Risk Assessment Form 2014 V3.0 The University of Salford Task/Activity/Environment: Location: Work experience placement Office environment Identify Hazards which could cause harm: No. Hazard Identify risks = what could go wrong if hazards cause harm: No. Risk 1. Travelling to and from work, and out at lunchtimes or during work 1. 2. Lone working/unsupervised Manual handling 2. 4. Unawareness of own limitations/competence 4. 5. Reluctance to report injury/hazard or ask for help 5. Getting lost and upset. Crossing A6 (stationary traffic yet fast moving buses in bus lane) resulting in traffic accident. Being assaulted or mugged around streets of Salford and distressed/injured Presents a greater risk to young or inexperienced persons owing to lack of maturity and awareness of risks Objects such as boxes of paper/stationery, water bottles, etc. present a greater risk as no experience or training in manual handling techniques Keenness to impress employer and more likely to “show off” could result in attempting work beyond their mental and physical ability resulting in injury Reluctance to report any injury they sustain or h&s problem for fear of repercussion/discipline, as at school, could result in more serious injury or problem developing 3. 3. Date of Assessment: List groups of people who could be affected: What numbers of people are involved? Young person on placement 1 What risk controls are in place to reduce risks? Risk level with risk controls No. Risk Control 1. Map of campus provided. Agree system for getting to and from work and report to a named person in the morning and after breaks, etc. Detailed induction on commencement of placement work advising of precautions to take on campus/streets of Salford. Lone working is not permitted where risk of injury or ill health exists. Acceptable Instruction not to undertake manual handling addressed at induction under risk assessment controls. Higher level of supervision of young persons during work placement via a nominated supervisor. Clear work-plan identifying work to be undertaken during time at the University and our expectation of behaviour covered at induction. Accident and hazard reporting procedure covered at induction and importance clearly identified. Explain nature of “no blame culture” in respect of accident reporting. Acceptable 2. 3. 4. 5. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable What additional actions are required to ensure risk controls are implemented/effective or to reduce the risk further? No. Risk level with additional risk controls 1-5 Controls to be monitored throughout placement Acceptable Debrief at end of placement with student and Placement Supervisor from the external organisation to identify any problems encountered, benefits, etc. Acceptable Is health surveillance required? YES/NO If YES, please detail: Who will be responsible for implementing risk controls: Name of person supervising work experience placement at the University…… By When: Risk Assessment Form 2014 V3.0 The University of Salford Completed by: Signed: Record of annual review: Increasing Consequence Risk Rating: 5 10 15 20 25 4 8 12 16 20 3 6 9 12 15 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 Increasing Likelihood 17-25 Unacceptable – Stop activity and make immediate improvements/seek further advice 10-16 Tolerable – look to improve within specified timescale 5-9 Adequate – Look to improve at next review 1-4 Acceptable - No further action, but ensure controls are maintained Guide to using the risk rating table: Consequences 1 Insignificant – no injury 2 Minor – minor injuries 3 Moderate – up to three days absence 4 Major – more than three days absence 5 Catastrophic – death or disabling Likelihood 1 Very unlikely – 1 in a million chance of it happening 2 Unlikely – 1 in 100,000 chance of it happening 3 Fairly likely – 1 in 10,000 chance of it happening 4 Likely – 1 in 1,000 chance of it happening 5 Very likely – 1 in 100 chance of it happening