EV Power Holding Limited (Hong Kong, China) Mr. Xie Minxiao, Managing Director, Infinity Group Mr. Yuan Lin, Business Director, Beijing Financial Assets Exchange Prof. Wilton Chau Tea Break 15:15 Closed *Please note that this Agenda is subject to change by the organizer. FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or easily by the PO?