Online Course Observation Form

GRCC Online Course Observation Form
Course Number and Course Name: ___________________________________ Instructor: ______________________ Semester:_____________________
I. Organization and Design
The course is well-organized, designed, and easy to navigate. (check if observed)
Initial welcome announcement provides a personal and welcoming introduction to develop instructor presence
and provides instructions for getting started in the course.
A course orientation is provided that includes a forum for students to post introductions.
Links or information about student support services are included. (eg. Library, Technical Support/Help Desk,
Disability Support Services, Tutoring, and Counseling/Advising, etc.)
Course Navigation Menu is well-organized.
Announcements provide course updates, instructions, and guidance.
Weekly folders or modules are well-organized, sequenced and structured, and include: dates, learning outcomes,
introductions, instructions, learning activities, and assessments as appropriate.
Appropriate use of graphics/visuals.
Text is well-organized and formatted.
II. Curriculum and Instruction
The course syllabus and schedule meets the college’s requirements. The course description and outcomes
from CARP are provided along with content, textbook, grading, and assignment/assessment requirements.
Policies and procedures listed in the syllabus are appropriate to the online/hybrid environment. (check if
Instructor contact Information and office hours are clearly posted. (Online office hours include the technology to
be used, such as Blackboard IM.)
Course schedule clearly communicates weekly activities and dates.
Grading policies, rubrics, due dates, etc. are clearly articulated and communicated for all assignments and
required activities including weekly discussions and student participation.
Information on textbook or other course materials that are to be purchased are clearly identified.
Technology requirements are clearly communicated.
Expectation of timely feedback is provided.
The instructional design and facilitation of the learning outcomes, activities, and assessments meet the
college’s academic quality standards. (check if observed)
Course outcomes are clearly identified, observable, and measurable.
Course materials, learning activities, and assignments/assessments (including grading requirements and due
dates) are linked to course outcomes.
Weekly folders or modules include clear student instructions, are properly sequenced and structured, and
include: dates, learning outcomes, introductions, learning activities, and assessments as appropriate.
Active learning strategies are used.
Student activity is monitored and they receive prompt, constructive, and meaningful feedback through My
Grades (Blackboard student gradebook), comments on activities, assignments, and assessments that are
connected to course outcomes.
Instructor’s online presence is demonstrated through opportunities to connect through social interaction,
participation and facilitation/active monitoring in discussion boards, proactive and regular announcement use,
synchronous office hours through Blackboard IM, email, etc.
Course materials and activities leverage a variety of technologies to engage students and enhance learning to
support diverse learning styles, foster frequent interaction, encourage meaningful communication, and
collaboration between the student and teacher and among students (check all that apply):
__ Asynchronous Discussion
__ NBC Video
__ Voice Tools
__ Assessments
__ Synchronous Sessions or Bb IM
__ Blogs / Journals
__ Wikis
__ External Links
__ Video / Audio / Graphics
__ Team or Group Projects
__ Assignments / SafeAssignments
__ Other:
III. Technical (check if observed)
If applicable, video and audio segments in the course load with ease, are close captioned, and if
necessary additional plug-ins, software, players, etc. are clearly identified.
Course materials are accessible.
Instructor certifies that course materials not developed by the faculty member are “fair use” or
appropriate copyright permission has been secured.
 If a publisher course cartridge or external course materials are used, the instructor has a plan for
troubleshooting and resolving student access issues with the vendor.
IV. Assessment and Evaluation of the Course (check if observed)
 Instructor has a plan for how student achievement and learning effectiveness in the course will be
assessed along with identifying course improvements. (Include relevant student surveys, links to
assessments or evaluations such as Quality Matters or the Blackboard Exemplary Course Rubric, or
Additional Comments:
Reviewer(s): _________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________