America and WWII Pacific Theater 14.2 The Early Battles (Appleby

America and WWII
Pacific Theater
14.2 The Early Battles (Appleby 494-496)
14.3 Japanese American Relocation (Appleby 504)
14.4 Driving Japan Back (Appleby 513-515)
14.5 Japan is Defeated (Appleby 520-524)
Name _____________________________
1. Describe the fall of the Philippines.
a. _______________________________________ ______
b. American troops held out for 3 months under ________
c. Soldiers suffered from ___________________________
d. FDR ordered MacArthur to evacuate himself
e. “__________________________________.”
f. ______________________ ___________ in April 1942
2. What was the Bataan Death March?
a. ______________________________________
b. Characterized by_______________________________
i. _______________________ ______________ _____
ii. Falling down may mean a ____________________
iii. Nearly _______________ died during __________
________________________ to prison camp
3. What was the Doolittle Raid?
a. FDR wanted to ________________________________
b. US navy placed long range bombers on the ________
c. ______________________ led raid
d. Successfully bombed Japan
e. Did _____________________
f. _______________________________________
i. Made Japanese feel vulnerable
4. What was the Battle of Midway?
a. Yamamoto planned
i. to ___________________________ _____________
ii. Invade New Guinea & cut off supply lines
b. US code breakers had
c. US carriers Lexington and Yorktown _______________
d. Admiral _____________________________________ _
e. US planes _______________________________
f. 4 carriers destroyed
g. ____________________________________
5. Describe the attitude Americans had toward the Japanese
after Pearl Harbor & Bataan.
a. Viewed as “______________________________”
i. _________________________ who clandestinely
aids the enemy by infiltrating a group or nation
b. Backstabbers
c. “____________________________________!”
6. What was Executive Order 9066?
a. ______________________________________
i. 100 miles from W. coast
b. Allowed them to relocated 120 thousand JapaneseAmericans into Internment Camps
7. Describe the Internment Camps
a. Army placed them in “___________________ ______”
or War Relocation Centers
b. Usually in _______________________________
c. Manned by armed guards
d. Sites ____________________________
e. tar paper-covered barracks without plumbing or
cooking facilities
f. Some only allotted $.45 for food per person, per day
8. Describe the Korematsu v. US case.
a. Frederick ____________________________
i. ___________________ ______________________
ii. Appealed decision to Supreme Court
b. Supreme Court
i. ruled __________________________________
ii. held that need to protect against espionage
outweighed Korematsu's individual rights
9. What was “island hoping”?
a. Technique of US navy to defeat Japan by
_________________ __________________
b. Secured island could be used as _______________
________________________of Japan’s main islands
c. Characterized by ______________________________
10. Describe the Battle of Iwo Jima.
a. B-29 Bombers _______________________________ __
b. _____________________________
i. Small volcanic island perfect for air base
ii. ______________________, numerous caves
iii. ________________________ _ invaded in Feb. 1945
iv. Nearly 7 thousand marines died in brutal fighting but
were victorious
c. _______________________________________
11. Describe Japanese willingness to fight to the Death.
a. Believed emperor ___________________________
b. students _____________________________________
c. _____________________ claimed Americans killed
babies, murdered civilians
i. Civilians of _________________________________
d. Japanese soldiers would _______________________
(over 80 thousand killed)
12. Describe the firebombing of Tokyo (March 1945).
a. General _____________________________
i. Armed B-29 with _____________________
1. Meant to start fires
b. started _______________________________
i. Most of the buildings were made of _____________
c. Killed 80,000 civilians, left over 100,000 homeless
d. 66 other cities firebombed
e. Still Japan showed ____________________________
13. Describe the invasion of Okinawa.
a. US need ___________________________________ __
b. ___________________ just 350 miles away
c. US invaded April ‘45
d. Japanese _____________________________________
e. 12 thousand Americans killed in invasion
i. ________________________________
1. Planes, ______________________________
f. Few Japanese soldiers surrendered
g. By 1944, Japan was losing the war.
14. What is Total War?
a. A war in which Governments
i. make ___________________________________
ii. Direct _______________________________
towards war effort
iii. Place ____________________________________
iv. specifically target civilians as a way to demoralize
15. What was the Manhattan Project?
a. _____________________________________________
b. Initiated after letter from ________________ and
____________ warned FDR of Nazi initiatives
c. Meant to be used on Nazi Germany
d. Headed by ______________________________
e. Involved over _____________________________ ___
f. Based in _____________________________________
g. ____________________________________
h. Vice President ______________________________
until he became president in April ‘45
i. _______________________- first successful detonation
16. How does nuclear energy work?
a. _____________________________________
i. Split atom strikes other atoms and starts
ii. Results in release of __________________________
b. Also results in _______________________________
i. Radioactive particles lifted into atmosphere descend
back to earth
17. Describe the bombing of Hiroshima.
a. August 6, 1945
b. ____________________________ dropped atomic
bomb on _______________
c. Heat reached 3 thousand degrees Fahrenheit
d. ____________________________________________
e. Over the years more died from radiation
f. When no surrender came, _____________________
bombed Aug. 9 killing 50 thousand more
g. _______________________________________