Chapter 5. Coevolution in diploid, sexual systems Biological Motivation So far, when we have studied coevolution in a genetically explicit context, we have invariably assumed that the interacting species were haploid. Although there are many important species interactions occurring between haploid species (e.g., XX), interactions between diploid species are abundant and equally important. For instance, the interactions between Wild Flax and Flax Rust and Daphinia and Pastueria we studied in Chapters 2 and 4 actually involve species that are diploid despite our earlier genetic assumptions. How then, might our previous predictions about coevolutionary dynamics and outcomes change if we integrate the additional complexities of diploidy into our earlier coevolutionary models? Our central goal in this chapter will be to answer this broad question by evaluating when and where diploidy matters for the process of coevolution. Specifically, we will develop and analyze diploid models and use them to revisit the three questions we posed in Chapter 2 when we first explored coevolutionary interactions mediated by major genes in haploid systems. Key Questions: ο· ο· ο· Does coevolution maintain genetic polymorphism? Can coevolution explain variation in infectivity within populations? Should coevolution cause infection rates to differ among populations? Building a diploid model of coevolution Let’s begin by returning to the interaction between wild Flax and Flax-Rust that we considered previously. Although we have studied this system in some depth already, we have done so under the assumption that both Flax and Rust are haploid — an assumption that we know to be false. Our goal here is to develop a diploid model of this interaction and use it to predict the dynamics and outcomes of coevolution. Fortunately, even though our species are now diploid, we can follow a sequence of steps almost identical to those we employed in Chapter 2 to develop our coevolutionary model. The only novel challenge we face is the need to study how Genotype frequencies change rather than only Allele frequencies. Although this requires that we specify fitnesses for three genotypes rather than only two alternative alleles, if we are willing to assume individuals mate at random and have very large population sizes, this is really the only additional complexity diploidy brings to the table. Specifically, let’s imagine that prior to natural selection there are NX,RR homozygous flax individuals carrying two copies of the resistant R gene, NX,Rr heterozygous flax individuals carrying one copy of the resistant R gene and one copy of the susceptible r gene, and NX,rr homozygous flax individuals carrying two copies of the susceptible r gene. In addition, let’s assume that the probability a homozygous resistant flax individual survives to reproduce is WX,RR, whereas for a heterozygous flax individual the survival probability is WX,Rr, and for a homozygous susceptible flax individual the probability is WX,rr. Just prior to reproduction, then, the number of homozygous resistant individuals is: Mathematica Resources: ′ ππ,π π = ππ,π π ππ,π π = ππ π ππ ππ,π π (1a) the number of heterozygous individuals is: ′ ππ,π π = ππ,π π ππ,π π = ππ π ππ ππ,π π (1b) the number of homozygous susceptible individuals is: ′ ππ,ππ = ππ,ππ ππ,ππ = πππ ππ ππ,ππ (1c) and the total number of individuals is: Μ π ππ′ = ππ π ππ ππ,π π + ππ π ππ ππ,π π + πππ ππ ππ,ππ = ππ π (1d) Μ π is the average probability a flax individual survives to reproduce, or the population mean where π fitness. Since we now know how many flax individuals of each genotype will survive to reproduce, calculating genotype frequencies after selection is straightforward: ′ ππ π = ′ ππ π = ′ πππ = ′ ππ,π π ′ ππ ′ ππ,π π ′ ππ ′ ππ,ππ ′ ππ = ππ π ππ ππ,π π Μ π ππ π = ππ π ππ ππ,π π Μ π ππ π = πππ ππ ππ,ππ Μ π ππ π = = = ππ π ππ,π π Μ π π (2a) ππ π ππ,π π Μ π π (2b) πππ ππ,ππ Μ π π (2c) Next, we need to model what happens to these genotype frequencies when the surviving individuals mate and reproduce. The good news is that if we are willing to assume individuals of both species mate at random, undergo sexual reproduction, and that population sizes are very large, our model simplifies substantially and we need only follow change in a single allele frequency to understand evolution within the Flax population. The reason for this is that if mating is sexual and occurs at random, the genotype frequencies X following mating but before selection are given by their Hardy Weinberg proportions such that equations (2) can be re-written as: ′ ππ π = 2 ππ ππ,π π Μ π π (3a) ′ ππ π = 2ππ (1−ππ )ππ,π π Μ π π (3b) ′ πππ = (1−ππ )2 ππ,ππ Μ π π (3c) Μ π = ππ2 ππ,π π + 2ππ (1 − ππ )ππ,π π + (1 − ππ )2 ππ,ππ . Finally, recognizing that the frequency where π of the R allele can also be written as ππ = ππ π + ππ π ⁄2 allows the frequency of the resistant R allele to be calculate in the subsequent generation: 2 ππ′ = 2 ππ ππ,π π +ππ (1−ππ )ππ,π π Μ π π (4) If we now subtract the frequency of the resistant R allele within the previous generation, ππ , from Equation (4) we arrive at an expression for evolutionary change over a single generation: βππ = ππ′ − ππ = 2 ππ ππ,π π +ππ (1−ππ )ππ,π π Μ π π − ππ = Μ π) ππ (ππ ππ,π π +(1−ππ )ππ,π π −π Μ ππ (5) An identical sequence of mathematical operations (and assumptions) yields a parallel expression for the frequency of the virulent V gene in the rust: βππ = ππ′ − ππ = 2 ππ ππ,ππ +ππ (1−ππ )ππ,ππ£ Μ π π − ππ = Μ π) ππ (ππ ππ,ππ +(1−ππ )ππ,ππ£ −π Μ ππ (6) We now have general expressions for the change in the frequencies of relevant alleles in flax and rust. For these expressions to be useful to us, however, we must specify the fitness of the various genotypes. Our general approach to specifying fitness will be identical to that which we took when we explored haploid models in Chapter 2. Specifically, we will assume each individual encounters one other randomly selected individual over its lifetime. For Flax individuals, an encounter with a rust that leads to a successful infection reduces individual fitness by an amount s, and for a Rust individual, an encounter with a Flax that fails to produce a successful infection reduces individual fitness by some amount s. NOTE THAT THIS IS SUBTLY DIFFERENT THAN OUR ASSUMPTIONS OF YORE… ππ,π π = 1 − π π (ππ2 πΌπ π ,ππ + 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌπ π ,ππ£ + (1 − ππ )2 πΌπ π ,π£π£ ) (7a) ππ,π π = 1 − π π (ππ2 πΌπ π,ππ + 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌπ π,ππ£ + (1 − ππ )2 πΌπ π,π£π£ ) (7a) ππ,ππ = 1 − π π (ππ2 πΌππ,ππ + 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌππ,ππ£ + (1 − ππ )2 πΌππ,π£π£ ) (7a) ππ,ππ = 1 − π π (1 − ππ2 πΌπ π ,ππ − 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌπ π,ππ − (1 − ππ )2 πΌππ,ππ ) (8a) ππ,ππ£ = 1 − π π (1 − ππ2 πΌπ π ,ππ£ − 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌπ π,ππ£ − (1 − ππ )2 πΌππ,ππ£ ) (8a) ππ,π£π£ = 1 − π π (1 − ππ2 πΌπ π ,π£π£ − 2ππ (1 − ππ )πΌπ π,π£π£ − (1 − ππ )2 πΌππ,π£π£ ) (8a) Developing mathematical expressions for coevolutionary change requires only that we substitute fitness functions (7-8) into evolutionary recursions (5-6) and replace the general interaction matrix entries πΌπ,π with values appropriate for the interaction between Flax and Flax-Rust. But what are the appropriate entries now that we are dealing with a diploid system and must specify values of πΌ for the 9 different combinations of Flax and Rust genotypes that can possibly encounter one another? MORE TEXT ON DOMINANCE! 3 1 1 πΌ = [0 0 0 0 1 1] 1 where columns are defined by the Flax genotypes {RR, Rr, rr} and rows are defined by Rust genotypes {VV, Vv, vv}. DOMINANCE Making these substitutions and simplifying yields the following expressions for the change in frequency of flax R and rust Vir alleles: βππ = 2 2 π π ππ ππ (2ππ ππ +ππ ) Μ π π (5a) βππ = 2 2 π π ππ ππ (ππ +2ππ ππ ) Μ π π (5b) where ππ = (1 − ππ ) and ππ = (1 − ππ ) are the frequencies of flax r and pathogen v alleles, respectively. What can we learn from these relatively simple expressions? Analyzing the model One potentially important difference is that, now, the rate of coevolution in the Flax depends on a term ππ ππ2 rather than ππ ππ as in the haploid case and the rate of coevolution in the Rust depends on a term ππ2 ππ rather than ππ ππ as we saw in the haploid case. The reason for this difference is that the rate of evolution in diploid systems depends on dominance. For the Flax population, resistance to the Rust is dominant (see matrix alpha), and is expressed in both heterozygotes and homozygotes. As a consequence, selection can “see” even very rare resistant alleles in the Flax population and effectively increase them in frequency. In contrast, the ability to overcome Flax resistance within the Rust population is conferred by a virulence allele which is recessive (see matrix alpha), and expressed only in homozygous individuals. Thus, only rust individuals homozygous for this virulent allele can overcome Flax resistance and these homozygous genotypes will be very, very rare when the virulent allele first arises within the population (hence the ππ2 term). Putting all this together suggests that when both resistant and virulent alleles are initially rare, the Flax population should be able to evolve resistance more rapidly than the Rust population can evolve to overcome it (Figure 1). Answers to key questions ο· ο· ο· Genetic variation is never maintained Ultimately variation in infectivity will be lost infectivity should, ultimately be constant across populations SO… QUALITATIVELY, NOTHING DIFFERS FROM THE HAPLOID CASE… What about quantitatively? New Questions Arising: 4 One potentially important difference is that, now, the Flax population should be able to evolve resistance more rapidly than the Rust population can evolve to overcome it (Figure 1). Although equations (5) show that this advantage experience by the Flax population is transient, it could have important consequences if we were to simultaneously consider demography (REFS?), or if we allowed for the repeated origin of novel resistance and virulence alleles (REFS). SUGGESTS DOMINANCE AND PLOIDY COULD HAVE INTERESTING CONSEQUENCES FOR COEVOLUTION raising several important questions: ο· ο· ο· What other patterns of dominance are possible in coevolving systems? How do these alternative patterns of dominance influence coevolution? How do diploidy and mode of reproduction interact??? ie. CLONALITY AND DIPLOIDY OR… MIXED PLOIDY SYSTEMS… FOR INSTANCE DAPHNIA AND PASTUERIA In the next two sections, we will generalize our simple model in ways that allow us to answer these questions. Generalizations Generalization 1: What other patterns of dominance are possible in coevolving systems? Although the pattern of dominance considered so far for the gene-for-gene interaction between Flax and Flax-rust is commonly observed between plants and fungal pathogens (REFS), there are many other important interactions for which dominance is unknown. In these cases, it is worth considering alternative forms of dominance that might arise from what we know about the molecular mechanisms underpinning the interaction. For instance, the medically important interaction between the snail, Biomphalaria glabrata and its schistosome parasite, Schistosoma mansoni, exhibits significant variability in outcome depending on the genotypes of the interacting individuals. Thus, the potential clearly exists for coevolution to drive changes in genotype frequencies within the interaction. However, unlike the interaction between Flax and Flax-Rust we considered previously, the pattern of dominance within this interaction is unclear. Instead, making progress modeling this interaction requires using what we know about the molecular mechanisms of infection and resistance to infer the structure of the alpha matrix from this information. Recent infection experiments conducted between these species have identified the interaction between S. mansoni mucin molecules and B. glabrata FREP molecules as a candidate mechanism mediating the genetic specificity of the interaction (REFS). Specifically, for the host, B. glabrata to potentially clear an infection by encapsulating the parasite, its FREP molecules must be able to successfully bind to mucin molecules produced by the parasite. Thus, it appears that this interaction is, at least partially, mediated by a mechanism of targeted recognition where the host must match the parasite if infection is to be prevented (REF TO DYBDAHL). This sort of mechanism has generally been modeled as an inverse matching alleles model (REF), and as long as both species are haploid, it is straightforward to write down an appropriate interaction matrix, α. If the interacting species are diploid (as is the case for the interaction between S. mansoni and B. glabrata), however, a bit more thought must be given to the pattern of dominance and the structure of the interaction matrix, α, that results. 5 If we are willing to ignore some of the true genetic complexities underlying the production of FREP and Mucin molecules and assume both proteins are encoded by a single genetic locus with two possible alleles (A and a in B. glabrata and B and b in S. mansoni) we can begin to predict the phenotype of individual snails and schistosomes and the outcome of interactions. If both FREPS and Mucins are monomeric proteins, phenotypes of individual snails and schistosomes should be those depicted in Table 1. Snail Genotype Snail FREP phenotypes Schistosome genotype Schistosome mucin phenotypes AA A BB B Aa 1/2 A and ½ a Bb 1/2 B and ½ b aa a bb b Under such conditions, the interaction matrix would take the following form: BB Bb bb AA 100% resistance 50% resistance??? I Aa R R R aa I R R If, in contrast, both FREPS and Mucins are dimeric proteins, phenotypes of individual snails and schistosomes might look something more like what is shown in Table 2. Snail Genotype AA Aa aa Snail FREP phenotypes AA 1/4 AA: 1/2 Aa: 1/4 aa aa Schistosome genotype BB Bb bb Schistosome mucin phenotypes BB 1/4 BB: ½ Bb: 1/4 bb bb The interaction matrix would then have the following form: BB Bb bb AA R R I Aa R R R aa I R R XXXXXXXXXXXXXs such that individuals with genotype AA make only FREP molecules with phenotype “A”, heterozygous Aa individuals make FREP molecules with phenotype “A” and also FREP molecules with phenotype “A”, and individuals with genotype aa make phenotype “a”. If The interaction between Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni, (Mitta et al. 2012) FREPS and Mucins. The host FREP must match the parasite mucin in order for the host to recognize and potentially clear the infection. What pattern of dominance might arise from a molecular mechanism like this? Unfortunately, without knowing how these proteins are constructed Assuming the FREP and Mucin 6 are the product of a single locus, it is logical manifestWe might imagine, then, that if both Mucins and FREPS are monomeric proteins, the outcome would be XX and XX. However, if they were dimeric, more outcomes become possible… 1 1 πΌ = [0 0 0 0 1 1] 1 FREPS AND MUCINS! HERE WE EXPLORE SYSTEM X DOMINANCE “Unlike other trematodes, the schistosomes are dioecious, i.e., the sexes are separate. The two sexes display a strong degree of sexual dimorphism, and the male is considerably larger than the female. The male surrounds the female and encloses her within his gynacophoric canal for the entire adult lives of the worms, where they reproduce sexually.” Biomphalaria glabrata are simultaneous hermaphrodites but apparently diploid… Generalization 2: How do these alternative patterns of dominance influence coevolution? HERE WE EXPLORE COEVOLUTION BETWEEN S Generalization 3: MANY SYSTEMS HAVE MIXED PLOIDY… HOW CAN WE HANDLE THAT? How do diploidy and mode of reproduction interact??? ie. CLONALITY AND DIPLOIDY OR… MIXED PLOIDY SYSTEMS… FOR INSTANCE DAPHNIA AND PASTUERIA Conclusions and Synthesisο 7 8 References Figure Legends Mitta, G., C. M. Adema, B. Gourbal, E. S. Loker, and A. Theron. 2012. Compatibility polymorphism in snail/schistosome interactions: From field to theory to molecular mechanisms. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 37:1-8. 9