Life Cycles Classwork Classwork #1 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI The Venus flytrap is a very interesting plant. Most plants get nutrition by photosynthesis, using energy from the sun to make their own food. While the green stalks of the Venus flytrap carry out photosynthesis, they also have another method of getting nutrition. They eat insects! As seen in the photo above, the Venus flytrap has leaves that are open to the surrounding environment. Each of these leaves are lined in hairs. When an insect walks across the top of a leaf, it moves the hairs. This triggers the Venus flytrap to quickly close its leaves, catching the insect inside. Once an insect is caught inside, it will take the plant between five to twelve days to break down and absorb the nutrients from the insect. The Venus flytrap plant begins life as a small, black seed. Once the seed sprouts, it takes about five years to grow into an adult plant that produces white flowers and the black seeds that will lead to new plants. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Using the information on the previous page, describe how the Venus flytrap meets all of the characteristics of a living thing. 1. Eat/Use Energy ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. Grow/Develop ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. Reproduce ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. Interact with environment ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Life Cycles Homework Homework #1 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI The red wolf is an animal that is native to North America and is related to foxes, coyotes and the domestic dog. They are usually covered in brown and tan fur with tints of red around the ears, head and legs. Adults can grow to be four feet long and weigh between 53 to 84 pounds. Red wolves are social animals. They live together in packs of five to eight wolves. The packs are very similar to human families. The pack consists of one older male and one older female and several younger wolves. When red wolves reach one to two years of age, they break off of the pack and form their own pack. In the 1960s, the red wolf population was very low, due to hunting and the destruction of their habitat. In 1973, the red wolf became an endangered species. They were dying faster than they were reproducing. The remaining 17 red wolves were 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms captured and placed into a captive breeding program in order to try to increase their population. The captive breeding program ensured that the red wolves were protected so that reproduction would be greater than deaths. When births are greater than deaths in a population, the population increases in size. Several zoos and organizations around the United States agreed to participate in the captive breeding program. By 1984, the red wolf population had increased to 63. In 1987, a majority of the red wolf population was released onto Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in eastern North Carolina. This is a protected area of land where the red wolves can live in the wild. There are currently between 50 and 75 red wolves in the wild, with an additional 200 red wolves still in captive breeding programs across the United States. By working together and understanding the science involved in life cycles, organizations played an essential role in bringing the red wolf back from the brink of extinction. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 1. Describe the stages of the life cycle of the red wolf. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. The captive breeding program focused on what stage of the life cycle? ________________________________________________ 3. Why is this an important stage for all living things? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. When the red wolves were first captured in the wild, there were only 17 of them. Now, there are as many as 75 in the wild. By how much did the wild population increase? _______________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Plant Life Cycles I Classwork Classwork #2 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI 1. Both of the pictures above show different parts of an apple tree. What are two structures shown that are evidence that these are adult apple trees? ___________________ ____________________ 2. How would a young apple tree differ from an adult tree? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. If you plant an apple seed, it will eventually germinate. What do you call the new plant that emerges from the seed? ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Plant Life Cycles I Homework Homework #2 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI A chestnut seed is a fruit that is surrounded by a spiky covering, called a burr. The burr helps to protect the seed. When the burr falls to the ground, it breaks open, revealing the seed inside. The chestnut seed does not have a large amount of food stored inside of it. As a result, the embryo must germinate quickly in order to survive. The avocado is a fruit that contains one large seed on the inside. The avocado seed takes a long time to germinate. When supplied with plenty of water, roots and leaves will not emerge for 4-6 weeks. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 1. Why does the chestnut seed need to germinate quickly? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. The avocado seed takes a long time to germinate. What does this tell you about the amount of food stored inside the seed for the embryo? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. What is one similarity between the chestnut and the avocado? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 4. What is one difference between the chestnut and the avocado? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5. Both seeds have a seed coat. What is the purpose of the seed coat? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Plant Life Cycles II Classwork Classwork #3 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Put the steps of plant reproduction in order by placing a number on the line in front of each step. Number 1 is done for you. Draw pictures of each step in the boxes below. _____ A seed is created. 1 _____ Bright petals attract pollinators. _____ The seed germinates and grows into an adult plant. _____ Pollen from the stamens rubs off on the pollinator. _____ The pollinator moves to another flower where pollen is dropped onto the pistil. _____ The seed falls to the ground and becomes buried. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Plant Life Cycles II Homework Homework #3 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI 1. Label the parts of the flower below. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 2. In what structure is pollen formed? ____________________ 3. What structure creates the seed? ____________________ 4. What needs to happen in order for a seed to be created? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 5. Why are petals often brightly colored? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 6. What role do pollinators play in plant reproduction? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Animal Life Cycles Classwork Classwork #4 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Salmon eggs Adult salmon Salmon are saltwater fish that lay their eggs in freshwater. Salmon spend about five years in the ocean before swimming into freshwater to lay eggs. The female uses her tail to create a gravel nest on the bottom of freshwater streams. A female can create up to seven nests, with each nest containing 5,000 eggs! Salmon eggs are usually laid in the summer. They develop throughout winter and hatch in the spring. After laying eggs, the adult fish usually die. The baby salmon are left to develop on their own. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Elephant babies develop inside of their mother’s bodies. It takes about 22 months for a baby elephant to develop fully inside of the mother. After this amount of time, the baby elephant is born. Usually, only one baby is born at a time. The entire herd will help and protect the baby. A baby elephant relies on the mother for nutrition for up to three years. 1. If you look closely at the picture of the salmon eggs, you can see the yolks. What is the purpose of the yolk? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. Salmon eggs are laid in water. What type of egg shell do you think they have: hard shell, leathery shell or no shell? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 3. A female salmon can lay 5,000 eggs per nest and up to 7 nests. Use your calculator to determine how many eggs she can lay. ________________________________________________ 4. What is one similarity between the salmon and elephant life cycles? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 5. What is one difference between the salmon and elephant life cycles? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Animal Life Cycles Homework Homework #4 Name: __________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Honeybees are insects that hatch from eggs. From the time the queen bee lays an egg, it takes 21 days for the egg to hatch and the bee to develop into an adult. First, the queen bee lays eggs. There is one egg in each cell of the honeycomb. After three days, the egg hatches and a bee larva emerges. The larva remains curled inside of the honeycomb, being fed by worker bees. Larva Eggs After 5 days, the larva’s cell is sealed off with wax. The larva spins a cocoon around itself and becomes a pupa. For the next 13 days, the pupa transforms into an adult bee. After 13 days, the adult bee emerges from the cell. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 1. What type of growth pattern does a honeybee have: direct development, complete metamorphosis, or incomplete metamorphosis? How do you know? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 2. What is one similarity and one difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms 3. This cycle takes a total of 21 days. Account for this time by listing the number of days for each part of the transformation. Stage # of Days Egg Larva Pupa 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Answer Key Life Cycles Classwork Classwork #1 1. Venus flytraps eat by trapping insects and by making their own food via photosynthesis. 2. Venus flytraps grow from a black seed into an adult plant in five years. 3. Venus flytraps reproduce by creating black seeds that grow into new plants. 4. Venus flytraps interact with their environment by trapping insects. When an insect triggers the hairs on the leaves, the flytrap closes around the insect. Life Cycles Homework Homework #1 1. Birth – Red wolves are born into a pack. Growth – Red wolves grow to be 4 feet long and up to 84 pounds. Reproduction – Red wolves reproduce to create more wolves. Death – Red wolves die. 2. Reproduction 3. If animals do not reproduce, then there will be no offspring to replace them. The population will decrease until it goes extinct. 4. 75 – 17 = 58 Plant Life Cycles I Classwork Classwork #2 1. Flowers, fruit 2. A young apple tree will look similar to the adult tree except that it will have smaller leaves and it will not have flowers or fruit. 3. Seedling Plant Life Cycles I Homework Homework #2 1. The chestnut seed does not contain a large amount of food for the embryo. 2. The avocado has a large amount of food for the embryo. 3. Answers will vary. 4. Answers will vary. 5. The seed coat protects the seed. Plant Life Cycles II Classwork Classwork #3 1. Bright petals attract pollinators. 2. Pollen from the stamens rubs off on the pollinator. 3. The pollinator moves to another flower where pollen is dropped on the pistil. 4. A seed is created. 5. The seed falls to the ground and becomes buried. 6. The seed germinates and grows into an adult plant. 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms Plant Life Cycles II Homework Homework #3 1. Stamen __________ Pistil __________ Petal __________ 2. Stamen 3. Pistil 4. The pollen from one flower needs to be dropped onto the pistil of another flower. Then a seed can be made. 5. Bright petals attract pollinators. 6. Pollinators are important because they transfer pollen from one flower to another. This is necessary for seeds to be created. Animal Life Cycles Classwork Classwork #4 1. The yolk provides nutrition for the developing embryo. 2. The egg has no shell. Because the egg is laid in water, the water is able to protect the shell. 3. 5,000 x 7 = 35,000 eggs 4. Answers will vary. 5. Answers will vary. Animal Life Cycles Homework Homework #4 1. This is complete metamorphosis. The young bee looks nothing like the adult. This means it is metamorphosis. The change includes the pupa stage, which makes it a complete metamorphosis. 2. Answers may vary slightly. Both involve physical changes between the young insect and the adult insect. In incomplete metamorphosis, there are only three stages (egg, larva and adult). In complete metamorphosis, the insect goes through a dormant pupa stage, so there are four stages (egg, larva, pupa and adult). 3. # of Days Stage Egg 3 Larva 5 Pupa 13 3rd Grade PSI Growth & Development of Organisms