Preschool Process - Butler County Schools

Preschool Response to Intervention Process
1. All four-year-olds are screened at the time incoming Kindergarten children are screened
for speech/language and developmental delay.
2. 4-year-olds who do not pass one or more of the screening areas (motor, cognition,
social-emotional, self-help/adaptive behavior, communication and speech/language)
will be given a packet of interventions appropriate for the child and asked to complete
over the summer break with their parent(s) or guardian(s).
3. The four-year-old that did not pass the screening in the spring will be rescreened during
the first two weeks of the upcoming school year.
4. Those who did not pass the screening again will begin the Preschool program and
receive scientifically based interventions from the regular preschool teacher and
preschool assistants for all areas except articulation for six weeks. The speech/language
therapist will provide six weeks of interventions for students that again did not pass the
screening due to articulation problems
5. Interventions and the student’s progression with the scientifically based interventions
will be documented weekly.
6. Two observations of each student receiving interventions will be completed by school
staff during the six week period.
7. A referral will be completed by the classroom teacher.
8. After six weeks of interventions an ARC will be convened. The parent of the child will be
asked to give permission for special education and/or speech/language providers to
evaluate fully, based on referral information, progress monitoring, observations, and
parent input.
9. Following assessment an ARC will meet and review testing results and other data and
determine eligibility for developmental delay and/or speech/language services.
*Students transitioning from First Steps will need to be evaluated for specific areas of
developmental delay (See Above) and/or speech/language. An ARC must meet to obtain
permission for evaluation. First Steps documentation provides intervention and progress.
Following assessment the ARC reconvenes and determines eligibility and to get permission
for placement if appropriate.