8-color MACSQuant Acquisition Request Form Version 1 (effective 1 Aug 2012) It is strongly recommended that you consult the IML Director (Jacqueline.smith@dartmouth.edu) to optimize your staining cocktails before carrying out staining experiments. Charges: 8-color MACSQuant (7 Rubin) (operator-assisted) 7-color MACSQuant (operator-unassisted) 8-color MACSQuant (5 Remsen) (operator-unassisted) $75/hour $50/hour $75/hour ($150/hour Company rate) ($100/hour Company rate) ($150/hour Company rate) If PI is used as a stain, machine requires a full bleach clean before the next client, requiring a 20 minute additional charge. Operator assistance includes setting up your samples, labeling fields, and preparing prints of data if requested. Tech time is billed in 15-minute blocks but may be waived for initial consultation to develop settings. 8 color MACSQuant on 7 Rubin is operator assisted only. Lab PI ____________________ Phone #______________ Requestor___________________ Today’s Date ______________ Scheduled date of acquisition _______________ Account string to be charged_____________________________________________ Species: ___ human ___ mouse __________________ (describe) Cells: ___ PBMC ___ lysed whole blood ___ spleen __ MLN Other (describe) _________________________ Sample Prep: Check all that apply. BSL2 samples MUST be fixed for aerosol safety. ___ unfixed ___ fixed ___ extracellular stained ___intracellular stained Cell concentration: ________________/ml Total number of samples: _______ Volume of each sample (l): ___________ Compensation and setup controls Compensation requires single fluorophore-stained beads and/or cells. What was stained? _____ cells _____beads Please supply an unstained sample of compensation beads and/or cells. 1 8-color MACSQuant Acquisition Request Form Version 1 (effective 1 Aug 2012) What antibodies and colors were used for each PMT? State ‘none’ for unused PMTs V1 V2 B1 B2 B3 B4 R1 R2 Unstained sample Flow rate: ____ slow (very rare events at moderate cell concentrations). Allow ~10 minutes/150 l sample; _____ medium (suitable with cells up to 1.5 e^7/ml). Allow ~6 minutes/150 l sample; _____ fast (high frequency events with cells <1e^6/ml where high resolution unnecessary) Allow ~2.5 minutes/150 l sample. PI requires 2 bleach clean cycles after use, so please schedule an additional 20 minutes. When sample cell concentration is >1 e^6/ ml then automated mixing is required and takes an extra 30 sec per sample. Samples should be filtered by customers (70 mesh) before acquisition. If the machine becomes clogged, users will be charged 20 minutes extra time for a backflush cycle. Impacted clogs that cannot be cleared with the backflush cycle will result in additional charges. Estimated acquisition time: _______ minutes (to be completed by customer) ___________________________________________________________________________ Following section to be completed by technologist preparing acquisition Time begun __________________ Settings Name __________________ Layout name __________________ Time ended File name first sample __________________ last sample 2 __________________ _________________ 8-color MACSQuant Acquisition Request Form Version 1 (effective 1 Aug 2012) Prior to acquiring samples, acquire an aliquot of 8 peak beads on your channel voltages with FSC/SSC set to 475/430 Lin. Users can compare 8 peak beads file from experiment to experiment to evaluate instrument performance. This also provides a benchmark of resolution at the user preferred voltages. File name 8 pk beads_____________ Parameter voltage scale FSC SSC B1 B2 B3 B4 V1 R2 R1 R2 Trigger Compensation tubes: Was there an adequate stain index for each fluorochrome? ____________________________________________________________________ Sample quality: Does viability appear adequate? ___________ Does the staining appear adequate? ___________ Was there hemolysis for whole blood samples? ___________ Are the samples ‘clumpy’ ? ___________ If quality of sample is in question, does the requestor understand the limitations of the data provided____________. Had the antibodies been titrated? __________________ 3 8-color MACSQuant Acquisition Request Form Version 1 (effective 1 Aug 2012) IF plates are used and samples are identified other than by location in plate provide identification in the following format: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E F G H 4 12